He was bringing his mate home and keeping her there.

Chapter Nine

Mel held the ice packs wrapped around her hands and shook her head at Deputy Dud as he offered her coffee. It proved he was a bonehead. She couldn’t exactly hold a hot mug. It once again reminded her of why she’d dumped him. A smart guy would have brought her coffee with a straw, setting it on the desk near her so she could drink it.

Her luck sucked. Dan had to be on duty when she’d rushed into the sheriff’s office. Things had been tense between them ever since she’d dumped him. Deputy Dud liked to ask her to give them another chance, regardless of how many times she’d turned him down.

Sherriff Cooper came out of his private office in the back and took a seat at the desk across from her. “Dan, I have this.” He waved the deputy off.

Mel felt gratitude as Dan walked away. “Did your other deputy get to my place yet?”

“Yes. I was just talking to him. Your apartment has been trashed. I’m sorry, young lady.” Sheriff Cooper had a kind expression and tone at the moment. “Whoever attacked you was gone. It looks like he got in through the bedroom window. The lock on it was broken and the screen was on the ground. Was it like that before?”


“Tell me about this reporter again.”

“It wasn’t him.”

The sheriff frowned. “You can’t know that for certain. You said your intruder wore a mask that covered his head completely, even his eyes and mouth.”

“That’s true. But the reporter had a bad limp and was about seventy years old. He was thin and kind of frail. The masked guy was bigger and beefier. The size difference alone was very noticeable.”

Sheriff Cooper straightened in the chair. “Are you certain? You had to be scared, it all happened fast, and you were fighting to get away. It’s normal to be confused after something like this. You go into shock and it makes your mind fuzzy, remember things wrong.”

“I’m one hundred percent sure that it wasn’t the same guy. The old man did say someone gave him a tip. Maybe that was the person who broke into my place. Someone who knew about the shooting sent that guy to the diner.”

“Do you think the reporter believed you when you lied to him?”

She bit her lip and shrugged. “I hope so. I tried hard to sell the story about the fridge breaking down, and that’s why we were closed. I was glad I wore this baggy long-sleeve shirt, since he also approached Mitzy. Maybe he was looking at anyone who might have been hurt during the shooting to prove it happened.”

Sheriff Cooper glanced at her arm. “Is it still aching? Just because the stitches look fine and it didn’t start bleeding, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have it looked at.”

“I’m fine.” She unwrapped her hands from the long ice packs and checked out her knuckles. They were red but she hadn’t broken the skin. She moved her fingers, making fists. They were sore but nothing felt broken.

“How’s your foot?”

She leaned forward, staring at her feet. There were a few small cuts on the bottom of her left foot, probably from the glass she’d run through to reach the front door after throwing plates and glasses at the jerk who’d attacked her. None of them were deep. Sheriff Cooper had cleaned and bandaged them before getting her a clean pair of socks to wear from somewhere in the station. “It’s good. Thank you for giving me first aid.”

“It’s part of the job when a young lady refuses to let me drive her to the hospital.”

She almost smiled. The old sheriff really could be gruff, but he also had a tender side. She’s seen it when she’d come running into the station. He’d immediately gotten her into a seat, yelled for a first-aid kit from Dan, and calmly got the details from her. He’d played nurse while firmly issuing orders to his deputies to go after the man she’d described as best she could. He’d only left her side after she was calmer and patched up to his satisfaction.

He held her gaze. “I’ll talk to Mitzy about what that old man said to her, and also the few customers who were there during the shooting. They swore to keep quiet about what happened. Nobody in this town enjoys it when something goes down with the NSO, and then we get inundated by those stupid news people and all their damn vans. This reporter never gave his name or who he worked for? How about a hint of who gave him that tip?”

She shook her head. “No. He wasn’t a friendly, talkative sort.”

Sheriff Cooper sighed. “Damn vultures. Nobody has called the station nosing around. That’s good. We kept everything tightly under wraps. I still want to find this reporter. Maybe he has someone working with him, and that someone took it upon themselves to scare you into talking. You said the suspect wanted to ask you questions?”

She replayed in her head what had happened, trying to remember his exact words. It was a little muddled. She’d been panicked and afraid. “He wanted me to answer questions, and I got the impression he planned to grab me. Like, take me somewhere else.”

That caused Sheriff Cooper to reach out and gently pat her leg. “You’re safe. It’s over. Do you want me to hand you your purse so you can call someone to come be with you?”

“I don’t own a cell phone.”

Sheriff Cooper looked surprised. “Everyone has one these days.”

“Not me. I barely cover my living expenses on what I make. Besides, then my mama would bug me. Joel lets me use the phone at the diner to call my parents every other week, and they have that number if they need to reach me in case of an emergency. Someone would drive over to my place to let me know if that happened.”

“You should have a phone, Mel.”

She wasn’t going to argue with him. “I should call Mary.” Then a horrible thought hit. “Mary! What if that bad guy breaks into her place, too? She was working the day of the shooting, if that’s what this is about. She said she was having dinner with her folks but she should be going home in a couple of hours.”

Sherriff Cooper stood. “Shit. I’ll go over there right now. You stay put. The NSO is sending some people to assist us. They’re good trackers, and some blood was found at scene. You hurt the bastard. Deputy Dan will wait here with you. Answer any questions the NSO have. They frequently help us out with these kinds of situations.”

She hid her grimace. It wasn’t because of the NSO being involved but the thought of being alone with her ex-boyfriend. “Shouldn’t I come with you? I know Mary’s place as well as my own, and could tell you if anything is missing if it was broken into. We have keys to each other’s places.”

“Stay.” Sheriff Cooper yelled for his deputy and told him where he was going, then shoved on his hat and exited the small station.

Dan approached her. “You’re more than welcome to move into my house if you’re afraid to return to your apartment.”

“No way.”

He frowned. “You really didn’t give us much of a chance before, Mel. Some dickhead broke into your apartment, and we haven’t caught him. It’s just smart if you stay with me until we catch this criminal.” He puffed out his chest in a macho display of strength. “I’ll keep you safe.”

“Let me be clear, and I’ll speak in small words so you’ll understand.” She held his gaze. “We broke up for good reasons. I’m not interested.”

Embarrassment flashed across his face. “This is about your safety.”

She rolled her eyes. “No, it’s not. You see another opportunity. I’m not going to date you again. It’s over. And this is low, even for you. Can you say bad timing, Dan? Using my crappy day to your advantage?”

He opened his mouth to argue more—it wasn’t their first time—but the doors opened and Snow rushed inside.

Mel was stunned but thrilled to see him. She stood to go to him, but he came at her fast. Before she could get a word out, he lifted her right off her feet, and she was smashed against his body in a bear hug.

“I’m here.” Snow loudly sniffed at her, nudging her head with his until he could bury his nose against her throat.

She had automatically wrapped her arms around him. “What are you doing?”

“I don’t smell blood.” He lifted his head and locked gazes with her.

“I’m okay.”

“Did you get a look at the male?” asked a voice that wasn’t familiar to her.

Snow gently put her back on her feet, and then surprised her by dropping to his knees. He grabbed her hands with his, seeming to check them out. He sniffed at her again. She remained silent, bemused by his behavior, until he stood again and pulled her into the circle of his arms to keep her close.

“Melinda, did you get a look at the male?” the same voice asked, this time deeper.

Snow turned her a little, jerking his head toward the three other New Species. “Brass is the one asking questions. You remember Torrent and Timber. We came together in the same SUV. There are more males outside guarding the building and another team went to your apartment.”

She peered up at Snow. “Thank you for coming, but you didn’t need to.”

“I did. You’re my female.”

She opened her mouth, not sure how to respond to that, though it was flattering being called his.

Brass stepped closer. “Did you get a good look at the male who invaded your home? I understand you’ve had a trauma but any information we gather will help us catch the male.”

She understood that. “He was, um…big. Tall, big-boned, and bulky. Not like you guys. You’re taller and more muscular. I couldn’t see his face since he wore a ski mask. It had netting over the eyes and mouth. He wore a black, thin turtleneck kind of shirt with long sleeves, dark gloves, faded blue jeans, and dirty gray sneakers. He’ll have injuries to his face. At least I hope so. I kept hitting him in the head and face area with my fists, a table leg, and then I threw my dishes at him.” Mel felt Snow’s body tense against hers. She gave him her full attention. “I’m fine.”

Snow didn’t look convinced by her words. “You’re not safe here. We’re returning to Reservation. You’re coming home with me.”

“Hey now,” Deputy Dan sputtered. “You can’t just take Mel.”

She shot him a dirty look. He was really starting to tick her off. “Stay out of this.”

“Mel is my female,” Snow growled at him. “Where is Sheriff Cooper?”

“I sent him to check out where Mary lives.” Mel gazed up at Snow. “I thought maybe since that guy broke into my place, she might be next. I didn’t want her to come home to find him waiting for her like he was for me.”

“Why would you think the male might go after that female?”

She stared at Brass. He wasn’t the friendliest-looking New Species, but he was attractive like all the rest. Only in a dark, broody way. “There was a reporter who came into the diner while I was working earlier. He said he got a tip about a shooting at the diner. I denied everything. He wanted to talk to Mary next, but I lied, saying she’s super shy. She’s not shy, but she does have a temper. I didn’t want her yelling at him in front of customers. She hates it when they bug us about the NSO. Then Joel, the owner of the diner, gets mad when she cusses out someone. He says it’s bad for business and even reporters have to eat. Anyway, the jerk who broke in said something about answering his questions. I got away, so he might go after Mary next, if this is related to the shooting.”

Brass frowned. It was a scarier look. “You think the male who broke in was the reporter?”

“No. It wasn’t the same man. I’m sure about that. It doesn’t mean the reporter didn’t send that jerk to make me talk.”

“Did the owner of the diner speak to this reporter?”

She shook her head at Brass. “Joel always stays in the kitchen. He’s not good with talking to our customers, and he knows it. I’m not real worried about Joel or his wife. They’re both ex-Marines. They met in the service and can defend themselves. I was able to fight that jerk off, but Mary wouldn’t stand a chance. She isn’t tough at all.”

Snow softly growled. It seemed he was going to be angry every time her attack was brought up. She sealed her lips.

“Would anyone like some coffee?” Deputy Dan appeared furious as he glared at her and Snow.

“No thank you, Deputy,” Brass answered for them. “We’ll wait for Sheriff Cooper to return. We sent a team to the crime scene to help track the male, if possible.” He narrowed his dark gaze on Mel. “Will you return to Reservation willingly? Snow wants you to stay there. You’ve been targeted. That means you’re in danger.”

“Now wait a damn minute!” Deputy Dan huffed. “Nobody is taking Mel anywhere. I already offered for her to come stay at my house. Only an idiot would try to go after her there, since I’m a deputy.”

“Shut up, Dan,” she groaned. “No means no. Didn’t your mama teach you that? I will never date you again.”

Snow glanced at him. “This is Deputy Dud?” His snarled words were enough to give her chills. Not the good kind.

She rubbed her hands over his chest, petting the padded uniform top he wore. She was pretty sure he had Kevlar underneath. “Easy, big guy. I told him no way was that happening. Ever.”

“Deputy Dud?” Dan sputtered, glaring at her.

“You called me a ‘stupid hick’ when I broke up with you. So what if I gave you a nickname, too? It fits,” she shot back.

Snow tried to release her. Mel had a feeling he wanted to attack her ex-boyfriend, and she clutched at his uniform. “Don’t, Snow. He’s not worth it.”

The door opened, and Deputy Tommy entered. He glanced at the New Species, his co-worker, and whistled low. “Is it just me or is there tension in here?” He stared a little too long at Mel and Snow, saw them touching, and then smiled. “Oh.” He walked closer. “Get over it, Danny. I told you she’s never going to take you back. Especially now that it seems she’s dating Snow.”

“Goddamn it!” Dan spun and stormed toward the back of the office.

Tommy smirked, watching Dan until he was out of sight, and then addressed Mel. “Your apartment was trashed, Mel. Sorry. The TV still works, though. The landlord, Mr. Chester, is over there now fixing the broken window lock. None of your neighbors were home when it happened, and no one around there saw the guy you described.” Then he faced Brass. “Your team tracked the assailant. It seems that he parked behind that field at the back of her apartments. There was a flattened area where a car had sat for a bit. He was long gone, though.”

The office door opened again and Sheriff Cooper returned. “I was able to reach the owner by phone instead of having to drive all the way over there to check out Mary’s apartment myself. Paul, her landlord, lives on the premises, and he did a walk-through while I was on the phone with him. Someone had forced her slider open on the back patio. There’s no sign of any damage though. Just some dirty footprints on the tile right inside the door in the kitchen. Whoever was there is gone now.

“I called her parents and informed them of what happened. I asked Mary to avoid her apartment for right now. It might be best if you go out to the Muller house to stay with her parents, too, for a few days. I told them I might send you that way.” Then he looked at Deputy Tommy. “Paul is waiting for you at Mary’s. Take pictures and gather whatever evidence you can.”

“On it.” Deputy Tommy rushed out of the station.

“Mel is coming home with me,” Snow announced.

Sherriff Cooper blinked. “I see.” Then he stared at Mel. “Are you agreeable with that?”

She nodded, barely paying attention. Someone had broken into her place and Mary’s. That was terrifying.

“Mel?” Snow sounded concerned.

She peered up at him. “I need to stop at my place to get clothes.”

“No,” Sheriff Cooper instantly responded. “It’s a crime scene. I called Clovis to come in to take photos and collect samples of the blood found. Clovis has been specially trained in forensics. It’s why I hired him part time after he retired from Fresno. We might never catch the perp, but we’ll try our best.”

“Blood?” Snow started sniffing at her again.

“I got a few small cuts on my foot but I’m fine.” She gave him her most reassuring look.

Sheriff Cooper cleared his throat. “Mel here put up a hell of a fight. My deputy found blood drops in her living room floor, on the broken table, and on the couch. He also spotted some drops right outside her front door. That might have been hers, though, since her foot was cut.” He sucked in a sharp breath and smiled. “There was also blood smeared on her bedroom wall next to her bed. That’s where he fell after he broke through her bedroom door, according to Mel. I told Clovis to get samples there for sure.”

He looked at Mel next. “That little plant stand you had next to your bed was in pieces. I’m thinking when he got up, he used the wall to brace against, and his hand must have bled through the glove enough to smear on the wall.”

Snow’s hold on Mel tightened, and he pulled her closer to his body.

“We’re going to do our best to catch him,” Sheriff Cooper promised.

“The NSO is more than willing to help in any way you need,” Brass informed him.

“Thanks. I appreciate that.” Sherriff Cooper sighed, gazing at Mel. “You might want to stay with them for at least a month or so. You’ll be safe at Reservation. Until this perp is caught, he might come back. We’re understaffed. I just don’t have the manpower to keep someone on you around the clock. I know Joel will be pissed since he depends on you so much, but that’s what family is for. I’m sure some of his nieces or sisters will appreciate covering your shifts to earn extra money. Once Clovis is done, I’ll let you go inside your apartment to pack some of your personal things. It won’t be until tomorrow at the earliest.”

Mel knew Sheriff Cooper was probably right about it being better if she stayed with Snow for a while. She also understood her place being a crime scene and having to wait to go back inside. The person who broke in might come after her again.

Her mind worked. She’d be safe…but the same couldn’t be said for Mary. Her parents were only in town for a few days. They liked to travel. Once they were gone, her best friend would be alone and vulnerable to attack. The sheriff just said he didn’t have the manpower to babysit anyone.

“Mel? I will get you new clothing. It will be fine. Come with me.” Snow tugged on her arm gently, trying to lead her to the door.

She resisted. “Wait. I’m thinking.”

“There’s nothing to think about, young lady.” The sheriff frowned. “The NSO will keep you safer than I can. I hate to admit that, but I’m no fool. And I don’t believe in coincidences. A reporter shows up, asks you questions at work, and then someone breaks into your apartment. If that reporter is behind this in any way, his source not only blabbed about the shooting, but he could have learned that Snow took you to Reservation after you were clipped by a bullet. Even if it isn’t him responsible for your attacker, maybe this reporter told the wrong person that last bit, someone who hates New Species.

“I hate to say it, but I’d make assumptions too about one of their men carrying off a woman and taking her home, if I didn’t know how compassionate they are. My first thought when I arrived at the diner to learn they’d whisked you off was that you must have been hurt, and they have damn good doctors. But some idiots out there might take advantage of your knowledge of Reservation. You’d be an easy way for those idiots to get at the NSO. Either way, you need to go stay with them. It’s just common sense, young lady.”

Mel nodded, hearing every word Sherriff Cooper said. She didn’t disagree. Whoever had broken into her place probably did so because of the shooting, or because she’d spent time with Snow. “My place wasn’t the only one broken into, Sheriff. He went after Mary, too. She said her parents were only going to be home for two days this time. You know how they love traveling. Then she’ll be alone. That jerk will just have to wait for the right opportunity to grab her. That guy seemed really determined to get me. I should know; I was there. He didn’t run when I started screaming. He kept coming after me no matter how much I fought. He even followed me out to my car, and it was still daylight. Anyone could have seen him. I’ve seen crazy animals act like that before. They’re single-minded, and they don’t stop until you make them.”

“We can take your friend Mary to Reservation.”

She shook her head at Brass. “Thank you kindly for offering, but you don’t know Mary. There’s no way she’d go there. You’d have to lock her up and sedate her to keep her safe. She’s terrified of New Species.”

Deputy Dud suddenly laughed. He’d returned to the main part of the station. “And squirrels. I’ve had to go to her apartment twice because they got into the attic of her apartment building. You’d have thought they had rabies or something with the way she carried on about how they were going to tear through the ceiling to come after her for blood. Animal control didn’t respond fast enough, so she called the station almost sobbing. I felt bad for her and went over, sat with her until someone showed up.”

“Exactly.” Mel nodded, hating to agree with anything her ex said. “Mary is terrified of animals. No offense to any of you.” She glanced at the New Species. “We need to bait and trap this bad guy like the vermin he is while Mary’s parents are still home, and she’s safe with them.”

The men around her all appeared shocked at that suggestion. No one spoke.

Mel didn’t back down. “You know I’m right. We all want him caught. The fastest way is using me being bait. He’ll come after me, if I’m right. Then Mary will be safe for sure. I’m not willing to risk her being hurt while I’m sitting safe at Reservation.”

“No way in hell,” Snow snarled.

She gave Snow a pleading look. “Mary is my best friend. I can’t go with you knowing it makes her a target, since he can’t get to me. He already broke into her place once.” Then she looked at the sheriff. “How long does it take for you to send off blood samples and get results if they match someone? What are the odds that the lab will even find a match unless this guy already has a criminal record? I watch television shows about crime. Weeks to months, right? And we’d be lucky to find a match?”

Sheriff Cooper gave a nod, his expression grim.

Mel turned to Snow. “I want this bad guy caught. I’m not willing to risk him going after Mary again when she’s alone. She’s my best friend.” Tears filled her eyes. “I can’t let anything happen to her. I’d feel responsible. I could never live with that.”

“We aren’t certain that the male will go after her a second time. You were the one he tried to grab.”

She straightened and squared her shoulders. “He broke into her place, though. I’m doing this, Snow. With you or without you. I already have a plan.”

Snow didn’t look happy.

“What is it?”

She turned to Brass, relieved he was willing to at least listen. “I go home with Snow tonight, but tomorrow, once my apartment is cleared, I move back in there. Mary’s parents will stick around a few more days to protect her since they know her place was broken into, and I was attacked. I’ll take some time off at the diner, so I don’t put other people in danger if the guy is crazy enough to come at me in public. I’ll clean up my place, keep the curtains open…basically make sure I’m seen there. Alone.”

