like the temple? Then he remembered something Selmer had said earlier.

"There used to be other buildings with the white spires?"

"A long time ago. Before Sabastian was bom. Karyn says the Holy Order tore them down."

"Any idea why?"

Selmer shrugged. "I've never given it much thought. Why all the interest? It's just an old city. Hardly anything left."

"This is the first nonhuman city I've ever seen."

"Really?" He seemed genuinely surprised. "I had the impression you've traveled all over." Paul realized Selmer would have no way of

knowing how rare were signs of intelligents. When he explained that, Selmer shrugged.

"Guess we're just used to it." A thin black insect with broad wings circled Selmer's head once and settled in his hair. He pulled it out carefully and released it, then reached into a pocket of his coveralls and brought out a small flask. He offered it to Paul. Paul hesitated. The container was clear, and the liquid was dark. He sniffed tentatively, then tipped the flask and let the warm, fumy liquor run into his mouth. He swallowed, grimaced, swallowed again. The flavor was faintly familiar. He handed the flask back to Selmer. "What is it?"

"Home brew," Selmer answered with a grin.

"Can't you guess what's in it?"

Paul thought about that faintly familiar flavor. Then he groaned. "Poca."

Selmer laughed. "And a few other things. It isn't too strong, but it dulls the pain. Sabastian puts up with it as long as we don't overdo it. Of course, drinking spirits is a capital offense as far as the Holy Order is concerned."

They both took another drink; then Selmer put the flask away. They sat for a while listening to the varied sounds of insects all around them.

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A rebel camp, Paul thought. There was a certain dramatic ring to it: Five Brave Souls Against an Alien God and his Human Servants.

Five brave souls . . .

"Why is Karyn here?" he asked. "She's too young to be involved in something like this."

"Her brother was initiated into the Sons a couple of years ago," Selmer answered. "He was killed a few months later by one of the deacons when he broke a rule. She came to us and said she wanted to do whatever she could to help."

"He was killed for breaking a rule?"

"That's part of being in the Sons of God," Selmer said. "Obedience, and Elder Jacowicz wields a heavy hand."
