Mary liked oral sex. She’d just never experienced any that felt this good. It was that tongue of his, she reasoned. Strong, big, a bit rough-textured, and ruthless.

Her back arched, and she lost her grip on the slope, her fingers slipping off the silky vegetation. She didn’t slide down the slope though. Lion man had a good hold on her thighs.

Her climax struck hard and razor-sharp, cutting through her. She cried out, briefly wondering if she was going to die. Her brain seemed to explode, right along with the rest of her.

It went on and on. He didn’t stop licking her, but he did focus more on her slit. She gasped and arched again when his tongue slid inside her pussy. He snarled and drove it in deeper. He moved his tongue fast, fucking her with it, taking every drop of her orgasm.

Mary clawed at the silk moss, tearing bits of it off the matting it was attached to.

Moans poured out of her until he stopped, withdrawing his tongue. His hot breath fanned her sensitive clit. She forced her eyes opened and looked down.

His golden eyes were locked on her face, and some of the euphoria wore off from the mother of all climaxes.

He looked furious—as if he wanted to kill her.

Fear returned, but it was significantly muted, mostly because she just felt too worn out and sluggish to tense up. His hold on her thighs eased until he let go. She started to slide downward, but he grabbed her by the ribs and hoisted her up. The swift motion made her a little dizzy.

She went from lying at an angle on the slope to her hips slamming into his big shoulder.

Mary hung upside down when he stood upright. He spun and just took off, moving so fast she couldn’t even tell which direction they were going. One of his arms hooked behind her knees, then he jumped—and Mary saw the ground getting farther and farther away.

It shocked her when he landed hard, slamming her hips against his shoulder, but he didn’t drop her. She realized they were about ten feet from the floor, once she got her bearings and could see how high they were.

He took a few quick steps and leapt again. The sensation of flying was nauseating, until he landed on something solid once more.

“Ugh!” burst from her lips. Her hips were probably going to be bruised tomorrow.

He snarled, and she shut up. He took one more jump but landed on something soft that time, and he bent forward, dumping her off his shoulder. She ended up flat on her back, her body landing on pure softness. She glanced to her side to see what she was on.

It appeared to be a bed. The mattress was huge, and more like one of the biggest, fluffiest pillows she’d ever seen. Her body sank into it a good few inches.

Lion man moved, drawing her attention from his strange bed.

He crouched beside her and grabbed her arm, forcing her to sit up. His fingers hooked the straps of what was left of her bra and dress, yanking them both down her arms. He let her go then fisted the material, pulling hard. It threw her to the side and she rolled on his bed. He tugged the material from beneath her.

Mary lifted to her knees. He touched the dress he held with his free hand, seeming curious. It gave her the opportunity to glance around.

She regretted it immediately. The waterfall was still nearby, but she wasn’t looking up at it anymore. She was looking along the top of it.

That meant they were near where the ceiling. It also became clear that there were three sides to the bed, like mini walls along the edges. Thick cables ran upward from each corner of the massive structure—twice the size of a king-size bed—securing it to the ceiling about eight feet above them.

“What in the hell?”

Lion man snarled, and she looked back at him. He threw the destroyed dress down and crawled toward her on all fours.

Mary backed up, scrambling to keep space between them. She made it to one of those walls and clutched the edge to peer down. They had to be over thirty feet from the floor. It was a long way down, and the height made her freeze in place.

He grabbed her ankle and yanked.

Mary was jerked flat before he released her, and then the lion man crawled over her, their bodies not touching, but his hands were planted near her arms, his knees near her thighs. He stared at her without blinking.

She was scared. Only a fool wouldn’t be.

She hesitated, and then reached up, stroking his chest. It seemed to work the last time, when she’d been certain he wanted to kill her.

He blinked, and a low purring started. She could breathe easier when she heard that sound.

Pet the big freakin’ kitty. Nice kitty. Don’t kill me, kitty. She opened her mouth to beg for her life but then remembered he didn’t seem to like her voice. She closed it fast.

He lowered his gaze to her breasts, then crawled backward until he hovered over her legs. He straightened somewhat and gripped her knees. He jerked them up then spread them wide. She didn’t resist. He sniffed at her pussy and lowered his face farther.

Mary gasped when he licked her again, as if she were his favorite treat.

She had plenty to grab ahold of this time. The bedding was almost velvety. Lion man obviously liked really soft things. He didn’t seem to want to rip her to shreds anymore. That was the good news.

Instead, it seemed he planned to lick her to death.

It’s a great way to go, she thought. It was the last one she had before she cried out, coming so hard she wondered if she’d broken something in the lower half of her body.

Mary panted, trying to remember how to breathe, opening her eyes at the same time. His big hand slid under her hip and she was swiftly flipped onto her stomach. She couldn’t even care at the moment. That same hand cupped her lower stomach and lifted her ass into the air.

It still didn’t bother her in the least since, she was feeling too good to be worried about anything right then.

Her cheek was pressed into soft bedding but she threw her arm up to rest on, creating a pocket of air to breathe. The bed moved a little, and his legs braced against the outside of her thighs. His skin was so warm. Firm.

She felt as if she were boneless—until something thick and hard rubbed against her vaginal opening, spreading the proof of how hard she’d come. She felt soaked down there.

It took a second for her mind to catch up to what that hard sensation meant.

Her eyes flew open right as lion man began to push his cock inside her.

She gasped because he was big, but her pussy slowly stretched to accommodate him. The hand on her stomach kept her hips in place as he came down on top of her, his chest pressing along her back. His free hand landed right next to hers, touching her fingers.

He drove in deeper, and Mary moaned.

He was incredibly hard—and it felt amazing.

He growled and nudged his face against her head. A low purring came from him as he eased his cock almost totally out of her before pushing back in. Mary gripped the fisted hand that had been touching hers, and she braced her other arm, still curled under her forehead on the soft mattress to prevent from being smothered.

He fucked her slow and gentle, not forcing her body to take him too fast. Working his cock in and out of her in a way that she’d consider tender.

He didn’t want to hurt her. She knew that, because he easily could have.

That didn’t surprise her half as much as how incredible he felt inside her.

She’d always assumed sex with a big guy might be uncomfortable, but he was proving her wrong. Every time he sank into her, it brought her more pleasure. Her vaginal muscles squeezed when he withdrew, trying to keep him in place. That felt sensational, too.

“Yes,” she moaned, forgetting that he didn’t like her voice.

In response, he fucked her faster, driving his cock deeper inside her pussy. Ecstasy pounded through her, just as strongly as his hips did against her ass. They were both breathing hard and fast, and the growls and snarls he started to make didn’t scare her in the least. They just added to the experience. He no longer seemed to mind her being vocal, her words urging him not to stop.

He didn’t.

Mary finally cried out, a weak shout, when she climaxed a third time. It felt so good, she almost passed out. She may have, too, if lion man hadn’t lifted his upper body off her back a bit and roared out. The sound almost deafened the ear closest to him.

He threw them to the side, their bodies still locked together. He kept a death grip on her waist as he curled his legs around hers, locking her in place. His big, firm body jerked a few times against her as he groaned.

She could feel him coming. His semen felt hot, spreading inside her. He shifted his body, one hand sliding under her face. She lifted her head, and he pushed his entire arm under her cheek, until it rested on his triceps. He curled tighter around her, spooning her from behind.


Chapter Three

Mary’s eyes widened over hearing that one word. “You talk?”

He growled, an irritated sound. “I do.”

Emotions overwhelmed her. Relief that he could, anger for the same reason, and then confusion. She didn’t know what to say.

He rubbed his chin on the top of her head. “Sleep.”

She tried to wiggle away from him, and off his cock, which was still buried inside her. The arm around her waist tightened, and his open hand on her stomach dug in. She felt the sharp tips of his fingernails and froze.

“I believed you’d need rest before more sex, but was I wrong? I can give it to you.”

It made her madder, hearing just how well he could speak. He’d completely fooled her. “Let go!”

“Never. You’re mine now.”

She twisted her head, but he held her in a way that it was tough to see his face. He was just so big that she was trapped with his body wrapped around hers.

She clutched at the hand over her stomach and tried to pull it off. He didn’t let go. It was like wrestling with a redwood. He seemed to have no give in him to bend that limb.

He growled. “Keep wiggling, and I will fuck you again.”

She stopped, because she was aware of the fact that he still felt hard inside her, and every movement she made had her pussy grinding against his lap. “You talk. I didn’t think you could. I was terrified you’d kill me! I thought you were one of those Wild Zone New Species. I’ve heard some of them don’t speak, or only know a few words. You’re not one of them, though, are you? That was a shitty thing to pretend to be.”

“I am a Wild Zone resident. Was.” He nuzzled her head with his chin. “Now I live here.”

“Where is here?” She couldn’t see much in the dim room so high up near the roof.

“My domain.”

She was stumped on what to say to that.


“No. You need to let me go.”

“You’re mine.”

“Stop saying that! I’m not yours.”

That earned her a vicious snarl, and he withdrew his cock a bit then drove back into her body.

Mary gasped at the jolt of pleasure it caused. He remained there, deep inside her.

“You feel like mine. I’m inside you. Mine.” The arm he let her use as a pillow crossed over her chest, and he held her tighter. “You came to me. I’m keeping you.”

“I fell from the air vent. I didn’t come down here on purpose.”

“I saw. What were you doing inside it? Those vents are to bring me air and heat.”

“I was hiding.”

His body tensed, and his hold tightened even further. “I knew it. You humans attacked us again. We aren’t in chains or cages anymore. My people will kill those who attack us…but not you. You’re mine. I won’t let them punish you.”

Mary was insulted. “I wasn’t attacking anyone. I was being attacked.”

“By who?”

“I don’t know. Two New Species were looking for me.”

“That’s what happens when you trespass.” He relaxed his body but not his hold on her.

“I wasn’t trespassing. I was here for a wedding. Then they came after me, so I hid.”

“Who did?”

“I don’t know. Two men. I ducked into the cleaning closet and saw the vent. It was big enough for me to fit into, but then I fell.”

“I’ll overlook you being a dense human. You’re cute, and you’re still mine.”

Now he was really pissing her off. “I’m not dense. I was scared and hiding because I didn’t want to die!”

“Species wouldn’t want to kill you without reason. You’re a female. What did you do to them?”

“I didn’t do anything.”

He snorted. “Humans always do things. It’s your nature.”

She snorted. “What about what you did? I thought you were going to eat me.”

He chuckled. “Didn’t I? Twice. I wanted to make certain you were prepared to take me.”

She wanted to smack him, completely over her fear of him at this point. “You know what I mean. You’re terrifying.”

“I am.”

That killed some of her anger. At least he wasn’t denying it.

“I didn’t want you to talk until after we’d mated. You might have told me no or started screaming for help. I wasn’t letting you go. You fell into my domain, and I wanted you. Now you’re mine.”

“I’m not yours.”

“You are.”

She clenched her teeth, debating how to respond. “I don’t like you.”

He chuckled. “You like me a lot. Are you challenging me to prove it? I’ll flip you on your back, lick you until you can’t resist, then mount you again. And you’ll let me.” He nuzzled his chin against her head again. “You didn’t scream or slap me away. I would have backed off if you’d put up a fight. You wanted to be mine.”

“I was too scared to do either of those things. I thought you were going to kill me.”

He chuckled. “I used that to my advantage.”

“I can’t believe you’d admit it!”

“Humans lie. Species don’t. Settle down and sleep. I’m ready for a nap. I’ll feed you when we wake. Your tummy isn’t growling, or I’d do so now.”

“I want to leave.”

“No. You’re mine. I’ll make certain your needs are met and you’re well cared for.”

“I am not yours. Stop saying that! I’m not a pet you can just adopt or something if it wanders into your house.”

He growled low. “I can. I have.”

She tried to get out of his arms but he was too strong. She twisted her body, attempting to untangle them. He eased his hold, and she finally wiggled off his stiff dick. He let her go, and she scrambled away.

“Careful,” he warned.

She reached the open side of the bed and stared at the basement floor. It was a long drop, and there was no ladder or stairs to climb down. She did spot a platform about six feet over, maybe seven feet down. It wasn’t even a big one. There was a second one farther away, even lower, probably ten feet from the floor. It was hard to judge, though, looking down.

She’d have to stand and jump down to the first one, praying she didn’t break a leg or miss grabbing one of the four cables that kept the square suspended. Then try for the second one. The drop from the lowest one to the floor would probably break her ankles.

“Is my point made?” He was suddenly right behind her, and she hadn’t felt or heard him move. He grabbed her around her waist and hauled her away from the edge. She landed flat on her back and sank into his cushioned bed. He leaned close, bracing his hands on each side of her hips. “You can’t leave me.”

Now she knew why he’d been jumping. He’d been getting her up to his bed. It half horrified, half impressed her. No person should be able to jump those distances, but he was New Species. And he’d done it with her over his shoulder!

“You could have killed us both, you crazy bastard. What if we’d fallen? What if you’d missed when you were jumping around with me to get up here?”

“I wouldn’t have. You will learn to trust me.”

“No, I won’t. You can’t keep me here. My best friend Mel is going to send Snow to look for me. He’ll rescue me.”

“Snow?” He grinned. “You’re Mary. I heard about you.”

She wasn’t sure if she should be insulted or not by the amused look on his features. “What does that mean? What did Snow say? It had to be him, because he’s the only New Species who’s spent any time with me.”

He leaned closer. “He said you feared Species for no good reason, and they had a tough time getting you to agree to come here. I forgot his wedding was today. I wasn’t going regardless. I don’t like to leave my domain during the day unless I feel like napping in the sun.” He suddenly sat back on his heels and growled. “Snow will look for you. This is a problem.”

“He’ll get me out of here.”

The big lion man snorted. “He might try. But he won’t want to fight me. No one does except Valiant. That’s why they asked me to move here.”


“He’s like me.”

Shit. There are two of them? That was a scary concept.

“I’ll have to marry you. That’s the problem.” He suddenly leaned forward and glared, bracing his hands at her sides again. “I won’t wear clothes. And no relatives. I hate humans. I’ll tolerate a few Species, and your Mel can be there, since she’s a mate, but that is it.”

Mary’s mouth hung open in shock. It took her seconds to recover from what he said—and when she did, she was enraged. “I’m not marrying you!”

“I don’t like your tone.”

“I don’t like you, you crazy bastard!”

He snarled loudly and leaned close to her face. His eyes caught the light from the waterfall, and they reminded her that they were an inhuman golden shade. He was a dangerous predator, and she felt like a tiny rabbit.

He grabbed her face, capturing it in his freakishly large hands. His fangs peeked out. It made her realize he could tear her apart if he wanted to, break her bones as if they were twigs, and use those sharp teeth to bite deep into her flesh.

Terror shot through her, and she whimpered.

He studied her, and his nostrils flared. “Don’t,” he snarled.

She got the message. It was bad to insult him and call him names. “I’m sorry,” she got out.

“No, you aren’t. You meant your words to be harsh. Don’t fear me.” His hand caressed her cheek. “You’re mine, Mary. You could make me killing mad, but I will never draw your blood or cause you pain. Do you understand?”

She didn’t believe him. He still looked prepared to attack.

He leaned in closer, until their noses nearly touched, his gaze locked with hers. “You’re my mate. It means you can hit me, bite me, and say cruel things…but I will suffer it because you’re mine. You can’t physically harm me, so I’d never strike you to protect myself. It doesn’t mean I’ll enjoy you using your words and bad attitude to hurt my feelings. I won’t. The only punishment I’ll ever give you is the kind we’ll both enjoy.”

She wasn’t shocked he’d used the mate word, since he’d already announced he was going to marry her. But his version of punishment was a mystery. “What does that mean?”

He glanced down her body before meeting her gaze again. “I’ll lick you until you are ready to come, then back off.” He paused. “I will keep doing it until you beg me to mount you. That’s going to be agony for us both, because your taste makes me want to be inside you. I’ll have to resist, but I will, until you stop being cruel to me.” His tone softened. “Don’t fear me, Mary. The only way you’ll ever see me kill or maim someone is if they try to take you away from me.”

He stroked her cheek, her jawline, and even played with her hair. He settled his body against her side. She couldn’t miss the hard-on he sported, since it was resting against her hip. That didn’t surprise her, but the way he started purring again did. He rubbed up against her, reminding her of a house cat.

“What are you doing?”

“Calming your fear. Am I less threatening now? I don’t want you afraid of me, Mary. There’s no reason to be.”

It was almost sweet. He stopped playing with her hair, and his hand lowered to her stomach. He gently petted her from ribs to hip, stroking her. She half expected him to inch that hand lower to seduce her again, but he didn’t. He just watched her with those golden eyes of his and kept purring, rubbing his body gently against her side and stroking her skin.

She had to admit, it worked. Her fear of him faded.

“Animals tend to attack me.”

He smiled. “I heard. But I am not completely lion.”

She was right. He was a lion man. “I have a long history of being attacked by normally friendly pets.”

“I heard that, too. Mel shared your history with Snow, and he told me. I wondered if you hated Species, and why he’d mate a human with a close association to our enemy. I understand why now.”

“It’s my voice, isn’t it? Does it make you want to hurt me?”

“No. I like your voice. But you behave like prey.”


He stopped moving his body against her side but continued petting her stomach. “You can’t hide your fear. It’s in your expression, your body language, and even your scent. Any animal with an instinct to hunt sees you as something to go after. You act like prey with the timid way you move, how you jump at the merest motion or sound. Understand?”

She was beginning to…and it wasn’t comforting to know. “Did you have that instinct?”

“At first, but I wanted to catch you to do exactly what I did. Get that dress out of my way and claim you.”

“I don’t even know your name.”

“It’s Lash.”

It was an odd name, but most New Species had them. She wasn’t going to ask why. It seemed they liked to pick names that meant something to them or represented things they liked. It disturbed her why the lion man would choose such a name, unless he liked to hit things.

She sighed. “You can’t just keep me, Lash.”

“I can.”

“You don’t even know me.”

He smiled. “I will.”

“I don’t mean to insult you, but you can’t just meet someone and plan to spend the rest of your life with them right away. That’s crazy.”

“It’s Species. I’m Species. I saw you and wanted you. I like how you smell and taste. Mounting you made me certain.”

“I don’t believe in that magic-pussy thing.”

He reared his head back a little and scowled. “Is that an insult to me? I don’t understand.”

“No. I wasn’t calling you a pussy because you’re a lion. I meant that some people believe they’ll meet that one person and know it’s right because the sex is really good. Magic pussy, get it? Like mine feels better than any other woman’s you’ve ever known or something. I think that’s bullshit, and it’s no reason to mate me.”

His features smoothed out. “The sex we shared had some things lacking. No magic pussy, as you call it. I just want to keep you.”

His words hurt her feelings, even though she hated to admit it. She looked away from him. “Maybe you should ask her to be your mate.”

Lash hid his grin. The little female was jealous. It had to mean she cared.

She had a mean mouth, and he didn’t enjoy the things she could say, but he’d expected it. No female would allow a male to mate her without putting up a fight. He’d worry if she meekly accepted it and might have to rethink his decision.

She impressed him because there hadn’t been tears, death threats, or screams for help. He’d expected that, too.

Mary was the female for him. She’d keep him from growing bored.

“You could seduce me, and try to be my magic pussy,” he pressed, happy to use her words against her.

Anger narrowed her eyes when she glared at him. He liked how cute she looked.

“I don’t believe in that crap. Didn’t I just say that?” She reached up and splayed her hand on the center of his chest. “Get away from me.” She pushed.

It would probably be polite to back off, to give her the impression she was strong enough to force him away, but he didn’t care about that. He stayed put. “You’re mine. I like staying close to you.”

She opened her mouth.

