Dawn came up hard on the blasted lands. The red sun turned the desolate landscape to blood and within an hour the heat was unforgiving. The remnants of the Army of Dragons gathered to see Church and the others off. Church felt undeserving of the awe he saw in their respectful faces, but he understood their need for inspiration and moved through them, shaking hands and exchanging comments with the ones he knew personally.

Finally he came to Ronnie who gave him a formal salute. 'Sir!'

'You're going to be fine, Ronnie.'

'I miss Decebalus, sir.'

'We all do.' He glanced at Aula in the crowd, who had swapped her white Roman gown for black armour; her face was scrubbed and her hair cut short. 'But you're a Brother of Dragons, Ronnie. And you'll be a better leader than most of the others here. You've seen what heartless leadership can do.'

'I hope I can do you proud, sir.'

'Just watch out for the Fabulous Beasts. You'll know when to make your move.'

Church was surprised to see that many of the gods had turned out too. Tyr clapped him hard on the back and roared with laughter. Freyja seductively kissed his hand, to Ruth's annoyance, and Lei-Gong bowed formally.

'The thunder and the lightning are at your disposal, Brother of Dragons,' he said.

Church was increasingly disturbed to see the other gods watching him with hints of the same awe that had gripped the Army of Dragons; before, they had viewed him with contempt or humour. Was he that changed?

Finally, on the edge of the camp, the Tuatha De Danaan waited in gleaming ranks. Lugh stepped out and took Church's hand, and then shook the hands of each of the Brothers and Sisters of Dragons and Tom's too. 'This may well be the last time we meet,' he said. 'I am proud to have known you. Fragile Creatures no more — you are the equals of the Golden Ones. You are prepared to sacrifice all you have for our race. We can do no less for you. And if, this day, the Golden Ones are eradicated, keep us in your hearts and remember us fondly, Jack Giant-Killer, for we were spoiled and arrogant, but we brought joy and magic to the lands and that should be our monument.'

'It will be.' Church hesitated and then gave Lugh a hug. The god appeared surprised at first, but accepted the bond.

As they moved out into the blasted lands, Church and the others could feel the eyes of the Tuatha De Danaan on their backs, and the attention of the other gods and the Army of Dragons. Despite their best intentions, it felt like an ending.
