Chapter Twenty-Six

Catch me if you can. ;)

Matthias studied Taz’s text message until the light turned green and the driver behind him beeped their horn.

What is she up to?

Was this the break he’d been hoping for? Was she finally ready to let him back in?

He was still thirty minutes from home and fought the urge to press the gas pedal a little closer to the floor. When he pulled in he immediately noticed her ’65 Mustang was gone.

This didn’t feel bad, though. He had a feeling she was up to something.

Something good.

He went to their bedroom, noticed a few things were missing. He checked drawers.

She’d packed for two.

He took his BlackBerry out, thought about it, and sent her a text.

Do I get a hint?

* * *

She was already south of Sarasota on I-75. What was the best way to do this? She’d taken out enough cash so she wouldn’t need to use credit cards and give it away too soon.

She thought about it, and between driving and texting, it took her several minutes to send the message.

Let’s see if you can catch me a little sooner than you caught your first wife. ;) If you want to be faster than my pony you need to fly to PARADISE.

* * *

Matthias grinned, sat on their bed, and considered his next step. He called the executive airport and had the jet put on standby, then pondered his response.

I’m ready to take wing but need another hint.

* * *

She completed her gas stop at Venice and smiled when she read his reply. She’d calculated the distance and her arrival time. Barring any unforeseen delays, she could be there before midnight.

No need to pack. I’d SQUARELY love to greet the true new day under the moon with you.

That would give him the time and, hopefully, place. Let’s see how good he was at puzzles. Truth be told, it had been Rafe’s idea. He assured her Matthias would figure it out.

* * *

Matthias knew. Bolting for his car, he called Tim to let him know they wouldn’t be home for dinner.

Or the weekend, at least.

“Oh no. She didn’t run away again, did she?”

Matthias laughed. “No, Tim. This time, she wants to be caught.”

There was a slight pause. “She’s all right?”

“I think it’s safe to say she’s better than she’s been in a while.”

His next call was to the pilot, telling him their destination so he could file the flight plan. They were in the air thirty minutes later. Matthias sat back, closed his eyes, and smiled. She wanted him to chase her and catch her? That’s exactly what he’d do.

* * *

She found her way to Mallory Square a little after eleven thirty that night. No sign of Matthias yet, and she didn’t want to probe to see if he was nearby or not.

That would be cheating.

She walked to the seawall and watched the moonlight dance on the water. She thought about looking for Rafe but knew he wanted her to spend this time focused on Matthias. He was right, she had to reconnect with him, no matter how painful that might be.

“I’m still here, Taz, but you won’t know it. I’m going on a little walkabout.”

She closed her eyes and met him in their room. “I love you.”

He put his arms around her. “I know you do. I love you, too. But you love him, and you need to be with him, not me. You know this is what’s right.”

She rested her head on his shoulder. “How do we not make love with you in my head?”

“You let him make love to you. He’s your man, not me. The big guy needs you.”

“Don’t you need me?”

“Sweetheart, I’m dead. D-E-A-D. Just because my soul’s still kicking doesn’t make a life together.” He tipped her chin and kissed her one last time. “Love him, Taz. Please. I feel bad enough as it is, like I’ve taken you away from him. You know how I feel, I know how you feel, that’s all that matters. So have a fun time, and once you’re home, I’ll catch up with you.”

She nodded, and with one final hug he walked toward a door that appeared in the wall. “Don’t worry, he won’t sense me in here. I’ve been wanting to do a little exploring.” He smiled. “Have fun.”

He left, and she opened her eyes and took a deep breath. He was right—she had enough guilt to last her a lifetime. She loved Matthias, missed him.

Wanted to be his wife if he’d still have her. Maybe now that her mental affair with Rafael was over, she could get on with life. With living.

There’d been no more text messages from Matthias. As the minutes crept closer to midnight, she feared maybe he didn’t know where he was supposed to go.

She looked at her BlackBerry and watched the minutes tick down. At 12:01 she turned and there he was, leaning against a palm tree, smiling.

She slipped her phone back into its holster and watched as he quickly covered the distance between them with long strides, scooping her up as she threw her arms around his neck and laughed.

“I caught you,” he whispered, kissing her. “So what do I win?”

She smiled. “Me.” She kissed him back.

* * *

Twenty minutes later, they were in his room at the La Concha. He picked her up, spun her around, and kissed her.

“I love you so much, Taz.”

She stared into his eyes and didn’t think she imagined they darkened from their usual clear blue to the dark color of deep ocean water. “I had an idea. Not many men would jump on a plane over a text message.”

He dropped her on the bed, pulled his shirt over his head without bothering to unbutton it first, and threw it to the floor.

She grinned. “In a hurry?”

“You have no idea.” He pounced, lifting her shirt and kissing her stomach while he worked on the button of her jeans. She ran her hands through his hair, closing her eyes, and enjoying the feel of his lips on her skin, his hot breath against her flesh. Something that Rafe couldn’t…

No. She was here with Matthias, and that’s where she wanted to be.

