Chapter Three

Cydney rolled onto her back and stretched. She then groaned and clutched her head as it pounded. After Wulfric had left the nightclub the night before, she’d had a few more rum and Cokes. Obviously, she’d overdone it. She mostly blamed Ali for it, though. Maggie’s friend had been the one who bought her at least one of those drinks in exchange for Cydney telling them what she’d done outside with Wulfric.

A smile stretched across her lips as she thought about the kiss they had shared.

Never one for holding back when it came to wanting something, Cydney hadn’t been prepared to let Wulfric walk away without getting a little taste first. She’d caught him a little off guard at the start, but he’d gotten into the swing of things quickly after that.

And boy, did the man know how to kiss. By the time he’d pulled away, her nipples had pebbled beneath her blouse and her pussy had ached as wetness pooled. He left her wanting more than a meeting of the lips.

She flipped back the covers and sat up in bed. A quick glance at the clock on the nightstand showed it was the middle of the morning. Considering her and Maggie hadn’t gotten in the door until well after one in the morning, it wasn’t surprising she’d slept in for so long. What she needed now was a shower to help clear the effects of last night from her head. Wulfric would more than likely call in a couple of hours.

Cydney slipped off the bed and poked her head out of the bedroom door, listening for the sound of the shower in the bathroom just down the hall. Not hearing anything, she was about to pull her head back inside when Maggie appeared at the top of the stairs.

“About time you got up, Cyd. I’ve been awake for a while.”

“Blame it on the alcohol and Ali, the drink pusher.”

Maggie chuckled as she came to stand by the bedroom door. “I doubt Ali had to push very hard. At least you had a good time last night, and you did find your British boy toy. I have to say that didn’t take you very long.”

Cydney smiled and shrugged. “I just happened to be at the right place at the right time. And Wulfric more than measures up to my expectations.”

“In all aspects of his person?”

“Just about all. I felt the hint of the important one last night while he kissed me, but it needs further investigation.”

Maggie shook her head. “You really are bad.”

“No, I make life interesting. Is it okay if I take a shower, or does someone else have dibs on it?”

“You can have it. My parents went out to do some shopping, so it’s just the two of us here at the moment. Wulfric should be calling you soon, right?”

“Yes. He said he wanted to see me this afternoon. You don’t mind, do you?”

“Of course not. You deserve to have some fun. I’m happy you came to England with me. I have to admit I didn’t like the idea of you having to go home, even if it was for only until you found an apartment.”

Cydney knew what Maggie meant. It was no secret between them that Cydney’s father wasn’t much of a dad. He was there physically, and being well-to-do, he supported her financially, but other than that he just wasn’t there for her. Though never what she would have called affectionate by any means, the distance between her and her father had increased to what it was today after the death of her mother when Cydney was fourteen.

“Yeah, I hadn’t relished the idea that much, either,” she said. “Well, I’d better hop in the shower and then get dressed. I’m not sure exactly what time Wulfric is going to call. He only said late in the morning.”

“Sure. And since you’re going out on your hot date, I’m going to meet up with Ali and Carol again. If that’s okay with you?”

Cydney rolled her eyes. “Maggie, you don’t need my permission. You’re best friends with them as well as me. I can share. You haven’t seen them for a while. Go and catch up on things. I’m sure you three didn’t have much time last night to cover everything.”

Maggie smiled. “No, actually, we didn’t. Ali was too interested in hearing about Wulfric. I’ll leave you to it. When you’re finished, my mum left some breakfast for you.”

“Great. I’ll be down as soon as I can.”

While in the shower, Cydney couldn’t help but think about the differences between Maggie’s family and hers. Maggie’s parents were close, and had a closeness with their daughter Cydney wished she had with her father. Most of the time she thought of him as a cold-hearted bastard. A good parent it did not make him, but it helped him become a bigwig in the corporate world.

Finished with her shower, Cydney dressed in a pair of skinny blue jeans and a not too tight lavender t-shirt. Even though the day was warm, after a quick look out the bedroom window, she’d seen heavy rainclouds in the sky. She just hoped it would hold off for a while. But being in England, she had to expect it to rain at least once while she was here.