He cut her off before she could respond. “Don’t forget what I said. You saying mean words to me will get you punished.” He licked his lips. “I’ll lick you until you beg.”

Her face became a bit red, and her breathing increased.

He upgraded her from cute to adorable when she was mad.

“I didn’t see you use a condom.” She pushed at him again. “That means you came inside me. You’d taste yourself.”

He shrugged. “So?”

“You better not have any diseases. Oh my God! We didn’t use protection…” She eased her hand off his chest but then gave him a rougher shove. “What is wrong with you?”

“Species don’t carry sexual diseases, and you can’t give me one.”

“I don’t have an STD. How dare you! I’m more worried about what you gave me.”

He glanced down at her belly. He hoped he gave her a baby. He envied Valiant for having a son, and now the male’s mate was expecting another. It’s why he and Valiant fought so much. He wanted to play with Noble, but the male was unreasonable. Valiant refused to allow Lash near his son. He didn’t trust most males.

“There’s always a first time and with my luck, you just gave me something untreatable.”

He snorted. She wasn’t being mean now. She was being silly.

“You’re never going to touch me again without a condom until you’re tested.” She stopped. “Wait. No! You’re never going to touch me again, period. You’re making me so angry that I can’t think straight.”

He lifted his hand and pressed his finger lightly to her breast. “I will touch you, Mary. I am touching you right now.” He lifted his finger, wanting to play with her. He touched her other breast. “See?”

“What are you? Twelve?” She swatted his hand away.

He shrugged. “I don’t know my age. That doesn’t matter. You’re still mine.”

“I am not.”


“No!” she yelled.

She could be loud. That didn’t bother him. He could be, too.

He threw back his head and roared. He looked down…and hated the fear he spotted in her eyes. He scowled. “Weren’t we having a contest on volume? I win.”

She watched him warily. He understood that she didn’t know what to think of him, and it would take time to gain her trust. He sniffed. The sweet smell of fear brought out the urge for him to hold her close and pet her until it went away. It had scented good on her at first. Appealing.

Now he knew she smelled much better when she became aroused.

“I make sounds. I’m Species.” He rolled to his side next to her. “Pet me.” He figured that would make her angry. Females didn’t like being given demands.

It worked. She sat up. “Pet yourself.”

She looked as if she wanted to crawl away from him and hide. He’d have to work on her acting like prey. He’d find it amusing to constantly hunt her around his domain but doubted she’d enjoy him pouncing on her as much. It would also take longer for her to learn he’d never hurt her. She was a jumpy little thing.

“Fine.” He ran his hand down his stomach to his groin, gripping his dick. He watched her reaction, figuring it might ease her fear. He’d heard human females were shy about sex. It was a good time to find out and break her of it, if need be.

She looked surprised. “What are you doing?”

“What you won’t.” He was semi hard but he stroked his shaft, ran his palm over the tip of his dick, and looking at her helped his arousal grow. “Petting myself.”

She still looked a bit stunned. “I thought you meant rub your chest or something.” Her gaze kept flicking from his dick to his face.

He became hard. He arched his hips a little, toward her. “Want to pet me now? I’ll let you.”

“You’re nuts.”

He spread his legs. “What about them?”

“You’re such a man!” She rolled onto her hands and knees and crawled away from him.

He grinned, staring at her ass. He wished it were more meaty and bigger, but it was all his. He wasn’t going to complain. He sat up and followed her. He was afraid she’d get too near the edge and fall. He’d have to tell someone to order him protective mats to place under his bed.

She stopped when she had nowhere else to go and peered down. It only took her a second to jerk back. His female didn’t seem to like heights. She’d have to adjust to them, because he wasn’t having his bed lowered. It was a safety feature he’d insisted on—along with a lot of others—to live inside the hotel basement. He kept back, but close enough to grab her if she were in danger.

She cursed under her breath and sat up. He didn’t startle her when she realized he had moved a few feet away from her. “Why are we so high up?”

“In case of attack.”


“There are secure locks on the doors but those can be destroyed. I sleep here because it makes me a difficult target.”

She just stared at him.

“Humans have attacked us before. I wanted to be prepared, since I agreed to move to the hotel. It closes me in. I don’t like that. I put my bed where humans can’t reach it without a lot of effort, and they would be dead long before then.”

“They could just shoot your ass,” she snapped.

“Bullets won’t penetrate the platform. The cables themselves are three inches thick. They could shoot at me with their guns but they wouldn’t hit me up here. I’d leap down on them when they ran out of ammunition and needed to reload. Then I’d kill them.”

She blinked a few times. “You really thought that out.”

“I did.”

“I don’t have words that are kind right now.”

“Say one. Let me decide.”


“You’re right. You shouldn’t say them.”

He reached over to the edge and slipped his hand between the bed and the three-foot-tall wall that enclosed that side, feeling around. He found what he searched for in a hidden section of storage and pulled out a bottle of lotion. It was right next to one of his guns. He decided to move those in case his mate found them. She didn’t look as if she knew how to use one, but if she did, she might be tempted to shoot him until she liked him better.

She looked at the bottle in his hand. “What is that for?”

He squeezed some lotion onto his palm. “This.” He wrapped that hand around his dick and sat back, stroking his shaft.

“You’re really going to jack off in front of me?”

“You told me to pet myself. I’m doing what you asked. Don’t be difficult.” He really was having fun with her. “You didn’t want to nap, either. Now I’m aroused.” He leaned back a little more and straightened his legs. “Do you want to help me?”

“No, I don’t.”

“You’re a mean mate.”

“You’re a…” She sealed her lips together in a tight line.

“A what?”

“I’m not your mate.”

“You are, but you’d be a better mate if you’d take over.” He lifted his hand off his dick. “You have softer hands. I want to feel them on me here.”

She stared at his dick. “Are you sure you’re from the lion family?”

He frowned. “What does that mean?”

“I just assumed they’d be smaller than you are.”

He laughed. “Thank you.”

“That wasn’t a compliment.”

“You liked me inside you.” He dropped the lotion after making sure the cap was sealed. He didn’t want it spilling on his clean bedding. He patted the spot next to him. “Come here. I’ll pet you. You’ll like it.”

She pointed at him. “Stay back.”

Her growing assertiveness was a good sign. He might not like what she was saying but at least she wasn’t showing fear. That was progress. He shrugged. “I am used to petting myself. I do it all the time.” He gripped his dick again and rubbed harder. “It would be better if you were doing it for me.”

She turned away and stared at the floor down below.

He lunged and wrapped his fingers around her ankle with the hand not covered in lotion. He dragged her closer to him. She kicked at him, but he dodged her free foot by jerking his head to the side.

He used the slippery hand to catch her other leg and flipped her onto her back. He swiftly came down on top of her and pressed his dick against her pussy. He had to bend his knees and yank her legs to his hips to get in close. She shoved at his chest but wasn’t strong enough to budge him. He grinned.

“What are you doing?”

He adjusted his hips and rocked them, sliding his lubricated dick against the slit of her pussy. He wouldn’t enter her until she wanted him, but he enjoyed rubbing up against her. He made certain to make contact with her clit.

She bit her lip and clutched at his shoulders.

“Petting is nice,” he rasped. “See?” He kept his pace slow and steady. It was hell because her pussy was still wet and sticky from them sharing sex before. It would be easy to enter her, but he resisted. “It feels good.”

Her nipples beaded, and she arched her back, a soft moan escaping her parted lips. “I don’t even like you.”

“Your body does. It knows its mate, even if you refuse to accept it with your mind.”

He opened his mouth and kissed her throat. He used his tongue and teeth to play with her. Her legs wrapped around his hips, and he liked when her calves squeezed against his ass. He appreciated everything about her except her stubborn streak to resist admitting she was his.

One of her hands ended up on the back of his neck. He liked that, too. She clutched at him but didn’t try to use his hair to tug him off her neck. He bit her a little harder, the desire to mark her strong.

She moaned louder and her fingernails dug into his skin. It felt amazing.

“Oh God,” she breathed in a shaky voice.

He pulled his mouth away from her skin. “Lash. Use my name.” He resumed kissing her. He stopped moving his dick and she responded by grinding her pussy against his shaft. It assured him she was close to coming. He lifted his hips, making it more difficult for her to move against him. He also stopped kissing her neck to look at her.

Mary stared at him with confusion and passion. She was beautiful to him. Even with her human features. Her nose appeared delicate and the bones of her face were hidden by soft flesh. Her eyes were a pale blue. They reminded him of the sky on a summer day.

“Why did you stop?”

He should have told her to beg. She’d been mean to him. They needed some boundaries as mates, but he wanted her too much. He had a feeling he was going to be the one giving in a lot more to her than she would to him.

He braced most of his upper body weight on one arm and reached down, gripped his shaft, and lowered it enough that he could enter her. He released himself and slid home.

He growled. She was too tight, but her body would adjust to him in time. He wasn’t going to complain about that either, but it was nearly painful. It also reminded him that he’d have to be gentler with her than a Species female. That was okay. Mary was his to protect.

She moaned as he possessed her.

“Oh God!”

“Lash,” he growled.


“Try it.” He withdrew his dick almost completely, and then drove back in deep.


He grinned. “Say my name and I’ll fuck you faster.” He made certain to rub up against her clit with each thrust. He did it a few times.

“Lash!” she moaned.

She was his female. He would give her what she wanted and needed. It would be enjoyable to do it, too.

Chapter Four

Lash jerked awake the moment someone entered his domain. He carefully untangled himself from his sleeping female and climbed to the edge of his bed, searching the darkness. He spotted a male near the door, just a few feet inside.

He snagged this loincloth and put it on. He leapt, caught the other platform, and jumped again to the next one, before landing in a crouch near the male on the floor.

The Species didn’t move a muscle. Jinx knew better. “Sorry for the interruption, Lash. We’re searching for a missing human female. She went into the vents, and we’re going everywhere that crosses the path of where they lead. A few of the males attempted to climb in after her, but they couldn’t fit. It’s a probability that she got out somewhere else in the hotel.”

Lash moved closer. The male sniffed, and his body tensed. He knew what the male had picked up. Mary’s scent was all over him.

He crossed his arms, daring the other feline to give him shit about it.

Jinx just gawked at him.

“She’s safe and asleep, Jinx. Keep your voice down when you speak.”

“Shit.” Jinx didn’t look happy.

“She’s not harmed. She fell from the vent but landed on those mats put under them to muffle the noise when I accidently tore them down. I stopped doing that after they were fixed.”

“Accidentally? You were doing it on purpose.”

“The old vents made noises, and I didn’t like it. You can’t blame me for making the noise stop by tearing them down. The new ones don’t creak and groan when they bring in heat and cold air. I told everyone who cared to listen that the mats weren’t needed anymore, but now I’m glad they weren’t removed. Mary could have been seriously injured if she hadn’t landed on them. They stay. I need more for under my bed, in case she ever falls out.”

“I don’t even know how to handle this situation.” Jinx reached up and rubbed the side of his face. “I didn’t really think she’d be here but was ordered to check since one section of that vent goes through your room to the mechanical room of the basement.” He dropped his hand. “You can’t just keep her, if that’s what you’re planning.”

“She’s mine.”

“Damn it. This is a mess.” Jinx reached for his cell phone. “Snow is going to throw a fit. His mate is best friends with that female. Mary doesn’t like Species.”

“She likes me.”

“She seems to like you a lot, judging by what I’m smelling. Human females are trouble, Lash. You should do yourself a favor and just hand her over to me.”


“You’re really going to force me to make this call?”

Lash nodded. “Mary is mine.”

“How does she feel about that?”

“She is learning to trust me. I’ve made some progress.”

“What if I were to ask her if she wanted to leave?”

“I wouldn’t do that. We’d fight, because I’m not letting you take her.”

Jinx backed up a step. “You like Snow better.” He dialed and put the phone to his ear. “I found her. Lash has her, and, um…he’s not letting her go. He said she’s safe. She fell out of the vent and landed on the mats under them. No injuries.” He paused. “Because he said he’s keeping her—and he reeks of them sharing sex. He is willing to fight for her.” He paused again to listen before hanging up. “Snow is on his way.”

They waited. It didn’t take long. Snow opened the door and stepped inside. The male was dressed in jeans and a tank top. He also looked furious as he closed the door, glowering at Lash.

“My mate has been going out of her mind with worry. Did you not think we might have been looking for Mary? You could have picked up the phone to call us.” He pointed at the wall. “It’s right there. There’s even pictures next to the codes you punch in to reach whoever you want.”

“Keep your voice low. Mary is sleeping. And I don’t like phones. I knew someone would eventually search.”

Snow dropped his arm to his side and looked around. “Where is she?”

“In my bed. Don’t wake her.”

Snow advanced and stood in front of him. “I am supposed to be on my honeymoon with my mate. That means locked inside my home upstairs, sharing sex. Instead, I have a mate who is worried about a female she loves like a sister. She’s been crying. Hand over Mary so I can take her to my mate to show her that she’s fine.”


Snow snarled.

Lash growled back and tensed his muscles, prepared if the male attacked. He’d hate to fight the canine, but he would for Mary. They weren’t taking her away. She’d run from him, and then he’d have to go after her. That meant leaving Reservation, since she didn’t live there. That would make the NSO mad at him, and they’d irritate him in retaliation.

“I can see why you were kicked out of the Wild Zone. I believed Valiant was being a bit dramatic when he threatened to kill you. Now I understand.”

“Mary is mine. I won’t let you take her, Snow.” He fisted his hands. “She’s my mate. Tell yours to leave it alone.”

“You think that’s going to work? Just tell Mel that you claimed her best friend? She’ll come down here to get Mary herself. Then I’d have to fight you for certain to protect Mel.”

“From what? I don’t hurt females. They are small and not strong.” Lash glared at him. “Just stop your mate from coming down here. It’s simple.”

Snow backed off, shaking his head. “This isn’t simple. I know you, Lash. You’re a good male, despite your annoying attitude. You’re the male who pissed off Valiant by wanting to play with his cub. You also never went after Tammy. Lions can kill each other to take over a pride to gain females. You never challenged Valiant, even though it’s probably something your instincts urged you to do.”

“He’s the one with the territorial problems. I never wanted to steal his mate or son. I just wanted to watch and learn how to interact with them, to make me a better mate and father when I found a female of my own. Now I have. I’m keeping Mary.”

“I told you about how Mary is with us. She’s certain everything with sharp teeth is out to kill her. A group of mice attacked her.”

Lash scowled. “How is that even possible?”

“I don’t know.” Snow shrugged. “Maybe she rolled in cheese dip. I didn’t get details. I laughed and it made Mel crack up, too. We got off the topic at that point.”

“Mary acts like prey,” Lash admitted.

“She does?” Snow’s eyebrows arched.

“You didn’t notice?”


“You don’t watch her closely.” That helped make Lash feel as if the male were less of a threat.

“She’s my mate’s best friend, and Mel trusts her. So I trust her.”

Lash understood. Snow accepted Mary without any suspicion. He wouldn’t be overly watchful over any of her actions. “Tell your mate that Mary is safe with me. I need time, Snow. We are friends. Give me this.”

The canine sighed. “It would help if you could honestly tell me that Mary agreed to stay with you.”

“What female would just accept a mating? I’d give her to you if she did. It would make her too weak and possibly unstable in her mind, considering she fears Species. Her body knows we belong together, but she’s human. They think too much.”

“I understand.” Snow sighed. “It wasn’t easy to convince Mel I was her mate right away.”

“You had to seduce your mate into accepting you?”

“Not into my bed, but she was reluctant about mating me fast. Humans date.” He rolled his eyes.

Lash curled his upper lip in disgust.

Jinx stepped closer. “Lash, I agree that you should keep her if you are attracted. I’d keep a female, too, if I could find one I liked.”

“This one found me. She just dropped in.” Lash grinned. “I like her a lot. She’s cute and prickly.”

“And apparently acts like prey.” Snow stared up at Lash. “Are you sure you want to keep her?”

“I’m a lion. I like to play.” Lash relaxed. “She runs and I’ll catch her. It will be fun.”

Jinx chuckled. “Sounds like a perfect match to me.”

“I doubt Mary will agree.” Snow withdrew his phone, pulled it out, and texted something. “I’m telling Mel that her best friend is alive and well.” He looked up at Lash when he finished. “I’ll like to give you a few days to convince Mary that she is your mate, but that’s not possible. A female isn’t yours simply because she ended up in the basement. The humans will notice she’s gone. You need to hand Mary over to us, Lash. Maybe she’ll agree to come visit you later, and you can slowly talk her into agreeing to stay.”

“No.” Lash growled. He wasn’t about to allow anyone to take his mate.

Snow growled back. “She’s human. You can’t just keep her. They have laws against keeping a female against her will. So do we.”

“I’ll fight anyone who comes to take her from me.” Lash expanded his chest and flashed his teeth.

“Damn it, Lash! Be reasonable. Let me at least talk to her right now to make sure she’s not hurt.”

“I don’t hurt females.”

“I believe that.” Snow glanced up toward his bed platform before glaring at him. “My mate will come down here to try to rescue her female. Mel would try to hurt you if she thought you were keeping Mary against her will. You’d have to fend her off, and she might get bruises. I wouldn’t like that at all…”

Lash pointed toward his bed. “I’ll stay up there until you come get your mate if she enters my domain. Your mate can’t reach us. That’s fair.”

“You’re missing the point. You can’t just keep Mary.”

“I’m not letting anyone take my mate. I will fight for her.”

“He looks serious,” Jinx warned.

Snow’s phone beeped. He read his screen. “Mel wants to know if I’m bringing Mary to her right now. I need to handle this in person. She’s going to be upset.” Snow glared at Lash again. “This isn’t over. I’m going to have to call this in. Are you really going to make us send in a team to get her from you?”

“I’ll inform our people,” Jinx offered. “You go handle your mate, Snow. That’s your priority. I’ll deal with this.”

Snow glanced up at the platform again.

Jinx leaned closer to the canine. “Inhale, Snow. He’s shared sex with her. Think of the possible consequences. He’s a Wild Zone.”

Snow’s jaw clenched. “Fuck.”

Snow’s phone went off again, and the male cursed as he looked at the screen.

“Go calm your mate,” Jinx urged him. “I’ll deal with this situation.”

With a final snarl, Snow left Lash’s domain.

Jinx sighed. “He’s going to want a team sent in to get that female back for his mate. I do understand wanting to keep her, Lash. I’m going to have to inform the NSO what is happening, but I’ll tell them she’s safe. I’ll also make it clear you’re not willingly going to hand her over, and that you shared sex with her. You could have gotten her with cub. Even Snow wasn’t thinking about that until I reminded him. Our people won’t want her to leave until they are certain she’s not carrying a Species baby. She’d be in danger if she returned to the humans. It’ll buy you some time, I think. They also won’t dare to put sedatives in your food, just in case she eats it. Convince that female to be yours—quickly.”

“Thank you.”

“I’ll do what I can. I’m rooting for you, Lash. Every male wants a mate.” He smiled and then left, closing the door behind him.

Lash returned to his bed. Mary still slept. He removed his loincloth and curled up against her side. He felt grateful that he hadn’t had to fight anyone to keep her. So far. He’d expected a full team armed with tranquilizer darts to come in after him instead of just the two males.

They’d probably bring Valiant if they did send a team, since he could match him in speed and strength for leaping distances, when few others could. They wouldn’t bother to ask Leo. He was too mellow and wouldn’t see a problem with Lash keeping a female as his own. They’d talked many times about how to gain a mate. Leo would understand what Lash had done.

He stroked Mary’s back, and she murmured in her sleep. He smiled and buried his nose against her throat, licking and kissing her. She reached out and stroked his chest. She didn’t push him away but turned more to face him. Her eyes opened.