Matthias took his time working her jeans and panties down her hips, kissing every bared inch of flesh as he went. He sat up, sliding his hands under her shirt, lifting it over her shoulders.

She raised her arms to help him relieve her of it. He slowly skimmed his hands along her skin, making her shiver. Except when he reached her hands he grasped her wrists, pinned her arms over her head, and gently lowered himself onto her with most of his weight on his knees. She couldn’t move.

She didn’t mind. There was a second of fear followed by a sense of free fall as she realized her trust for him, her love, and that she knew he would never hurt her. Months ago she’d have gone batshit if a guy tried to hold her down like this. He’d be picking his gonads out of his back teeth after she kicked them up into him.

But Matthias…

She did trust him. She wanted him to do it. She felt the hard bulge of his cock pressing against her through his slacks, felt how ready he was, and she wanted him. His warm scent, deep and seductive and buzzing in her lungs, the promise of his salty skin against her tongue…

She wanted him to take her.

Reclaim her.

She now understood what Rafe tried to tell her, that she needed a living man in her bed. She closed her eyes and pressed herself against Matthias, enjoying the feel of his body against hers.

Rafe was right. As much as she loved Rafe and wanted to be with him, she could never really have him. Not anymore. She needed to stop clinging to a path that never could be and focus on the life ahead of her. She had to find a way to build her future with Matthias.

“So I caught you,” Matthias whispered, kissing her. “You said you’re my prize.” He nuzzled her neck, under her ear. She felt slightly dizzy from the sensation. “Now what should I do?”

She gasped, arching her back and pressing against him. “Whatever you want.”

He hesitated, as if expecting a different response. He realized she was serious and kissed her again. She raised her head and kissed him back, hard. He sat up, and she kept her hands where they were, above her head, as he unbuttoned his slacks. He fixed her eyes with his, watching her.

She didn’t move.

He stood, shimmied out of his pants, and knelt over her again. He trailed kisses from the hollow of her throat, between her breasts, to her navel. Then he nipped her belly, sending white-hot fires straight to her already throbbing clit. She gasped but didn’t move.

His voice dropped to a deep, hoarse, sensual growl. “Whatever I want?”

She nodded.

He resumed his position on top of her, his weight on his elbows now as he laced his fingers through hers over her head, holding her in place. She spread her legs, and he teased her with his cock, gently probing the entrance to her pussy but not thrusting into her yet.

Taz closed her eyes and tipped her head to the side, kissing his arm, rolling her hips against him in encouragement.

His mouth closed first around one nipple, then the other, teasing her even more, his tongue flicking against her, drawing low moans from her.

“On second thought,” he murmured, “maybe I’m not in a hurry.” She softly groaned and he laughed, bending his head to her breasts again.

“Please,” she gasped.

“Please what?”

He was going to make her beg for it. He was in a playful mood, and she didn’t mind. “Please take me, make love to me,” she finally whispered.

He smiled, kissing her. “Oh, I’m going to do that, my dear.” He nuzzled her neck again, and she tilted her head to give him better access, part of her hoping he’d bite her, but he didn’t. “I’m going to do that to you. All. Night. Long.” She shivered, trying to press against him.

* * *

Matthias never expected her to be this way, to give herself to him like this, willing to let him take the lead, give him total control.

He sat up and gently rolled her onto her stomach. With her arms still over her head he ran his hands along her back, brushing her hair out of his way and kissing the nape of her neck.

She shivered. He worked his way south, massaging and kissing her, and when he got to her hips, he grabbed one of the pillows and deftly slid it under her. She started to lift her head to look, and he kissed her.

“No, you said you’re mine,” he whispered, and she shivered again, closing her eyes and relaxing.

He gently spread her legs and reached under her. She moaned into the mattress. As he stroked her pussy with his fingers, she gyrated her hips against his hand. He teased her, not letting her climax, bringing her close several times as he rubbed her swollen clit. Then he slipped a finger inside her, and she pushed against him, wanting more. He put two, then three fingers in her, and she moaned louder, thrusting against him, begging him for release. She was more than ready, her juices flowing freely and he could barely contain himself. He pulled her hips up and gently placed a hand on her back when she started to rise. She relaxed against the bed, and he lined the head of his cock up with her wet pussy.

“Do you want it?”

“Yes!” she gasped.

He thrust his cock deep into her, slowly, knowing she was more open to him this way, not wanting to hurt her.

She moaned again, and he had to stop for a moment or lose himself. Then he curled an arm around her, stroked her, and she exploded around him. It took all his will not to move. When he sensed she was finished, he grabbed her hips and slowly thrust, bringing more passionate cries from her.

He took his time. She pushed against him, meeting every thrust, and finally he couldn’t hold it anymore and increased his pace, collapsing on her as he climaxed. After a few minutes he got his breath back. He wrapped his arms around her, rolling to his side and taking her with him, their bodies spooned together.

“You are amazing,” he whispered in her ear.

She stroked his arm. “Not so bad yourself, mister.”

“Don’t you mean ‘Master?’”

