Chapter Five

The sight of Cydney stretched out on his bed, her luscious body open to his gaze, Wulfric had to fight from spilling right then and there. She’d already aroused him to the point where his wolf had surfaced. He kept his hands in fists to hide the claws that had burst through the tips of his fingers. As he stared at her nakedness, he kept his eyes open to mere slits to stop her from seeing they had gone wolf as well. And they had, since his eyesight had grown keener. He also hadn’t wanted to come in her mouth, even though it had felt so damn good. Her being his mate would cause another change in him besides bringing out his claws and causing his eyes to change. During climax, his cock would swell, locking him deep inside her as he continued to come every few seconds until the swelling went down.

He climbed onto the bed and crawled up her body until he reached her lips. He took them in a passionate kiss as he settled on top of her. Cydney spread her legs farther apart, allowing more room for his hips. His cock brushed up against her slick opening, causing them both to moan.

Wulfric wanted to thrust home, but he held back. Instead, he left her mouth, shifting lower on her body to suck on one of her breasts. He trailed a hand down her stomach between them until he reached her pussy. After gathering some of her wetness on his finger, he circled it around her clit. He wanted her good and ready for him when he took her, drowning in her desire. That way, he hoped she wouldn’t notice too much of what would happen while he came. He wasn’t ready to tell her what he was, or the reason why he didn’t react like a normal man would.

“More, Wulfric,” she gasped. “I want your cock inside me.”

He lifted his head and laved her other nipple with the flat of his tongue. “Not yet.”

Latching onto her nipple, he sucked it inside his mouth as he pushed a finger into her pussy, careful not to scratch her with his claw. Her inner walls closed around it.

He could almost imagine them clutching at his shaft. It throbbed in time with his rapidly beating heart. After a few strokes, he added a second finger. Cydney’s cries and moans pushed him ever closer to the edge.

Unable to wait any longer, he let go of her nipple and pulled his fingers out of her. He rose to claim her mouth once more as he aligned his aching cock with her pussy and sheathed himself to the hilt with one thrust. He held himself still, fighting back the climax that threatened to rise to the surface.

Once he was back under control, he pulled back until he was almost out, then pushed inside. Cydney put her legs around his waist, her inner muscles clutching at his shaft as he stroked in and out. She moved her hips in time with his, taking him even deeper when she angled them just so. Wulfric released her mouth and buried his face in the crook of her neck, setting a faster pace. Pistoning his hips, he rode her harder. He wasn’t going to last much longer. Already he felt his orgasm building, his balls coming closer to his body.

Faster he stroked as Cydney’s moans increased in volume. She reached down and dug her fingernails into his arse, urging him on. Then with a whimpered cry, her pussy rhythmically clutched at his cock, squeezing it in a tight fist as she came.

Wulfric groaned, fighting back the wolf’s howl that threatened to rise. He grew harder, and just before he climaxed, his dick swelled to lock him inside her. No longer able to move in her pussy, he held her hips to his as he filled her with his cum.

They both fought for breath as he kept his hold on Cydney, to make sure she didn’t try to shift out from under him. A few seconds later, he felt himself come again.

She stiffened beneath him, but didn’t say anything.

After a few minutes, the swelling went down and he stopped coming. Wulfric pulled out of her and rolled to his back, bringing Cydney up against his side. His claws receded and his eyes returned to normal, so he did nothing to hide them. He braced himself for what inevitably would come. She had to have noticed.

But after another minute and Cydney hadn’t moved, Wulfric peered down at her where she had her head pillowed on his chest. She was fast asleep, her breaths deep and even. A sense of relief washed through him. He seemed to have dodged that bullet, at least for now.

And with that thought came another, one that had a broad smile forming on his lips. There was no question about Cydney being his mate. Everything that had happened while they had made love claimed her as such. All he had to do now was wait for Tiw’s mark to appear high up on the right side of her back near her shoulder.

The mark would be the same one he had on the cap of his left shoulder— Anglo-Saxon in design, the black mark depicted a figure of a stylized man, Tiw, flanked on either side by two stylized wolves standing on their hind legs. Only Cydney’s would be slightly smaller.

Wulfric closed his eyes, content just to hold his mate while she slept. The day was still young. He’d have more than enough time to make love to her again before he had to hunt prey that night.

* * *

Cydney took a deep breath as she slowly awoke. At first she had no idea where she was until she realized she lay pillowed on a strong chest and saw a puke-green dresser in her field of vision. She was at Wulfric’s place inside his bedroom.

She smiled and shifted her head to look at him. He appeared to be asleep. She had no idea how long she’d slept. After the best bout of sex she’d ever had, feeling sated and lethargic, she’d drifted off. The late night and excessive drinking from her evening out with Maggie hadn’t helped to keep her awake, either. Obviously, Wulfric hadn’t minded.

