Structure of the Yaroshenko Organizatsiya

The Yaroschenko Organizatsiya is actually two gangs: the largely autonomous Brighton Beach/USA faction who identify with Sergei’s surname, plus a larger Organizatsiya in Kiev, Ukraine who call themselves the Sviatoshyn Gang. As of 1991, the hierarchy is as follows:


Sergei Yaroshenko


Lev Moskalysk

Brighton Beach Advokat

Alexi Sokolsky (in training)


Alexi Sokolsky

Brighton Beach Kommandant

Nicolai Chiernenko

Brighton Beach Street Captain/Head of Security

Petro Kravets

Red Hook/East Village Kommandant

Vanya Kazupov

Red Hook Advokat

Yegor Gavrilyuk

Red Hook Street Captain

Ivan ‘Ivanko’ Andreichenko