Snow growled.

“But I won’t be,” she quickly added, holding his gaze. “I know my place is small but you and a few guys could still hide in there. If he’s going to come after me, you’ll be there to grab him.”

Snow opened his mouth but Brass cut him off.

“It’s not the best plan, but it’s acceptable. We all want this male caught.”

Sherriff Cooper took a seat, his chair squeaking from his weight. “I’m onboard. Just tell me what need for us to assist you.”

Mel managed to not grin, especially after seeing how miserable and upset Snow appeared. She was getting her way…but he wasn’t happy about it.

Chapter Ten

Snow kept Mel in his lap on the return trip to Reservation. He sulked a bit about her plan but didn’t complain. The idea of Mel putting herself in danger to help catch the male who’d attacked her felt wrong to him. It was his duty to protect her. She was safe in his arms, and he didn’t want that to change.

At the same time, he admired her courage and understood Mel’s reasons for wanting to do it. She cared deeply about her female friend, Mary. He’d do anything for his friends. That included risking his life. Mel was brave. That earned his respect. She was an amazingly caring female.

He also felt determined. He wouldn’t let Mel out of his sight once they set her plan into motion. Nothing was going to happen to her. He wouldn’t allow it. No human would take her away from him or steal their future.

Motion drew his attention, and he found Brass watching him from the front seat. The male wasn’t his favorite person at that moment. He’d agreed to Mel’s plan. Then again, Snow could have overruled it since she was his mate—even if she hadn’t officially agreed. No Species would fight him on it if he aggressively refused to send a team to her apartment. It might upset Mel enough to reject him, though.

Brass didn’t say anything aloud. Instead, he silently mouthed, “She would have done it anyway.”

Snow gave a slight nod of acknowledgement. As a Species, most of their kind had gotten good at reading lips from their years at Mercile. The doctors and orderlies always tried to lie to them, but they’d all learned to watch their lips when possible as they whispered to each other too far away to hear or when glass separated them.

“We’ll protect her,” Brass mouthed. “Better us than them.”

Snow agreed, giving another nod. He trusted the sheriff and most of his deputies but he didn’t want Mel’s life in their hands. And he didn’t want Deputy Dud near her ever again. The male had asked her to live with him! He bristled just remembering, still wanting to punch him.

Mel stirred on his lap and studied him. “Are you okay? You’re being entirely too quiet.” There was a hint of worry in her beautiful eyes.

“I want to keep you safe at Reservation.”

“I know but―”

“You’re worried about Mary. I hate your plan but I understand. I’m not going to fight you on this, even if I wish I could.”

“Thank you, Snow. I get that this is hard on you.”

She really had no idea. “I keep thinking about how you could have been killed.” He stroked his hand down her back. “I’m going over scenarios in my head. What if the male shows up with a gun? What if he shoots you before we can get to him? You’re wearing a vest. Don’t fight me on that.”

“He was trying to grab me. He wanted answers. Dead folks can’t talk.”

“You hurt him when you fought him off. Bad males might change their motives and want revenge more.”

She reached up and cupped his face. “I’m hearing you. I am. I’ve still got to do this. Do you believe in gut feelings?”

“Yes. We call them instincts.”

“Mine are telling me that I’m right, and if he can’t get to me, he might go after Mary again. I’m sure it’s linked to the shooting, since he broke into Mary’s place, too. Her and I were the ones working that shift. Mary is like family. Actually, I like her better than my real family. I’d talk Mary into moving to Reservation, but I know she won’t. I have a better chance of winning a billion dollars playing the lottery. She’s super scared of animals. Not that you or other New Species are animals.” She glanced around, giving his friends apologetic looks, before going on.

“She’s even afraid of kittens, puppies, fluffy bunnies, and even those super-cute sloths. A customer came in a few months ago showing a video on her phone of a baby sloth getting a bath. It was adorable. Not to Mary. She said they look all cute but them bam! They might use those claws to attack. She even had a nightmare about it. It was ridiculous but…that’s Mary for you. She’s got the worst case of animal phobia that I’ve ever seen. There’s no way she could live with New Species.”

Snow stroked her back more. “I understand, Mel. We are way more frightening than baby sloths.”

Everyone inside the SUV chuckled.

“Are you mad at me?” She appeared worried.

“No. This is something you feel you need to do. I’ll support you.”

“We all will,” Timber stated from the driver’s seat.

They came up on the gates but they didn’t have to stop. Brass had called ahead. Snow liked that Reservation was laxer about the rules than Homeland at times. Otherwise, Mel would have to suffer a pat down by someone on duty every time she entered. He knew he could thank Brass for her easy clearance.

Snow helped her out of the SUV when they stopped in front of the hotel, keeping hold of her hand. He couldn’t wait to get her upstairs and alone. He’d missed her, and the scare he’d had made his need to touch her almost unbearable.

Brass stopped them before they could go inside. “We need to fine-tune the details of this mission. We’ll meet at eight in the morning for a shared breakfast.” His gaze locked with Snow’s. “You’re off duty for the next few days. Stay with your female.”

“Thank you.” He knew the NSO would be supportive. Mel wasn’t officially his mate but he’d made his intentions clear.

He took her into the hotel. Other Species were inside, but they kept back, giving grim nods his way. They must have heard what happened to Mel. He led her to the elevator and took her directly to his home. No one stopped or spoke to them. He was grateful for that.

Once they were inside, he locked the door and pulled her into his arms. “I was frightened,” he admitted.

She hugged him around his waist, nuzzling his bulky uniformed chest with her face. “I’m really okay. I’m a fighter. I wasn’t going to let that creep take me.”

He separated them but snagged her hand, taking her into his bedroom. He immediately began to strip.

Mel’s brows inched up. “Horny?”

“I hate the uniform. Take off your clothing. This isn’t about sharing sex. I need to make certain you’re not hurt. Strip, Mel. Now.”

She nodded, reaching for her long-sleeved shirt with the diner logo over her right breast. “I’d be okay if you were horny.” A small smile played at her lips. “I missed you.”

He couldn’t bare his body fast enough. He just tossed his clothing into a pile until he’d removed everything and then went to her, dropping to his knees to help her since she was slower. His gaze scanned every inch of skin she bared. Besides her slightly red knuckles, a few light marks on her arms, she seemed fine.

She lifted one of her feet after she’d taken off the socks and he saw three small bandages. He gently gripped her ankle and used his other hand to lightly push her back. She laughed as she landed on her ass on the edge of the mattress. He studied her foot. The smell of disinfectant hid any blood. The bandages weren’t stained.

“It’s only a few small cuts from glass. They aren’t bad. Sheriff Cooper had a first-aid kit.”

He released her ankle and walked on his knees closer, gently parting her thighs to make room for his hips. He cupped her waist and pulled her right up against his body before hugging her tight. He breathed in her scent. She was safe with him, in his home, in his arms.

“I can’t lose you, Mel. I won’t.”

She wrapped her arms around his shoulders. “You won’t. I told you. I’m tough. I fought that sucker hard. He probably wishes he’d never messed with me. And bonus? Now I have an excuse to buy new dishes. I smashed most of what I bought throwing them at his stupid face.”

He could tell by the light tone of her voice that she was trying to be funny but he couldn’t laugh. She felt so frail in his arms. And a male had attacked her. Tried to steal her away. It infuriated him. Frightened him. What if the male had hit her hard enough to break bones? Kill her? He’d seen too much death in his life. He knew how easily humans could die. Especially females.

“I’m fine, Snow. I promise.”

He nodded. “I’m going to make sure of that. Once this male is caught, move in with me. Stay with me, Mel. Mate me.”

Her eyes widened.

“I mean it. I’m certain. You’re mine, Mel. I’m yours. It’s that simple. I missed you when you were gone. You admitted to missing me. We shouldn’t be apart. It felt wrong.”

“I did miss you but it hasn’t been long enough to make a lifetime commitment.”

He felt pain in his chest at hearing her words. “I’ll convince you.”

She smiled. “Does that mean lots of sex?”

He chuckled then. “Yes.”

“I’m all for that. Give it your best shot, Snow.”

He kissed her, not holding back his need and desire to show her what she meant to him. His female moaned against his tongue, making his cock harden in an instant. He felt primed to take her but she wasn’t ready yet, her scent of arousal only faint. He let his hands roam her soft skin, remembering to be gentle.

Mel clutched at him and rubbed her breasts against his chest. He could feel the tips of them as they tightened. Her scent changed, her need growing stronger as he rubbed his cock against her slit. He lowered her slowly to the bed, released her, and gripped her thighs to spread them apart. He nuzzled his face between them, growling as his tongue found her clit.

Her little hands ended up in his hair. He growled louder, knowing she enjoyed the vibrations it caused. He licked, sucked, and focused on the swelling bud. Her moans increased, growing louder as he mercilessly took her to a thrashing climax.

When he felt the bud softening, he rose up.

It crossed his mind that he needed to put on a condom…but he had almost lost her. A human male could have taken her from him forever.

He gripped the base of his cock and slid his other hand under her ass, dragging her to the edge of the mattress. He looked down as he lined them up and put the tip of his shaft right at her entrance. The urge to drive into her deep and fuck her hard hit—but he paused.

Guilt surfaced as Mel panted, her eyes meeting his when he peered at her face. She was flush from her climax, trust shining in her eyes, and he realized he couldn’t be selfish.

“Hold on.” He forced himself to release his shaft, slide his arm out from under her, and rose to his feet. He grabbed the condoms, put one on, and then resumed his position on his knees at the bottom of the bed.

He was gentle as he entered her tight, wet body. His Mel was smaller than a Species female. She felt softer inside, too. Her moan of pleasure urged him to take it slowly, carefully. He never wanted to hurt her by being too rough. He rocked his hips, her body taking him deeper with each thrust. He licked his thumb and reached between them, placing it on her clit. It had begun to swell again.

Mel moaned and pulled her legs up. He leaned over her to keep her from being able to close them. He hooked her under her waist to hold her in place as he picked up the pace, fucking her faster. He rubbed her clit in time with his hips. He could fell her muscles clenching, making it harder for him to move inside her. She was so damn tight it nearly hurt, but it was too good.

She came again and it caused him to lose his seed. He snarled, coming with her. Then he felt himself locking inside her as the base of his shaft began to swell. He repositioned his arms, pinning her under him. Their gazes met and held.

“I love you, Mel. You’ll love me, too, one day.”

She reached up and cupped his face. “I’m already falling in love with you.”

His heart soared. “Good. You’ll agree to be my mate?”

“I think I will but we need more time. To make sure.”

“I’m already certain.” He kissed her, liking the way she wrapped her legs around his waist to hug him with them. “It’s going to be a long night of convincing you.” He grinned. “Once the swelling goes down, I’ll get rid of this condom and grab more.”

Her eyes widened. “Don’t you need recovery time?”

“I’m Species.” He shrugged. “We’re built for endurance and stamina.”

“Oh boy.” She smiled. “We need to eat at some point. I missed dinner.”

He instantly switched plans. “Food first. Then more sex. My mate needs to be fed.”


“You are mine, Mel. I know. I feel it.” He lifted his hand and brushed her hair off the side of her face, caressing her cheek. “How brave are you?”

“I fought off a creep today and plan to make myself bait tomorrow. Pretty darn brave. Why?”

He grinned. “It takes more time if I order food to be brought up here. Let’s go downstairs to eat. Now that you’ve mentioned it, I hear your belly rumbling.”

“But I just have my work clothes.”

“I will find you something of mine to wear. We’re not formal here at the NSO. I just want your skin covered to prevent other males from seeing too much of you.” The swelling went down and he gently separated their bodies. He hated pulling out of her. He lifted off her and helped her into a seated position on the bed. “I’ll take care of this condom and then we’ll go eat. I think you’ll like the choices they have.”

He rushed into the bathroom, discarded the spent condom, and washed his hands. Then he hurried back into the bedroom. Mel stood waiting for him. He walked to his dresser, opening drawers, and pulled out one of his thicker shirts and a pair of drawstring shorts that would fall past her knees. He liked to work out in them. They were well worn and comfortable. She took them.

“Skip the bra,” he told her. “My shirt is loose enough to hide that you’re not wearing one. No one would care anyway. Species females don’t like them.”

He pulled out sweats and a tank top for himself, quickly putting them on. He skipped wearing shoes. Mel took a seat to put on her socks. Snow waited, knowing she might feel more comfortable with something covering her feet. Not many humans went without shoes that he’d seen. When she was dressed, he held out his hand.

“Let’s go. And don’t worry. Other Species will love you. You’re mine and carrying my scent on you.” He grinned. He’d rubbed his skin against hers enough to know others would smell him on her.

“You’re weird but so cute,” she chuckled, taking his hand. “No shoes, huh?”

“I’m off duty. They aren’t required. A lot of Species will be barefoot. See for yourself.”

Mel felt a little nervous as Snow led her into a huge room on the first floor. The smell of food had her stomach rumbling. Dozens of New Species were there, sitting at tables already or walking along a long buffet between the kitchen area and the cafeteria. Most paused eating to glance their way. She forced a smile, meeting gazes. None of the New Species seemed alarmed at seeing her. A few even smiled back. It caused the last of her tension to leave.

She also noticed Snow had been right. Some of the New Species were in uniform with their boots but most wore casual clothing, from sweats to jeans, their feet bare. It was a reminder of how different they were from full humans, but it was nice.

Snow took her to the far right of the buffet and released her hand, handing her a plate.

“Fill it with what you want. They label everything for those of us who can read. Most can, but not the Wild Zone residents. They use their eyes and sense of smell to determine what they’d like to eat. You can have seconds or even thirds. Fill your plate, we’ll find a place to sit, and then come back for drinks.”

“Got it.”

She chose a filet mignon, fried potatoes, some mashed potatoes with bacon and cheese mixed in them, and then grabbed a bowl of salad with a small container of ranch dressing. Snow led her to a table. He had piled a few large steaks on his plate. They set them down, returned for drinks, and she picked a carton of milk. He chose a soda before they both grabbed silverware wrapped in cloth napkins and took their seats. Snow sat close to her.

“You weren’t kidding about the food choices. They have everything from fried chicken to Italian food.” She cut into her steak. It had said medium rare. The steaks Snow had taken were rare. She took a bite of the filet mignon and moaned her appreciation.

Snow grinned, cutting into one of his steaks. It was very red. “The NSO hires the best human cooks.”

“They do. I feel lucky to be here.”

Another male New Species approached with a plate and paused across the table from them. “May I sit with you and the female?”

Snow scowled. “My female.”

“I am aware.” The male was feline, handsome, and he flashed his fangs as he grinned. “I’ll be on my best behavior. My word. Yes?”

“Sit.” Snow sighed, motioning toward the male. “Meet Flirt. He fully earns the name. Remember…Mel is mine. Keep your comments tame.”

“I give my word.” The male took a seat across from Snow. “How are you, Melinda? We all heard about what happened in your human town.”

“I’m fine.”

“She fought the male,” Snow growled low.

Flirt’s catlike eyes widened and he blinked at her. “Did you harm the human?”

“I think so. They found blood at my place that wasn’t mine.”

“Impressive.” Flirt dug into his plate of baked chicken covered in a white sauce with pasta. He gazed at Snow. “You’re calmer than I expected.”

Now. Mel is with me.”

“Of course.” Flirt looked at her. “We’re protective as hell. It’s a good Species trait. We have many of them. You’d be smart to mate with him. He has asked, hasn’t he?”

She noticed how Snow paused eating, glaring at the male.

“He did. I just need a little more time. We haven’t known each other that long.”

Flirt snorted at her answer. “Humans.” His blue eyes flashed with humor though. “So cautious when there’s no need. This male is way better than your males. You should say yes.”

“Don’t pressure her,” Snow warned.

“I’m not. I’m giving her friendly advice.” He smiled at Mel. “Listen to me. I’m honest. You’ll never regret saying yes to becoming Snow’s mate. I know many human female mates. They are all extremely happy. You can’t do better than one of ours. We’re extremely loyal. And Species don’t cheat. We find one female, attach to her, and get addicted. That’s it for us for life.”

“Flirt.” Snow put down his fork and knife. “Enough. I didn’t bring Mel here to get references from my friends.”

“It doesn’t hurt.” The male shrugged. “She said she hasn’t known you for long. We have.” He turned his blue gaze to her and winked. “Snow is a keeper.”

“He is,” another Species called from another table.

“A solid male,” another male stated. “Canines are loyal.”

“Be smart, human.” That from a female Species across the room, who grinned when Mel met her gaze. “Accept Snow. He’ll be all depressed and sad if you say no. You never want to see a canine unhappy. Hey, Bestial. Show her the sad look. You’re a council member, do your job. Represent a pathetic canine.”

A tall canine male chuckled loudly from a table a few over and lifted his dark brown head. He pouted, his intense eyes taking on a soulful look as he stared at Mel. “Accept Snow. I’m asking for all the canines, even the ones who aren’t technically mine. This is the look I practice so they think I’m sympathetic when I’m listening to silly complaints and demands.” He jerked his thumb toward the female. “Like that one.”

“Enough!” Snow put his arm around Mel, drawing her attention from the big male. “Leave Mel alone.”

Mel laughed. “It’s okay. They care about you. I think that’s awesome.”

“Don’t encourage them,” he whispered loudly and leaned close, nuzzling the side of her head.

“Canines are also the best at sex,” another Species called out.

Some low hissing sounds came from the felines.

“You wish.” Flirt turned in his seat to shoot a glare at the canine who’d spoken. “We purr.”

Bestial rose. He was a tall, huge Species. “Hey, none of that. We’re all awesome. You heard Snow’s female. I won’t have a debate about sex while we’re eating in front of her. Snow is trying to impress his female.” He suddenly grinned at her. “We are the best, but we have to let the felines think otherwise. They are pussies, after all. The primates will beat their chests so we’ll give them a tie for second.”

Laughter sounded around the room but no one protested. Mel grinned as she turned her head, looking at Snow. He watched her back, amusement in his eyes.

“I should have ordered our food to be taken upstairs.”

She shook her head. “I’m having fun. This is nice. I like your people.”

“I’m glad you said that.” A feline lifted his plate from the table near theirs, rose to his feet, and moved to their table. “I have questions about your females, if you don’t mind. I want one for myself.”

Mel felt honored anyone wanted her advice. “Sure. Ask away.”

Snow groaned. “You’re going to regret this.”

More New Species joined them for dinner. They had to move a few tables together. Mel answered questions, mostly about the women in town who were single.

One thing became clear. There many more males than female New Species and most of them seemed super lonely. It hurt her heart. The NSO really needed a way to introduce them to some women.

Snow kept his arm around her, snarling warnings when someone asked sexual questions. He deemed them too rude and ordered her to ignore them. She had a blast, though, for the next hour until she yawned. It had been a long day.

“Enough. My female is tired.” Snow held up his hand. The males around the table became silent.

Except for Flirt. “Of course. Bring her to more meals.”

Everyone at their table and at a few around them agreed. Mel smiled at everyone, gave a wave, and let Snow lead her out of the cafeteria. Once they were alone in the elevator, she leaned against him.

“I had fun.”

“They did too. You’re exhausted. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I didn’t sleep well without you last night. Then I worked a full shift, and then…you know what happened when I got home.”

He kissed the top of her head and surprised her by releasing her, stepping back, and scooping her into his arms. “I’m going to strip you, cuddle with you, and you’ll sleep, Mel.”

“What about lots of sex?”

“We have forever. You’re mine. I’ll convince you, but after you have plenty of rest.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck and nodded, yawning again. “Good plan.”

