Enigma upon enigma!
Initially only four volumes of the Castle Edition of The Eidolons were planned, for the simple reason that only four original paperbacks were found. Now, a fifth penny dreadful (Really ― how long are these cheap books expected to last? ― surely no more than a fortnight!) has appeared in its rightful place on the shelf next to its kin.
Curiously, the "Preface" to the first edition was reproduced in this new volume, thereby giving new life to the "inside job" theory of authorship. You may well imagine my chagrin at finding myself quoted on the back cover. "Read the castle tales and enjoy!", indeed.
But what is absolutely mystifying… there are no words to express the emotion… is that this very "Foreword" appeared as well ― paradoxically so, for I had not even begun to write it!
Yet here it is, written in an uncanny imitation of my own style, complete with expressions of my astonishment at finding it.
I will not begin an attempt at explanation. The librarian proposes, the library disposes!
Read on.
― Osmirik, Ryl. Scrb. & Lbrn.
Why the vaguely Yiddish usage? Incidentally, even this footnote appears in the original.