The soldiers were tired, the servants exhausted. Melydia had called for a rest here in the dank lower regions of the castle. She was far from hungry, but knew she needed sustenance, so she took two biscuits and a flagon of water, found a niche with a seat-high ledge, sat down and ate. As she did, her eyes searched the shadows around her. Shapes swam within them, shapes she knew were side-effects of her spell-enhanced strength and endurance. But they were emblematic of the many minds and spirits whose presence she sensed. The castle swarmed with them, their many emanations echoing within her head. She could make little sense of it all — occasionally a voice or a thought would enter her mind unbidden, then just as quickly leave. Most of the time what she heard was nothing but faint background noise, which she could ignore. But as she neared the Spell Stone, the din grew increasingly loud.
But there was something else. Something unusual was happening. She thought she heard a voice, a single voice calling out above the noise. Calling … perhaps to her. She could not quite make it out, but the voice had been growing more and more distinct.
She put down her half-eaten biscuit and closed her eyes, threw her mind open to the tumult.
…a faint buzzing … a sense of loss, of dread … boredom … hunger. Fear, stark fear. Merriment. Music … somewhere … she told me that just to get my goat, but by God she’ll …dreaming, falling, sleep and death — hide, hide, hide … a great bell tolling somewhere, far off — a sense of times past — the smell of mint and angel spice … WHO SEEKS ME? — the roar of the sea — near? where? …get away quickly! … voices, echoes, the sound of water dripping … WHO SEEKS ME? WHO SEEKS TO BREAK MY CHAINS? … a shadow falls with the sound of velvet against desire … footsteps in the darkness — the yowling of some fearsome beast … WHO ARE YOU, YOU WHO FOLLOW A PATH THAT TENDS TOWARD THAT WHICH HOLDS ME? … WHERE ARE YOU? SPEAK TO ME. SPEAK —
“Who calls?” Melydia shouted.
I hear you. Is it you?
“Who calls me?” Her whisper held an edge of fear.
I know not who I am. I thought you would tell me.
“How can I tell you if I do not even see you?”
I suppose you are right. Alas.
“Where are you?”
Where? The word has little meaning.
“How can that be?”
I know not. I know so little. I sense that I exist, yet I contain so many existences within me. They are not part of me, however.
Melydia stood, sudden understanding flashing in her eyes. She knew. She had not thought it possible.
“It is I who seek you,” she said. “It is I who want to set you free!”
I have found you. Please tell me —what are you about?
“I endeavor to find the Spell Stone.”
Ah. The name resonates. It is …
“That which holds you in bondage.”
I feel it is true. But where …?
“You do not know its location?”
I sense you … I also sense …
She waited.
Yes … yes. I perceive a relationship, between you and the thing.
“Can you tell when I get closer?”
Yes. I think so. Yes.
“Then you can help me.”
This I will do. You are my liberator.
“I am. The more you help me, the more you hasten the hour of your liberation.”
I have sensed your coming for some time.
“I have been long in seeking.”
Because of you I will soar again. Again I will scale the cold heights, feel the air above the earth, see the black skies and the burning sun ….
“Yes, you will.”
I will destroy …
“You will destroy my enemies.”
I …?
“Yes. In return for my labors on your behalf, you will do my bidding.”
Ah. A bargain. Is this not what it is called?
“It is. Agreed?”
I sense I have no choice.
Then … we are agreed.
“Good. Abide. I will call thee when I need thee.”
I obey.
She turned and walked back down the corridor to where the servants and soldiers were still taking their meal. When she saw their faces, she stopped. They were all staring at her, bewildered, fearful.
They had heard only her voice. She thought: Belike they think me mad.
“I am in contact with the demiurge whose embodiment is the castle itself,” she told them. “I command it. With its help, we will find the Stone.”
This seemed to allay their fears — or perhaps plant the seeds of new ones. No matter, she thought. They will all die soon.
She was hungry now. She asked for and was given bread, a slice of cheese, a hank of dried, salted meat. She returned to her niche to eat.