“Again?” She seemed a bit amazed.

“I always want you,” he rasped.

“You should have been a dog,” she chuckled.

He liked that she woke up in a good mood. He wasn’t even insulted by what she said. He had canine friends. “Why?”

“You’re as horny as one. I thought cats were supposed to be lazy.”

He pounced on her and jerked her arms above her head. It didn’t frighten her. She just arched her eyebrows.

“I’m not completely lion.”

“I need a shower first, Lash.”

He shook his head.

“I’m gross, and I’d kill for a toothbrush. At some point I’d like to know if you can kiss, since you apparently won’t let me go.”

He leaned in to show her but she turned her head to the side to avoid his lips. “Toothbrush first.”

He needed to let her feel as if she had some control in their relationship if he wanted it to work. He’d spoken to mated males on the subject to get advice on how to keep a mate if he ever found one. “Okay.” He eased off her and released her wrists.

“Are you going to throw me over your shoulder again? I must admit that wasn’t fun for me. I’m really worried about how we’re going to get down.”

“No shoulder this time.”

“That scares me more. It’s a long way down.”

“Trust me.”

She bit her lip.

“You can. I’d never let anything happen to you, Mary.”

He crawled to the edge of his bed and waited for her to reach him, putting on his loincloth again. He rose up on his knees and opened his arms. “Wrap around me tight.”

Her jaw dropped.

“Arms around my neck, tuck your head, and wrap your legs around my waist.”

“You’ll land, and I’m going to go flying.”

“I’ll hold you with one arm.”

“That’s worse.”

“You don’t weigh enough to hurt me.”

“I’m more worried about me. You look damn near indestructible. I’m not.”

He chuckled. “Come here. Do you want that shower? I’ll even order food.”

“I am hungry. I didn’t eat much earlier. Everyone was watching me.”

That alarmed him. Were other males interested in luring his Mary into becoming a mate? He’d make them understand that she was his. “Who was? I want the names of the males who approached you.”

“No one approached me, exactly. There was a dinner served right after the wedding. I just felt watched by all of the New Species.”

He relaxed. No other males had made their intent known, but it was a certainty that other Species had noticed her attractiveness. It was too bad for them for showing restraint, since she belonged to him now. “Shower, toothbrush, and food. I can do that.”

“Clothes too. I’m not going to run around naked all the time.”

He openly admired her body.

“Don’t even think about it, Lash. Even you have a loincloth.”

“Only because the males who visited me were complaining about seeing my dick. I find these the only comfortable thing I don’t mind wearing, and I always take it off when I sleep. I’ll order you something similar.”

“I’m not Jane.”

He frowned. “Who is that? You’re Mary. I know your name.”

“Never mind. Bad joke. I want clothes. Real ones.”

“There’s no reason for it, but we’ll discuss it later.”

She crawled closer. “If you drop me, I’m going to be pissed—if I survive. You better feel serious guilt if you kill me.”

He already didn’t want his life to go back to the loneliness it had been before Mary. “I won’t allow anything to happen to you.”

She peered into his eyes. “You mean that, don’t you?”

“Yes. I do.”


He lifted her up his body, and she clung to him with her limbs. He grinned because it put her pussy right against his stomach. His dick hardened but he ignored it. He’d share sex with her again soon.

It was easy to hook his arm under her ass and get a good grip to prevent her from slipping down. He rose to his feet. She really didn’t weigh enough that it was difficult. He reached out and gripped the cable, judging the distance to the lower platform.

“Don’t drop me,” she pleaded.

“Never. Hold on.”

She tensed and clung to him for dear life. He found it pleasing.

He leapt, landing easily on the lower platform, grabbing the cable to help steady his balance. He turned and aimed for the next one. He leapt again, hit that platform, then looked down for the spot on the ground that had been designed just for him. It was covered with artificial grass, but there was extra padding beneath. It wasn’t necessary but the designer of his domain had insisted. He bent his knees and leapt one more time, wrapping both arms around his mate.

He landed on his feet and straightened. “We’re on the ground. That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

“I’ll tell you when my stomach catches up with me. I think it’s still about twenty feet above us.”

He laughed, enjoying his mate’s sense of humor. “You’ll get used to it.” He helped her stand but kept ahold of her for a few seconds when she stumbled. His humor faded. “Are you okay?”

She lifted her chin. “I’m not a lion woman.”

“You’re mine.”

She closed her mouth, looking ready to argue.

“The bathroom is this way.” He took her hand. “It’s nice. You’ll like it.”



Mary gawked at his massive bathroom. It was fantastic and gorgeous. It had a glass-enclosed shower in one corner that was all stone tile from floor to ceiling. Four people could use it at once and never touch. Five showerheads were positioned on the ceiling and walls.

The bathtub next to it was the size of a six-person Jacuzzi that most people kept in their backyards. There was an open door that revealed where the toilet was located. Two sinks sat on a long counter.

It took her a second to realize there were no mirrors in the room.

Lash removed his loincloth, just dropping it on the floor. He strutted to the shower in a way that once again reminded her he wasn’t totally human. Water flowed from those multiple showerheads as he twisted the handles. He put his hand under the water and adjusted the temperature.

She dashed into the smaller room and closed the door. Her bladder was full.

She was just finished relieving herself when the door jerked open, and she gasped, staring up at a wet Lash. He frowned.

“Close that! I’m going pee.”

“Why did you close the door?”

“Because I’m not two years old and my mommy isn’t making sure I don’t need help. OUT!”

He sighed and backed up, pulling the door closed. “Humans,” he growled.

“That’s what I am,” she called out, reaching for the toilet paper.

“You’re mine!”

She flushed the toilet and shook her head, jerking the door open and exiting the stall. “I heard that.”

“I roared it. I meant for you to hear.” He stepped into the shower and glared at her. “I’m not leaving. You’re sharing the shower with me. Be two, but get your ass in here.”

She washed her hands at the sink, then approached the shower. “Some things are private. Anything I do in that little room included.” She thought about it for a second. “And start closing the door when you go in there, too. I never want to see you sitting on the toilet.”

He frowned.

“I mean it. There’s just some things we never need to share, and that’s one of them.”

“Is that a human thing? Like washing your hands before getting in a shower?”

She didn’t like the way he was looking at her as if she were nuts. “Yes.”

“Is it important to you?”

“Very much so.”

He shrugged. “Fine. But we shower and bathe together. That’s fair. We both get what we want.”

She was impressed that he seemed willing to compromise. If he could do it, so could she. “Deal.”

“Sleeping without me isn’t an option. Don’t even bring it up.”

“I didn’t.”

She turned to study the bottles on the shelf and grabbed body wash, pouring some in her hands and rubbing them together. Her attention focused on his impressive chest, which was face level with her. The damn man was distracting.

She got under one of the lowest showerheads, which hit her mid-chest, and spread the soap on her body. It smelled like fruit. It was nice.

Lash stepped under the water that came from the ceiling and tipped his head back, just standing there.

It gave Mary even more time to study his body. He had the kind that any woman would really appreciate. He was all strength and hard male. It was probably from all that jumping around he did. His muscles rippled along his arms when he raised both hands, running them through his thick hair to probably make sure all of it got wet. He stepped out of the direct spray and pushed that hair all the way back off his face. He opened his eyes.

He looked different without that fluffy mane. Good, less lion-ish. The bones of his face and that small mat of fur on his chest, though, made certain he’d never pass for full human. His size, too. He had to be at least six and a half feet tall.

He made her feel super short, and she stood at a respectable five-five. She glanced down at his large feet. He would have to buy his clothes and shoes from some specialty store that sold exclusively to extra-large men.

“How much do you weigh?”

He shrugged. “I don’t care. Why do you?”

“I was curious.”

“You’re examining me.”

There was no denying it. “You’re really fit.”

“I’m Species.” He openly gazed at her body. “I like that you’re not.” He reached out and brushed his knuckles over her stomach. “I like your softness.”

She felt insulted. Was he saying she was flabby? “I work out.”

He grinned.

“I do yoga and Zumba. I just don’t lift weights or have the time to do them every day. I have this thing called a job.” She turned and pointed her toe downward to flex the muscles in her calf. “I have great legs. I spend a lot of time walking at the diner.”

“I like your legs wrapped around my waist.”

She turned her back on him and stepped under one of the showerheads, closing her eyes to wet her hair and face. She was done talking to him. He was being a man. She had tried to have a serious discussion with him but he seemed fixated on sex.

That soft remark irritated her. She did have some extra pounds, but he didn’t have to point that out. She was at least trying to lose it. Her problem was pie. It loved to tempt her, and her boss’ wife made killer ones that Joel sold at the diner. She got free slices working there. Who could resist that? Not her.

Lash wrapped his arms around her from behind and jerked her against his front. “You are perfect for me. Feel how I react to looking at you?”

She twisted her head and stared up at him. “There’s no missing that thing. It feels like a lead pipe against my spine. What did you name it?”

“Why would I do that?”

“Come on. All men name their dicks.”

“I didn’t. That seems strange.”

“It is, but it’s a man thing.”

“It’s a human male thing. I’m not one of them.”

“That’s true.”

“Do human females name their sex?”

“Not many, but some give their breasts names.”

He leaned forward to glance at hers. “Did you?”

“I just call them my girls.”

“Stop. It is silly.”

She laughed. “It is.”

He reached out and grabbed the shampoo. “I’m going to wash your hair.”

“I can do it.”

“I want to.”

That surprised her enough to agree. “Okay.”

She’d never had a man do that for her. Lash was either really out to impress her, or he just wasn’t like anyone else she’d ever dated. She did have a type of man she was attracted to, despite being more than aware of their flaws. They were usually conceited, a bit selfish, but she’d liked their confidence.

Lash gently fisted her hair and tugged. She tipped her head back and closed her eyes. It felt really good when he used both hands to massage in the shampoo. He gently scrubbed her scalp, too. There was something very personal and intimate about the act. He took his time, as if he wanted to make sure he cleaned every strand.

He turned her around until she faced him. Then he rinsed her hair, using his hands in the same way to make sure all the soap washed away. He tugged her closer and out of the spray of water.

She opened her eyes and met his gaze. He was extremely handsome, now that she could see past his wild mane of hair, his strange facial structure, and the fear that had come with her first glimpse of him. He smiled…and she realized she was starting to like being around him too much. He wanted to keep her, and it didn’t seem like such a bad thing anymore.

What am I thinking? I have a life.

He distracted her from her thoughts by breaking eye contact to get the conditioner. Her eyes lowered to stare at his chest as he massaged the creamy substance into her hair.

She ran her fingers over the patch of fur there. It was short but soft, even wet. It looked good on him. It was sprinkled between his nipples and little higher, spreading out a bit. There was skin under that fur.

He growled low. “Stop touching me, or I’ll mount you right now.”

She looked up and found him watching her. “I’m starving. Hold that thought.”

He grunted and tugged her head back under the water. She thoroughly enjoyed being pampered. He even scrubbed her back. She was out of luck when she asked him for a razor to shave her legs.

“You better get me some, unless you think hairy women are hot.”

“I like you as you are.”

“Two words for you, Lash. Armpit hair. It’s bad, and I don’t want you to see that. I don’t want to see that on me, either.” She pointed down at her groin area. “Plus, this isn’t the nineteen-seventies. I’m not a big fan of lots of hair in that area. You wouldn’t be, either, if I let it grow out.”

“I’ll get you razors.”

“Good man.”

“Humans require a lot of upkeep.”

“You could let me go.”

He shook his head. “You’re mine.”

“We’ll see.” He might change his mind if she were demanding. “I need a toothbrush and toothpaste. Don’t forget that…and clothes.”

“There’s extra toothbrushes in the drawers.”

That drew a frown from her. “Do you have women over often?”

“No. You are the first female to enter my domain. I have broken enough toothbrushes that they give me extras.”

“How do you break a toothbrush?” She remembered his sharp fangs. “Never mind. I don’t want to know. I plan to kiss that mouth. I’m leery enough already.”

“I wouldn’t hurt you, Mary.” He offered a sexy grin. “I want to keep you safe and happy.”

“That’s what you keep saying. But I’m still leery of your teeth and kissing you.” She left the shower and grabbed a towel. Those couldn’t be normal-size, either. His towels seemed like mini blankets. She glanced back at Lash. He washed his hair with his ass toward her. He had a super fine one, too.

She knew she should flee and find the door while he was distracted. It might take him a few minutes to notice that she’d gone.

She didn’t head for the door, though. Instead, she went looking for that toothbrush she wanted.

Mary was already beginning to like him too much. Not good. So not good.

Chapter Five

“Why do you keep looking around at nothing?”

Lash’s gruff voice pulled Mary from her thoughts. “I can’t believe Mel never noticed I disappeared from her wedding reception. She seemed so determined to throw her flowers to me.”

“She did. Males searched for you.”

“What? When?”

“While you slept.”

“They just left me here with you?”

He shrugged. “They weren’t prepared to fight me.”

“Unbelievable! So they’re just going to let you keep me?”

“I won’t let them take you from me, Mary.”

“That crazy hillbilly!”


Mel. She promised to watch my back and swore that nothing bad would happen to me if I came to Reservation. Trust me, she said. Don’t worry, she said. We’re best friends and I love you like a sister, she said.” Mary was really upset. “Then, what? She leaves me with you as if she’d dropped me off at some pet shelter for you to adopt?”

“Nothing bad has happened to you. She wasn’t in agreement with me keeping you, if that helps. Her mate believes she’ll attempt to break into my domain to help you escape. I had to promise him I would take you up to our bed, and we’d stay there until he could remove her. He fears she’ll attack me.”

That cooled her temper. “She’d better. I’d face off against Dean Summers for her.”

“Who is that?”

“He comes into the diner every few weeks. We’re sure he’s Satan’s number one worshiper because he’s so vile and evil.”

He scowled.

“He probably doesn’t really worship the devil, but he’s a nightmare customer and super creepy. Mel and I joke about him often, since we can’t hide in the kitchen when he comes into the diner. Joel, the owner, yelled at us the one time we actually did that. Dean actually came in with blood on his clothes. He said he’d slaughtered a pig for food, but we decided we were right about him sacrificing people on some altar. Neither one of us wanted to wait on him since he’s bad enough when he isn’t splattered in blood.”

Lash just stared at her. He looked a bit confused and disturbed at the same time.

“You’d understand if you met him. We’re not going to be surprised if we ever see a story on the news that he’s a serial killer. Only no one who knows him is going to say what a nice guy he seemed to be or how shocked they are. Poor Mel had to see his wrinkly dink.”

“What is that?”

“I didn’t see it, but that’s what Mel called his dick. She said it’s wrinkled and small, like a malformed dying root of some diseased tree. Her words, not mine. It painted a horrifyingly vivid mental picture for me, though.”

“Why would she want to see that?”

“She didn’t. He kind of exposed it to her at the table when she went to give him a refill. Mel got even by pouring a pitcher of iced tea on his lap. That’s my bestie. That girl doesn’t take any shit. She’ll definitely come after me. My faith in her is restored.”

“You want her to attack me?”

“No. I want her to try to attack you. That’s what friends do.”

He shook his head. “Humans.”

“That’s just a woman thing. And stop using that tone. I happen to be one of those humans you don’t seem to like.”

“I don’t like them, but you’re my mate.” He paused. “Even if I can’t figure out how you think the way you do. You’re strange.”

“Says the guy with a bed thirty-some feet off the ground, who jumps around to get up there because he’s paranoid that people are out to kill him to the point of having a bulletproof platform.”

“It’s a valid precaution. We get attacked.”

“I’m more than aware. I was at the diner when two men walked in with guns to shoot Snow and his friends. Those assholes wanted their names in the news. But that was in town, with no NSO security. I saw the walls that protect Reservation, and the armed men who guard them. It would have been suicide if those two assholes had come here.”

“The NSO is expanding our walls. We’ve had a few breaches during construction. Our officers caught them before they got in far enough to kill any of us, but it is possible a small group could reach the hotel. I didn’t survive being caged at Mercile to die now.”

Mary admitted that he had a point. “Maybe you’re not so paranoid.” She’d noticed the way he’d said one word, almost spitting it out. “Do you mean Mercile Industries?”

He grunted.

“Was it as bad as I’ve read?”

His golden gaze narrowed, locked on her.

“I’m sorry. I was curious. I’ll drop it.”

“You are my mate. You can always ask me questions. It was worse for me, and ones like me.”


“Some New Species were contained inside rooms with chains, for easier access when Mercile tested drugs. The technicians had to deal with them often, so their bodies were cleaned. It offended the human doctors if they stank. They used them in breeding experiments, too.”

He lowered his gaze. “My kind were kept in cages, and they hosed us down once a week like zoo animals. I can’t read or write the way most Species can. Mercile taught other Species so they could test their minds while on drugs. They just shot us with darts when they wanted to test a drug on my kind. We were the disposable ones. Our minds were irrelevant. The drugs they gave us were ones that either killed us…or didn’t. That’s how we were used. To test whether a drug could kill or not. Many of us died.”

That horrified her. “I’m so sorry, Lash.” She scooted closer to him, where they sat on the grass by the fountain. She reached out and put her hand on his thigh.

He looked at her. “I am learning to identify numbers to use the phone.” He jerked his thumb toward the doors. “They put up pictures for me of my friends, and the numbers to dial to reach them. I look at them and press the matching ones on the phone.”

“That’s pretty smart.”

“Mercile didn’t bring us Species females to breed with. Well, unless you count the one time they brought me a full-blooded lioness, thinking I’d mount her.”

Her mouth dropped open. She couldn’t imagine the horror, and it stunned her speechless.

“I refused. It would be like someone asking you to share sex with a full animal. It sickened me. The technicians would starve Species if we didn’t do what they wanted, and they applied that to us—with her inside my cage. She eventually grew hungry and lost her fear of me. I didn’t want to cause her harm. I tried to keep her calm…but she attacked. I had to break her neck to prevent her from killing me.

“They shot darts into me that had electricity in them as punishment, and spent days shocking me many times. I was already suffering. I felt deep guilt. The lioness was just trying to survive by following her instincts.”

He was breaking her heart. She moved on instinct and straddled his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck. “I’m so sorry.”

“You didn’t shoot me or bring that lioness into my cage. I know not all humans are like the ones from Mercile.”

“I’m just sorry you had such a rough past. That’s all. Life can be super unfair.”

He wrapped his arms around her. “You like me.”

Denial was on the tip of her tongue…until she saw the happy expression on his face. “I do.”

“You’re my mate. Say it.”

“Now you’re pushing your luck.”

He laughed. “I like you, Mary.”

“You’re growing on me.”

“So is my dick. I’m very aroused.”

She shook her head, trying not to laugh. “You have a one-track mind.”

“I enjoy sex with you. That’s why I’m keeping you.”

It dampened her mood when she remembered their earlier conversation. “Even if I’m not your magic pussy?”

He pulled her closer. “I said you could be that to me.”

She felt jealousy rear its head. “Who was she?”

He turned her sideways on his lap and bent her back a little, leaning over to gaze into her eyes. “Does it bother you thinking that some female has a hold on me that you don’t? Tell me the truth.”

“You keep telling me you want me to be your mate, but no one wants to be a man’s second choice. I refuse to be compared to another woman and always found lacking. I’ve already had a boyfriend like that once. It made me feel shitty and tore me up. I loved him, but he took off the moment he heard his ex-girlfriend had filed for divorce from the man she’d married instead of him. He flew back to New York to try to get her to date him again.”

He snarled. “You still love him?”

“No. All I feel now is anger and a bit of self-loathing, because I knew it couldn’t end well as soon as I realized he was hung up on his ex. I was hopelessly naive and believed I could make him love me more.”