She looked at him, spied his playful, teasing smile, and kissed him. “Only if we take turns.”

“You better believe it.” He kissed her back. “You’d look gorgeous dressed like a dominatrix.”

She laughed. “How come we’ve never role-played like that before? That was incredible.”

“You’ve never asked.”

“What else would you like to try?”

“We’ll pick up a Kama Sutra and see what it says.” He nuzzled her neck, dropping one hand between her legs. She pressed against him, closing her eyes and clutching his other arm. In a few minutes he had her writhing against him, begging him for release.

He’d meant it when he said all night long. He wanted to give her every reason in the world to want to live, to be with him, including this reason.

He gently nipped her, not breaking the skin, but it was enough to send her over the edge, and she climaxed again.

“You know, my name’s not ‘oh God,’” he teased.

She rolled over, pressing against him, kissing him. “Maybe not, but I’ll get on my knees for you any day.”

The comment stunned him for a second, then he realized he was really, really ready, and she had positioned herself perfectly. He slid his cock inside her and thrust hard, her legs and arms wrapped around him, her hips meeting every stroke. He buried his face against her neck to muffle his cry as he came.

* * *

Later, he protectively held her, his arms curled around her, feeling some of the barrier against him gone. There were still sections of her mind walled up beyond his touch, but he was okay with that. He felt her heart, her love—something that had been missing for several weeks—opened to him, welcoming him in. If that was as far as he could go for now or ever, he was fine with that.

Just to know she still loved him.

“Are we okay?” he asked.

She kissed him. “Yes, we’re okay. I’m sorry I closed you out.”

“You scared me.”

“You didn’t do anything wrong. I was afraid I might hurt you, and I needed time to decompress and deal.”

He caressed her cheek. “I’d wait forever for you, Taz. You know that.”

“I love you, Matthias. Just remember, you’ve loved me for years, known what you are for centuries. I’m still trying to reconcile my past, what and who I am, and rebuild my life.” She paused. “You were right about running Rafe’s company. I have so much to do now, it wouldn’t be right.”

He kissed her fingers. “We’ll find someone to run it who will do a good job. I promise.”


Matthias didn’t push her. He knew how hard that was for her to admit, that she couldn’t do it all, and how emotional it was for her.

She fell quiet for a long time, and he thought she might have gone to sleep when she spoke again. “I’m sorry about Rafe. I’m sorry you weren’t able to grieve for him because of me.”

He kissed the top of her head. “It’s okay. He would want me to focus on you.” The truth was, he didn’t want to think about Rafe right now. He knew he needed to go through the process, but for now he was so happy to have Taz back in his arms, it wasn’t his priority.

* * *

Fortunately, the La Concha had great room service, because they spent three days in bed. Matthias wanted to take her on a tour of the city, but every time he suggested it she coaxed him into her arms.

Not that he was complaining.

He sent the jet home and they drove north on US1, taking their time, only making it as far as Islamorada before getting a room. She let him tease her back into bed the next morning, and they spent two days there before continuing their northward journey.

Taz was changed somehow, Matthias sensed. For the better. He wasn’t about to ask why or how, enjoying having her this way, happy and laughing. It was like a weight had lifted, clichéd, but true. Maybe it was having the Tribunal business over and Caroline and Bartholomew gone for good. Maybe it was finally being able to control her powers and use them constructively under stress. She knew she wasn’t a horrible monster, wasn’t out of control. Perhaps now she could put the events behind her and move forward with living.

* * *

They stopped for dinner in Sarasota before making the final push home. Matthias noticed her watching him across the table, and he smiled.


She looked at her plate, and he sensed there was something going on behind the barrier she still held in her mind. “I was thinking.”

He waited, finally encouraging her to continue. “Taz, what is it?”

She looked at him. “I think I’d like to have the wedding at the house. Would that be okay?”

It took him a moment to process her request. When he realized it was a good thing he broke out in a wide grin. “We’ll do whatever you want. If you want to rent the Kremlin, I’ll make it happen.”

“Not necessary. I can’t stand borscht.”

He laughed, reached across the table, and took her hand. “Taz, I’ll marry you wherever, whenever, however you want. You name the time and place and I’ll be there.”

* * *

Her dad, no surprise, was sitting at the kitchen table, reading the Tampa Trib when they walked in.

She looked at him. “No, you didn’t.”

Robertson looked up. “What?”

“You waited up?”

He put the paper down. “Taz, when will you learn? Just because you’re an adult doesn’t mean I stop worrying.”

She hugged him and kissed his cheek. “You’re a good dad. I mean that.”

He smiled and patted her arm. “You’re a good daughter. When you’re not making us pull our hair out.”

She looked at Matthias. “You did tell him we were gone, right?”

Matthias nodded. “But you must admit, dear, you have given us quite a few scares. Not to mention you’ve been rather…distant lately.”

Taz studied the floor. “I know. I’m sorry. I’m starting to feel better, more steady.”It helps that I finally figured out I’m not crazy.

Matthias hugged her. “It will keep getting better, Taz. I promise.”