She went downstairs and headed for the kitchen. The shower had helped with her pounding head, but food and water would take care of the rest. As promised, Cydney found a plate made up with bacon and scrambled eggs sitting on the counter, covered with plastic wrap. She lifted an edge of the covering and put it in the microwave to heat.

Cydney had just finished eating and had put her dirty plate in the sink when she heard the sound of the phone ringing. She rinsed her hands and dried them as Maggie brought her the cordless. Her friend held her hand over the microphone and mouthed Wulfric’s name.

Taking the phone, she silently thanked Maggie, then asked, “Hello?”

“Hi, Cydney. It’s Wulfric.”


“Are we still on for this afternoon?”

“Sure. What time are you thinking about?”

“Say in a half hour I come pick you up?”

“That’s definitely doable. I suppose I’d better give you the address.”

The sound of Wulfric’s deep, male chuckle sent shivers of longing through Cydney. She figured she could listen to him talk all day. His accent did delicious things to her.

“Yes, the address would help. Do you know what it is, or do you have to put Maggie back on the phone to tell me?”

“Don’t be a smartass. I know it.” She told him the house number and street. “Do you know where it is, or do I have to put Maggie on the phone to give you directions?”

“Now who’s being the smartass? I’ll see you in a half an hour.”

“See you then.”

Cydney hit the ‘off’ button on the phone and handed it back to Maggie who had stayed in the kitchen to listen. “I guess he’ll be here soon.”

“At least you gave him the right address.”

“Hey, my memory isn’t that bad. The way the phone numbers are here, I find it harder to memorize them.”

“It’s all in what you’re used to. Since you’re all set, I’m going to give Ali a call and arrange to meet her and Carol. Oh, and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do while you’re out with Wulfric.”

“If I did that, I’d never get to see what he has in his pants before the vacation is over.”

“You make me sound like a prude.”

“No. I know you aren’t one. You’re just a little overcautious compared to me. I’m into the ‘seize the moment’ kind of thing.”

“I’ve hung around you long enough to know that. Anyway, you’d better finish getting ready. You probably want to do some primping before Wulfric gets here.”

Cydney smiled. “You know me so well. And if I forget later, tell Ali and Carol I said hi.”

She then left Maggie in the kitchen as she raced up the stairs to do said primping.

* * *

Wulfric sat in his car, parked at the side of the street in front of the house Cydney had given the address to. It was a modest home in one of Norwich’s modest areas. He got out of the car and headed for the front door. Once he stood before it, he rang the doorbell. It was answered a few seconds later by a woman who looked to be in her late forties, an older version of Maggie.

She stepped back and waved him inside. “You must be Wulfric, Cydney’s date.”

He walked through. “Yes.”

Maggie’s mother looked at him. “She never told me you were quite so…large.”

“Mum,” Maggie said as she came down the flight of stairs close to the door, “you’re going to make Wulfric uncomfortable.”

“I didn’t mean anything by it, dear. It’s just I don’t think I’ve ever been around a man so tall or muscular. He makes your father look like a wimp.”

“That’s because Dad is a bit of a wimp.”

Maggie’s mother smiled. “True, but he’s my wimp.” She then looked at Wulfric.

“It was nice to meet you.”

After her mum left, Maggie said, “I’ll just run up and tell Cydney you’re here.”

Wulfric watched her go up the stairs. Once she reached the top and disappeared from sight, he heard Cydney and Maggie’s voices. A minute later, his mate came downstairs. Seeing her again sent a rush of longing through him. She was dressed in a pair of jeans that left nothing to the imagination. They were tight all the way down to her slim ankles. Finding his gaze had lifted and now lingered on her pert, more than a handful breasts, he pulled his wits about him and looked her in the face.

“Hello, Cydney. Are you ready to go?”

She nodded. “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

Outside, he walked her to his car. At the passenger door, she ran her hand along the roof. “Nice car, Wulfric. A Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG. I’ve had my eye on one of these babies for a little while now. Once I get back home, I plan to ask my dad to buy me one.”

From the serious look on her face, Wulfric could tell Cydney was indeed serious.

If her dad could afford to buy her a car like this, she had to come from money. For a rich girl, she didn’t flaunt it like some.

He opened the car door and held it open for her. “Well, hop in and I’ll take you for a drive.”