“Is there a male you love now?”

“I have bad luck with men. It’s the types I’m attracted to. They aren’t the kind of men who are good for me. Mel is drawn to bad boys. I’m drawn to self-centered pricks.”


“They’re men who are incapable of loving anyone more than they love themselves. It’s all about them and what they can get out of a woman. They move on to the next one as soon as they feel they’ve taken all they want.”

“You didn’t answer me. Is there a human male you love?”

“No.” She could say that honestly.

“Good.” He softened his tone. “There is no magic pussy for me, Mary. I’ve shared sex with a few Species females, but I didn’t want to keep them. I want to keep you.”

“You don’t even know me.”

“I’m Species. I don’t question my instincts. I listen to them, and I am getting to know you. My instincts weren’t wrong. You are mine, and I’m glad.”

“Life isn’t that simple, Lash.”

“It is in my world.” He lifted his head, gazing around the room. “This is it, Mary. Our home.”

She followed his gaze. It was a beautiful space with the lights on. It almost felt as though they were outside, only there wasn’t summer heat or sunburns to contend with. The artificial trees gave the huge space a magical garden feel, and she did love that waterfall. The sound of running water had become soothing.

She spotted the bed hanging up near the far corner. That was the only problem.

“We could return to the Wild Zone if you don’t like our space, but I prefer it here. I’d worry about the other males sniffing after you, and Valiant stalks me anytime I get within a mile of his home. He fights me even though I’m not aggressive toward him. You couldn’t roam around without me at your side anytime we left my home there. We also tend to the rescued animals the humans didn’t want or have abused. Some have adjusted, but a few might attack you. I’d hate to have to fight with them just for following their instincts, but I wouldn’t allow anything to hurt you.”

“I appreciate that.”

He tugged at the towel wrapped around her body. “Take this off.”

“No. Food, remember? What’s taking so long?”

“You wanted yours fully cooked. That takes time.”

“They’re delivering it?”

“Yes. I used the phone and told them I’m hungry. They bring it to me. You saw me place a call when we left the bathroom.”

“That’s kind of nice that they deliver. You never have to cook?”

He shook his head. “They didn’t like it when I went hunting for my own food.”

She was almost afraid to ask. “Like rabbits or something?”

“I don’t enjoy killing live things and eating them.” His nose wrinkled. “I went upstairs into their kitchen. The ones who cook got angry because I’d taste things and spit it out if I didn’t like it. They said I made a mess. Now I use the phone and they bring my food. They make sure to remember what I like to keep me from hunting for food on my own again.”

She pictured him in some kitchen putting his hands in food, tasting it, and how that would drive a kitchen staff crazy. “You’re totally spoiled, aren’t you?”

He shrugged. “I like what I like. They want to keep me down here and out of their kitchen.”

A loud knock sounded at the door.

Lash quickly lifted her off his lap and rose to his feet. “Stay!”

She clenched her teeth, not appreciating his harsh tone or being treated as if she really were his pet. He strolled over to the door and punched in a code. She wished she could see the numbers, but he’d placed his body in the way of the pad.

He yanked open the door, and she twisted to the side trying to get a glimpse of whoever waited there. Lash took a big tray from the person, and then slammed the door closed. He came back to her.

“You didn’t even thank the person? Seriously?”

He growled and lowered back down to the floor, placing the covered tray between them. “They feed me or I go hunting. Wasn’t I clear about that? They don’t like it when I leave. Why say thank you for doing something everyone wants?”

“You’re so rude.”

He lifted the large cover on the tray, placed it aside.

She had to admit to being a bit impressed. Their plates were platter-size. The soda cans had her arching her eyebrows, but the sight of chicken-fried steak smothered in country gravy with mashed potatoes quickly made her forget the strangeness of being served drinks in cans with restaurant quality food. It smelled delicious, too. She reached for the plate.

“What are you doing?”

She froze and looked up at him. “Eating…or trying to.”

“I wanted that. You can have the fish.”

She looked at the other plate. There were at least three kinds of fish with rice and mixed vegetables. “I don’t eat fish.”

“I want that.”

She slapped his hand when he tried to reach for the food she’d chosen. “Next time, I’ll use the knife to stab you if you try to steal my plate. You’re keeping me here against my will. I get to pick what I eat.”

He scowled but withdrew his huge hand. “You’re rude.”

“I’m learning from you.” She lifted the plate off the tray and set it down in front of her. She also grabbed the soda she wanted before he could pick. He growled, but she grinned.

“Can I have bites?”

She unwrapped the cloth napkin to get her silverware. “Maybe.”

“You’re my female. We share everything.”

She began to cut up the steak and took a bite. Her eyes closed as she chewed. “This is the best chicken-fried steak I’ve ever tasted. The gravy is delicious, and so creamy!”

Lash growled.

She opened her eyes and grinned, enjoying giving him a sample of his own treatment. “One bite.” She stabbed a larger piece of meat with her fork and offered it to him.

He leaned in and opened his mouth. She was amused that he expected her to feed it to him, but decided it wasn’t worth an argument. She gently offered it to him, and he bit it off her fork. He chewed and swallowed.

“You should give me half of that. You’re small.”

She gripped the knife and pointed the tip at him. “Eat your fish. You can have whatever I don’t finish. That’s fair.”

“You’re a mean female.”

“I think I’m being quite nice. I’m not trying to stab you with this.” She cut another bite and put the knife down. “They really do have the best food at the NSO.”

“We hire human chefs. They cook for us.”

“I could get used to this.”

“Good, since they feed us every day.”

Lash ate his fish, watching his mate. Mary had already grown less fearful and acted more aggressive. He knew he’d pushed her too far and found it amusing that she gave him attitude back as they ate their meal. He hadn’t been wrong. She was his.

He slowly reached for the brownie on the tray, making sure she was aware of his movement. Human females were supposed to love chocolate.

She lunged and grabbed it before his fingertips made contact. She lifted the small plate it rested on and put it next to her meal, shooting him what should have been a dirty look. He chuckled.

“What’s so funny?”

“I like playing with you.”

She glanced at the brownie, then him. “You don’t want it?”

“No. I ordered dessert for you to have. I just wanted to see what you’d do.”

She raised her middle finger. “How is that for a response?”

He grinned. “I know what that means. Offer accepted, but you said you wanted to eat first. I’ll mount you soon.”

She rolled her eyes and picked up the knife. He tensed slightly, but she cut into the food instead of pointing the potential weapon at him again. “You’re such a man.”

He was glad she saw him that way, instead of too animal, and relaxed further. “I am.”

“Is sex all you think about?”

“No. I like to play, too. Sleep. Swim in the water. Sometimes I go outside to frolic in the sun. I eat.”

She chewed, swallowed, and took another bite. Her gaze kept drifting around their domain, an odd expression on her face.

He couldn’t guess her thoughts. It bothered him enough to ask. “What are you thinking about?”

She didn’t respond at first, but long seconds later, she said, “I kind of envy you.”


“Do you have any responsibilities or stress in your life?”

“I worry about humans attacking.”

“Besides that.”

“I was lonely until you came.”

She dropped her gaze. “I think everyone is sometimes.”

“Were you lonely?”

“I work a lot, but I had Mel.”

He planned to point out that wasn’t really an answer, but she continued before he could.

“Most of my friends got married right after high school and now they’re knee deep in kids. My parents retired and are doing the whole RV trips across America all the time. It’s like a house on wheels, if you don’t know what one is. Mel was my social life, but now she’s with Snow. That means it’ll be an ordeal of some kind every time I want to see her. You can guess how I feel about that.”

“I’ll let her come visit you once she promises not to try to help you get away from me.”

That earned him a glare. “How big of you. I’m trying to have a real conversation here.”

He masked his features. “I’m listening. Talk.”

She studied him and put her fork down. “Mel quit the diner. It means I’m going to have to train someone else. It’s going to suck. I did everything with her. We had keys to each other’s apartments and spent a lot of time together. Her marriage happened so fast that I’m still kind of reeling. It’s totally stressed me out. I’ve tried hard to be supportive, she needs that since her parents are jerks. I’ve mostly been hiding how sad it makes me, though. As her friend, I’m glad she fell in love…but it means I’m losing daily access to my closest friend. It will change things between us.”

“You shouldn’t be sad. You’ll see your friend often now that you both live at Reservation. Snow’s home is upstairs in the hotel. You will quit your job, too. I won’t have you leaving the safety of our gates every day. It’s dangerous in your world. I want you right here where I can protect you at all times.”

“Get serious. You know you have to let me go at some point, and my boss is going to be pissed if it’s not today, since I’m supposed to work tomorrow. I can’t miss my shift. Joel doesn’t have anyone to cover for two people. We’re already shorthanded with Mel gone. I’m supposed to help him interview new waitresses. One of his nieces was going to go full time, but she changed her mind.”

He leaned in, holding her gaze. “I am serious. You’re mine, Mary.”

“Damn it, Lash! Get real. You already got what you wanted. After we finish eating, you need to open that door to let me out.”

“What I want is for you to understand and accept that you’re my mate. Why did you say you envied me?”

“You don’t work, don’t worry about whether you can make the rent if tips are bad, or where your next meal is coming from when you get sick enough to miss work for days. There are chefs who cook for you!”

“You are my mate. You now live here with me. We don’t pay rent.”

“Come on.” She gave him a frustrated look. “Be serious. You can’t really expect me to just stay here forever.”

“I do.”

“People don’t just meet and get married. That’s fantasy.”

“I’m Species. It’s our way.”

“I’m not, and that’s crazy.”

He regarded her as he inhaled, picking up a slight scent of her fear. He spotted signs of it in her eyes, too, and in the way she nervously flexed her fingers. He didn’t know much about humans, but he guessed she might feel panicked.

“Mary, relax.”

“I can’t. You’re screwing with me.”

He crawled closer to her. She didn’t flinch away but her body tensed. He sat inches from her and lightly pressed his body against her side, putting one arm loosely around her waist. Everything he’d learned about her flashed through his mind. He got the impression males had deeply hurt her in the past, and she’d admitted one had abandoned her for another female.

“I’m nothing like the males you knew.”

She lowered her chin, refusing to look at his face.

He guessed he had been right. “I’m never going to let you go. You belong with me. I’m going to take care of you.” He reached over with his other hand and gently cupped her stomach. “And any of our children we may have.”

She sucked in a sharp breath and her head jerked up, her eyes wide as she gawked at him.

“You could be carrying my offspring right now. Species can breed with humans. The one like me that I spoke of, Valiant, has one cub already and another one on the way with his human mate. That should tell you how serious I am about you. I took that risk because I never plan on letting you go.”

She shook her head. “You’re lying. Species can’t have kids.”

“We can. We just don’t tell humans. They are stupid and will attack us.” He rubbed her belly. “My cub could already be growing inside you.”

She moved faster than he thought possible, rolling out of his reach and getting to her feet. “You bastard!” She looked ready to flee, her gaze darting for an escape.

He slowly stood. “I don’t have parents. A surrogate birthed me. That doesn’t hurt my feelings.”

“You’re serious, aren’t you?”

“Yes. Humans lie. Species don’t.”

“Does Mel know that Snow could get her pregnant?”

He shrugged. “Snow is mated to her now. I assume he told her.”

She backed up, glancing down at her body before bolting toward the door.

He growled, taking off after her. He caught her before she reached it and yanked her off her feet. She kicked and fought, clawing at his arms around her waist and chest.

He spun, carrying her toward the dinner they’d abandoned.

“Calm,” he snarled.

“Fuck you! You could have gotten me pregnant! That’s so screwed up. I can barely support myself.”

“I’ll care for you and any of our cubs.”

“Let me down!”

He slowly lowered her to her feet but didn’t let her go. He kept his body wrapped around her. “Take deep breaths.”

She nodded, and he eased his hold more once she seemed to be listening to him. She released her grip on his arms…

And suddenly surprised him by throwing her elbow back right into his stomach.

He grunted in pain, and she twisted. Her towel fell off as she sprinted away from him. He lifted his head to watch her run. She avoided the door that time, instead heading toward the bathroom.

He rubbed his belly, finding a red mark there. He bent, scooped up her towel, and slowly followed. She was acting like prey again.

He grinned. She might be angry, but he was determined to make her accept him as her male. It just wasn’t going to be easy.

Nothing in life worth having should be.

Chapter Six

Mary sat on the toilet lid with her back pressed to the tank, both her feet braced against the closed door. It didn’t have a lock.

She would have been a lot better off if she’d just done that the first time she’d been in a bathroom at the hotel upstairs, instead of deciding to return to the reception and ending up inside an air vent. She wouldn’t have met Lash.


His deep voice annoyed her. “Go away!”

He turned the handle and tried to open the door. She locked her legs. He pushed a little but didn’t apply too much pressure. He stopped, releasing the handle. His growl pissed her off more. She was the one who had a reason to be mad.

“Mary,” he repeated.

“Are you deaf? I came in here to get away from you. Leave me alone. Go hide on your bed. I’m sure bad humans are attacking Reservation right now, you paranoid asshole. Go be safe on your bulletproof platform.”

“Babies are a good thing. They are cute. Our son will look just like me.”

He tried the door again but she kicked it closed when he got it open an inch.

“Mary, you are being unreasonable.”

Unreasonable? How about not using a condom knowing you could knock me up and only telling me after the fact? Do you know how careful I’ve been since I started having sex to avoid that very thing? I’ve always gotten on birth control if I started seeing someone and made them use condoms. I used double protection, damn it! Always!”

“Do you not like children?”

“I’ve never really thought about it because I haven’t been married or engaged before. That’s how it works. You date to see if they’re someone you want to spend your life with. Then you think about the future. Marriage. Kids. In that order. You don’t just seduce someone and keep them.”

“I’m Species.”

I’m not!

“Are we going to have this conversation with a door between us?”

She tucked the towel she’d grabbed when entering the bathroom tighter around her chest. “Yes. I feel safer in here.”

“I’d never hurt you.”

“You already have if you knocked me up. How am I going to explain that to my parents? You said a cub! Can you imagine? Hey, Mom and Dad, guess what? I met some guy, five minutes later I let him nail me, and here’s your cub-slash-grandchild. I’m sure they’ll be thrilled. I’ll be an unwed mother of a lion baby. It will probably try to maul me when I nurse it. Animals hate me.”

He made a strange noise that sounded like a chuckle.

“Are you laughing?”

He cleared his throat. “No.”

“I thought New Species didn’t lie.” She put her feet down and stood, yanking open the door. He stood there with a grin on his face. She wanted to smack him. “You’re amused? Seriously?”

“You’re funny. I’ll teach you how not to act like prey. Our child won’t try to maul you. He’ll love you. You also won’t be unwed. You’re my mate. I said I’d marry you.”

“How big of you.”

He crossed his arms over his broad chest. “Are you done yelling at me yet?”


“You’re a prickly female.”

“You’re a dick.”

“I’m Species, and I know what I want.”

“I can’t talk to you right now.” She tried to close the door again.

He moved fast, grabbing her with one hand and pulling her out of the small room. “You are surprised by my news. I understand. I should have waited to tell you.”

“When?” She clutched the top of her towel to keep it from falling off. She’d already lost one. “Before or after I started puking from morning sickness?”

“You’re looking for a reason to fight with me because you are set on denying you’re my mate.”

She was furious at his calm logic. “Okay. What is a good reason to start a fight with you? I’m dying to hear the answer, if having sex with me and not mentioning I could get pregnant wasn’t one.”

“I’m not certain I want your parents around my cub. I don’t know if I can trust them.”

Her jaw dropped open.

“You asked. I expect you to argue with me about that.”

“Oh my God. What do you think? That they would hurt their own grandchild? They’re my parents. They raised me.”

“I expect them to be unreasonable and prickly, like you. You probably learned that behavior from them. Maybe they act like prey, too, and will be so terrified they try to harm our cub.”

“They would never!”

“I don’t know them.”

“And you won’t ever get to meet them. Do you know why? That would imply I’m going to stay with you—and that’s not happening.”

He growled low, his eyes narrowing. “You wanted a topic to fight over. That was just an example.”

“But you meant it.”

“I’ll have to meet your parents to learn how they react to me before I expose them to our cub.”

She was so mad it rendered her speechless, but she recovered fast. “You are the most arrogant man I’ve ever met!”

“Arrogant isn’t a bad word. I learned that one. It means proud.”

“Not exactly. It means you’re full of yourself and pushy.”

“I’m Species.”

“Is that your answer for everything?”

He shrugged. “I’m willing to overlook your flaws because you’re human.”

“What flaws?” She glared up at him.

“You act like prey and you refuse to be reasonable. Those are human traits.”

“I just can’t deal with you.” She reached out and pushed against his chest. “Move. I need to go beat on the door until someone lets me out of here. I’m going home.”

He stepped aside, to her surprise, and she marched past him, through the bathroom, and headed across the large interior of the basement. She made the mistake of looking back, only to realize he followed right behind her.

She stopped, spun, and lifted her chin. “Back off!”

“You’re my mate.” He smiled. “Probably my pregnant mate.”

“I better not be.” She turned and hurried toward the door again. She only got about nine more steps before his arm slid around her, and he pulled her against his body. She had to let go of her towel to grab at his arm under her breasts.

“I’ll allow your parents to meet our cub. They will probably just run away when they see him anyway. Maybe they’ll fear being bitten.”

She closed her eyes, trying to get a handle on her temper. One. Two. Three. Four. Fi―

He suddenly lifted her off her feet, burying his nose against her throat. A low growl came from him. “I want to bite you, but you would enjoy it.”

Her eyes flew open and she wiggled in his hold. “Put me down!”

“Never. You’re mine, Mary. I want to pet you.”

“And I want to smack you.”

He chuckled. “I like how spirited you are. I’m glad that you aren’t afraid of me anymore.” He lowered his face and placed hot, wet kisses on her shoulder. “Such a sexy mate. Let me take care of you.”

She didn’t fight him. It felt good to be held at that moment. What if she had gotten pregnant with his baby? No, a cub, she mentally corrected.

Part of her wanted to believe him when he said sweet things like he’d just stated. He might want to keep her and think he could care for a family, but he was kind of childlike if he thought life could be that simple. It wasn’t.

The NSO might have given him some kind of safe haven inside the massive room designed to be his home, but she doubted whoever was in charge had learned she was with Lash yet. Otherwise, they’d have come to get her and kicked her off Reservation.

“Mary? What are you thinking right now?” He lowered her to her feet.

She fought tears, and won. “It can’t work out between us.”

“It will.”

She twisted in his arms, and he loosened his hold enough for her to face him. His height had her tilting her head back a lot meet his gaze. His eyes were beautiful and so intense. “You have no idea what you’re talking about.”

He surprised her by lifting her off her feet again and holding her against his chest to put their faces almost at the same level. “I take mating you very seriously. Species don’t lie, Mary. This isn’t a game. I’m nothing like the human males who have hurt you. This is a lifetime commitment I’m making. Do you understand? I don’t want another female, and I’ll never leave you. I also won’t let you go. Don’t fear having my cubs, either. The NSO has some of the best doctors, if that’s a worry. Other Species babies have been born, and all of them, along with their human mothers, are healthy. There’s nothing for you to be afraid of. Just stay calm and relax. I will allow your parents into our lives if they want to be. Your happiness matters to me.”

She put her hands on his shoulders and wished she could believe him. He might mean it at that moment, but he’d regret everything later. It was just crazy to meet someone and make those kinds of outlandish promises. They were too different for it to work out between them in the long run.

“You don’t seem convinced,” he rasped. “Tell me what you doubt or fear. You look a bit afraid to me.” He sniffed. “You smell that way, too. I won’t hurt you.”