Chapter Eleven

A soft noise woke Mel. She opened her eyes, instantly realizing she wasn’t at her place. Memories of the day before returned. Snow had brought her back to Reservation and they were in his bedroom.

She turned a little to stare at Snow’s handsome face on the pillow next to the one she used. He’d kept the bathroom light on, so she could see him well. It was dark outside still, sometime in the middle of the night.

He whimpered, his face contorting a little, and his body jerked suddenly.

She sat up, reaching for him. Snow seemed to be having a nightmare.


He jerked more violently and his eyes opened. He sat up fast, almost bumping into her. His gaze sought hers. She put her hand on his chest and felt his heart pumping rapidly.

“Are you okay?”

He moved fast, grabbing hold of her and pulling her onto his lap. Mel found herself cocooned in his arms, pressed tight to his chest. “It was just a dream.”

“It must have been a bad one.” She wiggled a little and wrapped her arms around him. “Do you want to talk about it?”

He rocked a little, adjusting his legs to make them both more comfortable, and buried his face in her hair. She heard him inhaling deeply. It made her sad that whatever he’d dreamed had messed with him that much. It must have been a doozy of a nightmare.

“I was back at Mercile.”

She could understand how upsetting that would be. “They were shut down. You’re never going back there.”

“I know.” He kept rocking them both. “It was a memory. I was reliving the past.” He nuzzled her. “I’m sorry I woke you.”

“Don’t say that. Never say that. I sometimes have nightmares, too. Everyone does.”

“I think almost losing you caused me to think of when I’d nearly died. At least, one of the more traumatic incidents.”

That horrified her. “How many times did they try to kill you?”

“Life was always uncertain while in captivity,” he rasped.

“I’m sorry you had to go through that.” It made her furious. She wanted to know what Mercile Industries had done to him. “What happened?”

“I don’t want to make you see me differently.” His hold on her loosened and he lifted his head.

She stared up at him, hating to glimpse that haunted look in his beautiful blue eyes. “I see a wonderful man. Nothing from your past is ever going to change that.”

“I nearly lost you earlier. That human male could have kill you.”

“I’m okay, Snow. I’m more worried about you right now. You can tell me anything. What were you dreaming about from your past?”

He stopped hugging her with one arm and reached up between them, touching one of the scars on his chest. “This.”

She glanced at the white round circle that marred his skin. “How did it happen?”

“They would shoot us with darts that were attached to wires. They caused so much pain. Electricity darts…and sometimes they was so strong it caused our skin to burn. They’d made them so strong to take one of my kind down instantly.”

Her anger grew. “Why would they do that?”

“I refused to do what they demanded. That’s all it took for us to be punished.”

“They had no right to hurt you, ever.”

He began to rock again, hugging her tightly. “I am aware.”

She thought about the other marks she’d seen on him. “Those circular scars are all from those darts?”

“Yes. The skin around the darts would be burned and hurt for a long time. They faded some with time.”

She snuggled tighter against him. “What about the ones along your back? Are those from darts, too?”

“A few, but mostly those are from attacks by the technicians. They liked to hit us often and hard with metal sticks. I learned later they are called batons. They would extend a bit and hurt a lot. Our bones are hard to break, but they could do it if they kept hitting the same spots over and over.”

“Oh, baby.” She clutched him. “I’m so sorry.”

“I killed some technicians. They were guards for Mercile.” His body tensed. “To keep them from killing me. I was remembering one of those times while I slept. I had angered one of them, and he attacked me. I managed to fight through the pain enough to grab hold of the wire the dart was attached to and yank on it. The technician didn’t let go fast enough, and it caused him to stumble forward and fall next to me. And I killed him. Does that make you afraid of me?”

“No!” She didn’t even have to think about it. “I’m glad you took out some of those jerks.” She released him and reached up, cupping his face. “I love you, Snow.”

He seemed to search her eyes. “You don’t look afraid.”

“I’m not. I could have killed those two jerks who came into the diner, the ones that I shot. I was raised with guns. I know what they can do. I’m surprised they both lived, to be honest. I was sure that one was a goner that I nailed center mass in the chest. Are you afraid of me because of that?”

“Never. You were brave and did it to protect Species.”

“Same to you, Snow. You have every right to save yourself from bad folks. I was aiming for that jerk’s face who broke into my place with my dishes. A flying piece of glass could have cut him just right and made him bleed to death. I also hit him in the head as many times as I could too. Head trauma and all that. It can definitely kill. I wanted to hurt him and put him down so he would stop coming after me. I don’t feel bad about it. He had it coming.”

A smile curved his lips, and that haunted look left his eyes. “I love you so much, Mel.”

“Right back at you. You can tell me anything about your past and it’s not going to change how I feel about you. I see the man you’ve become, and I like everything about you. You’re a survivor, and I’m glad for that. I wouldn’t have met you if you’d let those jerks kill you while they had you locked up.”

That smile turned into a grin. “I feel like everything I’ve endured is worth it, now that you’re in my life.”

He said the best things to her. Her heart just melted. “Make love to me, Snow.”

“I would love to.” He went for her mouth.

Mel tipped her chin up and kissed him, giving him all her emotions. How much he meant to her. How much she loved him. The growling sound he made turned her on more. He was just too sexy.

He turned them on the bed, taking her down to the mattress. His hands roamed her body, caressing one of her breasts. She loved it when he lightly pinched her nipple, causing a jolt of pleasure to shoot through her body. He really knew how to touch her.

Mel enjoyed the feel of him as she ran her hands over his warm, firm skin. She used her fingernails to lightly scratch. He growled and broke the kiss, going for her neck. She wiggled under him until she could spread her thighs wide and wrap them around his waist.

He reached up, and she glanced at his fumbling hand. He found some of the condoms he’d placed on the nightstand.

Their gazes met as he used his mouth to tear open a corner of the packet, and she bit her lip as he reached between their bodies, rolling it over his cock. She felt impatient, wanting to feel him inside her. He got it on…but then used his finger to tease her clit.

“I’m ready.”

“I feel. You’re very wet.”

“Always for you,” she admitted.

He kept rubbing her clit until she was clawing at him with her fingers. He finally pulled his hand away and replaced it with the thick tip of his cock. She loved the way he watched her as he entered her body, filling her in one slow thrust.

She wrapped her legs around his waist, raising them a little higher. Mel licked her lips, wanting him to kiss her, but Snow stayed just above her, out of reach, his gaze locked with hers. It was as if he wanted to watch her as they made love. She was fine with that, happy to stare into his eyes. She wished the lighting was brighter, but she wasn’t about to complain.

He did this incredible thing with his hips, taking her a little faster, his body brushing up against her clit with every drive into her.

“Yes!” she panted.

He kept doing that over and over, until she threw her head back, breaking eye contact as ecstasy exploded inside her.

Snow’s mouth went to her throat and he groaned against her skin. His body tensed, and she felt him locking inside her as he came, too.

“I can’t ever lose you,” he rasped.

She panted, caressing him where she held on to his shoulders. “I don’t ever want to lose you, either.”

He lifted his head and kissed her. This time it was tender and more of an exploration of her mouth. He broke it a few minutes later and smiled. “We should stop or I’ll never soften enough to leave your body.”

She laughed. “We should probably get some sleep. We have that meeting in the morning.”

“Right.” His expression hardened.

“I know you’re worried about me being bait but—”

“I understand, Mel. Friends are important. Mary is your family in your heart. Species understand this. All of us have become a family in our hearts. Only a few of us are lucky enough to have blood matches to actual relatives.”

She frowned, a little confused. “I don’t understand.”

“Mercile occasionally used samples of the same DNA to create more than one Species. Some of our people have found matches with other Species. A human association, or one from our animal DNA.”

That stunned her. “Do you have any matches?”

He shook his head. “No. My genetic contributors must not have pleased Mercile enough for them to reuse those samples, or none of those Species survived to experience freedom. The NSO doctors have created a database for us to see if we are related to each other. Only a few have matches.”

“Have you ever thought about trying to find your, um, contributors?”

“No. It’s been debated but overall, Species don’t want to know. I don’t. Some humans sold their genetic material to Mercile. They may not have understood what was going to happen to it, but regardless, most of us are resentful. We suffered deeply. We hold no blame toward the animals who contributed to us. They wouldn’t have been given a choice.”

She wasn’t sure what to say to that. It hurt her thinking about it, though. New Species must have felt betrayed by not only the company who’d abused them, but the people who’d helped create them by contributing their DNA.

He smiled. “All Species are family to each other. The lucky ones find mates.”

Mel nodded, still too choked up to speak.

Snow withdrew from her body and got out of bed to dispose of the condom. He washed his hands and returned to her fast, climbing back into bed. She curled into him, wanting to just hold him.

“I’m so glad I found you, Mel.”

“Me too.” She already couldn’t imagine her life without Snow.

Snow’s heartbeat slowed, and so did his breathing as he drifted back to sleep. Mel worried he’d have another nightmare and fought to stay awake just in case. She ran her finger over one of the scars. It was slightly raised. Now that she knew how he’d gotten some of them, it made her killing mad. They’d hurt and tortured him. Nearly killed him.

It also made her wonder how often nightmares woke him when she wasn’t there.

Tears filled her eyes and she snuggled closer, closing her eyes. She wanted to be there every night to hold him.

That would mean moving in with him.

He wanted her to. She wanted it, too. But it was probably crazy to do it too fast. She debated the pros and cons as Snow slept. Living with him and sleeping with him every night would be great. The hard part would be telling Joel she was going to quit the diner. Mary wouldn’t be happy, either. They were besties, and they liked seeing each other every day.

Snow moved in his sleep, his arm tightening around her.

Mel yawned, deciding to think about it more later. She just wanted to enjoy having him close, loving every moment they spent together.


Snow woke with Mel mostly sprawled on top of him. He grinned. It was the best feeling in the world to wake with her in his bed. He ran his hand lightly over her bare back. Mel wiggled a little on him and rolled over. He missed her weight immediately, but one glance at the clock on the nightstand reminded him that they had a meeting. It was just over an hour away.

He got up silently and crept into the bathroom, closed the door, and then emptied his bladder. He brushed his teeth next, before returning to the bedroom to wake Mel. They both needed a shower. The smell of sex remained on their skin. He had no problem with that but the males at the meeting might. Some of them would be jealous. That thought caused him to chuckle as he leaned over Mel and quietly called her name.

She barely opened her eyes and smiled. “Morning. The sun is up.”

“It is. The meeting with the males is in just over an hour. I was going to take a shower. Would you like to join me?”

She sat up and yawned, her hair messy and adorable. “That’s probably be doing…”

He laughed. “You’re not awake yet. What you just said made no sense.”

“What did I say?”

He helped her out of bed. “Something cute.” She yawned again as he led her into the bathroom. “Brush your teeth while I start the shower.”

“Okay. Bad breath is bad.” She picked up his toothpaste and stared at it blankly. Seconds passed.

He laughed some more and snagged a toothbrush for her from the container he kept on the counter. “Here.” He tugged the toothpaste out of her hand and put some on the bristles before lightly wetting it. He put it in her hand. “Do you have it from here?”

She met his gaze in the mirror and offered a wry grin. “I think so. Sorry. I’m not a morning person.”

“I am. We’re perfect for each other. I’ll make sure you don’t stick that in your ear or try to brush your hair with it.”

“Good. I mean, I won’t.” She began to brush her teeth.

He turned away and started the water in the shower, adjusting the temperature to be comfortable for his female. He didn’t want it too hot or cold. He returned to her just as she finished spitting out the toothpaste and rinsing her mouth. She straightened and turned to him.

He held out his hand and she took it, and they entered the shower together. Mel let him wash her hair, then she wanted to do the same for him. He smiled when she offered but knelt down since he was much taller.

Mel chuckled. “That works!”

He closed his eyes as she worked shampoo into his hair. “That feels good.”

“It does. We could make this a regular thing when we shower together. We should buy one of those stool things for you to sit on so you don’t have to put your knee on the tile floor in the future when I do this.”

“I’ll get one,” he promised.

“Just like that, huh?”


“I’d like that, Snow.”

She finished with his hair and he got back to his feet, pulling her against him. “We should also make this a regular routine.” He lifted her, pressing her against the tile, and kissed her.

Mel wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs hooked on his hips. He growled as her breasts smashed against his chest, positioning her a little higher. It was tempting to take her right there. He wanted to but then he remembered that the condoms were in the other room. As much as he wanted to mate Mel, she hadn’t agreed yet. He couldn’t risk getting her pregnant until she did. A snarl tore from him as he stopped kissing her.

Mel panted. “Why did you stop?”

“We have that meeting.”

“Oh. No time, huh?”

He reached back, turning off the water. “We’ll make time. Get on the bed, now.”

She almost tripped on the lip of his shower. He caught her around the waist to steady her and they both quickly dried off. Mel was the first to rush out of the bathroom to reach the bed. He was right on her heels. He glanced at the clock.

“We have about twenty-five minutes.”

“That’s more than enough time.”

He didn’t agree. There wasn’t enough time in the world in his mind to make love to her.

Chapter Twelve

Mel’s nerves kicked in as she sat in the front of Sheriff Cooper’s vehicle. After their meeting, and a long, stressful day, it was finally nighttime as he drove her from the gates of Reservation to her apartment. Deputy Tommy followed in another car. She thought that was too much but Snow had insisted on both men escorting her in two different cars, feeling it was safest since he couldn’t be at her side himself. He’d left twenty minutes before she had, with a team of New Species.

“The New Species are already inside your apartment,” Sheriff Cooper stated.

“How do you know?”

“I’m in contact with them. They gave me one of their fancy ear things. I can hear them.”


She peered out the dark windows of the passenger side. “Are they sure they weren’t seen going in?”

“The only way that could happen is if the perp owns special night-vision goggles. We blacked out the area while they snuck in.”

“Wow. I didn’t know you could cut power. Why bother?”

“Because the perp can’t see in the dark. Some New Species can. It was their plan. Morris Brown turned off the power to that section. He showed up in his work truck right after to ‘fix’ it. If someone is watching your apartment building, they wouldn’t have seen anything but the lights from Morris’ truck while he was pretending to work. The New Species slipped into your apartment minutes ago. Brass just told Morris to turn the power back on.” He paused for a beat. “Morris just acknowledged.”

She hugged her waist. “Okay.”

“The power’s restored.” He accelerated. “Time for us to put our part of this show on. I’m going to drop you off, walk you to your door, and warn you about being careful.”

“Got it.”

“You’re going to open your curtains, right?”

“Yeah. As I clean up my trashed apartment. Snow and the other guys should be hiding in the bathroom.” She felt a little guilty about that. “It’s not a very big room for four large men to share.”

“At least they can piss if the need arises,” he joked. “Hopefully this perp is impatient and comes after you soon.”

They made it to her apartment building quickly. Her place was dark, while her neighbors had their lights on. The Sheriff parked where she normally did, since her car remained at the station, and they both got out. She clutched her purse and tried to appear nervous and afraid. She would be feeling both of those emotions if she were really about to be on her own.

“Are you sure you want to come home?” Sherriff Cooper used his booming voice.

“I’m sure.” She nodded. “Thank you for bringing me home. I wish my stupid car hadn’t died,” she said, to explain why she was getting a ride. Snow had refused to let her drive on her own, even the few blocks from the station.

“We’ll have your car looked at tomorrow.” Sheriff Cooper got out his flashlight and turned it on. “You really need more lighting around your front door.”

“I’ll ask the landlord.” She pulled out her keys, pretending to unlock the door. Snow had taken her door key to allow him and his team inside before she’d arrived. “Thank you for the ride.”

“Are you sure you don’t want me to come in and check it out?”

“I’m sure. You said the back lock on the window was fixed. I just want to clean up the mess and sleep in my own bed.”

“Alrighty. You call the station if you hear or see anything. Promise me.”

“I promise, Sheriff.”

“Go on in. I’ll stand here. Lock that door.”

She walked inside, flipped on a light, and closed the door, twisting the lock. She leaned against the wood, staring at the mess left behind. Snow had found her slip-on shoes so she wouldn’t cut her feet, thoughtfully leaving them right inside the door. She put them on to avoid getting more cuts on her feet, the sight of her apartment bringing back every second of the attack. It calmed her to know Snow, Brass, Timber, and Torrent were in her bathroom, just down the hall.

“I’m here and okay,” she said aloud. “The door’s locked. I’m going to open the curtains now.”

“Be careful,” Snow softly called out. “No one was here when we arrived, and the lock on the window works.”

She inhaled deeply and dropped her purse, walked to the windows a few feet away, and pushed the curtains apart. Then she opened the window, letting in the slight breeze. That was also part of the plan. It would seem odd to just open the curtains at night to put her on display. Now anyone would watching would assume she needed to air the place out while she cleaned.

Mel hurried to the kitchen, pulled out a few trash bags, and withdrew the broom from beside the fridge. She carried them to the living room and then walked down the hallway to her bedroom.

The door was partially closed to the bathroom, the light in there off. She paused, put her hand on the wall, and pretended to mess with her shoe. “I’m going to open the bedroom window now.”

“Be careful,” Snow ordered. “Don’t stay in front of either window once they’re open. I don’t want this male to tear off the screens and grab you. Make him come in after you.”

“I remember.”

She put her foot down and pushed away from the wall, entered her bedroom, and flipped on the light. The small nightstand she’d bought was smashed. The blood smeared on the wall had been cleaned off. Clive must have done it after he’d taken samples. She liked the older retired cop who worked part time for Sheriff Cooper. He came into the diner sometimes with his wife.

She parted the curtains, saw the new lock on the window, and unlatched it. Then she opened the window. The screen had been replaced with a new one. She backed away and glanced around her room, then dumped her hamper of dirty clothes on her bed, using the plastic container to start picking up the small pieces of the table. She flinched over the sight of the interior door. The landlord hadn’t replaced it yet. Damage had been done to the door and frame when the intruder had busted into her bedroom.

She walked down the hall and into the living room, dropping the plastic basket near the front door. Then she grabbed a garbage bag and began picking up parts of the table and large pieces of her broken dishes.

Part of her wished she could turn on music, but Snow had vetoed that. He wanted to make sure he could easily hear every sound she made…but especially ones she didn’t. She wondered how the four New Species were fitting into her small bathroom, imagining two of them standing in her shower, one sitting on the closed toilet lid, and one standing in front of the small sink. The thought had her smiling.

She put on the thick plastic cleaning gloves she kept under the kitchen sink to pick up the smaller, sharper pieces of glass, filling the trash bags. Time passed slowly as she picked up everything the best she could, then swept, the bags piling up in front of her door. Snow had ordered her not to walk to the dumpsters near the parking lot, too afraid she’d get grabbed out there.

She returned to the hallway. “How are you guys doing?” She kept her voice low and tried not to move her lips.

“We’re fine. How are you?”

Just hearing Snow’s voice helped. “Good. I’ve done everything but vacuum.”

He growled low.

“I’ll close and lock the living room window. That way the jerk will have to pass you to sneak up on me. How about that?”

“Keep the curtains open,” Brass ordered.

“Got it.” She yanked open the small cupboard in the hall and pulled out her vacuum. She carried it into the living room and set it down, then pretended to be cold, rubbing her arms. She walked to the window and shut it, making sure the lock was set. Then she plugged in the machine and flipped it on.

Mel kept her back to the hallway. If the jerk was watching, between the sound of the vacuum and her vulnerable position, it would give him the perfect opportunity to sneak up behind her. Not that he’d get past Snow. She had faith in that.

She ran the vacuum over the carpet for a good forty minutes, until she was sure no glass remained. She entered the kitchen, cleaning it next. The cabinets were still open from when she’d grabbed the plates and glasses she’d just cleaned up. The few dishes in the sink were easy to wash.

