Berndt, E., and Berndt, R. H. “An Annotated Bibliography of References to the Manuscript of Ibn Fadlan from 1794 to 1970,” Acta Archaeologica, VI: 334-389, 1971.

This remarkable compilation will refer the interested reader to all secondary sources concerning the manuscript, which have appeared in English, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Russian, French, Spanish, and Arabic for the dates cited. The total number of sources listed is 1,042.


The following are suitable for the general reader with no particular archaeological or historical background. Only works in English are cited.

Wilson, D. M. The Vikings, London, 1970.

Brondsted, J. The Vikings, London, 1960, 1965.

Arbman, H. The Vikings, London, 1961.

Jones, G. A History of the Vikings, Oxford, 1968.

Sawyer, P. The Age of the Vikings, London, 1962.

Foote, P. G., and Wilson, D. M. The Viking Achievement, London, 1970.

Kendrick, T. D. A History of the Vikings, London, 1930.

Azhared, Abdul. Necronomicon [ed. H. P. Lovecraft], Providence, Rhode Island, 1934.