She took a deep breath and gripped him tighter, liking the firmness of his shoulders under her hands. “You keep talking about the way Species are, but you’re forgetting that I’m not one, Lash. What if you discover we’re too different? We are, you know. What happens if we break up after we have a child together? Is the NSO going to shove me out the gates with our kid, or worse, not let me near my own baby?” That nightmare situation frightened her even as she spoke. “Oh my God. Could they do that? Keep me from my own child? The laws don’t apply here, do they? Those walls that surround this place will keep me from seeing my own baby!”

Lash growled low and turned, glancing around. He carried Mary to the food they’d abandoned and sat, putting her on his lap. He firmly kept hold of her with one arm while reaching for the brownie on the plate. He offered it to her. “Eat this and breathe, mate. Females like chocolate, I’ve been told, and it makes them happy.”

She didn’t accept it. “Are you serious right now? Put it down before I shove it in your face.”

He placed the brownie back on the plate and held her with both arms. “No one would kick you out of Reservation or keep you away from our cubs. That’s silly human talk. So is thinking that we will break up. I know the term. Species don’t do that once they mate. We’ll fight sometimes but we won’t ever be separated from each other. I’m aware that you’re human, but you’re with me. I’m stubborn enough for both of us. Did you hear me when I said I’m never letting you go? That’s the truth. You are getting upset about things that won’t happen.”

She closed her eyes.

“Mary?” He hoped she wouldn’t cry. He’d seen tears in her eyes, and her tone hadn’t been one he liked. “I would never allow anyone or anything to hurt you in any way.”

She leaned against him and rested her cheek on his chest. “You make it sound so easy, but nothing ever is.”

He felt frustrated that she wasn’t listening to him. Humans could be so irrational. He knew that. “It is here with me.”

“The NSO isn’t going to like you keeping me. They’ll kick me out.”

He snorted. “Now you’re being silly again. Every Species wants a mate. They’ll be happy for us. Do you want me to call Justice and have him come tell you that you can stay?”

She appeared surprised when she twisted on his lap, staring at him. Her eyes were wider than normal and her mouth opened slightly.

“What?” He didn’t know what he’d said that would cause that reaction from her.

“Justice North? The leader of the New Species Organization?”

“I don’t know any other Justice.”

“You know him?”

“Yes. He comes to Reservation. He and his mate even stay in the Wild Zone sometimes.”

“You’ve met Jessie, too?”

“Of course.”

She seemed to think that over. “Oh.”

“What are you thinking about now?”

“I guess he’d let me stay if you’re friends with him. I just assumed…”

“What? That I wouldn’t be allowed a mate because I’m a Wild Zone Species? Valiant has a mate. We’re all Species. Justice doesn’t treat us the way Mercile did. We’re family to him. It doesn’t matter if we were raised in a cage or a cell.”

She frowned.

“What are you thinking now?” He was curious about her thought processes. She was difficult to figure out.


“Don’t lie, Mary.”

She sighed and held his gaze. “You don’t live like other Species, though. Mel showed me Snow’s place. I was curious about where she’d moved to, and we went there while she got dressed for the wedding. He lives in this hotel. It’s a nice suite on the second floor. You live in the basement.”

“Ah.” He understood. “It’s my choice. I like it down here.” He let her go with one arm and waved his hand. “I loved the outdoors in the Wild Zone, and I don’t like being around a lot of other people. Even Species. I didn’t talk much growing up. I’m not comfortable with needless conversations.” He shrugged, holding her with both arms again. He liked the feel of her on his lap. “I like talking to you.”

She smiled slightly. “Even when I’m arguing with you?”

“Even then. I’m fascinated by you.”

Her expression sobered. “What happens when you get tired of me? All relationships are good in the beginning.”

“That won’t happen, Mary. When you find a mate, you want no other female, and that will never change. Now you’re just looking for reasons to fight. Stop. Eat your chocolate.”

“You’re so bossy.” She narrowed her eyes. “And don’t say you’re Species.”

He grinned.

She wiggled on his lap and reached for the small plate. She straightened, taking a bite of the brownie. He watched her expression as her eyes closed and she chewed. She seemed to enjoy it. He was glad. The little sound of pleasure she made turned him on. He’d get her lots more of the brownies if the treats made her this happy.

“God. Reservation has the best food.” She opened her eyes and offered him a bite.

He shook his head. “I don’t eat chocolate.”

Her eyebrows shot up. “You don’t?”

“It makes my stomach feel bad. I like fruit instead.”

“Oh. Maybe it’s because you’re part lion or something.”

“Maybe. I love ice cream but not chocolate.”

“What’s your favorite flavor?”


“We’re so different.”

“Stop looking for excuses not to be my mate. We’re compatible. Do you want me to take you to our bed and show you again?”

Her gaze left his, and she scowled up at the platform. “That is a deal-breaker, Lash. We’ve got to compromise about that.”

“It’s safer for us up there. I sleep better knowing we’re where humans can’t get to us if they breach security.”

“I refuse to let you leap around with me all day. You don’t eat chocolate because it upsets your stomach. That’s what happens to mine when you take me up there or get me down.”

“Humans do attack the NSO, Mary.”

She sighed and stared at him, finishing her brownie. Her mind was working. He could see emotions flashing in her eyes. He waited, knowing she’d talk to him soon. He liked that about his mate. She had lots of opinions and words to say.

“What happens if we do have a baby? It’ll crawl. It could fall off the platform. Did you think about that?”

He hadn’t. “I’ll have them put lots of mats under it. You weren’t hurt when you landed on the mats after you fell out of the vent. It’s almost as high as my bed. Our son won’t get hurt.”

“Deal-breaker, Lash. That means I can’t live with that. The bed has to come down.”

He growled, not liking her demand.

She wiggled in his arms but he refused to let her go. She set the plate down and twisted to face him, placing her hands on his chest. He liked it when she petted him, which she did at that moment.

“Are you trying to manipulate me by touch?” He wasn’t about to admit it was working. He felt himself softening, wanting to give her anything she asked for.

“No. You want me to give up my whole life to live here. Is the bed coming down so I can get in and out of it without some circus act really too much to ask? Meet me halfway.”

He sighed, not liking her words, but he understood. “We can lower it five feet.”

“Five feet from the floor?”

He shook his head. “From where it is now.”

Her fingers played with the fur on his chest. “Be reasonable, Lash. I’m thinking about moving here to live with you. The bed has to be low enough for me to climb in and out of it without your help.”

“It’s a security risk. You’re not leaving me, Mary. I won’t let you go.”

She stopped petting him and dug her nails into his chest. It wasn’t enough to hurt but he could tell he’d frustrated her. Didn’t she understand that he was trying to protect her? He opened his mouth to warn her about the dangers of attack again but she spoke before he could.

“What about a safe room? The NSO built you all of this. Maybe they’d consider it.”

He frowned. “What is that?”

“Think of a bunker. It’s a room that’s designed to be break-in proof. Thick walls, floor, and ceiling. I’m not claustrophobic. Are you?”

“What does that mean?”

“A fear of small, enclosed spaces. Maybe they could design it to resemble a cave. Don’t lions like those? We could keep it open, but if someone were to break into the basement, it could be sealed to keep us safe inside.”

He wasn’t sure. “I’ll talk to Torrent about it, or Jaded.”

She smiled at him again. “Thank you.”

“I need to take you to bed now.” He wanted his mate.

“I just ate. I can’t jump around right now. Trust me, it’s rough on my stomach. I don’t think puking would do it for either of us.”

He growled and lifted her off his lap. He stood and reached down, pulling Mary to her feet. “Come with me. Those mats will be good for something.”

“The ones I fell on?”

“They are soft and not too high.”

“Can you grab us some pillows? Maybe a blanket? I don’t want to lie naked on plastic or whatever that material is.”

He grinned. “I’ll be right back.” He let her go and ran, took a leap, and landed on the lowest platform. He turned, eyed the second one, and crouched. He leapt up and landed on it. Below him, he heard Mary curse.

He grinned. She was afraid he’d miss. She didn’t know how easy this was for him.

Chapter Seven

Mary floated on her back, staring up at the lit waterfall. Small lights were all around her in the sides of the pool. The water was still pleasantly warm. Lash had done something to turn on star-like lights across the ceiling of the dim room.

The basement had definitely been turned into one of the coolest indoor areas she’d ever seen.

A small wave in the water drew her from her thoughts and she rolled over, watching as Lash climbed into the pool with her. He was naked, and the sight of all his muscles and his gorgeous body wasn’t getting old.

She swam toward him where he stood in the pool. It wasn’t deep, probably five and a half feet. He held out his arms and she wrapped around him.

“I thought you’d wait for me.”

She smiled. “Sorry. I was dying to try out this pool. It’s amazing.”

“I wanted a bigger one but this was the best they could do.”

“It’s perfect.”

“You’re perfect, mate.”

He frequently said things like that, which made her feel sexy and wonderful. “I love the lights.”

“I used to climb trees and sleep under the stars.” He glanced up. “I mentioned that, so they put those in. It’s not the same. I don’t have a moon in here.”

His confession surprised her. “You slept in trees sometimes?” Her gaze went to the bed hanging near the roof. “Oh, is that why you like your bed so high?”

“Leo built a platform in one of his trees but I just slept in the branches. Now I see why he wanted a flat surface. My bed is more comfortable than the thick limbs were to sleep on.”


“He’s like me.”

“A lion man?”

He nodded. “He has a tail, though.”

She wasn’t sure what to say about that. “Is he your friend?”

“Yes. He visits sometimes. You’ll meet him. I thought about your cave suggestion. Leo has one of those. I’ll ask for one to be built but on a smaller scale.”

“I didn’t know there were any caves in this area.”

“It’s a house they built mostly underground for him. It resembles a cave from the outside. It helps us feel safer from humans. There are security doors he can activate to seal it off in case of attack.”

It made her extremely sad that some New Species feared humans so much. She hadn’t noticed that about the ones who visited the diner. They’d all seemed at ease mingling with the townspeople. Maybe it was only a problem for the ones like Lash. It made her want to hold him a little tighter to make him forget all the horrible things he’d survived in the past. She hated Mercile.

It wasn’t lost on her that he feared humans almost as much as she feared New Species.

Mary slid her fingers into his hair and drew closer to his mouth. He immediately parted his lips as she kissed him. He growled, his chest rumbling against hers.

They’d learned each other’s mouths on the mats across the room. She was shocked to discover he’d never kissed anyone before. But Lash had picked up kissing fast and was already a master at it. That didn’t surprise her. He was a very passionate man. The things he could do to her body had her urgently rubbing up against his even now. He always made her come, never leaving her high and dry like other men had in bed. He always got her off first to make certain she was wet enough to take him without pain. That was a good thing, since he was larger than a human in that department.

A ringing sounded and Lash snarled, ending the kiss. “Someone is coming.” He turned in the water, lifted her, and set her on the edge of the pool. “Go into the bathroom now. Stay there until I come get you.”

The phone near the door went silent, and she hesitated.

“You’re naked. I refuse to let males see you this way.” Lash pulled himself out of the water next to her, hooked her around her waist, and slid down the fake moss-covered embankment with her.

She gasped as he stood then tossed her over his shoulder. “I can walk. This is undignified. Put me down.”

“I don’t know what that means and I don’t care. No other males get to see my mate bare.” He stormed into the bathroom, stopped near one of the sinks, and gently lowered her until her butt landed on the counter. “Stay in here.” He spun away, grabbed a towel, and came back to her. He threw it around her as if it were a blanket. “Be good. Listen to me.”

He took the time to yank another towel off the wall before he stomped out of the bathroom. Curiosity had her sliding off the counter, wrapping the towel more firmly around her body, and tucking the corner of the material at the top to keep it in place.

Part of her worried that the NSO had come to demand she leave. They couldn’t be happy about a random human being there. Lash would fight them. He could get hurt, and that scared her. She was already falling for him.

That realization had her softly cursing and pausing by the bathroom door.

She was falling in love with Lash.

How could she not? He could be pushy, stubborn, and a bully. But she’d hardly been nice to him in return. And the way he looked at her, touched her, and some of the incredibly sweet things he said had broken through her resolve to not get emotionally involved.

“I’m so fucking attached,” she admitted aloud. “Damn.”

She took some deep breaths, checked how secure her towel was, and then silently slipped out of the bathroom. She hoped Lash wouldn’t notice since the door was located all the way across the large basement.

It was a relief when the lights remained dim and no one had brightened them. But the sound of male voices arguing had her freezing in place.

“No,” Lash snarled.

“You need to listen to reason,” another voice yelled. “You can’t just keep a female because she accidently fell into your lair. The humans consider that kidnapping.”

“Humans can’t come get her.” Lash sounded furious. “I’ll kill them if they try.”

“Goddamn it, Lash.” The male’s voice softened and she couldn’t make out the rest of what he said, just that he kept talking.

She tiptoed closer, wishing the waterfall wasn’t on to be able to hear their entire conversation.

It was her chance to escape. All she’d have to do is yell for help. Someone from the NSO had obviously come to check on her wellbeing. She didn’t make a sound, though, trying to quietly creep close enough to overhear the conversation about her.

“You need to leave, Jaded.” Lash almost roared the words.

She flinched and peered around one of the artificial trees, trying to keep in the shadows. The sight of Lash facing off against four New Species had her worrying about his safety. He was the biggest of the bunch but they outnumbered him. What if they attacked him? He could get seriously hurt.

Three of them wore uniforms but the sight of a New Species sporting a black tux surprised her—until she put the name Lash had said with the face. Jaded Wild was a celebrity. She’d seen him on television plenty of times when they covered the animal charity events he attended.

“At least let me talk to her.” Jaded’s tone rose, a bit gruff. “Is she up in your nest?”

“I don’t want other males near her.”

“Lash, I came here to speak to you because I knew you’d remain calm with me. We’re friends. Torrent just wanted to bring in a team to take you down so we could access the female to see if she even wants to be here with you. Don’t make me look like an ass by having to turn this over to Torrent after I argued on your behalf. I just want to speak to the female, make certain she wants to stay with you, and avoid violence of any kind.”

Lash said something low but she couldn’t hear it.

“I know that,” Jaded replied. “Why in the hell do you think I wanted to keep this all calm and reasonable? I just need to speak to her and hear her say she’s willing to stay with you. That’s not too much to ask.”

Lash snarled.

Jaded sighed and put his hands on his hips. “Miss Muller?” He yelled. “Please talk to me.”

Lash snarled louder and lunged. He tried to shove Jaded Wild but the New Species only stumbled slightly before shoving back.

“Don’t make me take off my jacket, damn it. I’m not the enemy. I just want to talk to your female.”

“You think I’d hurt my mate?” Lash snarled.

“No,” Jaded snarled back. “I don’t. I trust you, Lash. She’s human, though, damn it! We try like hell to keep the peace with them. Her people don’t seem to know she’s missing yet but at some point, her family or friends will contact Sheriff Cooper about her disappearance. We’d like to fucking avoid having bad press. I want to have her call whoever she thinks might worry when they don’t hear from her to avoid a publicity nightmare. I can see the headlines now. New Species holding wedding guest hostage, or some such shit.”

Lash growled.

Jaded reached inside his pocket and withdrew something. “This is her phone. We were able to retrieve it from the vent. I’d like to give it to her and ask that she make whatever calls she needs to prevent humans from showing up at our gates. We’d also like to fix the air conditioning. Maybe you haven’t noticed because you’re still getting cool air down here, but that broken section she fell through means it’s no longer blowing it up into some parts of the hotel. There’s a shitload of pissed-off, sweating Species right now in the affected sections.”

Lash said nothing.

“I’m glad you found a mate, but let’s not make it some huge mess, okay?” Jaded’s voice lowered. “Nobody plans to take her away from you unless she demands it. I know you wanted time with her. I spoke to Snow and Jinx. I understand…but you need to understand we don’t need a shit storm of bad press or Species suffering heat stroke because it’s too warm in their homes. You like food, don’t you? The kitchen area was also affected. No air conditioning.”

“I won’t let you take her from me.” Lash crossed his arms over his chest.

Mary had heard enough. “I’ll put a message on my voicemail that I’m staying with a friend for a few days and cell reception is bad, so no one calls the cops,” she called out.

Lash spun and snarled, his gaze finding her fast. “I told you to stay put.”

“You’re so bossy.” She stayed against the artificial tree, glad it hid most of her from the other New Species. Her gaze went to Jaded Wild. “We’ll also let people in to fix the air conditioning.”

“I don’t want anyone near you.” Lash walked toward her.

“Do you know how miserable it is without air conditioning when it’s hot?” She glared at him. “You’re being selfish if you don’t let them fix it.”

“This is amusing,” one of the New Species in uniform snorted.

Lash reached her and stepped around the trunk, stopping inches away. “You should be in the bathroom. I told you to stay there until I came for you.”

“I’m not a pet you can order around,” she snapped. “Let them fix the air conditioning, Lash.”

“I don’t want males near you!”

Her anger softened when she saw worry in his eyes. “I’ll stay with you, but I do need to put a message on my phone. Mr. Wild is right. My parents and boss will worry if they call but don’t hear back from me. They know I was going to Mel’s wedding. I’d also like some clothes, and a bed on the floor. That mat isn’t the most comfortable thing, and you already know how I feel about you carrying me up there.” She pointed toward the ceiling, then lowered her hand, placing her palm on his chest. “You keep saying humans are unreasonable. Too bad you don’t seem to own any mirrors, or you’d see that you’re behaving like one right now.”

“We can’t stay here while a work crew comes in. They are aloud and will annoy me. I also don’t want them near you, either.”

She opened her mouth, not sure what to say to that, but a solution came to her fast. “We can stay in your bathroom. It’s huge.”

“They might have to bring in humans to fix it. No. I don’t trust them not to attempt to harm you. You’ll get mad if I kill them.”

Frustration rose, and Mary grit her teeth. He could be so paranoid.

“I can make a suggestion,” Jaded called out.

Lash snarled and turned his head. “I’m talking to my mate. Not you.”

“Stop being an ass,” Jaded growled. “You can stay in a suite on the top floor of the hotel with roof access. Justice keeps it available for when he and Jessie visit us. He likes to have an escape route. It would just be for a day, or maybe two. Work with me, damn it.”

Lash inched closer, wrapping his arm around her. “I don’t like feeling contained in one of the rooms up there. I’d rather take my mate to the Wild Zone.”

“I’ve been to your home, Lash. She’d be more comfortable here. Plus, you know the others will come visit you if they hear you’re back. I also doubt she’d like to eat just the fish or small game you hunted before moving to the hotel. The kitchen staff can still deliver meals if you remain inside the hotel. I’ll assign an officer to your door in case of attack if that makes you feel safer out of your lair.”

“We have air conditioning here. You said it’s out upstairs.”

Mary lifted her hand and smacked his chest. “But others don’t until it can get fixed. Stop being a jerk.”

He glanced down at her and amusement flashed in his eyes.

“You’re fucking with him right now, aren’t you?” she whispered.

He shrugged. “Maybe. I’m satisfied with going upstairs with you for a day or two if we have an armed Species outside our door.” His gaze lowered down her body. “You probably miss sunshine. I will agree to this.”

“I need clothes. You tore mine, and I don’t feel like walking through the hotel in a towel,” she softly admitted.

“My female wants clothing,” Lash stated loudly, holding her gaze. “Then we’ll leave.”

“You could put some on, too,” Jaded responded. “The towel does cover more than your usual attire, though.”

“My loincloths are comfortable.”

“Fine. You won’t leave your suite anyway once we escort you up there. Can I give your mate her phone? Oh, and please have her call Mel. She’s still upset with Snow over him leaving her friend down here. She’s worried.”