She smiled. “I’d ask you if I could give her a spin, but I don’t want to test my ability to stay on the left hand side of the street with a car this expensive.”

He chuckled. “Since I haven’t had this car for very long, I appreciate that.”

Once Cydney was inside, he shut the door and walked around to the driver’s side and got in. He pushed the engine start button on the dash and the car roared to life.

“So what would you like to do? Since you’re here on vacation, would you like to go see some of the sights?”

“Sure, but I have no idea what I want to see. I really haven’t looked into any of the tourist-type spots yet. Maggie and I only arrived in Norwich a couple of days ago.”

“All right. Since it’s Sunday, I know just the place. Do you feel like doing some wandering?”


“Then I’ll take you to the Bishop’s garden. It’s a four-acre, twelfth-century walled garden. There is plenty of space to walk around and things to see.”

“That sounds nice as long as it doesn’t start to rain. Some of those clouds look kind of dark.”

“We should be fine. And if it does, a little rain won’t hurt you.”

Cydney chuckled. “Spoken like a true Brit. Okay, let’s go see this garden.”

Once they arrived, Wulfric paid the admission for both of them to get in. He took her hand, linking their fingers together as they strolled through the ornate garden. He made sure to shorten his strides to match hers. Since he had a good foot and three inches on her, her legs weren’t as long as his.

“So how are you enjoying your visit to Norwich?” Wulfric asked.

She looked at him. “It’s been good so far. It was nice of Maggie’s parents to invite me along when she came home.”

“She lives in Canada as well?”

Cydney nodded. “She and I shared a dorm at Ryerson University in Toronto. We just finished our final year. I’m not sure if Maggie has decided if she wants to go back or not.”

“What did you study at university?”

“Interior design.”

“Really? Maybe I should take you to my place and see what you can do with my bedroom. I’ve been told when it comes to home décor I have absolutely no taste.”

She smiled. “You know, you don’t have to use my design abilities as an excuse to get me to see your bedroom.”

Wulfric felt his cock jerk in his pants as she gave him a look that had him thinking of all the wicked things he wanted to do to her.

He cleared his throat. “Actually, that wasn’t my intent. I really would love your help, but since you put it that way, will you come take a look at my bedroom?”

“Sure. I’d love to, once we finish here.” Cydney brushed up against his side. “I’m sure I can give you some ideas about your room, and other things.”

With his strides lengthening to get them there faster, Wulfric guided her to the small woodland walk. It was the perfect place where they could have some privacy, and to get his lips on hers as he was dying to do.

Once they were deeper into the trees, and after a quick look to make sure no one was around, he tugged Cydney up against his chest as he lowered his head. She met his lips halfway, eagerly opening her mouth for his tongue. Her taste had him wrapping his arms around her and lifting her off her feet. Her legs came up and wrapped around his waist, the crotch of her jeans landing perfectly over the front of his. Wulfric bit back a growl of approval.

Cydney’s fingers sank into his hair at his nape as she ground herself against him.

His cock went rock hard. He angled his mouth for a tighter fit, his tongue twining with hers, tasting and stroking. Arousal pounded through him, making him forget exactly where they were. Thoughts of putting her against the nearest tree, ripping her jeans off and sinking his aching cock into her pussy over and over again played through his head.

The first splash of rain hitting his cheek broke through the sexual haze that had descended over him. Wulfric pulled his mouth off Cydney’s and looked up at the sky.

Through the tops of the trees, darker clouds had gathered. More drops followed, increasing in number.

“So much for wandering through the garden,” Cydney said. “I’m getting wet.”

In more ways than one, he thought. Wulfric could still smell the scent of her arousal in the air around them. He let her slide down his body until her feet touched the ground. “Let’s go before it gets worse.”

Taking her hand once more, he ran with Cydney through the woodland walk, not stopping until they reached his car. By the time they were inside, both of them were more than a little soaked. He looked over at her to see her hair was wet and dripping onto her t-shirt, which he couldn’t help but notice had become a trifle see through, giving him a glimpse of the lacy bra she had on underneath.

Wulfric tore his gaze away from that tempting sight and started the car. For once, he welcomed the rain. It just meant he’d have Cydney in his bedroom that much sooner.