By the time she was done, hours had passed since she’d gotten home.

A bad feeling started to churn in her stomach. What if the jerk wasn’t waiting for her? She had fought him off hard. Maybe he was watching Mary’s place instead, waiting for her? She chewed on her bottom lip, wiping down the counters. It was hard not to keep glancing out at the street her front window faced to look for anyone watching back.

Finally, with nothing left to clean, she got a soda out of the fridge and opened it, walking to the couch. She dropped onto it, closed her eyes, and relaxed. The meeting that morning had been early, the New Species going over the plan many times, and she and Snow hadn’t had any alone time during the day. They’d eaten lunch afterward in the cafeteria, and she’d met more of his males. Some of them had asked her if she had any single, attractive friends. That caused her to smile. Mary fit that description but she’d never date a New Species.

She missed her best friend. Sheriff Cooper had assured her that not only had Mary’s parents agreed to stay home extra days, but he had a few of his deputies driving by their house every hour. They were safe. Now the jerk just needed to show up so he could be caught.

She sat up a bit and drank her soda slowly. Then she got up, tossing away the empty can. Her bladder started to protest soon after, making her regret drinking it. Another hour passed, and she glanced at the clock. It was a little after nine. That was the time she usually went to bed to get up early for her shift at the diner.

Part of her wondered how mad Joel was for her skipping out on work that day. Mary had to cover her shift, but again, Sheriff Cooper had promised to have deputies there to eat in shifts while Mary was there. Her parents had driven her there and back to make sure she’d never be alone.

Mel got up and closed the curtains, then walked down the hallway. “I’m closing up,” she whispered.


She entered her bedroom and again made a show of being cold, closing the window and pulling the curtains closed. She picked up her dirty clothes off the bed and tossed them into a corner before returning to the hallway.

“Curtains are closed,” she whispered. “You can come out. I’ve got to pee.”

Snow opened the door…and she grinned.

Brass stood from where he’d been sitting on the closed lid of her toilet, while Timber and Torrent stepped out of her shower.

“What’s funny?” Snow moved closer and kissed the top of her head.

“Nothing.” They cleared out of Mel’s bathroom and she entered, closing the door and twisted on the faucet in the sink to cover any sounds. New Species had great hearing. She quickly peed, washed her hands, and then opened the door. “I thought he’d come.”

“He might be waiting for your neighbors to sleep.” Brass leaned against the wall in the hallway. “We knew it was a possibility that we’d be here for a few days. We brought meals.”

“I saw bags of groceries in the fridge and figured. Make yourselves at home. The curtains are thick, and I closed them tight. As long as you don’t get close to them, no shadows should show.” Mel bit her lip. “I’m sorry he didn’t take the bait fast.”

“We’re here for as long as need be.” Brass turned, walking into her living room.

Timber and Torrent followed him. Mel stared up at Snow. “What if I’m wrong?”

“Part of me hopes you are and the male doesn’t come after you again.”

“But Mary—”

“I know.” He pulled her in for a hug. “For her, I hope he shows. We’ll get him if he does.”

She nodded against his padded chest. She wore a bulletproof vest, as well. It wasn’t near as bulky, though. One of the female New Species had lent it to her, telling her to avoid wearing a bra to make it more comfortable. She’d listened.

“Go eat, Snow. You’ve got to be hungry.”

“You stay at my side.”


She found the Species sitting on her newly vacuumed floor eating sandwiches and drinking from cans and bottled water they’d brought with them. No one spoke. Snow offered her something to eat. She shook her head. “I’m still full from when we ate before we left.” She took a seat on the couch and kept her voice low. “What now?”

“You pretend to go to bed.” Brass met her gaze. “Snow will lie down with you in the bedroom, and we’ll take positions in the living room and hallway to be close.”

“Are any of you going to sleep?” She worried about them. What if the jerk didn’t show up for days, or worse, not at all?

“We’ll sleep in shifts. Don’t worry about us.” Torrent flashed her a smile. “Species are tough. We don’t need as much sleep as humans do.”

“Thank you for doing this.” She made eye contact with each one of them.

“You’re welcome,” Brass responded after sipping his water. “Once we are finished eating, turn off the lights in here. Do you normally keep any lights on?”



They finished eating, a few of them using the bathroom, and Snow pulled her to her feet. She turned off the lights and led him to her bedroom. Her bed was small compared to him. “I don’t know how both of us are going to fit.”

“I’m sleeping on the floor.”

She turned to him, scowling.

“Mel, I’m guarding you. I’ll sleep sitting up next to the window. It’s for the best. Climb into bed and I’ll turn off the light. Rest. You’re safe.”

“I know that. Can I take off the vest?”

“No. Just your shoes.”

She couldn’t complain, really. The New Species were all wearing black uniforms with vests on. She pulled the sheets back and took a seat on her twin bed, kicking off the slip-ons before lying down. Snow smiled at her and flipped off the light. Total darkness filled the room.

“I’m right here.” Snow moved toward the window as he spoke. “Sleep.”

“I’ll try.” She got as comfortable as possible. “Do you want a pillow?”

“I’m fine.”

She was tired, and Mel knew it was the stress. She’d talked Snow and his friends into this crazy bait idea, and maybe all for nothing.

Why hadn’t the bad guy shown up?

She chewed on her bottom lip, worrying. What if the jerk had fled town after she’d fought him off? Worse, what if he left for a week or two, but then came back? She’d be safe with Snow…but Mary would be an easy target living alone.

Snow heard Mel’s breathing slow about an hour later. Torrent entered the bedroom from the hallway, pausing there. “The neighbor next door turned off his television and we believe he went to bed,” he whispered.

“Good. The darker the building, the safer the human might feel to come after my female.”

“We won’t allow him to harm her.” Torrent walked out but didn’t go far.

Snow closed his eyes, listening to Mel breath and the soft sounds the males made in the apartment. Two lay down, one falling asleep, while Torrent paced quietly up and down the hallway. Time passed, and Snow dozed on and off. At one point, voices woke him as Brass switched with Torrent, taking a turn patrolling the hallway. Snow returned to sleep.

Until a noise woke him again.

He jerked, instantly awake and sitting up straight, straining to identify the sound.

It was faint…and it came from behind him. That would be the back of Mel’s apartment building.

He rose to his feet right as Brass silently rushed into the room. Timber followed. The three of them stared at the closed curtains, hearing footsteps right outside.

Snow motioned toward the bed. Timber nodded and moved forward, pulling aside the sheets hanging from the ceiling. It took all of Snow’s self-control to allow the other male to scoop Mel into his arms. She inhaled sharply but Timber silenced her before she could say anything. The male carried her out of the room to the bathroom. He placed her inside, with whispered orders to get into the tub and curl into a ball.

Snow backed up, taking position against the wall by the window. Brass took the other side. Timber returned, waiting by the bed out of sight of the window. Mel’s curtained bed helped hide him.

There was a slight pop, and the window softly slid open. A gloved hand reached in, pushing the curtain out of the way. The male was being very quiet for a human. It would have impressed Snow if he wasn’t so enraged. That male was coming after Mel.

They let him climb over the windowpane and step into the bedroom. The intruder wore a mask like Mel had described and black clothing.

He took a single step toward the bed before Snow lunged, taking the asshole down hard. He used all his body weight so when he landed on the male’s back, it would hurt his prey.

Brass moved to the window to make certain there wasn’t more humans.

The male under Snow grunted, the breath knocked out of him. Then he sucked in air and began to struggle.

Snow grabbed hold of his wrists and squeezed. The male screamed. It was probably from a few bones being broken. Not that Snow gave a damn; the male deserved it for coming after his female.

The asshole tried to throw his head back into Snow’s face. He dodged it and growled loudly.

“Do that again and I’ll rip your goddamn throat out,” he snarled. “Hold still, or I’ll make you scream more.”

The male under him stilled, breathing fast.

“Clear,” Brass called out. “No one else is out there.” He slammed the window closed.

“Lights,” Timber warned, before flipping on the switch.

Snow shifted his body over his prey as both of his friends dropped to their knees, frisking the male for guns. They didn’t find any.

Timber withdrew handcuffs, slapping them on one of the human’s wrist. “Roll him over.”

Snow roughly did so, glaring at the masked human. Once Brass was in place, he lifted off the human, getting in his face, and tore off the hood.

The unfamiliar male was about thirty, had swelling and raw scratches to his face, and sported some bandages. Snow grinned in satisfaction. Mel had hurt him.

The human’s dark eyes widened with fear. “I have the wrong apartment. This was a joke between me and my girlfriend, Sheila. You know. It’s a sex thing. She gets off on the burglar fantasy.”

“Shut up,” Brass growled. “Stupid human. I take it Mel has good aim. She said she nailed you with some plates and glasses to your face.” Brass frisked the front of him, pulling plastic zip-ties from the male’s pockets.

Snow snarled at the sight of them. “Were those meant for my female?” He wanted to tear the human apart.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” the human lied.

Brass stood, reached down, and grabbed the human by the front of his shirt and his throat, lifting him. Timber grabbed his other arm, yanking it back roughly, and snapped on the other cuff.

“Go let your female know it’s safe and we have him,” Brass ordered Snow.

He hesitated.

Brass clasped his shoulder. “I understand wanting to hurt this male. I do. But we need answers. He can’t give them if you break his scrawny neck. Go to your female and tell Torrent to keep watch in the living room. We’re not expecting another idiot to arrive, but it’s best to be cautious.”

Snow gave a sharp nod, leaving the bedroom. Mel was his priority. He could hurt the male who’d attacked her later, after the NSO learned what they needed to know. He met Torrent’s gaze where the male stood in the living room down the hall and gave a sharp nod.

Torrent grinned and lifted his cell phone to his ear. He was in contact with Reservation. They had two teams waiting in SUVs a few blocks away.

Snow opened the bathroom door and flipped on the light. Mel was inside the tub, curled into a ball.

“We got him.” He rushed forward, helping her stand. He lifted her over the edge of the tub, hugging her. “You did damage his face.”

“I want to see him.”

“Later.” He breathed her in, refusing to let her go.

She clung to him. “I’m just so glad this worked.”

“It did. You’re a very smart female.”

She sniffed, sounding emotionally overwrought. “Vermin are pests, no matter where you live.”

He chuckled. She was too damn cute.

Chapter Thirteen

Mel woke to Snow kissing her forehead. She opened her eyes, immediately smiling at the sight of him. His hair was a little mussed and his beautiful blue eyes were locked on her. His hand gently caressed her cheek.

“Brass called. They have finished interrogating the male. We’re to meet downstairs in ten minutes.”

That information brought her fully awake.

After her intruder had been captured, they’d all returned to Reservation. She’d packed some clothing, since Snow insisted on her staying with him until they figured out what was going on and if she was still in danger. She’d been too exhausted to argue. Once they reached Snow’s place, they’d both stripped naked and cuddled. She’d fallen asleep right away.

“Did he say anything else?”

Snow shook his head. “Let’s get ready.” He pulled away, getting out of bed. He wore sweatpants, indicating she’d slept longer than he had.

Mel shoved back the covers and padded into the bathroom. Once she’d used the toilet and splashed water on her face, brushed her teeth, she returned to the bedroom. Snow waited, now wearing a shirt, too. He’d placed her bag on the end of the bed. She chose some comfy cotton stretch pants and an oversized long-sleeved shirt.

“Don’t bother with the bra.”

She turned her head, arching her eyebrows at him.

He grinned. “Species females don’t wear them unless they are working out or training. Free your beautiful breasts.”

She laughed at that. “Fine.” She dressed quickly, putting on slip-on shoes.

Snow led the way downstairs and to the same conference room they’d used for their meeting the day before. The smell of food hit her as they stepped inside the double doors. Brass, Timber, Torrent, and a male she hadn’t met before but recognized waited inside for the two of them.

Mel halted, openly gawking at Jaded Wild. She’d seen him plenty of times on the news, and his pictures were splashed on magazine covers at the checkout lines in grocery stores.

Snow wrapped his arm around her waist and drew her closer. “He doesn’t bite.”

“I know. I mean, it’s Jaded Wild. The Jaded Wild.” Mel sealed her lips, realizing she was babbling.

The handsome feline man in question grinned and came forward. “Humans have made me a big deal in your world but I’m just a normal Species.” He held out his hand.

Mel lifted hers, hating that it trembled. She’d never met a celebrity before. He gently shook her hand and then stepped back after releasing her, his gaze leaving her to stare at Snow. “Your female is adorable.” Then he looked down at her and winked. “Thank you for not screaming. Some of your females do that when they meet me now. It hurts my ears.”

Mel gave a sharp nod, keeping quiet. She didn’t want to embarrass herself or Snow by saying something she’d regret. Jaded Wild was in the same room as her! He wore jeans and a button-down silky black shirt. She couldn’t help but glance down, noticing his bare feet. Every time she’d seen him in pictures or on the news, he usually wore tuxedos or nice suits with dress shoes.

“Let’s sit. I had the kitchen staff bring us breakfast.” Brass waved a hand at the long table.

Snow took a seat to her immediate left. The center of the table had been set up buffet style with pancakes, bacon, sausage, toast, hash browns, scrambled eggs, and pitchers of juice, milk, and coffee.

Mel felt too nervous to eat but Snow quickly filled her a plate and placed it in front of her. He even poured her some milk, remembering that she liked it. He was the first to speak.

“What did you learn from the male?”

Brass had taken a bite of pancakes but paused.

Jaded cleared his throat across the table. “Justice can’t leave Homeland right now. Since I’m the other Species who must dress up in suits and ties to be paraded around the humans like I’m part of a dog and pony show, they figured you’d feel sorry enough for me to remain calm…and possibly forgiving. You won’t like what you’re about to hear.”

Snow softly growled.

Jaded sipped his coffee. “The male’s name is Darren Barrow. He’s somehow related to one of the males who shot Wind.” He glanced at Brass.

“His half-brother,” Brass stated.

Jaded nodded. “Darren said he got a message on his phone from that male, telling him what he was about to do. Darren was at work and didn’t hear it until after his shift ended later that evening. His half-brother actually admitted he was about to kill eight New Species who’d shown up at the diner and gave his location. He wanted to warn his Darren that he would be on the news later that night.”

“Darren said they aren’t overly close but when he tried to call Brad back—that’s the male who shot Wind—it went to voicemail over and over. And nothing was on the news.” Torrent paused. “He drove here from Arizona searching for his half-sibling. He swears he had no prior knowledge of what they planned to do.”

“He claims it shocked him that Brad would want to kill our kind,” Timber grumbled. “I’m not sure I believe that part but we’ve found no proof that he hated Species so far. We’re running background checks now but what information we have indicates no history of violence. Darren couldn’t find Brad, since we have both males in custody. That’s when he decided to go after the waitresses who were working that shift at the time his brother had left him the message.” Timber met Mel’s gaze. “He was afraid to call the NSO, since it’s known we trace all incoming calls. He says he’d hoped his sibling had chickened out and had just gone into hiding. He also swears he wouldn’t have hurt you. I don’t believe that. Decent males don’t wear masks and attempt to grab females just to talk.”

“What about the reporter? Did Darren send that male into the diner?” Snow asked.

Mel reached over and took his hand. He looked furious. She wanted him to calm down.

Jaded answered. “He said he called some reporters to see if they’d heard anything about a shooting at the diner, once he’d reached this area and he couldn’t locate his sibling. None of them had. He seemed surprised when we told him that one had actually come here to ask questions, since they all hung up on him.”

“So why are you here?” Snow glared at Jaded. “What is your bad news? We have the male. He can’t hurt Mel or her friend.”

Jaded put down his coffee mug. “We have more freedom here at Reservation than we’ll ever see at Homeland. Sherriff Cooper and his deputies are responsible for that. They chase off the paparazzi. They won’t put up with the legitimate news crews for long, either. He and his deputies make them leave quickly and the humans living in this area don’t want that kind of attention, either. We’re all in agreement in our need to keep strangers away.” Jaded paused, then, “Sherriff Cooper insisted on gaining custody of the male we captured. Darren Barrow committed his crimes in the human world. It’s a jurisdiction problem. Justice would have refused his request if there was no punishment involved, but the male will be locked up for his crimes in accordance with the human legal system.”

No,” Snow snarled. “He attacked my female!”

“None of us like it,” Jaded admitted. “I think we have better ways of dealing with stupid, dangerous humans than they do. Fuller Prison is where that male belongs, as far as we’re concerned, but we’re giving Sherriff Cooper his way this time. Who knows? Perhaps their prisons and jails are just as bad as Fuller, since humans run them, too.”

Brass cleared his throat. “Darren Barrow wasn’t a part of the attack at the diner and was at work in Arizona when Wind was shot. We’ve verified that. The crimes he did commit are breaking and entering into two human apartments. He committed assault on Melinda. The sheriff swore he’d have the human male prosecuted for both.”

“It’s not good enough.”

Mel held Snow’s hand tighter. He sounded as if he might lose his temper. She wasn’t about to let him do that.

“Mel is not technically your mate,” Brass stated softly. “She was living in a human apartment in the town. We’d be able to keep the male we captured last night if he’d come after her here, or if you’d signed the paperwork to make your mating official before this happened. Then this Darren would have been going after a Species female. That’s a New Species crime regardless of where it happens. We can’t ignore the Sheriff’s requests and his valid reasoning for jurisdiction. Those crimes were committed off NSO lands to humans.”

Snow growled.

Mel squeezed his hand tighter. “I see their point.”

He glowered at her. She inwardly winced. “It’s not like this jerk is going to get off scot-free. You heard them. Sheriff Cooper plans to prosecute him for what he did.” She glanced at Brass. “This Darren is facing jail time, right?”

Brass nodded. “Sheriff Cooper is going to take him to something called county lockup. He said the male will get time for his crimes. We have a confession from him about the breakins, him attacking you while trying to capture you to gain answers, and that he planned to take you somewhere else to question you. We gave a copy of the video of us interviewing the male to Sheriff Cooper. The blood found in Mel’s apartment will match the male. He’ll get an attempted kidnapping charge, too. The sheriff implied the human might be facing years of incarceration.”

Jaded stood, drawing their attention. “I understand why you’re angry, Snow. We all do. Human laws are different but it’s important that we keep a good relationship with them. Especially Sherriff Cooper. He didn’t ask for the other two males who shot Wind. Just this one. Please see where Justice is coming from and why this decision was made. This Darren didn’t harm your female.” Jaded glanced at her and smiled. “You hurt him. The injuries I saw on his face and parts of his body seemed painful.”

“I want to see this male.” Snow stood and tried to free his hand from Mel’s.

She clung to him and rose to her feet, too, facing him. “Hey!”

He looked down at her, rage on his features.

“Calm down.”

“I can’t. I want to beat on the male before they let him get away!”

Mel frowned. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Your female would be correct.” Jaded sighed. “Especially since we already allowed Sherriff Cooper to take the male half an hour ago.”

Snow snarled viciously, giving Jaded an enraged look.

“Sheriff Cooper would have gotten into trouble if he’d turned over a human prisoner to another authority with that male half beaten to death by a Species. Be reasonable,” Torrent snapped. “Besides, your female did to a number on him when she fought him off. We strip-searched him. Not only did he have injuries to his face, neck, and the back of his head, but there was bruising on various parts of his body.”

“It wasn’t enough,” Snow growled.

“Calm,” Timber ordered. “We knew you wouldn’t take this well. We have other, more pressing issues to deal with.” He peered at Mel.

She got a bad feeling. “What?”

“The human said he called at least a dozen reporters asking about a shooting at that diner. One reporter already showed up to speak to you.”

She retook her seat and tugged on Snow. He reluctantly sat down next to her again. “What’s so bad about that? I didn’t tell him anything.”