Lash released her. “Stay put this time. I don’t want you near other males.” He strode toward the group of Species. “Bring my mate clothes, and I’ll give her the phone.”

“We’ll be back in about ten minutes. I’ll find her something to wear.” Jaded handed him the cell. “Thank you for being reasonable.”

“Just don’t try to take her away,” Lash warned, the snarl returning to his voice. “She’s mine.”

“We wouldn’t dream of it. It’s clear she’s willing to stay with you. That was our main concern. It’s been alleviated. My word is true, Lash.” Jaded backed away, motioned with his head, and he left with the three other New Species.

Mary stepped out from behind the tree and sighed. “You like to be difficult with everyone in your life, don’t you? At least I know I’m not alone.”

“You’re never alone, Mary. You have a mate now. I’m going to get some of my loincloths. I’ll be right back.” He switched direction, ran, and leapt up into the air.

She watched him as he made his way safely to the bed. She leaned against the artificial trunk and closed her eyes once he was up there. Life with Lash would never be boring. “You forgot to give me my phone,” she yelled up at him.

“I didn’t forget.”

“Stubborn jerk,” she muttered fondly, then yelled again. “I really do need to put that outgoing message on it and call Mel.” It would also be nice to see if anyone had called her. She wasn’t about to mention that part, though.

Lash stripped one of his pillows of its case and used it to shove lotion, three loincloths, and one of his guns inside. The Species had sent Jaded to talk to him knowing he’d listen to his friend. Jaded was the one who’d taught him how to fire the guns he owned. He liked the male.

He studied his bed, wondering if he’d ever get to sleep in it again. Mary hated how high it was. Having a mate was more complicated than he’d imagined. That was okay, though. She was worth it.

He put on a loincloth, fisted the bag, and walked to the edge of the bed. He quickly jumped and used the smaller platforms until he hit the ground.

“Thank you for staying put, Mary.”

She nodded. “You’re welcome.”

He showed her the cell phone Jaded had given him. “You can make your calls.”

She lifted her hand and opened her palm.

He hesitated. “You said you’d stay with me. This isn’t a trick, is it? To bring humans here after you?” It would hurt badly if she betrayed him.

“I’m not going to dial 9-1-1 to tell them that I’m being seduced and kept as a sex slave by an extremely hot lion man who gives me amazing orgasms. Though it’s tempting just to hear what their reaction would be.” She grinned.

“That’s not funny.” He was flattered that she described him that way, though.

“It is a little. I’ll put it on speakerphone if you don’t trust me.” Her humor faded.

Had he hurt his mate’s feelings? “I trust you, Mary. I just don’t know if you’ve accepted that we’re mates yet. You still act like prey. It’s in your nature to run.”

She jerked her open palm. “Give me the phone. I’m going to stay with you, Lash. I could be pregnant by now. I’m not a total moron.”

“I never thought you were.” He still hesitated to give her the phone. “What do you mean by that? Humans are generally stupid, but not you, Mary. You’re different.”

“You don’t think much of humans. I don’t, either, come to think of it. I was there when those assholes came into the diner. They wanted to kill New Species. Now I could be carrying one. Plus, you’re growing on me. That is, when you’re not making me mad. But trust goes both ways. Give me my phone, please.”

He handed it over. “In the bathroom.” He glanced at the door. Jaded might be able to borrow clothes from one of the females living inside the hotel. It wouldn’t take much time if one were readily available for him to ask. “Let’s go.”

She turned and walked ahead of him. “They charged it. That was nice.”

“Charged what?”

“My phone.” She entered the bathroom and paused inside.

He watched her tap the screen, curious. He didn’t know much about devices. He’d been offered one but refused. “What are you doing?”

“Texting my parents. They want to know how Mel’s wedding was. You can read what I’m saying.” She suddenly stiffened and turned her head to peer up at him. “Sorry. I forgot. I’ll read it aloud. My mom says, ‘How was the wedding? You never said who Mel was marrying. Please tell me it wasn’t her Deputy Dud.’ I typed back, ‘It was great. No Deputy Dud. I’ll tell you about it when you’re in town or when we talk. I’m really busy so I can’t call right now, but I hope you and Dad are having a blast. Love you.’”

He couldn’t verify if she was telling him the truth but he hoped she was. “Thank you. Who is Deputy Dud and why didn’t you tell them about Snow? Do they hate Species?”

“They don’t hate New Species. Deputy Dud was a guy Mel dated for a short time when she first moved here. He works for Sheriff Cooper, obviously. He’s our police official in town. I didn’t tell them about Snow because it happened too fast. They might have been worried. Not because he’s New Species. It’s just that typically, people date and get married after a longer time. My parents love Mel. They’d be worried if they found out she married Snow within days of them getting together. I figure I’ll lie when they get back by saying she’d been seeing him for months but it had to be kept top secret.”

“Why lie?”

She chewed on her bottom lip, and then sighed. “It will make them feel better if they think Mel and Snow were a couple for a longer time than the truth, before making a lifelong commitment.”

“What will you tell them about us?”

She swallowed hard, seeming to think. “That I’ve been seeing you for a while, too. Maybe that we met while Mel was dating Snow. Lash, I could teach you how to read. I mean, if you ever want to learn.”

He might consider it if it were important to Mary. He liked that she offered. “You’re a good mate…but you changed the subject.”

She smiled and tapped her screen a few times. “I know. Okay. Be very quiet. I’m going to record a new outgoing message.”

“What’s that?”

She paused. “Listen.” She tapped her screen and seconds later, her voice came out of it. “Hi. You’ve reached Mary. You know the drill. I’ll get back to you when I can.” A beep followed. She tapped the screen again. “That was my old message. Now I’m going to record a new one.” She lifted a finger to her lips. “Hi. You’ve reached Mary. I’m spending time with a friend for a few days and cell reception is a crapshoot. I’ll get back to you when I can. You know the drill.” She stopped talking and tapped a button on the screen. “There.” She faced him. “All done.”

He was surprised when she offered him the phone. He took it. “I still don’t understand why you plan to lie to your parents.”

“I know, but it will make them worry less. Shit! I need to call my boss and Mel.” She held out her hand again.

He returned her phone. “What do you plan to say?”

“My boss knows Mel married Snow.” She touched her screen. “Don’t say anything.”

A ringing started, and he realized she’d made it possible for him to hear the conversation.

A gruff male voice answered. “I’m glad you called. We have two girls who are showing up at seven in the morning for interviews. Don’t be late.”

Her nose crinkled. “Shit, Joel. I’m about to not make your day. I’m hung up with Mel for a bit.”

“What in the hell does that mean? You have shifts to cover. I’d also like you to pick who you want to work with, since you can be a pain in my ass over Tina. For all I know, I could hire someone else who’s fucked a boyfriend of yours. I don’t need that bullshit again.”

Lash frowned.

Mary winced and held his gaze, mouthing I’ll explain later. She sucked in a sharp breath. “Just hire them both and change Megan’s shifts to mine. Leave Tina where she is so each of them can train a new waitress. I’m not sure when I can come back. I’ll be fine working with anyone but Tina. I’m sorry to dump this on you right now, but I have no idea when I’ll be done here.”

“Goddamn it, Mary. Don’t do this shit to me. It was bad enough having Mel walk without notice.”

“I’m sorry, Joel. Really. It can’t be helped. Mel needs me here. It’s a big adjustment and all that. I’m her best friend.”

“And you’re my goddamn waitress, and you’d better be here at seven in the morning. Tell Mel to suck it up. She’s the one who decided to get married. Have her husband hold her damn hand. I’m running a business. Your ass better be here at seven, Mary.”

“Don’t curse at my mate or give her orders,” Lash snarled. He wanted to hunt the human down and punch the son of a bitch.

“Shit, gotta go. Sorry, Joel. Split up Tina and Megan like I said. I have my own mess to deal with.” She tapped the screen and slapped the phone against his chest. “What part of ‘don’t say anything’ did you not understand?”

“I don’t like him.”

“He’s pissed. I don’t blame him.”

“No one speaks to you that way.”

“No. You just snarl at me and bark out commands.”

“I don’t bark.”

She sighed. “Joel’s my boss.”

“You don’t work for that male anymore.”

She shook her head, staring at him. “It’s a good thing you’re so damn sexy.” A wry smile lifted the corners of her lips. “Well, I guess I don’t work for Joel anymore. I just screwed him over by not returning to work when he needs me the most. He’ll fire my ass anyway after this.” Her smile slowly disappeared, and she paled. “Shit. I just lost my job!”

He saw panic on her face and tossed her phone on the counter near them. It made a clunk sound but he grabbed her. “It’s fine, Mary. You don’t need to work. You are my mate. I’ll take care of you.”

He liked it when she threw herself against his chest and clung to him. “You better mean it, damn it. I’m not going to be forced to take a job shoveling cow shit.”

He hugged her tighter to his chest. “No one would dare make you do that. I’d beat on them.”

She laughed.

He stoked her back. “I’m glad your mood is good.”

“It’s called hysteria. I just gave up my job, Lash.”

“You are my mate.” He lowered his chin to the top of her head and placed a kiss on it. “I hear the door. The males have returned. Stay here. Are you well, Mary?”

“Just don’t be a loser, Lash.”

He tensed. “What does that mean?”

She pushed away from him, and he let her go. Her chin lifted and she stared into his eyes. “It means you’d better be certain of all the things you told me, and that I’m really your mate forever. You’re stuck with me now. No job means I can’t pay my rent or utilities when they’re due at the first of the month. I have zero savings after having to buy two new tires for my car, then I had a broken tooth filling replaced. I refuse to move back in with my parents. So yeah. You’re stuck with me now.”

It was his turn to smile. “Perfect. I’ll be right back with the clothes Jaded brought.”

He spun away, stalking toward the door.

“You’re a crazy bastard…but you’re mine.”

His grin spread. Mary had just verbally claimed him.

Mary waited for Lash to leave the bathroom before turning and grabbing the phone off the counter. She dialed Mel, glad to have a few moments alone. It rang three times before her breathless friend answered.


“It’s me.”

“Are you okay?”

“I am. I don’t have much time.”

“Oh shit. Is he holding you against your will? We’ll get you out!”

“It’s not that.” Her gaze locked on the door. “You know way more about Species than I do. Can I trust him?”

“Species aren’t big on telling lies. They’re pretty honest.”

“He says he wants to keep me, that we’re mates, and he’s never going to let me go. What is their divorce rate?”

“I don’t think they divorce ever.”

A deep voice rumbled in the background but Mary couldn’t make out the words. Mel cleared her throat. “Snow just confirmed. Species mate for life. It’s a forever kind of deal. Why did you crawl into that vent?”

“Two guys came looking for me.”

“What guys?”

“I don’t know. It’s irrelevant. So I can trust Lash not to dump me? I had to call Joel, and I basically blew that bridge to hell. I no longer have a job. At the end of the month, I won’t have my rent for the first. I do not want to live with my parents. I mean, they might be gone a lot but you understand. Then there’s the pregnancy thing. Did you know he could knock me up?”

Mel sighed. “Yes. I didn’t tell you because it’s a big secret. I gave my word. I figured if I get pregnant by Snow, then we’d have asked for permission to tell you since that would be impossible to hide and you’ll so be my children’s aunt. I didn’t think you’d be getting naked with a New Species, either. Especially a Wild Zone resident. I haven’t met one of those yet but Snow says they’re…well…um…”

“Lash is a lion man. He has some fur on his chest and a mane for hair.”

Mel made a strange sound.

“Are you laughing?”



“Okay, it’s a little funny. I guess not all animals want to kill you after all.”

“Were you planning on coming to rescue me?”

“Don’t think I haven’t tried! Snow kept telling me you were safe and that they were working on a way to safely talk to you to make sure you were there willingly. He also said it smelled like you guys were getting it on a lot.” Mel lowered her voice. “Species are amazeballs at sex, aren’t they?”

Mary felt herself blush. “Yes. But I’m not discussing that with you. We’re moving to a suite upstairs to let workers in to fix the air conditioning. I want to see you soon.”

“Are you really okay with Lash?”

She hesitated. “I am. He’s a bully, spoiled, a bit rude…but he’s also sweet and sexy.”

“I guess you didn’t need me to throw my bouquet at you after all.” Mel laughed. “Or maybe it was because you were going to be the only woman to catch it, so fate knew you’d be the next one taking a trip down the aisle.”

“Shut up. I love you, bestie. I’ll see you soon.” She ended the call and replaced the phone on the counter.

Chapter Eight

Mary loved the hotel suite they’d just toured. It was probably the nicest one she’d ever had the pleasure of getting to stay in. It shouldn’t have come as a shock, though, since she had been told Justice North and his mate usually stayed in the unit while they visited Reservation.

It had a huge living area, two nicely decorated bedrooms with private baths, and a balcony that showed off beautiful views of rolling hills, trees, and a river in the distance.

She turned away from the sliding-glass doors to the balcony to watch Lash opening cupboards in the kitchenette area. He looked out of place in the fancy setting, especially wearing just his loincloth. It had her smiling. He peeked into the fridge next, before moving on to the microwave.

“No humans hiding anywhere, right?”

A low growl came from him as he turned to face her. “My mate thinks she’s funny.”

“I am. Jaded said there’s a ladder attached to the side of the balcony that reaches the roof. Do you want to go up there to make sure nobody is lying in wait to attack?” She stepped out of his path.

He hurried to the slider, unlocked it, and went outside. She could imagine him climbing up to the roof to check for hidden bad guys. It probably wasn’t nice to tease him…but he deserved a little shit after the crazy way he’d brought her upstairs. He’d tossed her over his shoulder as if she were a sack of potatoes and only allowed Jaded Wild to accompany them. It would have been nice to talk to a celebrity, but Lash snarled every time she’d tried to speak to the other New Species.

Someone knocked at the door. She walked toward it, not afraid, since there would be a guard stationed outside. She was slowly adjusting to being around New Species. At least some of them. Most seemed downright docile compared to Lash.

“Don’t,” Lash growled. He was at her side and in front of her a moment later. “Go to the bedroom.”

“This is getting old fast, sweetheart.” She came to a halt. “What if it’s Mel and Snow? I’m not going to go hide in one of the bedrooms and miss their visit.”

He scowled.

“I quit my job, damn it. I’m here for good.” She pointed at her stomach. “Possible cub in there. Now stop being an ass and open the door or allow me to.”

He flashed her fangs but spun, storming to the door and jerking it open.

“Hello, Lash.” A tall New Species woman stood there with a suitcase. “Spare clothing for your female. They won’t fit well but it was the best we could do for now. You should send a team of our males to collect her things.”

Lash took the case and tried to close the door in the woman’s face without a word.

Mary lunged forward and under his arm. She grabbed the edge of the door, yanking it open. She pressed back hard on his chest. “Stop it!”

He tried to push her gently out of the way to close the door again, but she stomped her bare foot over the top of his and threw back an elbow, hitting him in the stomach. He grunted.

The woman in the hallway laughed, and so did the guard.

Mary glared over her shoulder at Lash. “You’re being rude again. Introduce me. I’m going to teach you some manners.”


“So you’re not such a dick to others. That’s why.” She tore her gaze off him and looked at the woman with cat-shaped dark eyes. She was a little scary, since she was tall and muscled but terror didn’t strike Mary speechless. Maybe it was because Lash was with her. “I’m Mary. You are?”

“Kit. I like you, human.”

“Thank you for bringing me something else to wear. I appreciate it.”

“No problem. I was following orders. Jaded told me to grab you the smallest things we had in our reserve stores of spare clothing. You won’t like the selections.” Her gaze lifted to Lash. “He won’t let you wear clothes, anyway. Medical supplies would be a more appropriate request.”

Lash rumbled low; it not a nice sound.

Mary frowned. “Medical supplies?”

“You chose a Wild Zone Species as your mate.”

Maybe Lash wasn’t the rudest New Species at Reservation, after all, she decided. “He wouldn’t hurt me.”

The woman shrugged. “If you say so. I’m out.” She turned and strode down the hall.

The guard snorted. “Ignore Kit. She’s just irritated that Lash never wanted to bed her.”

Kit stopped near the elevator and snarled, spinning on her heels. “What did you say, Creed?”

Lash lifted Mary and slammed the door, locking it. He carried her away right as something thumped loudly outside in the hallway. She twisted a bit, trying to see over his shoulder. “Are they fighting?”

“The male won’t hit her back. I wouldn’t call that a fight.”

“Wow. Okay.”

He didn’t put her down until they reached the first bedroom. It had the same view as the balcony. He placed the suitcase down, too. “Is this room the one you like best or should we sleep in the other?”

“That’s all you have to say?”

He shrugged. “About what?”

“You and Kit seem to have a history.”


She crossed her arms and cocked her head, watching him. A frown curved her mouth downward. “She tried to sleep with you?”


“So that guard wasn’t telling the truth?”

“She didn’t want to sleep in my bed with me. She wanted to share sex. I said no.”

Mary let that information sink in. “Oh. She was pretty, though.”

“My friends warned me about that female.”

“What’s wrong with her?”

“She’s mean to everyone. She got sent here because she angered many Species at Homeland. Jaded brought her here to work with him.”

That surprised her. Jaded Wild was known in her world as a huge advocate for animal rescue shelters and national parks preservation. The news always showed him at one charity event or another, raising money and awareness for both. It was odd that someone so nice and caring hired a known troublemaker.

“What is that confused look for?” He stalked over to her, studying her expression with narrowed eyes.

“It’s just weird. Bad business, I guess, if she tends to anger people. Everyone knows who Jaded is. You’d think he’d hire someone else.”

“He’s Species. We like challenges. He’d also never allow Kit to leave Reservation with him to be with humans.”

“You mean mingle?”

He shrugged. “He wouldn’t let her around cameras or humans who aren’t mates.” He turned away, investigating the closet and attached bath.

It made her smile. “You won’t find any ninjas hiding in here.”

He came back out, scowling. “What are ninjas? Are they bugs?”

“Never mind. It was a bad joke that you didn’t understand. Relax.” She took a seat on the bed and smiled. It felt like she’d plopped down on a fluffy cloud as she sank into it. “I think it’s one of those fancy memory foam mattresses. I always wanted to buy one but they’re too expensive.”

Lash cocked his head, watching her.


“You like the bed?”


He reached for his loincloth and yanked it off. Her gaze lowered to his cock. It hardened as she watched, thickening quickly. A low rumble came from him. She lifted her gaze up his muscled stomach and wide chest to his face. His tongue darted out to lick his lips, reminding her how amazing it felt when he ran the tip of it across her instead. A jolt of arousal hit.

“We should test this bed to make certain you like it. Strip, Mary. Take it all off, or I’ll do it for you.”

In other words, she figured he’d rip them off. “Horn dog.”

“I don’t know what that means. Strip.”

“So damn pushy, but I’m not complaining.” She stood, removing her borrowed clothes. “It’s a great thing you’re so damn hot with that killer bod. It makes up for how you like to order me around.”

He grinned wide, showing his fangs in the process. “My mate finds me attractive.”

“I do.” She stepped closer to him when she was naked.

He lunged, grabbed her, and she squealed as her body went airborne when he tossed her. She landed with a small bounce on the bed.

Mary sputtered and shoved her hair out of her face. “What the hell?”

Lash chuckled as he climbed on the bed toward her.

She struggled to sit up, shooting him a glare. “That wasn’t funny. You threw me.”

“You wanted to test the bed. It’s soft.” He lunged again, knocking her onto her back and pinning her under him. He grinned. “My mate isn’t hurt. I’d never allow that to happen. I knew it was soft. Species bought it.”

You wanted to test the bed. I said I already liked it.” She jabbed her finger at his chest. “Jerk.”

He lifted a little, grabbed her arm, and yanked it upward, out of his way. “That is a jerk.”