Not wanting to disturb him just yet, she kept herself still. Sex with Wulfric had more than lived up to her expectations. He had the body of a god, and knew how to use it. He’d given her one hell of an orgasm. That thought had her thinking about his release. She’d never been with a guy who could have back-to-back multiple orgasms.

And that was the only explanation as to what Wulfric had done once he’d come the first time. It was a little on the unexpected side, but she by no means found it a turn-off. She actually wanted to see if he could do it again.

Thinking it was about time Wulfric woke up, Cydney propped herself on her bent arm and looked down at him. She stroked her hand across his well-defined chest.

His breathing hitched when she used the tip of her finger to circle his flat nipple. With soft caresses, she continued downward, her gaze following her movements. His cock lay against his thigh, but when she trailed a finger down it, it twitched.

Cydney lifted her gaze back to Wulfric’s face to find his eyes open and watching her. “Did I wake you?” she asked.

“Yes, but you can wake me up like that any time you wish.”

“If you liked that, you’ll like this even better.”

She wrapped her hand around his semi-hard cock and pumped it up and down.

It got the desired response—his shaft quickly hardened even more. Cydney continued to stroke him until he thrust his hips, pressing closer. Once he was fully erect, she released his shaft and climbed on top of him to straddle his thighs.

Wulfric smiled up at her. “I hope you intend to use what you brought back to life.”

“Of course I do. It would be a shame to waste it.”

She shifted to straddle his hips and rubbed her pussy along the length of his cock, bathing it in her wetness. Wulfric moaned and closed his eyes. His hands fisted at his sides. Taking that to mean he gave her full control this time, Cydney decided to take advantage of it.

While she stimulated herself against his hard cock, she put her hands on the mattress on either side of him and bent her head to drag the flat of her tongue against one of his nipples. A low growl burst out of him when she took the small bud between her teeth and gave it a gentle tug. She gave the other nipple the same attention.

“Cydney,” he said in a hoarse voice, “you’re driving me crazy.”

“My, my, someone is impatient. Lucky for you I’m not in the mood to wait, either.”

Still wet from their earlier lovemaking, she reached down to take hold of Wulfric’s cock. She lifted on her knees, positioned him and slowly impaled herself on his shaft. He was big, stretching her just the way she liked. And when he’d come, he seemed to fill her up even more.

She set a slow and steady pace, lifting until he was almost out of her before she sank back onto him. Angling her hips just right, his hard shaft rubbed her clit with each stroke in. She moaned as she increased the sensation by grinding herself against his pubic bone at the end of the motion.

Up and down she rode him, squeezing his cock with her inner muscles to give them both greater pleasure. Wulfric lifted his hips to surge up into her, matching the pace she set.

She felt her orgasm build. It wouldn’t take much to send her over the edge.

Moving on him faster, harder, Cydney pushed herself ever closer to completion. She sucked in a sharp breath, then let it out on a moan as wave after wave of pleasure washed through her with her climax.

Wulfric sat up, and with a loud groan, put his arms around her to hold her close.

He surged up into her, striving for his own orgasm. Just as he came, his cock swelled inside her, seeming to lock them together. He pressed his forehead to her chest as he shuddered.

Still breathing rapidly, Cydney stroked Wulfric’s back. It was then she noticed the black tattoo of two stylized wolves and a man in between them on the cap of his left shoulder. She was about to ask him about it when she felt another splash of cum hit her cervix. He was doing it again. It also caused an aftershock deep inside her pussy.

“Mmm, Wulfric,” she said, “I have to say I love this neat trick of yours.”

He kept his forehead against her chest. “What trick?”

She softly moaned when he did it again. “That. You just keep coming.”

“It doesn’t bother you?”

“God, no. It keeps you hard inside me.” She tried to move, but Wulfric pushed down on her hips, stopping her.

“Don’t,” he said on a gasp. “Just stay still.”

Considering his cock hadn’t shifted when she’d tried to move on him, Cydney did as he said. She wondered if the swelling was a byproduct of his ability to have back-

to-back orgasms.

After what seemed like a full minute, Wulfric lifted his head and looked at her.

He’d stopped coming and his cock had gone down enough for her to feel it have some give. “Are you all right?” he asked.

She nodded, feeling a little confused by the worried expression he wore. “Yeah.

Why wouldn’t I be? That was the best sex I ever had.”

One corner of his mouth lifted as he gave her a crooked grin. “So you liked it?”

“I’ll put it bluntly. If I hadn’t, you wouldn’t have gotten a second round out of me. I don’t know how you learned to come the way you do, and I really don’t care. All I do care about is it makes for some great sex.”

A look of relief washed over Wulfric’s face. “I have to say you’re making this a lot easier than I thought it would be.”

“I’ll take that as a good thing.”

“Definitely,” he said as he shifted her off his lap and onto the mattress. “So do you think you’ve tested out the bed enough?”

“For now.”

“Good. You still have to look at the en suite.”

Wulfric slid off the bed. He turned, scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the bathroom. Once inside, they put the shower to good use, not leaving any hot water for anyone else in the house.

