Chapter Nineteen

"COULDN'T YOU STOP HIM?" KARYN DEMANDED. She was red-faced and angry.

"No, we couldn't," Paul said evenly. "It happened too fast." His eyes went to Sabastian.

"Dorland wanted to go."


"I don't know."

She turned away with disgust. "Come on," she muttered to Jacque. They went upstairs to the roof. Paul had caught only a glimpse of what happened after Dorland went outside. As Dorland approached the half-dozen Sons of God who had worked their way in close to the building, a young boy with a scarred face began issuing rapid orders. Paul had expected to see Dorland fall, but instead several of the boys surrounded him, and together they disappeared down the path toward the roadway. Others had stayed behind; Paul could see them where they had taken cover behind piles of rubble and clumps of vegetation. They made no further attempt to attack the building, but it was clear they weren't going to let anyone else outside.


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