She shook her head, staring into his gorgeous but very inhuman-looking eyes. He definitely wasn’t like anyone she’d ever known. It wasn’t a bad thing. He did like to play, and he hadn’t hurt her. Just surprised her. “Very funny.”

He lowered his body, and she spread her thighs to make room for his hips to snuggly fit. His hot skin pressed tight to hers but he didn’t smash her under his weight, making it possible for to easily breathe.

“Kiss me.” That sexy growled tone made her belly quiver. She reached up and threaded her fingers through his thick mane of hair, pulling his face closer. She closed her eyes right as his lips brushed hers.

The texture of his tongue as he tasted hers made her moan. Everything about Lash was different, but so much better. It was even forgivable that he could be a big bully. It made him hotter since he could be equally as sweet.

He shifted his weight on her, one of his hands cupping her breast and kneading it. She moaned louder, frantically kissing him. Lash was a master at getting her hot. He knew just how to touch her. Especially when he ground his stiff, hard erection between her spread legs.

“In me,” she panted.

He frustrated her by lifting away, instead, and sliding down the bed. As soon as he spread her legs wider and buried his face, licking at her clit, she forgave him. He was a master at doing that, too. It didn’t take long for her to cry out his name, coming hard.

Lash flipped her over and came down over her back, using his knee to encourage her to spread her legs. As soon as she did, he entered her from behind and pinned her beneath him. She clawed at the bedding as he moved slow and deep inside her.

“Fuck,” she groaned.

“I am,” he growled.

He slipped one hand under her and against her clit. With every thrust of his hips, it pressed her already oversensitive bundle of nerves against his palm. He moved faster, taking her harder. He got her off a second time, and he made a sexy, animalistic sound as he followed. She could feel the heat of his semen filling her.

He rolled onto his side, taking her with him. Then he wrapped his big body around hers, cuddling as they both tried to catch their breaths.

“I like my bed better. It’s softer.”

She smiled. “It is, but this one is on the floor, and I can get on and off it without the circus act.”

“I will ask about a safety room.”

“Safe room,” she corrected.

He grunted, carefully withdrawing from her body. “Safe room. We’ll do that today since they are already working on my domain.”

She turned her head to look at him over her shoulder. “You do realize it’s probably going to take some time to build something like that, don’t you? Like weeks or more.”

He scowled.

“This is a nice suite. It won’t be bad. That is, if the NSO agrees to making us a safe room and letting us stay here that long.”

“They will want me happy.”

“Arrogant,” she muttered.

“It’s not a bad word.”

“Right. I heard you the last time. It’s going to be a big pain for the NSO to add anything to that basement. Just keep that in mind and maybe say ‘please’ when you ask.”

He grunted and released her, rolling away. “I’m hungry. Are you?” He walked to his loincloth and put it on.

Mary sat up on the bed and scoot to the nearest edge. “No cuddling after sex, huh?”

He froze, his gaze meeting hers. Then he slowly approached.

“I was kidding.”

“I’m your mate. You need this cuddling? You will have it.” He lunged the last few steps and jumped on the bed next to her, hooked her waist with his arm and yanking her flat. Then he curled up against her side, nuzzling her face with his while a deep purr sound came from him.

Mary laughed as he started stroking her stomach. It tickled a little. She rolled to face him more and touched him back. “I do like cuddling and the sound you’re making.”

“Good. I want you to like everything about me.”

“I mostly do.”

His golden eyes narrowed, and he paused the purring.

“You need to learn manners.”

“So you say. I’m nice to you.”

“You can’t say the same about other New Species.”

“I do what they want to avoid causing problems. That’s all that matters.”

“I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree on that. I’ll keep working on you, though.”

“That means you’ll stay. Say it, Mary. You’re my mate.”

Mary licked her lips and took a deep breath. He wanted confirmation, which was scary. She’d thought Mel was nuts to agree to marry Snow as quickly as she did, but now she understood how it had happened. The two New Species were drastically different in personalities, as far as she could tell from the little interaction she’d had with Mel’s man, but they were both vastly different from human guys.

“Say it, or I’ll lick you until you do.”

Her gaze went to his mouth. “I’m almost tempted to hold out. I love what you do to me.”

He started to scoot down the bed, but she grabbed hold of his face to stop him. He paused, watching her.

“I’m your mate,” she whispered.

He grinned. “You are. I’m happy that you realize it now.”

“Are you sure you want to be committed to me for life? No take-backs.”


“Changing your mind.”

“You’re mine, Mary. I will never let you go.”

She really hoped he was telling the truth. Past breakups hadn’t been easy but she’d tended to get involved with selfish jerks. Lash would absolutely break her heart if she lost him. He’d made her feel more in just a couple days, both physically and emotionally, than anyone else ever had.

“You are mine,” he repeated, his voice deepening. “I will never let you go.” He cupped her stomach with his big hand and gave it a gentle pat. “I will fill you with my cub, and then do it again. We will have many sons.”

It reminded her of what he’d told her before. “That lion guy like you has a son, right?”

“The male’s name is Valiant,” he confirmed. “Noble is cute. They are expecting another cub soon. We will be, too.”

That freaked her out just a little. A baby cub? She had so many questions but decided to wait until later to ask, when she was feeling more prepared to deal with the answers. Instead, she cuddled into his warm, big body when he started to purr for her again. It really was a soothing sound.


Lash gently eased away from Mary after she’d fallen asleep. He walked out of the bedroom and opened the door. Flirt stood there with his phone in hand, playing some game. The male turned, flashing him a smile. “I changed duty with Creed. I thought you’d appreciate having a male protecting you who you know better, since he spends most of his time at Homeland.”

“I’m hungry.”

“Right.” Flirt closed the game and tapped at his screen. “What do you feel like?”

“Mary likes the meat with white gravy all over it, and I want steaks.”

“What kind of meat?” Flirt scowled.

“They sent it to me before. Mary liked it, but she didn’t want any of my fish.”

“I’ll have them check and resend whatever it was.”

“I need to speak to Jaded, too.”

Flirt grinned. “You are going to ask for mate papers?” The male stepped closer, glancing into the room behind him. “Your female agreed to make it legal?”

Lash blocked him by filling the doorway. “Mate papers?”

“Oh. You probably don’t know about them. When a Species mates to a human, we have paperwork to sign to officially make them one of us. It’s some legal thing. It means she’s agreeing to be New Species instead of human.”

It was Lash’s turn to scowl.

“It’s some weird agreement or something Justice created to keep the humans from demanding we return our mates. I think.” Flirt shrugged. “All our males sign those papers with their human mates.”

“I don’t have to marry her, then?”

“You should do that too. I think it’s strange, but it seems to make the females very happy.” He lowered his voice. “Humans are different from us.”

Lash nodded. “I need to talk to Jaded. I want these mate papers and a marriage to make Mary happy. I also need a safe room.”

“What’s that?”

“Mary won’t sleep on my bed in my domain. She says it’s too high.”

“We’re felines. We like heights. Humans probably fear them.”

“I need a cave built with secure doors, to put a bed on the floor inside for her. Jaded will know how to get that made.”

“I’ll call the kitchen downstairs, and then let him know you want to talk to him.”

Lash started to close the door but hesitated. “Thank you.”

Flirt’s mouth fell open.

Lash closed and locked the door, but he smiled. Those two words weren’t hard to say, and Mary would be pleased when he told her after she woke from her nap.

He paced around the room, going to the slider to peer out. The view was good but he missed his domain. He hoped he could return to it soon with Mary.

It was tempting to go up on the roof to be able to see in all directions, but the food would come quickly once it was cooked. His mate might hear the knock and try to open the door if he wasn’t there. He didn’t want to risk that. She might become afraid if he wasn’t with her, since Species frightened her. He planned to take very good care of his mate.

He crept to the bedroom down the hallway, watching her sleep. It was even more tempting to get back onto the bed with her, but he returned to the living room, pacing again, and waiting for the food or Jaded to come.

Chapter Nine

“I’m going to weigh five hundred pounds if I keep eating like this.”

Lash peered at Mary from where they sat on the floor in the living room with a coffee table between them. She’d insisted on using it as a surface to eat on. “You like that meal. I had them bring you more.”

“I can’t eat chicken-fried steak every day.”

“You can. Just tell the humans to make it for you. Justice pays them well to do what we ask.”

She rolled her eyes. “That’s not the point.”

“What is?”

“Maybe you should let me order our food next time.”

“Do you feel safe talking to Species now?”

She paused eating, seeming to think about it.

“You feel safer around them when I’m near you.”

She met his gaze and smiled. “Yes, I do.” Then she looked serious. “It doesn’t mean I want to be around them when you’re not with me. I mean, I’m fine with Snow. He swore to Mel he’d never do anything to me. He loves her.”

Someone knocked. He rose to his feet and strolled to the door, opening it. Jaded stood there with Flirt. Both males turned to him. He stepped out, not wanting them too near Mary.

“Flirt said you want mate papers and to arrange a marriage ceremony. The papers are being drawn up. The other request wasn’t so clear.” Jaded glanced at Flirt.

The male waved his hand toward Lash. “Ask him. It’s something about a cave safe room.”

“Mary doesn’t like my bed. It’s too high for her.”

“I can see the problem. What is it you want?”

Lash stepped back. “Come in, but stay by the door. My mate is frightened of Species.”

Jaded entered, stepping just inside. Flirt tried to follow but Lash bumped into him, pushing him back into the hallway and closing the door in his face.

“Geez,” Mary muttered. “What did we talk about? Manners, Lash.”

“Flirt is supposed to protect us from humans out there.”

Jaded chuckled. “Lash has a point. Hello, Miss Muller. It’s nice to actually get to see and speak to you this time.”

Lash hated the male a little when he did a little bow to his mate and flashed her a smile with his lips sealed to hide his teeth. He growled low, warning the feline to not even think about charming his mate. They were friends, but it didn’t mean he wouldn’t fight him.

“Hi.” His mate straightened a little behind the table and stopped eating.

He gestured for Jaded to stay put as he hurried to her side, crouching next to her but putting his body a bit in front to make her feel safer. He also reached out and stroked her bent leg where she sat on the floor.

She surprised him by taking his hand, clinging to it.

“Jaded will stay over there. Tell him what you want the NSO to do for us to make you happy.”

Color pinkened her cheeks, and she shot him a dirty look.

He sighed. “Speak, Mary. Tell Jaded what kind of bed you want in my domain.” Then he glared at Jaded. “A safe one to protect us in case humans attack.”

Jaded lowered to kneel by the door, and then sat. “You’re safe, Miss. Muller. I take it you don’t like Lash having to leap up to his bed platform?”

“No. I’m not a circus performer, and I never want to become one.”

Jaded chuckled. “I can understand. I happen to like my bed where I can just get into it without jumping great distances.”

Lash wasn’t amused but he didn’t say anything.

“Lash is seriously worried about attacks, if you aren’t aware of that.” Mary squeezed his hand.

“We know,” Jaded answered.

“I was thinking of a safe room just for the bed. Do you know what one is? Just a room big enough to fit his bed, with a lock inside, that he’ll feel safe sleeping in.”

“Bulletproof,” Lash demanded. “With an escape exit so we won’t be trapped.”

Jaded nodded. “One that looks like a cave?”

“I came up with that idea,” Mary admitted. “To fit in with his basement theme. The waterfall and artificial trees are super cool.”

Jaded seemed to mull it over. When he finally spoke, it was to Lash. “How about instead of a cave, we section off a corner of your domain with rock walls that are too high for humans to climb easily, and put in a steel door that is sealable? We can add a few more platforms and perhaps move your old bed to one near that area. That way, you can leap there and still attack invaders from above. I remember that was important to you. Your mate would be safely enclosed in that area, and she could just walk in and out of it when the doors are open. Oak has something like it.”

“Who is Oak?”

Lash began to answer his mate but Jaded spoke faster.

“He’s a primate Wild Zone resident. He would only sleep in the trees when he was first brought here, and it took us a while to make him agree to let us build him a home. We were worried about his health when the weather turned colder, and he needed some amenities. We’re not full animals and shouldn’t have to live like them. He liked Leo’s home that was being built at the time, since that feline had issues, too, with living in any existing homes designed for humans, but Oak didn’t like feeling trapped. He wanted a few escape hatches in the roof to reach the trees around his home.”

Jaded met his gaze. “You chose the basement because it had high ceilings where humans couldn’t reach you. This would work. Your mate would be secure, and you can still protect her.”

“I want to see Oak’s home,” Lash decided.

Jaded flinched. “You know what he’s like. I think there were pictures of it taken after it was constructed, before he moved in. He doesn’t allow anyone too close to his person, but he’s particularly protective of where he lives. Leo is the only one he’s let go there so far. They spend some time together.”

Lash knew Oak avoided other Species. “I want to see these pictures.” He wanted to make sure Mary would be safe.

“Torrent would probably have them.” Jaded glanced at Mary. “He’s the one who has the most interaction with the Wild Zone residents. I saw him earlier, and he was going to do a wellness check on everyone in the remoter areas. Tomorrow morning, he’s scheduled to fly to Homeland for a few days. Justice wanted an in-person update on how the Wild Zone residents are doing, and Trisha also wanted a meeting with him about getting everyone in for physicals and the best way to go about that.”

Lash snorted.

“I know. You Wild Zone residents hate doctors, but Slade’s mate is insistent that they get annual checkups like other Species do.”

“We come in when we’re really hurt.”

“Define really hurt,” Jaded snorted back. “Some of you can’t. You’re too stubborn unless you think you’re dying.”

“That’s not true.”

“Blue almost bled to death, and would have if Leo hadn’t spotted him, grabbed a few other Species, and forced him to go with them to Medical. By the time they got there, he was unconscious and they were carrying him. I heard he had to have over fifty stitches and needed a blood transfusion.”

“He was strong enough to fight. They wore him out and probably made his injuries worse.”

Jaded hissed. “I’m not arguing with you. That’s Torrent’s job. It’s probably best if we just deal with the modifications you want done to the basement in a few days, after Torrent returns from Homeland.”

“I want it done right away. I don’t want to live up here for any longer than I must. Call him.”

“Of course you don’t. You’re always impatient, Lash. I’ll call him to see if he even has the pictures on his phone.” Jaded stood.

Lash watched the male step outside into the hallway but he didn’t totally close the door. He heard Jaded speaking low. A minute later, the male pushed the door open and then closed it. He retook his seat on the floor.

“Torrent has the photos of Oak’s home on his phone. I asked him to text them to me, but he reminded me that signals can be hacked. He’s right. We never want humans to get views inside our homes. We’re going to have to go out there and meet him to see them.” Jaded peered at Lash. “The choice is yours.”

“I want to see them now. Tell him to come here.”

“Did you hear what I said about why he’s out there? Some Wild Zone residents enjoy hiding from Torrent and making it a game. I’m not certain how early he has to leave for Homeland, but Justice wants updates on all of them. Every single one. That means Torrent is probably going to be out there for the rest of the day and maybe all night, tracking them down. I doubt he has time to make a trip here before his flight. You can either come with me to find him or wait until he gets back from Homeland.”

Lash snarled, frustrated.

“I’ll see who is available to come with us to meet up with Torrent, since I assume you want to take your mate with you. She’s going to draw a lot of attention.”

Lash growled, knowing Jaded had a point. Some of the residents would panic if they smelled an unfamiliar human in the Wild Zone, while others would be lured by her female scent and might be tempted to claim her. “I won’t take her into the Wild Zone.”

“That’s probably a good idea.” Jaded nodded. “I’m glad you know your mate is safe here.”

“I don’t want to leave her, but I can’t take her with there. Make Torrent come here.” Lash released Mary’s hand and got to his feet.

A small hand touched the back of his thigh. He turned his head, peering down at his mate.

“Why don’t you go, and I’ll see if Mel can come visit me while you’re gone?”

He turned and crouched, studying her face. “I don’t want to leave you alone.”

“I’ll be fine with Mel. You won’t be gone long, right?”

“Maybe an hour or two at most,” Jaded answered again before he could. “It’s a lot of land to cover, and sometimes the Wild Zone residents feel talkative. They might want to hear about Lash’s new mate, since he is carrying your scent.”

The male annoyed Lash but he didn’t let it show, since Mary was staring at him. “Will you be afraid if I’m not with you? Be honest with me.”

“Not if Mel can visit.”

He turned to Jaded. “Find out.”

The male pulled out his phone. “Sure. No problem. I live to serve. I’m calling Snow now.”

Lash reached up and stroked her cheek, ignoring the male. “No one will dare hurt you, Mary. You’re my mate. They know it. Don’t be afraid. I won’t leave if you need me to stay.”

“I’ll be fine. I wanted to hang out with Mel. It’s probably a good thing. I’ll get some alone time with her. Girl talk and all that.”

He didn’t see any fear or indication she was trying to hide it from him. “I’ll hurry.”

“Take your time. I enjoy being with Mel.”

He nodded and caressed her cheek again. “You’re safe. I’ll make Flirt promise to stay on duty until I return. He’s a good male. Snow will stay with you, too.”

“Stop worrying. I’m kind of adjusting to New Species.”

He grinned. “Because of me.”


“Snow and Mel are on their way,” Jaded informed him. “Let’s go.”

Lash still hesitated. “I’ll wait until they get here.”

“I’m okay. Tell Flirt to have them walk in when they arrive. I’ll just finish eating, since I’m slower at it than you are.”

He studied her again.

“I’m fine. Really. Go and find your friend.”

He wouldn’t really call Torrent a friend, but he respected the male, even if they did argue often. He released her and straightened, going to the door. He made Jaded exit before he did. Mary smiled at him from where she sat and gave him a little wave. She didn’t look fearful.

He closed the door and glared at Flirt. “Keep my mate safe, and you don’t leave this spot until I return. I trust you.”

“You got it. Tell any of the Wild Zone residents you run into that I said hello.”

Lash followed Jaded to the elevator, feeling a little uneasy. The male seemed to notice.

“Miss Muller will be fine. Everyone knows she’s with you.”


“Word travels fast when a Wild Zone resident takes a mate.”

That made Lash feel better. Species feared him when he was angry. Most of them, anyway.

“We need to stop at my place first.”


Jaded punched the button for the first floor as they got into the elevator. “I’m not going into the Wild Zone wearing these clothes. I’m changing first. That’s not up for debate. It will take me ten minutes. You heard your mate. She’ll be fine and get to spend time with the other human. They are close friends. She probably wants a break from you by now.”

Lash snarled at him, flashing teeth.

“You are annoying and demanding. Deny it. I dare you.”

Lash growled but kept quiet. Species didn’t lie.


“They’re picking up my things next week.” Mel grimaced and glanced at Snow, who she sat next to on the couch. “He doesn’t want me to go pack up my place because I’m in too much danger.”

“You are.” Snow gave a firm nod. “It’s not just the reporters. Species have enemies. You’ve been associated with us. It makes you a target.”

Mel scrunched her nose. “I don’t like the idea of other people packing up my stuff. What if they forget something?”

“They will pack everything.”

“I don’t want the furniture.”

Mary watched them talk from the other couch. It made her wonder if her and Lash were going to have the same conversation soon. She needed to pack up her apartment and be out of it before rent was due. She’d paid first and last. At least she wouldn’t leave owing money once she gave her landlord notice. That was something she’d have to do soon.

“Thank goodness I packed a bag, am I right?”

Mel’s question tugged Mary from her thoughts. “What?”

Mel pointed at her. “I’d be stuck wearing NSO workout clothes, too, if I hadn’t packed a bag. I’d offer to lend you some of my clothes but I didn’t know I’d be staying here this long when I shoved stuff in my bag. I’m already doing laundry every three days.”