Jaded poured himself more coffee and sat. “You’ve been associated with the NSO. I deal with the press often. They can be relentless. The male couldn’t remember all the ones he contacted. He did, however, give them the names of the waitresses who would have been present at the time he received the call from his sibling. You and Mary Muller always work from the time the diner opens until afternoon, Tuesdays through Saturdays. That was very easy for him to learn from the humans.”

She felt sick. “Mary and I are still in potential danger, then.”

“Here’s the good news. The male spoke to other humans in town while he waited for another opportunity to capture you after his first attack.” Brass paused. “Your friend Mary has earned quite a reputation with the humans regarding her extreme fear of animals. They laughed, he claimed, when he asked if Mary would know our kind. One even shared a story with him about a dog incident at the grocery store.” He shrugged.

Mel knew exactly what he was talking about. “Someone brought their dog shopping. I wasn’t there, but I heard about it. It ran up to Mary to be petted. She thought it was going to bite her, and she started screaming and climbed into her shopping cart. It was a weekend, so a lot of folks were there to see that go down.”

Torrent leaned forward. “How big was this dog?”

“It was a four-pound chihuahua,” she admitted. “They’re these tiny dogs that Mary swears resemble rats. Everyone laughed and she was embarrassed pretty bad. But she wouldn’t let them help her out of the cart until Mrs. Abrams left with her dog.”

Jaded smiled but didn’t laugh. “Once Darren Barrows learned that, he focused solely on you.” Jaded glanced around the table at the other New Species, before holding her gaze again. “Any decent reporter will learn that same information about Mary and dismiss her as someone who wouldn’t associate with our people. We feel the threat to her is so low that it’s not a concern. You’re the one we worry about, Melinda. More reporters could show up. We feel you’re not safe leaving Reservation. You have a reputation for being friendly, and Darren was told you’ve openly admitted to liking New Species.”

She let that sink in. “Please, just call me Mel,” she got out.

Snow released her hand and leaned closer, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. She appreciated his emotional support.

“Mel,” Jaded responded.

She met his gaze.

“You’re in danger of at least being harassed by the press if more come here. That’s the best case. But the NSO have a lot of enemies. Some humans hate us because we’re different. Some fear us. We have religious fanatics targeting us. We almost had a human female burned alive in front of our gates because Zandy worked for the NSO. They wanted to punish her with a horrendous death just for associating with us. None of them even knew at first that she was involved romantically with one of our males until after they had taken her. The only reasonable options to keep you safe are for you to live here until we’re certain the threat has passed, or if you return to Indiana, far from the NSO. We’ll of course pay for you to relocate if that is your choice. We don’t want you to be financially burdened because you defended our males in that diner.”

Snow suddenly released her and stood. “Mel and I need to talk alone.”

The other New Species got to their feet as well.

Jaded addressed Snow. “Are you still angry with Justice for his decision to give Sheriff Cooper the male?”

Mel watched various emotions flash across Snow’s features. She wasn’t upset with the decision, herself. The jerk would serve some time for what he’d done. That’s all that mattered to her.

Snow finally sighed. “I realize how important it is for us to keep good relations with the sheriff and the humans. I don’t like it but I understand. Tell Justice I hold no grudge.”

“Thank you.” Jaded gave him a slight smile. “He’ll be happy to hear that. We all are.”

Snow led her out of the conference room and back to his place without speaking, but he kept a firm hold of her hand.

Mel had some thinking to do…but she was sure she already knew her decision.


Snow couldn’t shut his thoughts down. He kept imagining all the danger Mel could face if she returned to her apartment. It was tempting to see if other mates who had been targeted for being associated with New Species would share their stories with her. That might persuade her to stay at Reservation with him.

He realized neither had touched their food at the meeting, as both stood silently in his home. “Are you hungry?”

“A little. That food did look good.”

He softly growled. “I’m sorry. I just took you out of there without thinking about that.”

“We could go downstairs to eat in the cafeteria.”

“The others will want to ask you more questions about human females and sit at our table with us. You were too nice to them before. We won’t have the opportunity to talk alone if we go down there.”

That had Mel laughing, and he liked seeing that she could after the meeting they’d had. He wasn’t feeling as generous. The male who’d attacked Mel was with the humans. He wanted that male sent to Fuller Prison but he couldn’t fault Justice for the tough decision he’d made. They got to keep the two males who’d attempted to kill Species. They were a deadly threat if they were ever freed. That wouldn’t happen.

“I have cereal,” he offered.

“That works.”

He rushed into the kitchen and prepared two bowls. They took seats next to each other on the floor, using the coffee table in his living room as a surface to eat. “What are you thinking, Mel? Please share with me.” He wanted to plead with her to stay with him instead of returning to her parents. Part of his education once he’d been freed included learning maps of the United States. Indiana was far from California.

“I’m not returning to Indiana.”

He felt immense relief at hearing her say that. “Good.”

“It’s not just because I don’t want to live with my mama.” She held his gaze. “I don’t want to lose you.”

“I don’t want to lose you, either,” he admitted. “I want you to stay with me. You belong here. We can get married like humans do. Other Species have legally wed their human mates. We’ll also sign mate papers. It will officially make you Species.” He tensed, prepared for her to argue with him.

She put down her spoon and stared at him.

He reached out and took her hand, forgetting his own food. “I know you want more time…but I’d like for you to think about it. I swear I’ll give you a great life, Mel. Tell me what to say or do to convince you.”

“You are so sweet, Snow.” A smile played at her lips. “I missed you when you took me home after the first night we spent together. All I wanted to do was come back here to be with you. Then that jerk was waiting at my place, and we got to spend another night together after you picked me up from the station. You even went along with my bait plan when I know you didn’t want me to be in danger. You understood how important it was to me to try to get him in case he wanted to go after Mary next. You had my back.”

“I always will.”

“I believe that. It’s why I’m saying yes.”

He felt stunned but fearful that he might be misunderstanding her.

“Yes,” she repeated. “It might be crazy to jump into this so fast but I know you’ll catch me. I’ve fallen in love with you, and I already can’t imagine my life without you anymore. I don’t even want to.”

“You’ll be my mate?”

“Yes, Snow. I’d like to get legally hitched, too, if that’s okay.”

“I will marry you,” he swore, grinning. “You’re my heart, Mel. You have all my love. Forever.”

“I figured that when you asked me to mate you. You’re a pretty serious guy.”

He pushed the coffee table back and grabbed her, putting her on his lap. “You’ve made me very happy.”

“You make me happy, too.”

He held her tight, inhaling her scent. “I’ll have mate papers drawn up today and ask the NSO to arrange for our wedding. I want to do it right away.”

“Okay. I don’t want anything fancy. Can we sign these papers and do a wedding in a few days? I would really like Mary to be there, and I need to call my folks. I’m not sure if they can come, but they’d be upset if I didn’t invite them anyway.”

“Anything you want.” He chuckled. “I’ll make it happen. We can fly your parents here. Don’t worry about money.”

“You’re the best, Snow.”

“I just want you to be happy.”

“I am.” She cuddled into him.

Chapter Fourteen

Mel was nervous as she stood in front of a black SUV watching the road. Snow and a few other New Species were sitting inside the vehicle, where she’d asked them to stay. The windows were all down, though, so they could talk while they waited, and there was a tall wall about a hundred feet behind her. Two uniformed New Species stood on top of it, guarding the area. Others were out of sight.

Snow hadn’t been happy to leave Reservation but they weren’t technically off NSO lands. Mel had insisted that they go outside the walls. It made it easier for her best friend to meet her if she didn’t have to go through security and be patted down.

“I see a vehicle coming,” one of the Species on the wall shouted.

Mel spotted Mary’s car. “It’s her,” she called out. “Just stay in the SUV.”

Mary parked on the side of the road and got out of her car. She looked nervous, glancing at the SUV and up at the wall.

“It’s okay,” Mel told her. She walked forward but a low growl, probably Snow, brought her to halt. He had warned her to stay close to the SUV. “It’s all about compromise,” she muttered to herself, waving Mary to come closer. “I am so proud of you for driving this close to Reservation. Get over here.”

Mary kept her car keys in hand as she approached. “I missed you.”

Mel hugged her when she got close. “I missed you, too.”

“Why did you make me drive all the way out here instead of coming to my apartment?” Mary relaxed a little but kept shooting worried glances at the SUV and the wall. “We’re being watched by armed people up there,” she whispered.

“I know. The New Species are sure I’m in too much danger going back to town because the reporters know my name and who I am. That’s why I had you meet me here. I didn’t think you’d willingly enter Reservation to see me. They have some strict security measures.”

Mary paled.

“It’s fine. That’s why we’re here.”

“Whose house is that? I swear I just saw someone move one of the curtains.”

Mel glanced to the left. No way was she about to admit there were New Species in that house—and in the woods around it—to protect them in case of trouble. “Brass thought this would be a safe place for us to meet. The house had been empty for a while and the owners agreed to sell it. The NSO bought it but the paperwork hasn’t been filed yet. It’s probably just a breeze from a broken window or something. Ignore all that and look at me instead. You’re safe, Mary. They know you’re afraid of them and will stay back.”

“They probably think I’m an idiot for that.” Mary stepped back, still shooting nervous glances around her.

“They don’t. It’s a phobia. Some people have them. Did Sheriff Cooper talk to you? Did he tell you we caught the jerk who broke into our places and how?”

That snapped her best friend out of her fear and gained her full attention. Anger flashed on her features. “Yes! What were you thinking? You’re nuts for doing that.”

“I wasn’t alone. I knew Snow and his friends would keep me safe. And they did.”

“Sheriff Cooper also told me you did it because you were worried about me, and that you’re the one who came up with the idea.” Tears filled Mary’s eyes. “I’m calling you a crazy hillbilly. You purposely returned to your apartment and lured that asshole into coming after you again! That was insane!”

Mel laughed, not offended at all. “We got him. That’s all that matters. Vermin problem dealt with.”

“You would say that. What’s going on now? Are you going to stay with Snow for a few days?”

“I’m marrying him.”

Mary’s eyes widened.

“I love him, Mary. I know you’re probably going to tell me it’s too fast and we should wait, but I don’t want to.” Mel put a hand on her chest. “Snow has my heart. I already signed mate papers before you came. I’m officially a New Species now.”

Mary’s mouth just hung open.

“You’re gonna catch bugs if you don’t seal your lips together,” Mel teased. “You’d hate to swallow a bee or something.”

Mary closed her mouth and swallowed hard. “Mel, this is so fast.”

“I know. But I’m one hundred percent sure.” She patted her chest. “In here. It’s right. He’s my one. I love him more than life. Please say you support me and have my back, Mary.”

Tears filled Mary’s eyes again but she gave a quick nod. “Always. I’m happy for you.”

“Good.” Mel dropped her hand and reached out, taking Mary’s. “That should make the next part easier—I need you to be my bridesmaid in a few days when we have a wedding. The NSO is holding it at Reservation, inside the hotel. They have a minister they use at Homeland that they’re flying in. I’m going to look at dresses online at a store near here. They are willing to ship them overnight to Reservation and to your apartment. I’d like your help picking out my wedding dress and you need a gown too. I just need your sizes once we decide what will work.”

Mary’s mouth dropped open again.

“I know what you’re going to say,” Mel rushed to say. “But I need you! You don’t want me getting married without you there, do you? We’re family. I’ll be all alone if you don’t come.”

“What about your parents?”

Mel felt a little pain over admitting it, and she lowered her voice. “I called Mama to tell her about Snow. She didn’t take it well. I didn’t expect her to, really. You know she wants me to marry Bobby Roy.”

“The old alcoholic neighbor.” Mary scowled.

“Yeah. Him. She ordered me to get my behind home and to stop taking drugs,” she whispered. “She figured I had be on them to say I was going to marry a New Species. Snow is still pretty upset. He has really good hearing, and Mama was yelling at me. She refused to come meet him and threatened to disown me if I was serious. Then she hung up on me when I tried to get her to at least talk to him and be reasonable.”

“Oh, Mel. I’m so damn sorry. Your mother is such a bitch.”

“That’s why we’re best friends.” Mel shrugged. “We’re hoping she’ll call Snow’s phone back once she calms down and has time to think about it. I gave her the time and date of when we’re getting married. The NSO offered to fly Mama and Papa here first class on a fancy airplane. Maybe that’ll tempt them into coming. They’ve never been on a plane before.”

Mary scowled again.

“I know. But don’t burst my bubble of hope. You’ll be at my wedding, won’t you? I need you, Mary.”

Dread flashed in her eyes. “Mel—”

“We both know my folks probably won’t come.” Mel wasn’t above using guilt. “There won’t be many New Species at the wedding. It’s going to be small. Snow promises to keep you safe, and I swear no one will try to bite you.”

Some chuckles sounded from the SUV.

Mary tried to yank her hand free, probably attempting to escape to her car. Mel grabbed her with both hands and dug her heels in to keep her there.

“They aren’t laughing at you. It was my smartass remark about biting. Don’t you go running off on me. I need you, Mary. It’s just a few hours. The minister is human. And look how close you are to New Species and none of them are trying to maul you. They can bring you in through a back gate and hide most of the guards. I’ll meet you there and stay with you every minute you’re at Reservation.”

Indecision flashed in Mary’s eyes. “I want to. I’d do anything for you.”

“You’ve been close to New Species before. Just stare at my back. Remember how we did that at the diner? It’ll be fine. You can walk me down the aisle or whatever we use. I need you!”


Mel smiled, seeing Mary’s expression soften, even as she cursed.

“Best friends do scary things for each other. I made myself bait, didn’t I?”

“I didn’t ask you to.”

“Because you didn’t need to. I’ve got your back.”

“Goddamn it,” Mary gritted out, glaring at her. “Fine. If this turns bad, it’s all your fault.”

“None of them are going to hurt you.”

“We won’t,” a male called out from the wall.

“We protect females,” another voice called out, from the woods that time.

Mary jumped, frantically glancing toward the trees. Alarm creased her features.

Mel yanked on her arm to draw her attention. “There’re a couple of them guarding us to keep us safe. See? None of them have hurt you. You’ve been talking to me this whole time with New Species nearby.”

Mary shook her head. “Shit. I know in my head that they wouldn’t do anything to me but I still feel this fear.”

“They’re more human than animal,” Mel whispered. “I’ve told you that. Trust me. I won’t let you panic and flip out. You could totally come to my wedding without it turning into some fiasco everyone will laugh over. Please say yes, Mary.”

“Like at the grocery store with that damn dog that ran at me. I still get shit about that.”

Mel nodded. “I know.”

“I’ll go to your wedding but that’s it. A one-time visit to Reservation. Because your parents are assholes.”

Mel would take it. “Thank you! I knew I could count on you.”

Sadness took over Mary’s expression. “I’m going to miss seeing you all the time.”

Mel frowned. “You will.”

“How? You’re going to live at Reservation. I don’t want to have to go in there to see you. The New Species were attacked at the diner. I doubt they want to let you go have lunch there after that. How am I going to see you if they won’t let you go back to town?”

“Can I answer that?” Snow opened the back door of the SUV and slowly got out, but he didn’t come closer.

Mel kept her tight grip on Mary, though her friend didn’t try to yank free to rush back to her car. She did tremble, and her complexion paled further.

“I had you meet at this location for a reason.” He pointed toward the house. “It’s in very good condition. I was with the team that inspected it before the NSO bought the property. We’re not planning to enclose this area behind our walls for a while, since this road is used by another home with acreage that the NSO doesn’t own. It’s close enough to the wall, though, for us to easily monitor. With a few teams, we can keep you both safe if you want to spend time together there.”

Mel smiled. “You mean we can come here to have picnics and stuff?” She loved that Snow had thought of something she hadn’t. He really was wonderful.

“You can use the house whenever you want. The owners left a lot of furniture behind and the NSO will turn the utilities back on. You two can meet here and spend time together alone.” Snow tore his gaze from her to stare at Mary. “It will be safe as long as this location is kept a secret. You can’t tell anyone when you’re coming to see Mel, or where you’re going. Is that acceptable? The only condition is that Species will patrol while you’re inside the house. I won’t have my mate in danger.”

Mel peered into Mary’s eyes. “That’s very reasonable, right? And we can still hang out together whenever you want.”

Mary appeared relieved. “That sounds perfect.”

Mel released her hand and hugged her. “Thank you.”

“I’m glad we got that worked out.” Snow climbed back into the SUV and closed the door.

“He seems great,” Mary whispered in her ear. “But he better keep me safe when I’m at your wedding. I want that to be part of your damn vows. Make him swear to not let any of his friends maul your best friend.”

Mel chuckled, knowing Mary was joking. “Deal.”

They pulled apart, and Mary glanced at the house. “That’s going to be our new hangout, huh?” Then she fixed Mel with a look. “You’re getting a phone, instead of just using Snow’s all the time. I want to be able to talk to you often since I won’t be seeing you every day anymore. I take it you’ve quit the diner?”

“Yeah. I called Joel while you were on your way here.”

“Did he yell?”

“Nope. He said Sherriff Cooper had already told him I was in potential danger if I went back to work, so he was pretty good about it. He’ll have someone else work the early shift with you.”

“Not Tina.” Mary scowled. “I refuse to work with that man-stealer.”

Mel laughed. “Not Tina. Joel mentioned one of his nieces wanted more hours. I’m just not sure which one.”

“I can live with that. I like all of his nieces.” Mary’s eyes watered yet again. “I’m going to miss you.”

“You’re going to see me all the time.” Mel waved toward the house. “Right there. You heard Snow. Isn’t this a great surprise?”

“It is.”

“I’ll get my own phone. And do you know what that means?”


“You’ll regret asking me to get one. I’ll be calling you all the time. I don’t have a job anymore.”

Mary glanced toward the SUV. “I think your man is going to keep you pretty busy.”

Mel laughed. “Probably, but he still has a job. I can’t be with him twenty-four seven.”


Brass cleared his throat. “It seems to be going well.”

Snow kept his gaze on Mel and Mary as they laughed and talked. Their voices were soft but he could pick up some of their conversation. So could the others in the SUV with him.

He nodded. “I’m glad. I know my mate worried her friend would take the news badly of her decision to stay with me.”

“That female really fears us badly.”

He met Torrent’s gaze. “I’m hoping with time, Mary will grow to trust our kind.” Then he addressed Brass. “Thank you for getting permission to use that house.”

“Justice was sympathetic when I explained the problem. I shared the story with him about the small canine in the store, and Mary climbing into a shopping cart to escape it. He looked up the breed on his computer while we talked. We both had a good laugh because it is a ridiculously small pet. He agreed that if a chihuahua terrified her that deeply, regular visits to Reservation would be traumatic. Especially if she ran into a Wild Zone resident. It’s vital that our mates be happy. No one wants Mel to lose her friend because she chose you.”

“I appreciate it. I only hope Mary doesn’t disappoint my mate by backing out of coming to the wedding.” Anger stirred as he remembered when Mel had called her parents. “It’s important to Mel that someone stands with her from among her humans.”

“Her family isn’t coming?” Brass frowned. “She has living parents. I read her background check. Didn’t you offer to have them flown here, and allow them to enter Reservation and stay for as long as they wished?”

“They aren’t coming.”

“Why not? Is it because you’re Species?” Torrent growled.

“Mel told me that they had a human male in mind for her to marry, and that’s why they aren’t happy with her mating me. I’m not as certain that’s the real reason,” he admitted.

“Nothing in their background checks showed any flags, but we didn’t find much on either of those humans. No arrest records or known association with any hate groups.” Brass pulled out his phone and tapped on the screen. “I’ll look again.”

