My editor, Mary-Theresa Hussey, is a rock star. Seriously. The fact that this book is in your hands at all can be laid at her door. She has been patient, supportive, and encouraging. She has had to deal with me being Very Very VERY late—without strangling me. Which I probably deserve because when I’m late it throws a wrench into everyone else’s schedule.
My home team (Thomas, my two sons, my parents) had to deal with writer-mom-in-a-state-of-panic for way too many months, and as you can imagine, this was not pleasant for them. Also, the crew at the bookstore let me take time off (Chris Szego and Ben Freiman), while Leah Bobet covered shifts for me toward the book’s end.
My away team—my Australian alpha reader—read an awful lot on very, very short notice.