“You could wear my clothes.” Snow snuggled closer to her. “I like it when you do.”

“That’s true.” Mel rested her head against his arm. “I guess you could wear Lash’s clothes, since I doubt the NSO can get your things from your place until next week, either.”

“He only owns loincloths,” Mary admitted. “At least, that’s all I’ve seen him in.” She looked down at the T-shirt she wore. It had NSO printed on the front. The sweats were baggy and they had the same letters printed on the side of the right thigh.

She glanced at the bag the New Species woman had dropped off earlier with spare clothing for her and rose to her feet. Mary bent, grabbed it, and returned to the couch. “They brought me some things to wear.” She unzipped the bag, seeing only folded T-shirts and more sweatpants. They were the same color as the ones she wore, probably exact replicas. “Shit.”

“What’s wrong?” Mel moved next to her to peer in the bag. “Oh. I already see the problem. Where’s the dress you wore?”

Mary turned her head as she straightened, releasing the clothing in the bag. “Lash kind of destroyed it.”

“Well, you look cute.” Mel smiled. “You’ll live. It will just be until next week. Maybe they have different kinds of clothes. Snow can ask.”

“What’s the problem?” he asked, remaining seated on the other couch.

Mary glanced at him but didn’t want to complain. He might be Mel’s husband, but he still scared her a little.

“My bestie here isn’t a fan of workout clothes. Especially sweats.” Mel glanced at her. “Do you even own any?”

“I do now.” Mary pointed to the bag.

“It’s only for a little while.” Mel patted her arm. “It’ll be fine. Maybe you’ll grow to like them by then.” She smirked.

Mary dug in the bag again, searching it. “There’s no underwear or bras.”

“Snow says their women don’t wear them unless they’re working out.”

“We have male underwear available in our store here. I heard the females prefer to order theirs by computer.”

Mary gaped at Snow. “I’m not wearing men’s underwear or buying them sight-unseen online. I did that once and they were a scratchy material. They also fell apart the first time I washed them. It was a waste of money. I refuse to ever do that again.”

Snow shifted on the couch. “I guess you’ll have to arrange for a security team to take you shopping in town when you need to buy more.”

“How long would that take?” Mary had a bad feeling she wouldn’t like the answer.

“Right now, we’re trying to avoid town in case reporters show up. Next week will be the earliest. That’s what I was told when I asked about getting all of Mel’s belongings from her apartment.”

A week without bras, underwear, and having to wear baggy T-shirts and sweats. No way was she going to borrow one of Lash’s loincloths. They probably wouldn’t fit her anyway. He was a big guy.

“It’s going to be fine,” Mel assured her. “The time will fly by, and then they’ll bring you all your stuff.”

Mary glanced at the clock under the television in the living room. Lash had been gone for twenty minutes. She made a mentally calculation, then turned to Snow. “I need a favor.”


“I want you to get my purse and keys, take me to the gate where I left my car, and then meet me back there an hour from the time I leave to let me inside again.”

He shook his head. “No.”

“Mary, that’s not a good idea.”

She ignored Mel. “I can drive home, pack up my clothes, and get back before Lash returns.”

“It’s too dangerous.”

“What Snow just said,” Mel added.

Mary frowned at her. “No one knows where I’ve been, and the guy who broke into our apartments was arrested. Snow and you can meet me at the gate like before, to bring me back here. I’ll deal with Lash if he’s mad.”

“He’ll be furious,” Snow warned.

“I can handle him.” She felt certain Lash wouldn’t hurt her. He might roar, but she wasn’t afraid of him anymore. She was his mate. He’d said it countless times himself.

“I won’t help you leave Reservation.” Snow shook his head.

Mary felt her anger rising. “You also said you’d keep me safe. Then I ended up being chased into that vent. Why were those guys looking for me, huh?”

Snow paled.


She turned on her friend. “Look, I want my clothes, Mel. No one is after either of us anymore. At least not me. Everyone knows I’m terrified of animals. It’s a huge joke around town. I’ll be gone for one hour. I can drive there in fifteen minutes, shove my stuff in a few suitcases so I have enough to wear for a while, and that will maybe take twenty minutes at most. Then I’ll drive back.”

“Lash would kill me for letting you leave.” Snow stood.

Mel got in Mary’s face. “Those New Species men weren’t looking for you. You flipped out thinking they were, but they weren’t.”

“I heard them. They were looking for me,” Mary argued.

“No! They were looking for Chimes. She was the female New Species at our wedding who waved a few times at you, trying to be nice, but you were afraid of her. She’s a nurse. One of the guys asked Snow if he was going to take off my garter and throw it like women do with the bouquet. They’d watched some videos of weddings to prepare for ours. We forgot about that part. Chimes said they kept some medical supplies stored in one of the rooms at the hotel, and she went to find it so she could make me a garter from those stretchy bandage wrap things. She was gone for a while, so a few of the guys she’d promised to dance with went to find her. That’s who they were looking for.”

“They said they smelled me.”

Chimes. Not you. The storage rooms are right by the bathroom.”

Mary looked at Snow.

He nodded. “Once we learned how you ended up in the vents, everyone at our wedding was asked questions to see who might have frightened you. The two males admitted to going down that corridor, and why. They didn’t know you were in the bathroom. They found Chimes, helped her locate the box she needed, and then returned to the cafeteria with her. Soon after, Mel tried to call you but you didn’t answer. Then we realized you were missing, and I tracked your scent to the vent. The search was on.”

Mary took a seat on the couch, stunned. “It sounded like they were fighting or about to. I thought they were hunting me like a sport.”

“They were playing. Species are competitive.”

She’d never been in danger. Those two New Species hadn’t been coming after her.

She lifted her head, staring at Mel.

“I didn’t want to tell you, but I also didn’t expect you to blame Snow. You flipped out for no reason, Mary. Sorry.”

“Shit.” Mary lowered her head into her hands.

“Don’t feel bad, best friend. You got to meet Lash. That was good, right?”

She couldn’t help but smile, and she dropped her hands, lifting her head. “Leave it to you to see an upside to this. You crazy hillbilly.”

Mel pushed the bag off the couch and sat next to her. “That’s right. With a paranoid bestie. No New Species wanted to hurt you. See? You just thought so.”

“I feel like an idiot now.”

“That’s why I didn’t want to tell you. Those two guys felt real bad once it was figured out how they must have scared you, and still do.”

That made Mary feel worse.

Mel put her arm around her and gave her a side hug. “They wanted to apologize to you but I told them not to. I hope that’s okay. And Lash is in your life because of you flipping out. That turned out great. Right?”

“Yes. It did.” Mary glanced at the bag. “I still want my clothes, though. I’ve given up everything to stay here. Joel is pissed at me. I’d also like to give my landlord notice while I’m there.” She stared at Mel. “I feel like I’m screwing people over who count on me. First, I quit my job and left Joel in a lurch. Now I’m moving out of my apartment, and Paul depends on the units being rented in his building. He deserves as much time as possible to find someone to replace me when I leave. I need one hour. I can pack up my clothes and inform Paul as I leave that I’m moving out as soon as the NSO can arrange for my stuff to be picked up.”

“Don’t mention the NSO,” Snow ordered.

Mary smiled at him. “You’re going to let me go?”

His features tensed. “No. Lash would kill me.”

“I’m pretty sure I’ll be back before he even knows I’m gone. I can handle Lash.”

Snow shook his head. “Ask Lash to escort you there with a security team. I can’t see him letting you go anywhere outside of Reservation without him.”

Mary turned to Mel. “No way do I want Lash escorting me home to get clothes. Your husband is friendly and reasonable. Lash…isn’t. One hour, Mel. You know I’ll come back. Best friend pinkie swear. This isn’t a ruse for me to run away from him. He’s convinced me to stay with him. I’m committed. Even if it is crazy.”

Mel frowned but then glanced at Snow. “She really hates workout clothes. You should see her closet. She loves wearing skirts and super girly tops.”

“Lash would kill me.” Snow crossed his arms.

“We did promise to keep her safe…but I messed up by letting her hide in the bathroom by herself. The least we could do is let her get her clothes so she’s happy. Nobody is going to think she was here. Folks really do make jokes about Mary and her animal fears.”

She inwardly winced, knowing it was true. It worked in her favor, though. “One hour. I’ll pack super-fast. I won’t tell Paul where I’m moving. I’ll just tell him I no longer work for Joel and I can’t afford the rent, so I’ll have my things out sometime next week. I promise. I’ll also tell Lash I forced you to do it.”

Snow arched his eyebrow.

“Tell Lash I forced my husband to do it.” Mel grinned. “I’m way meaner than you are, Mary. No offense. That’s more believable.”

“He’ll kill me.” Snow shook his head again. “No.”

“No, he won’t. Am I prisoner here but no one told me? Is the NSO going to hold me at Reservation against my will?” Mary stared at him with narrowed eyes. “That’s what you’re basically saying if you refuse to let me leave. I’ll be back in an hour.” She crossed her heart with her finger. “I swear on my life. One hour.”

Snow shook his head again.

Mary was frustrated. She might be falling for Lash, and be willing to give up her life as she knew it to live with him, but she had to have some necessities. Including her own clothing and things from her bathroom like razors, her brand of shampoo and conditioner, and deodorant. Her bestie might not mind going without, but Mel was more of a tomboy. Mary wasn’t.

More importantly, she had to know she wasn’t a prison in Reservation.

She lifted her arm a little and turned her head toward her armpit, sniffing at the deodorant that she’d borrowed from Lash. It smelled like wet grass. She wrinkled her nose. Lash also used hair products that might be great for a lion mane but her human hair felt greasy after being washed.

“What are you doing?”

Mary met Mel’s gaze. “Is it so terrible to want my own things?”

“No.” Mel looked at Snow.

“I’m not allowing her to leave. Even if I wanted to, which I don’t, the NSO wouldn’t allow it.”

“So I am a prisoner.” Mary felt a bit of panic rising at the thought.

“No.” Snow leaned forward, holding her gaze. “You might be pregnant, Mary. Do you understand that? Someone could see you leaving the direction of Reservation. The humans who are familiar with your fear of animals would assume you were somewhere else, but who is to say anyone spotting you would be local? They could hurt you, kidnap you, or even kill you. We do deal with random human haters trying to breach our walls to hurt us here at Reservation.

“I realize you want your own things, but there’s no way I’m helping you leave here without a full security detail and with your mate at your side. Please be reasonable. Do this the safe way, if you wish to get your belongings. Mel understands that, and it’s why she’s agreed to wait for us to send someone to collect her belongings.”

“But Mel’s in danger. I’m not.”

Snow sat up straight and sighed. “That’s what you don’t seem to understand, Mary. You are now a Species mate.” His gaze dropped to her stomach before he looked her in the eyes again. “Think of the child you may be carrying.”

She reached down and touched her stomach. She didn’t think she was pregnant but she wasn’t one hundred percent sure. “Fine.”

“We’ll arrange to get your possessions as quickly as possible,” Snow promised.

She nodded, resigning herself to smell like wet grass, having greasy hair, and wearing workout clothes for a while longer. Then she thought about Lash.

He was worth it.

Chapter Ten

Lash was frustrated. Every male he’d come into contact with had picked up Mary’s scent on him. He remembered how most of them had treated Valiant when he’d taken Tammy for a mate, and their curiosity. It suddenly explained why Valiant had become so grumpy. Lash wasn’t feeling friendly, either.

“Stop trying to creep up on me, Lapis,” he growled, turning his head to the male and meeting his gaze.

The male was crouched on all fours, just feet away. The pendant he always wore hung against his chest. He and Lash had one thing in common. They hated clothing. The male also wore a loincloth. They’d both compromised with the other males. No one wanted to see their dicks.

“Human,” Lapis whispered.


“Why?” Lapis stood upright and stepped closer.

“I wanted a mate.”

“You can’t trust them.”

“Mary is a good female.”

“None of them are.” Lapis reached up to push some of his long, wavy black hair out of his face. “Humans can’t be trusted.”

Jaded sighed. “I keep telling you, not all of them are like the ones who worked at Mercile. You liked the doctor who helped you heal after we were freed, enough to wear that necklace she gave you.”

Lapis reached up and touched his blue stone pendant. “She was old. Frail. Doc Sue feared me. She brought this to show me the stone was like my eyes, and to make me agree to clean my wound. I didn’t believe her until she’d brought a mirror to let me look at my eyes. I liked it enough to trade.”

Footsteps drew Lash’s attention, and he turned, expecting to face off against another curious male. Torrent stomped out from behind some tall bushes instead. He wore only sweatpants and strange shoes that looked like feet. Lash scowled, staring at them.

“Don’t,” Torrent snapped. “They are human shoes with toes. They are very comfortable, and I don’t have to scrub my feet before I get into bed after running around barefoot. I like them.” He pulled out his cell phone from his back pocket and advanced. “I don’t have much time. What part of Oak’s home did you want to see or is it all of it? I have like forty pictures.”

“His new mate doesn’t like Lash’s platform bed. She wants something on the floor. You can see how that would be a problem for our friend here.” Jaded jerked his head toward Lash.

Torrent nodded. “Right. You feel safer high off the ground.” Torrent messed with his phone and then turned the screen. “This is his bedroom.”

Lash frowned. The picture featured a tall rock wall with an opening for a door, but the walls didn’t extend upward all the way to the ceiling, showing off a large space of what looked like a cave behind it. There, a few ropes attached to the ceiling. He could see a large bed on the floor inside the room, under those ropes, through the open doorway.

Torrent moved closer and changed the picture. “The walls are fifteen feet high and start angling outward at about nine feet up, so they are difficult to climb from the outside.”

The male flipped to another picture. There was a door sealing the opening into the room in this one. It looked metal and appeared to be solid. “It’s a slide door. It locks into place from the inside.”

“Bulletproof?” Lash glanced at Torrent.

“Of course. The walls are three feet thick, including a foot of stone, and reinforced concrete with rebar. That’s thick metal bars.” Torrent looked at him. “Oak loves ropes. You like platforms. We could do it. The door is four inches thick, I think, but because it’s on wheels, it should be easy enough for a human to slide open and to close it. I’m not a builder, but I’ve learned a lot from supervising the human crews we had out here building homes for the residents.”

“I want that,” Lash decided.

Torrent put away his phone and turned to Jaded. “The teams we used for Oak’s home are in my files. There were four companies. We didn’t want any one group of humans to see all of it. Look up who designed his bedroom and call them. I have all the specifications and details in those folders. We didn’t allow the humans to keep copies. I can handle it after I return from Homeland if you don’t want to.”

“I want it done now.”

Both males looked at Lash.

Jaded was the one who spoke. “Of course you do.”

“Brass has access to my office, and so does Bestial.” Then Torrent noticed Lapis. “I’ve been looking for you.”

“I heard,” the male grumbled. “I’m not hurt and I won’t go to Medical.” He shoved out his chin, glaring defiantly at Torrent.

“I want to get back to Mary.” Lash was ready to leave.

“Wait,” Torrent ordered. “The males are seeking you out. Why don’t you help me find some of the more difficult ones? I’d appreciate it, Lash.” Then he looked at Lapis. “Lash got a human mate. He goes to Medical.”

“I do not.”

Torrent snarled at Lash. “Work with me.”

“I don’t want a human mate,” Lapis hissed.

Jaded shook his head and sighed. “You make this more difficult than it needs to be. Watch and learn, Torrent.” Then he studied Lapis. “I’ll make a deal with you, and all the other Wild Zone males. Go to Medical when you’re told, and I’ll ask every Species female at Reservation to be there to help Chimes give you all exams with the human doctors. You remember her, don’t you?”

Lapis nodded. “She’s sexy.”

“Yes, she is. Spread the word. When Torrent asks you to go in, there will be Species females there to help you deal with the human doctors. Do you think that would motivate you and the others to go?”

Lapis nodded.

Jaded grinned. “Go tell them, and please ask them to stop hiding from Torrent. He’ll write down the name of the females your males want to get close to the most and give that list to me, so I can arrange for them to be there. That means they’ll have to talk to him.”

Lapis nodded again, before he spun and leapt into a nearby tree. The feline male took off through the branches.

“Bribery? Really?”

Jaded chuckled, addressing Torrent. “It works. Now the males will seek you out, and you won’t have to track and tranquilize them to haul their asses to Medical. They’ll come willingly.”

“The females are going to pissed at you. The males will only come hoping to impress them enough to agree to share sex.”

“They won’t be mad. Those males are difficult to handle. I have faith in our females to deal with Wild Zone residents better than our male officers do. Not only that, but we love competition. The females will agree just to show the officers how it’s done without bloodshed.”

Torrent barked out a laugh. “Devious.”

“Genius.” Jaded tapped the side of his head. “I’m not just a pretty face for human to throw money at for charities.”

“I’ll be impressed if you can get that one to go to Medical.” Torrent pointed at Lash.

“Easy.” Jaded turned to him.

Lash shook his head. “No. You will get a safe room built for my mate without making me trade.”

“I would never blackmail you, Lash.”

He relaxed slightly.

“Your mate could be pregnant. Your nose will tell you in time, but they have tests that could let you know in minutes. If she is, they have this machine called an ultrasound. It won’t hurt her one bit…but you could see your son inside her on a screen.”

Lash stilled. “Truth?”

“Truth,” Jaded swore. “How would you like to find out today if you’ve gotten her pregnant already? I could take you both there right after we get back to the hotel.”

“Yes.” Lash nodded.

Jaded shot Torrent a smirk.

The male snarled. “You should just take my job.”

“Then you’d have to take mine. I can’t see you wearing suits and smiling for cameras. I’m willing to switch with you. How about it?”

“Never.” Torrent stormed away.

“I didn’t think so,” Jaded called after him. “Let’s go, Lash.”

“I hope my mate is carrying my cub.” Lash started to hurry toward the hotel.

Jaded kept up. “Me too, my friend. I love cubs. Just let me hold it sometimes, okay? Since I don’t have a mate.”

Lash grumbled.

“I’m not going to steal it. Don’t be like Valiant. Admit it, you wanted to hold Noble.”

“Maybe one day you can.” Lash could understand the desire to hold a cub.

“I’ll take it. That’s not a flat-out no. I had to wait until Valiant wasn’t around and appeal to his mate to get to hold his son after Noble was born.”

“You stay away from Mary when I’m not there.”

Jaded’s phone rang, and he answered it, still chuckling. “You got me.” Then he stopped walking.

Lash kept going for about ten feet—until the other male made a distressed sound.

“Understood. We’re on our way back now.” He disconnected.

“What’s wrong? Are humans attacking?” Lash felt his heart rate spike and rage course through his veins.

“No.” Jaded hurried forward. “We need to get back to the hotel now. Your mate is safe, but Sherriff Cooper called.”

Lash ran at his side.

“That reporter the humans wanted to speak to is holding your mate’s parents hostage at their home.”

What?” He snarled. “Why?”

“Details are limited right now. We’ll learn more once we get there.”

Lash took off, moving faster than Jaded. He needed to get to Mary.


Mary laughed as Mel complained about owning a cell phone. Her friend really didn’t enjoying having one.

Mel admitted her worst fear aloud. “I’m terrified my mama is going to learn the number. Then I’ll have to smash another phone.”

Snow snorted. “She has my number. Not yours. I can handle her, Mel.”

As if on cue, his phone rang.

Mel pointed at him. “I’m not around if it’s my mama. I’m in the shower.”

He pulled it out and answered, placing it to his ear. “Snow here.”

Mary guessed New Species didn’t say hello.

Snow tensed, his expression hardening, and he stood fast from the couch and walked toward the door, listening to whoever was speaking.

Mary glanced at Mel. Her friend shrugged, frowning as they both watched him exit the suite.