* * *

“So you were serious about giving me free rein to do whatever I want to your bedroom?” Cydney asked.

“Yes. Do you really think I can make the right choices? After all, I don’t mind the look of the room the way it is right now.”

They sat on Wulfric’s bed—dressed again—eating the Indian food he’d called to have delivered. Cydney put another bite of buttered chicken in her mouth and chewed as she gave the room another look over.

Once she swallowed, she said, “You’re right. You’d make it worse, not better.

When do you want me to get started?”


“Depending on how late it is when you drop me off at Maggie’s place tonight, I guess I can come up with something by then.”

Wulfric wiped his mouth with a paper napkin that had come with the take-out.

“I forgot to tell you, I have to work tonight. Actually, I work most nights. So I have to drop you off fairly early this evening.”

She eyed him. “You couldn’t have been working last night if you were at the nightclub.”

“I was. Remember how I told you I looked for someone? That’s part of my job.”

“And what exactly is your job?”

“I hunt down what you would call undesirables and make sure they get what they deserve.”

“What? You mean like a bounty hunter or something?”

Wulfric chuckled. “Or something. And Raed, Algar, Garrick, Dolf and Brand all do the same job I do.”

Even though she hadn’t met the other men except for Dolf, Cydney had a feeling she’d find the others were just as built as Wulfric and his best friend. If they were all bounty hunter types, they would have to be to chase down bad guys.

“Are there really that many undesirables in Norwich that all of you need to be out there?” she asked.

“You’d be surprised,” Wulfric said. “Let me put it to you this way, we never seem to run out of prey to hunt.”

Now he sounded like a big game hunter. “I’ll take your word for it. Since you will be dropping me off early, I should be able to come up with a design plan to show you tomorrow.”

“Good. I’ll pick you up in the late morning and you can start working your magic on the room.”

Cydney shook her head. “You have a lot of trust in me, considering you’ve never seen any of my work before. For all you know I could be into the real far off, eclectic styles.”

Wulfric leaned across the bed and gave her a hard kiss before sitting back down.

“Like I said, design it as if you were doing it for your own self. Pretend you have decided to move in with me. Think of how you would like it if you had to live in this room day after day.”

“All right,” she slowly said. “That’s a different approach to doing a room design, picturing it as a place I’m going to live in. But I’ll go for it.”

“I can’t wait to see what you come up with.”

Right then, the sound of a baby’s cries could be heard through the closed bedroom door. Wulfric put aside his plate and slid off the bed. Cydney watched him open the door and step out into the hallway. He reappeared a few seconds later with Petra in his arms. Something about seeing him handle such a small infant had her insides fluttering in a good way. The way he cradled the baby against his chest while he smiled at her, Cydney knew Wulfric would be a good dad someday. Nothing like her own who didn’t really care if she lived or died.

Wulfric lifted his head and looked at her. “Would you like to hold her?”

“Ah, I don’t know,” she said hesitantly.

“Not into babies?”

She shook her head. “No, it’s not that. I just haven’t been around any. I’m an only child and I really don’t have many relatives I’m close with.”

Petra grunted in Wulfric’s arms, causing him to sit cross-legged on the bed. He shifted the baby, so she sat up on his thigh and he supported her chin on one of his hands while he used the other to tap her back.

“So your parents didn’t have any other kids?” he asked.

“No. My mom passed away when I was fourteen. And my dad never remarried.”

“Sorry to hear about your mother. Are you close with your father?”

She snorted. “Not really. The only close relationship I have with him is with his money. Other than that, he isn’t there for me. My dad would never be what you would call a nurturer, by any means, and it only got worse after Mom died. I think he gives me whatever I ask just to get rid of me. I’ve been left to my own devices since I was fourteen.”

Wulfric met her gaze and something lurked in his eyes she wasn’t sure she wanted to see. “I’m here now. You don’t have to feel as if you’re alone.”

Petra’s loud burp broke the moment that had descended over them, which Cydney was thankful for. They both laughed.

“Wow. That was a whopper,” she said.

Wulfric bent and kissed Petra’s pouty, little lips. “She really can let them rip.” He picked the baby up and put her bottom on his crossed legs while he cradled her upper body with his arms. He smiled at her. “And I bet your little tummy feels better.”

As Wulfric continued to talk nonsense to Petra, Cyndey watched him. What she’d seen in his eyes earlier, she could have sworn it looked like something close to…love? She really didn’t have much experience when it came to that particular emotion. There was no question her mother had loved her, and had shown it often, as if she had tried to make up for her father’s lack of it. But feeling it for a man she dated, it hadn’t ever happened.

What she felt for Wulfric was different, though. She really liked him, and it wasn’t all to do with the great sex. Did she want something more meaningful than regarding him as her British boy toy? She didn’t know. But if he wanted things to be more serious, she’d have to watch herself. She had a return ticket to Toronto and she had every intention of using it.
