Night was falling as the thick smudge of black moved across the entire span of the Great Plain. Storm clouds boiled above it, throwing out jagged bolts of lightning that turned the darkening sky white, and with it came the deep, resonant heartbeat in the ground. Thoom. Thoom. Thoom.

The Enemy had arrived.

With a mounting feeling of dread, Church watched from the battlements of the great wall. Even with the Army of the Ten Billion Spiders and the Burning Man, he had never really comprehended the true scale of what they faced. 'How many of them are there?' he breathed.

'Perhaps a million.' Beside him, Lugh remained phlegmatic. 'Perhaps more.'

'How can anyone survive this kind of battle?' Church said.

'We do what we can. As do you.'

Lugh's faith was touching, but Church had a more immediate concern. 'How are we going to get past the Enemy lines?'

'There may be another route.' Math's eerie, echoing voice rose up behind Church, where the sorcerer had just arrived with Veitch and Tom.

'All done?' Church asked.

Veitch nodded, but wouldn't meet Church's eyes. The killing had clearly affected him.

'What other route?' Church asked.

'There are paths that cross lands and time and everything we know. One only needs to locate the correct door,' Math replied. 'Through Winter-side, which shimmers just a breath away from this land, stories tell of many routes.'

'You can show us the way?'

Math shook his head. 'There are only stories. One speaks of a door in the Halls of the Drakusa, which exists, like this Great Court, in both Summer-side and Winter-side.'

'Then we could get into Winter-side here, and back out again there,' Veitch said.

'How do we find it?' Church asked.

'There are only stories,' Math repeated.

Tom sighed. 'All you great heroes, and as usual, you're at a loss. It's a good job I'm here.' He showed them the ring Freyja had given him. 'One of its more pleasing abilities is to guide the owner to their heart's desire. That led us to Ruth, so you know it works. I suppose, if you ask me nicely, I can accompany you to Winter-side and show you the way.'

'Woo hoo,' Veitch said with weary sarcasm. 'Us and the old git on the road again. Just like old times.'

Thoom-thoom-thoom. The walls shook as the Enemy neared.

Night fell.