“There’s no need to do that. Mel is hoping they will change their minds once the shock of finding out about me wears off. She said it doesn’t matter, but I could see that it hurt her feelings. It makes me glad I don’t have parents. I’ve heard some of them aren’t kind, but listening to the things her mother said to Mel made me enraged. Her mother threatened to never speak to her again.”

“We’ll be her family.”

He smiled at Brass. “We will.” He looked out the front window. Mel and Mary were standing close to each other, staring at something on the other female’s phone. He leaned closer to the open window to try to hear what they were saying.

“That color isn’t bad.” Mary nodded. “I could live with that. It’s not fugly.”

“Fugly?” Torrent glanced at them. “What does that mean?”

“Fucking ugly,” Brass translated. “It’s human slang. I believe Mel is showing her friend dresses from one of the stores in a larger city near here. The owner gives the NSO a huge discount because they cater to wealthy human males and females. It’s good for their business when we wear their clothing. Jaded orders some of his suits from them online and has them delivered here. They are fast. He shared the information with Mel.”

Torrent shook his head. “How do you know this?”

“I’ve sat in on a lot of meetings Jaded has held with businesses who want to be associated with us.” Brass shifted, getting more comfortable in the driver’s seat.

“I meant human slang.”

“Thank the human task force.” Brass shrugged. “I have spent a lot of time with them, too. I’ve picked up a lot of bad speaking habits from them, Torrent.”

Snow had one more thing on his mind. “Brass, I need to request to stay at Reservation indefinitely instead of transferring back to Homeland in a few months.”

“Given. Justice and I discussed that, too, when we were talking. Your mate is going to want to stay close to her friend. The task force will be informed you won’t be joining them as originally planned. Another Species will fill that spot.”

“Thank you.” Snow watched Mel. “She has enough changes to deal with right now. I don’t want to uproot her to Homeland until I’m certain she’s ready to spend time there.”

“It’s more relaxing here.” Torrent motioned to the woods. “We’ve got better scenery. Why do you think I live here full time now? Homeland is great but I don’t miss being that close to large cities and all the humans that come with them.”

“Wild Zone residents live here,” Brass reminded him. “They can be difficult and unpredictable.”

“I’ll take them and their issues any day over being mobbed by humans every time we drive outside the gates of Homeland. We can extensively expand the property we own here, and have. There, we can only purchase a small plot with a home, if we’re lucky, to put more of a cushion between our walls and the humans who want to harass whoever’s patrolling at any given time.”

Snow silently agreed with Torrent. He preferred Reservation, too. He’d never have met Mel if he hadn’t decided to spend time there and eat at the diner. New Species never went to human eating establishments near Homeland. The few times they’d attempted it without major prior planning, it had turned into a security nightmare.

Mel hugged Mary, and the other female walked toward her car. Snow opened the door and slid out but he stayed next to the SUV to avoid frightening Mary. The female made it to her car and climbed in, starting the engine. She turned around on the narrow street and drove off. He rushed to Mel’s side as she waved goodbye until the car was out of sight.

“How did it go?”

Mel grinned up at him. “Great. She said she’d come to our wedding. We even picked out her dress and mine. I know she’s scared, and I totally used a guilt trip, but whatever works.”

He pulled her into his arms. “I’m glad. I know it’s important to you.”

“We just have to make sure everything goes right. You know, bring her in a back gate, hide as many New Species from her as possible, and keep everyone a little distance from her.”

He chuckled. “We’ll do whatever it takes. Mary is safe with us.”

“I know that. You know that. But it’s Mary. She’s trying really hard though. I’m proud of her.”

He watched as dozens of New Species stepped out from the forest around them, where they’d been stationed to stay out of sight, protecting the area, and grinned. “She only guessed a few were hiding, correct?”

Mel glanced around too. “Yes. She’d have flipped out if she knew the truth.”

He kissed the top of her head. “Let’s go home. We still have a wedding to plan.” He scooped her into his arms.

She wrapped her arms around his neck. “And we have to celebrate signing those mate papers.”

He couldn’t wait.

Chapter Fifteen

“There are things I need to tell you.”

Mel reached up and cupped Snow’s face. “Later.” She kissed him, tugging at his shirt.

He broke the kiss, growling at her. “Mel, it’s important.”

“So is consummating our mate papers. I figure it’s like a wedding, right? We have to do the naked deed to make it legally binding.”

He chuckled and gripped her wrists, gently forcing her to let him go as he stepped back, bumping against the bed. “We were legal the moment we signed the papers. I’d like your permission to throw away the condoms. I don’t want anything between us ever again.”

That cooled her libido a bit. “You want to see if we can make a baby together?”

“I told you it’s possible. There is more, though. I wasn’t allowed to share this with you until after we were official mates, and you became one of us…there have already been Species children born to human females. If we are lucky enough to conceive a child, it will be born male and have my traits.”

Mel gaped at him.

“It’s something to do with our genetics. All the babies born have been male and resemble their fathers. The pregnancy length is also much shorter. Twenty weeks.”

It was difficult for her to imagine any of that.

“Say something, Mel.”

“We just signed those papers a few hours ago.”

“This is too fast.” She couldn’t miss his disappointed expression. “I understand.” He released her and walked to the nightstand, removing the box from the drawer, and walked back to her with the condoms. “I won’t bring it up again until you’re ready to think about trying to start a family with me.”

She stared into his blue eyes. They were so beautiful. She tried to imagine a baby with those same eyes and miniature canine features.

Their son would be adorable.

A deep longing hit her. They were basically married. She’d always pictured having kids when she found someone she wanted to spend the rest of her life with.

That person was standing in front of her.

“I didn’t mean to upset you, Mel. I’m sorry. You mated me. That’s all that matters.”

She reached out and gripped the box. He let go when she lightly tugged on it. Then she threw it over her shoulder toward the door. It hit the wall and landed somewhere on the carpet.

“Do you know what? I want everything with you. I’m no coward. I’m all in, Snow.”

He smiled, his eyes sparkling. “You face things head on and you don’t run. I remember you saying that to me on our first date.”

She grinned back. “It’s true.” She kicked off her shoes. “Let’s get naked and see if we can make a baby.”

Snow began to frantically yank off his clothes. It made her laugh, seeing how very enthusiastic he was.

“Just don’t tease me if I’m not attractive as a pregnant lady. Your word.”

“You are the most beautiful female in the world to me. That will never change.”

She believed him. Especially when he shoved down his pants and she got a view of exactly how turned-on he was. She finished stripping. “I’m so going to talk you into letting me play with you at some point with my mouth.”

Snow growled and playfully lunged at her, caught her around the waist, and dropped her on top of the mattress. Then he lowered his body over hers. “Maybe once I learn more control with you. Even the idea has me wanting to spill my seed without even being inside you.”

“We can’t have that since we’re all about babies.”

He kissed her. Mel grabbed hold of his shoulders and clung to him. He was an amazing kisser; she’d never tire of making out with him. When he shifted his body, pulling his mouth from hers, she wanted to protest…until he went for her throat.

Snow used his teeth to nip and kiss her there, slowly trailing to her shoulder, down her skin, and then he slid lower until he cupped her breast. Mel began to moan as he teased and taunted her nipple. She restlessly writhed under him.

“I’m ready,” she panted. “In me.”

He released her breast but instead of moving higher, he went lower. His big, firm hands clasped her inner thighs as he spread them more, and he went right for her clit.

Her moans increased as he growled. The vibrations of the sound, added to his tongue, had her clawing the bedding.


It didn’t take long for her to get off. He was way too good at that; her mind was totally blown.

She opened her eyes as the mattress shifted and he crawled back up her.

“You’re so beautiful, mate.”

She reached for him as he hooked her leg, raising it to his hip as he lowered over her. “You are such a bad boy. That was so good it should be illegal.”

He offered a sexy smile. “It gets better.”

He adjusted her bent leg a little higher and wiggled his hips until the hard tip of his cock rubbed against her slit. He entered her body slowly, their gazes locked. She lifted her other leg to hook over his hip. He felt amazing as he possessed her.

“Nothing between us,” he growled. “Just the way it should be.”

He worked himself inside her deep, then paused.

“Don’t stop now.”

Snow glanced at her shoulder. “Some Species mark their mates with a bite. I’d like to try it. It’s just a nip with my teeth. I’ll wait until the right moment, when your pleasure is too great to feel the pain. It’s your choice, Mel.”

She ground her pelvis against him. “I told you. I’m all in. So are you—pun intended. I’m Species now, right?”

He chuckled. “Yes.”

“We’ll try biting. Let’s just avoid ending our mating night by needing to see Doctor Alli and Chimes. I don’t want more stitches. Once this week was more than enough.”

“I’d never hurt you.”

“I know that.” She tilted her head to bare her shoulder. “This one or the other?”

His expression softened at the gesture. “I love you, Mel.”

“I love you, too.”

He began to thrust his hips, taking her slow and deep. Mel moaned, clinging to him. She couldn’t think when he did that. He felt a little bigger to her without a condom but it was probably just her imagination. Either way, Snow was hung.

The pleasure built, and she moaned his name, her nails digging into him a bit but he didn’t seem to mind. He picked up the pace.

“I’m going to…” she warned.

“Me too,” he snarled. “Bare your shoulder.”

She turned her head, arching her neck to give him more room as he brushed his mouth against her shoulder. She expected him to bite immediately, but he kissed her instead. His hot mouth bringing her closer to coming.

Then it happened.

Snow bit. Mel cried out. She felt a flash of pain but it was nothing compared to the ecstasy of her climax and the feel of him shooting inside her. No condom contained him this time.

He locked inside her and pinned her tight to the bed as they both stilled, their breathing ragged. Snow released her shoulder with his teeth and licked. The sensation felt a little odd, but not in a bad way.

“Is my shoulder still there?” she teased.

“Just puncture marks from my fangs. They aren’t deep. You taste delicious.”

“Don’t tell me you’re really a Vampire.”

He chuckled. “I just love everything about you.”

“The feeling is mutual.”

He lifted his head and their gazes met. “There’s one thing I’ve always longed to say to you.”

“Okay. What is it?”

“And I want you to say it back to me.”

She waited patiently.

“You’re mine,” he rasped.

That made her grin. “You’re mine, too.”

“Thank you for giving me a chance, Mel. You have no idea what you mean to me.”

“I think I do. Do you think we made a baby?”

“I don’t know, but I’m hopeful.”

“Me too.”

He suddenly grew serious. “I’m sorry your parents weren’t happy about me being the one you’re marrying.”

“Don’t ever apologize for that again.” She reached up and stroked his hair. “It’s them, and it has nothing to do with you. My mama has never been happy with anything I’ve ever done, Snow. I tried real hard when I was a kid to be what she wanted, but I learned it wasn’t going to happen. It’s not you. It’s her. And my papa goes along with anything she says when it comes to me. He won’t go against her wishes because he doesn’t want the headache of having her mad at him.”

“Who is this male they approve of?”

“He’s a drunk who looks about fifty years older than me. He’s totally gross, but he’s got a great fishing pond my mama wants access to…bad enough to give me to him.”

Snow’s eyebrows shot up, and he looked horrified.

“Yeah. See why I’m pleading with you not feel hurt by them not coming to our wedding? Trust me when I say it’s best this way. I left an entire state to get away from her. I love my folks but distance from them is a definite must-have in my life. Why do you think I don’t have a cell phone? I got one a few years ago while I was still living at home. She’d call me at work half a dozen times a day just to complain about stupid stuff. She drove me so crazy that I ended up throwing it on the floor and stomping on it until it was in pieces. Then I had to lie and say it got run over in the parking lot after I’d dropped it. I refused to buy another one because I knew it would meet the same fate.

“I talk to her every couple weeks at the diner. Joel makes me do it in the kitchen, out of sight of the customers, because he says I look like I’m about to commit murder for the entire five minutes I spend on the phone with her. He also doesn’t want customers to hear the things that come out of my mouth when I try to shock her enough to end the call. I feel too guilty if I hang up on her.”

He turned his head slightly into her hand and nuzzled it. “I wish you had better parents.”

“Me too. I want you to know, though, that my folks not coming to our wedding isn’t because of you. It’s really about them.”

He smiled. “Mary is your family. She’ll be there.”

“Yes. Now we just need to work on her being terrified of New Species.”

“Eventually she’ll grow to trust my kind.”

“I hope so.”

A ringing sounded.

Snow slowly withdrew from her body and lifted off her. “This better be important.”

Mel watched him get out of bed and walk to his discarded pants on the floor as the ringing persisted. “See why I hate cell phones?”

He chuckled, plucking the phone from his pocket. “You promised Mary we’d get you one. I’m doing that tomorrow, and you will take it. Species always keep their word.”

She groaned and sat up as he answered.

“Snow speaking.” He paused, listening. Then he turned to Mel and grinned. “Thank you. I’ll go to the door.” He ended the call and put his cell on the dresser.

“What’s up?”

“Brass ordered us dinner, and it is waiting. He thought we’d like to stay secluded tonight. See? Not all calls are bad.” He pulled on his pants. “Don’t move. We’ll eat in bed.”

“That’s so sweet of him.”

“He wants you to feel welcome at Reservation.” Snow left the bedroom.

Mel rearranged the pillows and scooted to the side. Minutes later, Snow pushed in a cart, and along with it came the wonderful scent of food. “Yum.”

He grinned, bringing it right to the end of the bed. “Steak, lobster, shrimp, crab cakes, and stuffed baked potatoes with cheese, butter, chives, and bacon. They also included a salad. We have our choice of milk, a few types of sodas, and they made us something called virgin strawberry daiquiris.”

“Leave it all on the cart. It can work as a table.” She crawled down the bed.

Snow stripped off his pants again and adjusted the cart before taking a seat.

She stared at the piled plates. “I’m never going to be able to eat all that.”

He chuckled. “I think they wanted to make sure they gave us choices, since they haven’t learned what you like yet.”

“I still can’t believe you have real chefs who cook for you.”

Us.” He waited for her to sit next to him then pulled the cart closer. “Would you like to try one of these?” He lifted a large, frosty, dark pink drink. “No alcohol, Flirt said. He delivered it.”

“Sure.” She accepted it and held it aloft. “To us.”

Snow hesitated, his own frosty drink in hand.

“We lightly touch them together. To make a toast.”

“I’ve seen this.” He leaned closer. “To us, Mel. To our future, which will be filled with happiness together. To any sons we may have.” He grinned. “To every night that I get to hold you and show you how much you mean to me.”

Tears filled her eyes, and she furiously blinked them back. She clinked their glasses together and they both took a sip. It tasted really good. Snow seemed to like it, too, since he took a bigger drink.

“Please don’t get cold feet about our wedding. Is that the right saying? I’m looking forward to experiencing a human marriage ceremony.”

She chuckled and put the drink down, picking up a cloth napkin and unrolling her silverware. “You got it right. And I won’t. I don’t run, remember? It’s going to be fun, and we’ll frame any pictures people take and hang them in our living room. I don’t foresee any problems.”

“As long as your friend doesn’t start screaming.”

“If Mary doesn’t chicken out,” she said at the same time.

They both laughed. “We’ll get her to come even if I have to send a team to grab her. We’re getting married downstairs in the lobby by that pretty fireplace and holding a small reception in the cafeteria. Brass and Jaded said they’d make all the arrangements. Do you dance?”

“I do.”

He grinned. “I’m not good at it, but I’m anxious to experience wedding traditions like cutting the cake and getting to listen to music while you’re in my arms.”

“Me too. I wish we could get hitched tomorrow.”

“The clothing is going to take a few days. I can’t wait to see what dress you picked. I also ordered us wedding rings.”

She gasped in delight. “You did? I didn’t even think about that.”

“I want you to have the best of both worlds, Mel. Your human one and Species.” He glanced at her shoulder. “You have my mark, and soon you’ll wear my ring. Now you just need to bite me, and I’ll wear your ring, as well.”

“I know what we’re doing after dinner.” She winked and ran her tongue over her teeth. “I’m going to bite you and show you just how much I love you.”

Snow shot her a passion-filled look and growled low in that sexy way of his. “Being mated is already amazing.”

Chapter Sixteen

Mel was nervous as she waited with Snow at one of the back gates leading into Reservation. Every minute seemed to drag by forever. Their ceremony was going to start in an hour. It would barely leave her time to put on her dress and get ready.

“She’ll arrive,” he promised, keeping his arm around her.

“I hope so.”

“Are you sure I should be here with you? One of my friends could have escorted you. Tradition says it’s bad luck to see the bride before the ceremony.”

“No way was I going to sleep without you last night, now that you’re mine, and Mary said she trusts you to keep her safe.” Mel pulled out her new cell phone and pulled up the text. “See? I mean, she worded it differently, but she said she’d be here.”

Snow read the text out loud. “I get it, Mel. He won’t let anyone maul me because he loves you. Why can’t I get drunk first again? Oh, right. I can’t drive, and it would take forever for me to stumble to where we’re meeting up. I’m leaving now. I’m going to imagine they are all naked or something. That should help, right?”

Mel looked away from the phone and spotted movement on the road. “She’s coming! I see her.”

“We’ll hide,” a New Species called from the upper wall.

She turned to flash them a smile. “Thank you!”

Snow chuckled. “This has to be a first for the NSO. We usually show a strong front to humans who visit, to intimidate them into behaving. Now they are hiding to avoid frightening your friend.”

“I appreciate it, too.” Mel shoved the phone into pocket. “Hide your fangs and try not to growl. It’s sexy as can be, but Mary…”

“I understand.”

She flashed him a smile. “Sorry, baby.”

“I love when you call me an endearment.”

“Even when I called you a sexy beast in the shower this morning?”

“Especially then. That was my favorite so far.”

Mary pulled her car up and parked it on the side of the road. She wore the pretty cream-colored dress Mel had ordered for her. It had arrived in time by mail. She also noticed that her best friend hadn’t put on much makeup, and her normally puffy hair was a little tamer. It made her love Mary even more. She might be scared, but she’d listened when Mel told her about New Species being bothered by certain smells.

“You came! Thank you!” She pulled away from Snow and rushed to Mary, giving her a hug.

“I love you,” Mary whispered. “I love you so much, this proves it.” She nervously glanced at Snow. “Swear to me I’m going to be safe.”

“Species would never harm you, Mary. You have my word, and that of the entire NSO.”

Mary gave a jerky nod. “Okay. Pretending they’re naked.” Then she blushed and glanced up. “Not you, Snow. Just everyone else. It would be wrong if I imagined you without your clothes, since you’re going to be like a brother-in-law to me.”

“Tina, is that you?” Mel couldn’t resist.

Mary didn’t even laugh. “Can I drink now?” She fumbled with her purse. “I have one of those little bottles of apple vodka from a gift set my parents bought me for Christmas.”

“It’s going to be fine.” Mel grabbed her hands and led her to the partially open gate. “Just come with me. There’s going to be a tiny bit of a pat down. Remember when we flew to Los Angeles and we had to get felt up to get through security? Same thing. Just pretend we’re at the airport again.”

“Shit!” Mary looked ready to panic.

Snow slowly moved to block her from rushing to her car. “He’s completely covered. Pretend he’s human.”

Mary walked forward stiffly. Mel may have dragged her a bit, but they made it through the gate and someone in the control room nearby pushed a button that sealed it. The clank of it shutting made Mary jump.

“It’s okay.” Mel kept a good hold on her and turned her to the big male in uniform. He wore a helmet with a dark glass face shield. “Human guy. Totally human. Just keep thinking that.”

“Right. You liar.” Mary stared at the guard with wide eyes.

“Y’all need to lift your arms and just hold still for me,” the male rumbled.

Mel nodded at him. “Nailed it.”

“Are you shitting me?” Mary gawked at her. “You had him say y’all?”

