Honsvang, Province of Baya, 14 Muharram,

1538 AH (25 October, 2113)

The sun was already over the horizon and streaming in through the suite's windows.

Is that enough? Bernie asked, looking at four large glass jars, partly filled and sealed with the hydrogen cyanide crystals, standing against the wall. There were other jars, smaller ones, containing an oily liquid. Those were all in the sink. In addition, several more small jars were better than half full with the crystals. Of the lye and Prussian blue dye, almost none remained.

I think so. You've enough for the four barracks, plus some more for just in case. If you need to change the distribution around, the crystals are safe enough. Just don't get any acid on them.

I won't. Time for you to go?


Well . . . not to be rude or anything but . . . get the fuck out.

You'll still need me for the thermobaric bomb you may need to sterilize the laboratory, Dr. Richter pointed out.

Later. If we need it. For now . . . just go away. This shit is worse than rape.