“It sounds more human, right?” Mel shrugged. “Go with it.”

“I hate you.” Mary lifted her hands and squeezed her eyes closed. “TSA guy with bad breath. It’s you. It’s you. It’s you.”

Mel grinned as the unformed New Species froze. “When we flew to visit her family, the guy reeked like fried onions and sauerkraut. Quick, pat her down.”

Snow chuckled.

Mel shot him a look and shook her head, but she smiled wider. It was funny, and they’d gotten Mary into Reservation. So far so good. She kept hold of her hand, even though it was outstretched for the pat-down. Mary squeezed her hand hard when the guard skimmed his gloved hands over her body and tugged on her purse.

“Let go,” Mel urged her. “He’s just got to look inside but he’ll give it right back.”

Mary released it but kept her eyes closed. “Just don’t confiscate my apple vodka. I might need that.”

The guard quickly searched it and then passed it to Mel, since Mary couldn’t see what he was doing. Mel took it and stepped closer. “Okay. That’s over. You can open your eyes.”

Mary opened her eyes.

Snow opened the front passenger door and the one in the back. “I’m driving. It’s just the three of us. We’re taking you into a back door that the human chefs use. They are cooking our dinner for our reception. There’s a freight elevator that goes to my floor. It’s been cleared of all Species. Mel is going to take you directly to our home, so you can help her get ready. Then you can take the same freight elevator down to the kitchen area. Our guests are going to be in the lobby. You won’t see them until the ceremony, and all have promised not to come within several feet of you. The minister himself is human.”

Mary climbed into the backseat. “I got it. I’m sorry I’m being a huge baby about this. At least I’m here, though.”

“I know.” Mel felt very grateful to her for overcoming her fear. “This is huge. When we go into the lobby area during the wedding, just stare at my back. I’ll be facing Snow while we say our vows.”

“Just like at the diner. I can do this.”

Snow helped Mel into her seat and closed the door before walking around the front of the SUV.

Mel turned in her seat, meeting her best friend’s anxious gaze. “It’s going to be great. I promise. We’ll get me ready, say the ‘I do’s,’ and then eat. We’re putting you at a table with just us.”

“I’m so sorry, Mel. I’m like a third wheel.”

“Never. You’re my bestie and my sister all wrapped into one. You’re here. That’s all that matters.”

Snow got into the driver’s seat and started the SUV. He had chosen it so their hair didn’t get messed up by the wind in one of the Jeeps. They drove to the hotel but instead of parking out front, he rounded the building to the back. He got out but left the engine running.

Mary shot her a confused look.

“Someone will move it in a few minutes, after we’re inside,” Mel explained.

Snow opened the doors but he only helped Mel out. They’d decided in advance that it would be best if he didn’t get too near her best friend. He released Mel and led the way to the double doors that one of the human chefs opened, as if he’d been waiting for them.

Mel hooked Mary’s arm. “See? Humans work here, and they’re all fine.”

The chef openly admired Mary’s dress—and the flash of cleavage it provided—as they passed. Her friend whispered as they entered the kitchen area of the hotel, “Who is that? I’ve never seen him in town before.”

“Some of them live here.” Mel shrugged. “It’s safer that way. For them. New Species protect them.”

“Point made,” Mary muttered.

Snow led them to the freight elevator. “Do you have it from here?”

Mel released Mary and walked to him, going up on her tiptoes. “Plant one on me. I can’t wait to see you in a suit. Sorry for making you get ready somewhere else.”

“I don’t mind.” Snow gave her a chaste kiss on the lips. “I can’t wait to say vows to you and get our wedding picture taken.”

“Me too.”

“You two are too cute.”

Mel beamed at Mary over the compliment. “I know, right?” She backed away from Snow. “I’ll hurry. See you soon!” She hooked Mary’s arm and pushed the button for the freight elevator.

“How much trouble was it for everyone here to avoid me?”

“It’s worth it. Everyone has fears, Mary. Some are terrified of spiders or snakes. Some are terrified of flying. Or heights. Yours are about animals. Are you feeling better? Safer?”

“Yes.” She took a deep breath. “Does everyone think I’m insane?”

“Never.” Mel bumped her arm. “They’re worried about scaring you. No one wants that.”

“Boy, you’re a master with the guilt.”

“It got you here. I’m not one bit sorry.” The elevator doors opened on the second floor. Mel took her directly to her and Snow’s home, pushing the door open after using the keycard to unlock it. “Tada! Home sweet home!”

Mary released her and walked into the living space. “Wow. Nice. Look at that kitchen!”

“I know. He’s got a fancy microwave and a dishwasher. I’m stepping up in the world,” she joked.

“Can I check out the rest of it?”

“Sure. The bedroom and bathroom is that way. Snow even made the bed, since my dress is hanging in there.”

Mary strolled into the other section of the apartment and whistled. “Damn. That’s a big bed.”

“Snow is a big guy.”

Mary turned, grinning. “Nice.” Then she went into the bathroom, flipping on the light. “No wonder you wanted to move right in with him. I would, too.” Then she walked out. “Show me the dress. I bet it looks even better than the pictures we saw on my phone.”

Mel got it out from the closet. Snow had removed his weapons and uniforms, since Mary would be there. It hadn’t upset Mel when she’d found out he had a mini arsenal in there. All of it was currently being stored in the unit next door. She withdrew the gown bag where it hung and took it to the bed.

“Are you nervous at all?”

“Nope. I love Snow. I’m one hundred percent in this for life.” She took the dress out carefully and peered at Mary. “What do you think?”

Tears filled her eyes. “It’s beautiful. Not too lacy or puffy, like many wedding dresses tend to be. You chose well, my friend. It’s elegant but casual enough to be comfortable. Put it on!”

Mel filled with excitement. “I can’t wait to have Snow put a ring on it.” She held up her hand. “Right here. Mrs. Snow’s mate!”

Mary chuckled. “Is that your new legal name?”

“No.” Mel began to strip out of her clothes.

“Does Snow have a last name?”

Mel paused and met her gaze. “I don’t know. I didn’t think to ask. The paperwork we signed just had his first name and his canine classification. It doesn’t matter. I’m his mate.”

“You really love him, don’t you?”

“Yes, Mary. Snow is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” Mel faced her. “You’re not going to try to talk me out of this, are you? We’re already mated, and I’m not changing my mind.”

“I only have one thing to say.” Mary held up her hand and gave a thumbs-up. “Congratulations.”

Mel hugged her.

Mary laughed. “Hey, save throwing your mostly naked body at your husband.”

“Whoops. Sorry.” Mel laughed too as she released her. “Help me put this on, and then I need you to do my hair. You’re good at that.”


Snow kept fiddling with the suit. It wasn’t the most comfortable outfit to wear but he wanted Mel to have every part of a human wedding. His gaze kept going to the doorway. Beside him, Brass spoke softly to the minister, who had flown from Homeland that morning. The older human male was nice, and he seemed happy to perform the ceremony.

Jaded walked up to him. “Stop running your hands over your jacket. You’ll create wrinkles.”

“Do you ever get used to wearing these things?”

“Eventually. It’s only for a few hours.” Jaded ran a critical eye over his suit. “You look exceedingly handsome. For a male.”

“Thank you. I hope Mel thinks so.”

“She will. That female is in love with you.”

“I know.” His heart swelled with happiness. “I love being mated.”

Jaded chuckled. “I’m glad, since you signed mate papers.”

“Do you wish to find a mate?”

Jaded shrugged. “Eventually, if I’m lucky enough to find a female who I feel intense attraction to…and who doesn’t annoy me.”

Torrent suddenly made a slight noise and pointed toward the doors. He touched the earpiece and met Snow’s gaze. “They are on their way down. Places.”

Excitement had Snow’s heart racing as he moved to stand by the minister, next to the fireplace. The scent of burning logs was pleasant in the room, along with the sight of the flames. They’d cleared out the couches and chairs in the lobby to make room for everyone who wanted to see their wedding.

The side doors that led toward the hotel kitchen were pushed open by two of the human staff who worked there, and the males smiled at him. He licked his lips, feeling anticipation.

Then he saw Mel. She took his breath away.

The pale white gown hugged her body in lace and some other soft material. Her hair was pulled up to reveal her delicate, beautiful features. Their gazes locked, and he wanted to rush to her, but he managed to hold still.

He didn’t notice anything but her. Every step Mel took toward him had Snow smiling wider. She beamed at him.

The minister stepped forward and cleared his throat. “Who gives this bride away today?”

Mary peeked out from behind Mel, where she trailed behind her. “I do.”

The minister withdrew back to his place next to the fireplace. “We’re gathered here today to join Mel and Snow in holy matrimony.”

Snow reached out and took Mel’s hand. She reached back, passing off her bouquet for Mary to hold. The female took it and moved closer to the minister. Snow took Mel’s other hand to clasp them both in his and couldn’t look away from her eyes.

The words the minister said barely registered. Snow managed to say the right words, though, and even put the ring in his pocket on her finger without messing up, though his mate helped by spreading her fingers in a way that made it clear which one it went on.

“You may kiss your bride.”

Snow pulled Mel into his arms and lowered his mouth to hers. “You’re mine forever.”

“You’re mine forever, too.”

He took possession of her mouth, kissing her with all his love. Mel wrapped her arms around his neck, and it made him want to take her right there. The sound of clapping reminded him that he couldn’t do that just yet. They had a reception to get through first.

But soon.

He ended the kiss and their gazes locked. Mel was his entire world now…and by the love in her eyes, Snow knew she felt the very same.


Chapter One

Mary wished she could crouch lower on her seat or even hide under the table. She kept her chin tucked down, since it seemed as if everyone stared at her when she looked up. The wedding cake sitting before her was great, but she couldn’t take another bite. Her appetite wasn’t present.

She just wanted to leave. Her stomach felt queasy. Nerves always did that to her.

No one at Reservation had been rude. It wasn’t them. It was her. She was terrified to be here, and no amount of reason or logic could fix her distress.

New Species frightened her. It wasn’t personal. Her past had made her the way she was.

A dog had attacked her when she was five. It was the first time, but it wasn’t the last. Another dog had come after her when she’d turned eight. Then again at ten, thirteen, nineteen…and just six months before in a grocery store, right after her twenty-sixth birthday. Worse, everyone had laughed at her when she’d climbed inside the cart to get away from the menace. It may have been small but the second it saw Mary, it snarled and barked as it lunged toward her.

Why couldn’t anyone else see how that might be scary?

Cats absolutely hated her, too. She’d smile at them and they’d just hiss. One had even chased her right out of her aunt Christine’s front door. The entire family had sworn they’d never seen anything like it before. Their loving and typically calm kitty had turned into a snarling hairball that seemed intent on clawing Mary’s eyes out.

The hatred animals demonstrated toward her even extended to horses. The one time she’d tried to learn how to ride, the beast had gone crazy when she’d approached and had attempted to trample her. Then it had tried to take a bite out of her. That had killed her dream of maybe falling in love with a cowboy. Ranches weren’t a safe choice.

Animals just hated her. It used to hurt her feelings, but she stopped caring as much after the attack of the rodents. That had been the last straw.

She’d been on a date with a man at a park. Picnics were supposed to be fun and romantic. One second they’d been smiling at each other over a basket of fried chicken, and the next, a dozen field mice rushed them. It had been like something out of a horror movie.

Her date had later said they must have been starving and going after the food. Mary wasn’t buying it. They’d come after her, and if she hadn’t run for her life, they probably would have tried to eat her alive.

She’d sworn that day to avoid anything with claws, fangs, hooves, or tails. Goldfish were safe—from at least a four-foot distance. She’d figured that out after a couple had actually leapt from their little bowls when she’d been around. Their owners had to scramble to quickly scoop them up and dump them back into the water. It had happened twice in her life. Both friends had assured her it happened but she was pretty sure…it only happened when she was around.

It was just a fact. Animals seemed to instinctively hate her. It was just one of those mysteries of life she’d stopped trying to figure out or explain. It just was.

Now she sat in a large cafeteria with at least forty New Species at Reservation. They were all part animal. Worse, they’d grown up being severely abused by humans. She wondered if any of them harbored any resentments. A chill ran down her spine, and she glanced around surreptitiously, praying that she didn’t remind any of them of someone horrible from Mercile Industries.

“You look ready to jump out of your skin.” Mel leaned in close and bumped her shoulder. “Breathe.”

She turned her head and gave her best friend a pleading look. “Can I go home now?”

“No. You made it through my wedding but the reception isn’t over. Dancing is up next, and then I’m going to toss the bouquet. You have to try to catch it…and I happen to have inside information that you’ve totally got this in the bag. The few New Species women who came swear they don’t want to be mated. They’ll clear the area for you to make sure you get it.”

“I don’t want to find a man that bad.”

Mel sighed. “You like Snow.”

“Because he loves you, and he knows you’d be pissed if he attacked me. That means he’s got motivation to fight his instincts.”

Mel rolled her eyes. “That’s bull pucky. You’ve just had some bad luck.”

“Yeah, you’ve told me that before. Then you brought that cute little kitten into the diner that the Johnson family had just adopted from Animal Control, to prove me wrong. Do you remember what happened?”

Mel nodded. “It hissed at you and tried to jump on you.”

“Animals hate me.” She shrugged.

Mel looked around. “Well, New Species don’t. Some of the men are staring at your breasts, though. You’re showing a good amount of cleavage, what with you hunched over like that.”

“It’s likely my throat they’re staring at.”

Mel got that irritated look Mary knew too well. “You’re safe here. These folks are really…well…human. Forget they have fangs and get over it. Now, sit up straight like I’m sure your mama told you a million times while growing up and find your backbone.”

“My mother never said that to me.”

“Rub it in. Mine sure did. Then she’d touch my hair, ask if I was getting a yellow streak and say that I was embarrassing her. I still can’t believe her and my papa refused to come to my wedding. She’s praying for me with her church group instead.”

Sympathy rose for her best friend. Mel tried hard to seem like it didn’t matter that she didn’t get along with her mother, but Mary had seem glimpses of her pain. Especially when her family hadn’t reacted well when she’d told them about falling in love with a New Species. “She’s still upset that you married Snow? I hoped it would just take a few days to adjust to the surprise of your news and she’d get onboard.”

“She isn’t going to get over this. Snow is hurt that my folks aren’t happy about us, but I had to tell him the truth. It doesn’t matter. My mama’s more upset that she isn’t getting to marry me off to the old widower next door. She really did have her heart set on trading me for those corn fields and that bigger pond.”

Mary hoped Mel kept telling herself that, and it caused the hurt to lessen. There were a few choice things she’d love to tell Mel’s mother. None of them would be nice. “I remember. The neighbor’s old and he drinks, and she was hoping he’d die fast so you’d inherit all his property.”

“She’s never going to win a Mama of the Year award.” Mel grinned. “Plus, she swore she’d never come visit me and made it clear Snow wouldn’t be welcome there. Do you know what that means?”

“You don’t have to see your family ever again.”

Mel lifted her hand. “High-five me, best friend.”

Mary smacked her palm, despite seeing that hurt again in Mel’s eyes. “I’m so happy for you.”

Mel dropped her arm. “It’s your turn next to find what I have. That’s why I’m not letting you leave until after you catch the bouquet.”

“You don’t really believe in that crap, do you?”

“It couldn’t hurt. Why take a chance?”

“Fine. I’ll stay. I’m not dancing, though.”

“Hey, I can compromise.”

“Good.” Mary glanced around, and she did see men watching her. She dropped her gaze as fear surged. “Where’s a bathroom?”

“I’ll take you.”

That meant Mel would hustle to get her in and out as fast as possible, but Mary just wanted to hide. She guessed the women’s bathroom should be a safe place to do that. “No. You go dance with your new groom and just point the way. I won’t be too long.”

“I know what you’re up to. Do you have your cell phone in your purse?”


“Fine. Go drag out fixing your hair until I call you. Swear to me you won’t leave, though.”

“I swear.”

“Best friend honor?”

Mary sighed. “Best friend honor. I see that determined look in your eyes. I know better than to try to take off until you toss those flowers at me.”

“They’re silk. Snow remembered real ones make me sneeze. Isn’t he amazing?”

Mary really did feel happy for her friend. “He’s perfect for you.”

“He is.” Mel stood. “Come on. I’ll walk you across the room and point you in the right direction. Keep your purse close and make sure that your ringer is on. Don’t try to flush yourself down the toilet or anything.”


Mary had to admit she was grateful that Mel walked her across the large room. She kept her gaze down but still felt as if she were being watched. They stopped at open double doors and Mel jerked her thumb to the left. “It’s all the way down the hallway, turn right, and you can’t miss it. There’s a sign on the door.”

The coast was clear. There weren’t any New Species in the hallway. “Got it. Right turn. Sign. Easy enough.”

Mel squeezed her arm. “Thank you for coming to my wedding. I know you had to face a lot of fears. I appreciate it. I would have been devastated if I didn’t have you standing up with me. You’re my family now.”

Mary wrapped her fingers around Mel’s and squeezed. She’d happily take that role, since Mel’s real family sucked. “I feel the same way about you, and you know I’ve always got your back.”

“Go hide. I’ll call you.”

“I’ll return when you do.”

“Don’t go wandering off. This place is huge. It used to be a resort hotel for the rich folks who wanted to ride horses and get close to nature before the NSO bought it. I promised them you wouldn’t leave the building, or they would have assigned you a guard to stick to your side. I figured that would flip you out.”

“I’m not stepping foot outside. You just said ‘nature.’ That means wild animals. I still have nightmares about those mice. I’ve yet to be attacked by bunnies, and I’d like to keep it that way.”

Mel chuckled. “You should get therapy. It helped me.”

“You fired him and called him just about every name in the book.”

“But I had issues standing up to my folks until that guy pissed me off so much, I realized telling him where to go felt good. I can’t cuss at my mama because I was raised better, but I did learn the fine art of sarcastic torture from that jerk therapist. He was making fun of me, thinking I wouldn’t notice. I feel much better now.”

Mary opened her mouth, then closed it. She loved Mel but her friend had an unusual way of seeing things at times. They usually chalked their differences up to Mary being from Northern California and Mel growing up on a small farm in Indiana. Mel always made her laugh regardless.

“I’m going now.” Mary straightened her shoulders and walked away alone.

The bathroom was easy to find. Mary used one of the stalls, and then washed her hands, staring into the big mirror on the wall. The dress wasn’t quite her style, but she’d seen far worse bridesmaids’ dresses.

It had a low V-cut neckline, with tiny buttons down the front. The soft material hugged her frame, from the thin shoulder straps to just below her knee. Mel had simple tastes, and she had gone for the summer dress look. Cream wasn’t Mary’s color, but at least it wasn’t chocolate brown with hot pink bows sewn all over it.

She grimaced, still traumatized by her cousin Della’s wedding the year before. That gown had been so ugly, she’d burned it on the gas grill in her parents’ backyard the day after wearing it.

Mary leaned in and used the side of her pinky to fix her smudged mascara. She hadn’t worn much more than that and a little bit of clear gloss on her lips. Her hair was a bit flat without hairspray, but she’d been asked to avoid it, as well as perfume. New Species didn’t like chemical smells.

She ran her fingers through her blonde hair. It needed to be cut. The problem was, she couldn’t afford to go to the hairdresser for another few weeks. And no way was she going to allow one of her friends to hack away at it. It had taken her almost a year to grow it to the length she’d wanted after the last time she’d made that mistake.

She opened the flap on her purse and pulled out her cell phone. There were no messages or missed calls. That wasn’t anything new. All her friends from her youth had husbands and children. They were too busy to hang out with her these days.

It was a depressing reminder that her best friend now had a husband, as well. Snow was sweet, extremely hot, and Mary didn’t blame Mel saying for yes to his proposal. It just meant that Mary’s life was about to get a whole lot lonelier. Mel would live at Reservation, and she’d already quit working at the diner.

It also meant Mary spending a lot more time around New Species if she wanted to hang out with the only real friend she had left. That was going to be rough. It had taken every ounce of her courage to attend the wedding. Just thinking about going through NSO security again made her shudder. A big New Species wearing a uniform and a helmet had patted her down and searched her purse. She’d managed to not freak out by pretending he was someone else.

Mary dropped her phone back inside her purse and dug around to look for her lip gloss. It was buried under a travel-size container of tissues. She reapplied it on her lips and sighed. No one else was in the bathroom, so she wanted to stay and enjoy the quiet, but there was nowhere to sit except inside one of the stalls on a toilet seat.

Maybe the dancing part of this reception won’t be so bad. I can just sit at the table and watch. It beats sitting on a toilet all night. Resigned, she closed her purse and hooked the strap over her shoulder, then pushed open the door and stepped out, walking down the hallway.

“I know she went this way.” The man who spoke had a deep voice, and it wasn’t one she recognized. “You stay here.”

Mary stopped in her tracks.

“I’m going to help you find her,” a second man announced.

There was a loud thump.

“Don’t push me into a wall,” one of them snarled.

The other one laughed. “That was a tap.”

There was another loud thump. A few low growls sounded. It made her fear they were fighting or about to. One thing was for certain though.

New Species were looking for her.

She spun to the door on her immediate left and yanked it open.

“I definitely scent her,” the first man announced.

She’d forgotten they could smell as well as hound dogs, and they sounded closer now. She jerked open her purse and frantically grabbed the small bottle of perfume she kept in a pocket, squirting it into the air before she backed up and closed herself into the room. It was dark, but she found a light switch with her hand.

It turned out to be a cleaning supply closet. There wasn’t a lock on the door or anywhere to hide.

She dug inside her purse again and grabbed her phone. She’d call Mel for help. It couldn’t be good that New Species were looking for her.

She knew it was a bad idea to come to Reservation.

There was no cell signal. No! No! No!


Mary jumped. That sneeze had come right from the other side of the door.

“I’ll find her before you do,” one of the males boasted.

“No, I will,” the other growled. “The game is on.”

Mary panicked. Were they hunting her? Like a sport? She frantically looked for a weapon, but the sight of a grate on the wall near the floor caught her attention. It was some kind of intake air vent.

She dropped to her knees and gripped it. The men outside the door seemed to move away, but they’d realize she wasn’t in the bathroom soon enough. They’d search for her.

Mary yanked on the metal and it gave way. She peered inside.

It was barely big enough for her to fit, but she could manage if she lay down. There was only one problem. They’d see the vent cover on the floor. She turned around and got her feet inside, scooting backward until she lay flat. It was tight, but the soft dress material helped her wiggle in. She lifted the grate and put it back into place.

Mary’s gaze landed on the light.

Damn. I forgot.

It was too late, though, because she heard voices again. She backed up more and kept going. She paused about eight feet inside the vent and checked for a signal on her cell phone. There still wasn’t one. She wiggled more, going farther. It was easier to face her fear of small, confined spaces over big men with fangs.

Her foot brushed something, and she tried to look back. It was too dark and confining to see anything. She used one foot to remove the other shoe, then get both off. The two-inch high heels made tiny noises as they fell but she hoped no one else had heard. Her bare toes brushed metal. She turned partly onto her side and used her feet to feel what she couldn’t see.

The vent ended but it split in two other directions. She checked her cell phone again. Still no bars. She’d have to keep going to find a signal.

This is going to be a bitch.

She turned more on her side and got her feet into one of the tunnels where the vent split, shoving her phone between her breast and the bra cup. She braced her hands flat on the sides of the metal and pushed. Her hip slid and it took some doing, but she made the turn. She rolled back onto her stomach and the phone slipped from her dress, landing under her.

I’m never coming back to Reservation. Ever! I don’t care if Mel begs. She can visit me in town.

She braced her hands on the floor and pushed backward, her body sliding deeper into the vent. She paused and lifted her phone to check the signal.

Two bars showed.

“Thank you!”

She wiggled a little to get more comfortable and tapped the screen to call Mel. Her bestie would send Snow to save her. He would get her out of Reservation and away from his fanged buddies. She trembled so much, she hit the wrong number on the list displayed as her recent calls and had to cancel it out.

The vent under her made a creaking noise, and she froze.

That doesn’t sound good.

The loud pops that followed had her dropping the phone and frantically trying to find something to grab when she’d gone from lying flat, to sliding down at a sharp downward angle.

The vent walls were slick, and she kept sliding until there wasn’t anything under her anymore. That’s when the real fall happened.

Mary opened her mouth to scream but it never came out. She slammed into something that knocked the breath out of her.

Her face was planted against something squishy. It felt like artificial rubber. She opened her eyes and tried to figure out if she was hurt. Besides the startling landing, she seemed okay. She focused on something ahead of her and to the left.

What she saw made her gawk.

Beyond a rounded lip was a wall of rocks…with a waterfall flowing down the rough surface. Blue lights lit the structure, and the sound of running water reminded her of a forest stream.

It was beautiful. It was the biggest indoor fountain she’d ever seen. It had to be twenty-five feet high.

She looked down. Her hands were planted on a mat that reminded her of something from gym classes in high school. “What in the world?”

She took a better look around the vast room. The ceilings had to be forty feet from the floor, and dim lights shone from above. Large potted trees were spread around the room. It looked as if someone had made an indoor garden living space.

She lifted to her hands and knees, realizing just how large the mat was that she’d fallen on top of. She estimated it to be eight feet wide and about four feet off the floor. She knelt up and stared at the ceiling above her. A vent ran the length of the room, and part of it was now broken apart, one portion hanging down like a long slide. Clearly the part she’d fallen through.

She looked around her, hunting for her phone, but it wasn’t there. Nor was her purse. She looked up at the broken vent and had a bad feeling they hadn’t fallen with her. It left her with little choice but to climb off the mat and find a way out of what she guessed must be the basement of the hotel.

The floor was covered in what seemed to be artificial grass. She wiggled her bare toes. It felt like good-quality artificial turf. The massive water fountain couldn’t be ignored, and she approached it in awe. The lighting gave the waterfall a natural look. It was beautiful. Even the air around her stirred as if there was a breeze. The lip of the fountain turned out to be taller than Mary, reached by a gentle moss-covered slope.

One touch with her fingertip proved the moss wasn’t real, either. Curiosity had her touching the short green sprigs…and then climbing upward to the water’s edge. It was the size of a small pool. She dipped her fingers into the water and found herself in for another surprise. The temperature felt pleasantly warm.

She had a better view from at least six feet off the floor, and she looked around, searching for a lit exit sign, but didn’t spot any. The walls were dark, making it difficult to find the boundaries of the large space. She turned and scooted down the slope, deciding to just walk the perimeter to find a way out.

Something large dropped about six feet in front of her, and Mary gasped. It took her a few seconds to realize what it was.

She blinked, but the sight didn’t disappear or change.

Crouched before her was the biggest New Species she’d ever seen. Not big as in fat. Far from it. He was muscled and big boned.

If that wasn’t shocking enough, he had some seriously wild, long hair. It was a light rust color, with some orange streaks, and very fluffy. His chin lifted, making it possible for her to make out his face.

Pure terror struck.

He was a New Species—but more animal than man. His eyes were pure feline, the color a startling gold. His nose came out a bit, as did his jaw, making the bones in his face seem more animalistic. It reminded her of a mini muzzle. His lips were human, at least. They were also generous. But her gaze fixed on his hair. It reminded her of a lion’s mane.

Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God.

Those words kept repeating in her head.

He rose up from his crouch, and she was in for another surprise. He had hair on his naked chest, but it looked more like a patch of fur. It wasn’t a whole lot, but enough to freak her out even further.

That’s when she also noticed he wasn’t wearing pants. Mary simply stared. She’d never seen someone sporting an actual loincloth before.

He growled low, causing the hairs on the back of her neck and on her arms to raise. She knew she shouldn’t have come to Reservation. Mel said she’d be safe, but her bestie had been wrong. She was about to be killed by a lion man.

His lips parted, and he revealed scary fangs. They were shiny white and looked lethal.

Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God.

Mary wanted to faint but she wasn’t that fortunate.

He stepped closer, and she scrambled back, falling onto the slope of fake moss, praying she could dig her way under it. Her fingers even clawed at the material.

The man loudly sniffed, and she froze.

He lunged forward.

All Mary could do was twist her head to the side and squeeze her eyes closed. She didn’t want to watch her own death happen. It would be bad enough feeling it.

Chapter Two

The lion man didn’t slam into Mary, but she could hear him breathing. It sounded close—and then she felt his hot breath against her neck. Some of that fluffy hair on his head brushed her cheek. She whimpered.

He was probably picking the right spot to bite into so he could rip out her throat for maximum blood loss.

He sniffed at her again and growled deeper. It was more of a rumble, really.

Another whimper escaped. She couldn’t scream. Her body wasn’t functioning properly at this level of terror. She expected to piss herself before she remembered she’d just used the bathroom prior to her failed escape attempt.

The lion man lowered his head, that soft hair touching more her jaw.

Then it suddenly went away.

Long seconds ticked by…until she felt something grip the front of her dress.

Warm fingers brushed against the sides of her breasts.

That startled her enough to open her eyes and turn her head a little.

She wished she hadn’t. The lion man was crouched over her, yet only touching her with his way-too-large hands. He had a grip on each side of her bodice, where the vee revealed some cleavage. He wasn’t looking at her, but giving her chest a glare that wasn’t friendly.

He suddenly tore the dress open.

The buttons down the front gave way, and Mary almost managed to scream. Her mouth even opened, but his head jerked up and those golden eyes muted her. She stopped breathing.

He snarled and lowered his head. Then he scooted down a bit, and continued tearing open her dress.

Lions ripped out the bellies of their prey. She was pretty sure she’d read or seen that somewhere.

He bared her stomach and adjusted the position of his big body, until his face hovered over her middle.

His mouth opened and Mary whimpered, knowing it was going to be a horrible way to die. Slow. Him tearing out her throat would have been faster.

He sniffed at her again and released her dress with his freakishly large hands. They appeared normal, except there was enough light coming off the waterfall behind her to see that they weren’t totally human. Fine hairs covered the back of his fingers.

Fur. That’s fur. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God!

He planted one open hand on her stomach, and Mary gasped. It didn’t hurt, but he did it with enough force that it wasn’t exactly gentle. His fingers curled, and she felt sharp fingernails press into her skin. They didn’t hurt, either, but she could distinctly feel the tip of each one.

He wasn’t going to bite into her. No. He was going to claw her skin open instead to reach her internal organs.

He lowered his head and sniffed her stomach. Mary figured he was probably deciding what would be the tastiest part of her to start with. He moved lower, and she realized that he’d ripped her dress completely open. She lie there with her underclothing exposed.

He dipped his head, sniffing at her white panties.

Not there! God. Kill me before you bite or use your sharp nails to rip me open there!

He leaned in closer, and all that wild fur/hair on his head touched her stomach. She whimpered again when he pressed his nose right up against her pelvic bone.

He growled in response. It was a mean sound, not happy. His chin lifted, and he glowered at her as he rose up a bit. He also adjusted his body higher over hers.

He’s part human.

She desperately tried to think past her fear. He looked human, but so…not. His body was human in shape, though, despite the mane of hair flowing to his shoulders, the patch of fur on his chest, the back of his fingers, and his facial traits. And Mary was desperate to live…

She reached up slowly. He noticed, and stared at her hand. It was trembling badly as she gently stoked his chest.

The hair was fur. The texture of it surprised her. She hadn’t petted many of her friends’ pets, since they tended to try to take a bite out of her. He probably would, too, but at this point, she was desperate.

Nice kitty. She would have said it out loud but was afraid the sound of her voice might set him off, and then the bleeding would begin. Hers.

His chest hair was super soft and short. She stroked it again. Nice kitty. Nice big freaking kitty.

She stopped though when a loud noise emanated from him. It took her a second to realize he was purring.

That gave her hope, and she started stroking him again.

Nice kitty. Please don’t kill me.

He wasn’t tearing her to shreds or biting into her. He just purred and watched her with golden eyes that were going to be in her nightmares forever if she managed to survive.

And she was already coming up with a plan. Mel had joked that the two things Snow loved most were food and sex.

Mary so didn’t want to be food…

She darted a look down his body and almost changed her mind. He really was the largest man she’d ever seen. He had to weigh three hundred pounds. At least. Her gaze lingered on the parts of his body that she could see. He didn’t have an ounce of fat on him. Just muscle, flesh, and big bones.

She kept stroking his chest. Not that it took much effort. Her hand shook enough that she could just hold it against him.

Could she make him more interested in her as a woman than his next meal? He was probably too lion-ish to see her as a woman. She was screwed if that were the case, and not in a sexual way. Though, he could probably kill her that way, too.

Currently, he just watched her, easing the grip on her skin with his sharp fingernails. That gave her slight hope she might live.

She swallowed hard and tried to speak. “Please don’t hurt me.”

The purring stopped, and he growled.

Shut up! Don’t talk.

There were people who’d been dubbed dog and cat whisperers. It was possible she was the reverse, and her voice sent animals into attack mode. She had an aunt who had the most annoying laugh on the planet. Every time that woman started to snort and choke—what it actually sounded like—Mary wanted to wring her neck just to make it stop.

She reached up and stroked his chest with both hands now. He watched, and the purring started up again. She figured that was a good sign. Maybe she could just keep petting him until Mel was ready to toss her bouquet. When she didn’t answer her phone, Mel would send Snow to find her, and he’d come to her rescue. She just had to stay alive until then.

Mary calmed just a bit, since he wasn’t killing her. She used her fingernails to lightly scratch his fur. He closed his eyes, and his harsh features seemed to smooth out a little, as if he enjoyed her touch.

Hope soared. Maybe she could put him to sleep and then run for her life. There had to be a way out of the basement.

She grew bolder, expanding the small area she touched. She accidently ran one fingernail across his nipple, and it puckered. His eyes opened as he locked gazes with her, continuing to purr. They watched each other closely.

Mary was tempted to beg for her life again, but she stayed silent instead. He didn’t appear to like her voice. She was a fast learner. Especially when her life was on the line. He enjoyed being petted, though. She could do that for as long as it took Mel to send Snow to find her.

There was only one problem with that plan. The lion man decided to move. She gingerly tried to stop him by pressing her hands to his chest, but he lowered his upper body, trapping her hands instead. And then she couldn’t see his face anymore—because he’d buried his face right against the center of her bra.

The sniffing started up again.

Mary closed her eyes and lifted her chin when the hair mane from his head brushed her face. It almost tickled, but she wasn’t in a mood to laugh.

The fear made it decidedly not funny when he opened his mouth and a wet, hot, roughly textured tongue licked the skin between her cleavage.

She wondered if he were tasting her to see if she’d make a good dinner and prayed that wasn’t the case. New Species did like their meals bloody. She was fresh meat for sure. There would be a lot of blood. And screaming.

He adjusted slightly, and she sucked in a sharp breath, closing her eyes when he closed his lips around the material that hooked her bra together in the center. He clamped down with his teeth and jerked his head back with impressive force.

Material snapped and ripped. Her eyes flew open and she looked down, but he had pressed his face against her once more, making it impossible to see anything but that wild hair of his. Then he twisted his head, nuzzling the cups away to expose her breasts.

Not there. God, don’t bite me there!

Terrifying images surfaced of him taking a chuck of her breast right off her body. It seemed about to happen when he opened his mouth wide and captured one breast in his mouth.

She felt his fangs dig into her sensitive flesh…but there was no pain. Just a jolt of sensation. His hot tongue licked at her, and then his lips sealed around her nipple.

Mary gasped as he sucked on her. She bit her lip and closed her eyes again. She’d had men play with her breasts before, but they’d always been gentle. He wasn’t. He was aggressive about it. She’d never felt anything like it.

It felt amazingly good.

His teeth nipped her slightly, and it sent another jolt of pleasure straight to her brain.

His lower body shifted and his leg nudged between her closed thighs. He pressed down with one knee, and she parted her legs, since it was that or have him crush them. He slid his thigh between hers.

His skin was warmer than her own. He gave her more of his weight to keep her pinned to the slanted slope of the waterfall base. The movement also gave her just enough room to slip her hands out from between them, and she gripped the top of his broad shoulders. He had warm, firm skin.

He released her breast and turned his head, going after the other. Mary expected it that time, and she smothered any sounds that might come from her mouth, afraid it would make him mad when he latched those sharp teeth onto delicate skin. There was no pain, but she was very aware of each tip of his fangs.

His lips sealed over her breast, and he licked at her nipple. The texture of his tongue was something new, too. It was a bit rough, not quite as much as sandpaper. He sucked hard then, and pleasure raced through her body.

She realized she was kneading his shoulders. Her grasp on him tightened when he sucked on her, relaxed when he licked. He kept doing both. Warmth and awareness spread through her body.

He rubbed his leg against hers, inching his knee higher and higher between her thighs, coming dangerously close to her panties. He legs was smooth. Most men had hairy legs, but not lion man. It vaguely struck her as odd, since he had a patch of fur on his chest.

Even as his leg moved, he kept playing with her breasts, alternating between them, until she couldn’t hold back anymore. Mary moaned and released one of his shoulders. Her fingers sank into the hair at the back of his head. It was soft and felt a bit thicker in texture than human hair. She liked it, and he seemed to enjoy her touching him, since he didn’t snarl or hurt her…though pain was now the furthest thing from her mind.

He finally pulled away from her breasts and lowered down her body. Mary watched as he ran his face over her ribs. Her nipples were taut, wet from his tongue and completely bared. The breeze from the waterfall didn’t help, chilling them after his hot mouth, keeping the peaks stiff.

He continually sniffed at her as he moved, brushing his lips against her belly, then rubbing his face over her lower stomach.

He paused when he came to her panties…and Mary’s eyes widened when he gripped the waistband with his teeth.

She started to object but didn’t have time to get a word out. Once again, he just jerked hard, ripping them. The front tore but they didn’t come off. That seemed to make him mad, because he snarled. He gripped her thighs with his big hands and parted them farther. Mary released his hair, reaching up and grabbing the fake moss on the slope to avoid sliding down and hitting the artificial grass covering the basement floor.

He gripped more of the material with his teeth and jerked his head again. That time, the entire center of her panties gave way. He used one hand to snap the thin material over her hips and just threw what was left over his shoulder.

It left her pussy completely bare.

He slid down until he was crouched at the base of the slope, adjusting his hold and pinning her thighs wide open, his gaze locked between her legs.

Mary gasped, starting to protest when he snarled.

She sealed her lips. He could examine her if it meant he’d stop making that sound—or making Mary fear for her life.

He sniffed at her, and those golden eyes of his met her stare. He cocked his head a little and leaned even closer. She held her breath…then let it out when he just paused there, not moving.

It only lasted for a few seconds.

He dipped his head again.

His tongue lightly sliding along the seam of her pussy came as a huge surprise.

Then he growled and buried his face between her legs.

Her head snapped back, and she moaned when he started lapping at her pussy, running his thick tongue from her slit to her clit.

Oh God. Oh God. Oh God! Her body tensed, and she tried to press her thighs closed. The pleasure was too intense and raw. It almost hurt, it was so extreme. His strong hands and arms easily pinned her open to him. He wouldn’t let her move her hips at all or escape his mouth. He licked her as if she were ice cream, and he’d been starving for it.
