I strode toward Johnny as he told the Rege, who was still on his knees, “Tell your pups to put their guns in a pile on the ground. Now.”
The Rege made a gesture of conciliation. Metal clacked on metal as the guns were dropped. Johnny motioned to Todd and Kirk, who patted the Omori down and collected the weaponry.
Johnny untied me and took my face in his hands to give me an inspection. Johnny’s touch was so light, so warm, I didn’t want it to stop, even when his thumb stroked my cheek. I flinched; being walloped twice today by the Rege had left me bruised.
His rigid posture yielded to embrace me. Emotion radiated off him. His face filled with relief and protectiveness. He understood how I’d felt when he disappeared under the Lake Erie surface.
“You were skipping your intro with the Rege?”
“Max was murdered, you were missing. Kind of took priority.”
“She’s not just a witch to you,” the Rege said disgustedly.
“Deal with it,” Johnny growled.
The Rege rose up onto his knees. “I left my mark on her insides.”
Johnny jerked away. I grabbed his arm—his skin darkened under my grip and fur pushed up between my fingers. Claws sprouted from his fingertips as I watched. His breath rasped harshly and he leaned threateningly over the Rege. “No,” I said. “He didn’t.”
“Yes, I did!”
“Do you remember it? In detail?”
Uncertainty clouded his features.
“He thinks he did,” I said to Johnny, “but he didn’t.”
The Rege’s confusion was replaced with vehemence. He spat at our feet. “You used magic on me?”
I didn’t answer. I didn’t even deign to acknowledge that he’d spoken to me.
Todd and Kirk returned to our side with the weapons, and passed them out to their own people. Kirk ordered, “Keep them handy, but out of sight. We don’t want the police crashing our little shindig.” Chris LaCroix was on our side. That was interesting. Kirk didn’t offer him a gun.
Johnny said, “Explain how murder and kidnapping became a good idea.”
The Rege put one foot on the ground, preparing to stand.
“Down!” Johnny commanded.
“I am the Rege! If you are to be crowned, you’ll need my endorsement.”
“But you don’t share, remember?”
The Rege shook with rage. “You need me!”
Johnny shrugged. “And if you’re dead? Do you think your replacement might understandably be more accommodating to my needs?”
The Rege put his knee back on the ground.
Bully the bullies; it’s all they understand.
“Now explain,” Johnny commanded.
“Ask Gregor,” the Rege replied.
“Kirk,” Johnny said, as he stepped away. Kirk positioned himself so passing motorists could not see he held a gun on the Rege. Johnny stopped before Gregor. “Answer.”
“I intended to question her. I wanted to kill her, too, but first I wanted to know if there were others who could do what she could do. When the Rege arrived I told him what I had done and what my intentions were and why—”
“Tell me why.”
“The humans, if not the witches, will eventually seek to destroy us.”
Johnny shook his head in irritation.
Gregor continued. “He wanted to question her personally. I didn’t think that was safe. I suggested we set her up so that WEC would have no choice but to have her Bindspoken. Then we could recapture her and question her when she’d been magically spayed.”
Now I understood why I’d heard these wærewolves use the word “Bindspoken” in their conversation. Gregor was taking high rank on my Least Favorite People list.
“But I, as always, obeyed the will of my superior.” Gregor bowed his head submissively in the direction of Rege.
I suspected that was a hint, a suggestion, or a call to action of some kind and kept my attention on the Omori behind them.
“And what was your purpose for questioning her personally?” Johnny asked the Rege.
“I agree with the Omori’s assessment of our enemies. I add only a reminder that as the Rege my vantage point of the situation is better, the scope of my sight broader. When the day of our challenge comes—and it will—it is my intention that we are prepared.”
“Are the grimasa-azils not enough?” Johnny asked.
“It is the best we have, but I would be a fool to ignore the opportunity to surmount our one weakness when it stands before me. If she can truly bestow us all with permanence in our man-minds, then we eliminate our only moment of weakness: when the animal takes over and we cannot work as a united front. What she can give us better equips us for the inevitable.”
It was basically the same argument Johnny used to convince the pack wæres that the spell was worthwhile, but when the Rege said the words, the idea lost its charm.
“And what if I don’t agree that the Fate you see is ‘inevitable’?”
“Then you are naïve.”
I’d thought Johnny must know what answer he’d get to that question and had been mistaken in asking it, but when he bristled in response, I understood he knew exactly what he was doing.
“You need to stop insulting the Domn Lup,” Kirk said.
Subordinates telling the Rege what to do evidently pissed him off. His reaction was unsympathetic. “I rule the court. That won’t change even if he proves himself the Wolf King.”
Kirk had jumped in, so I took my shot. “You don’t believe he’s the Domn Lup?” I asked. “Gregor witnessed a full change for himself. Did he not tell you?”
The Rege’s compassionless gaze shifted to me. “If he is to be crowned, he’ll need my endorsement. Or, as he has already suggested, he can kill me and hope my successor is more pliable. But he’ll want something, too.”
Of course. Being the Domn Lup wasn’t enough; the bigwigs expect their political favor to be bought.
“What do you want?” Johnny asked coolly.
The Rege stood. This time Johnny didn’t argue.
“I want her,” the Rege said, pointing at me. “The witch becomes mine, my tool. You”—he arched a brow and frowned distastefully at Johnny—“tone down your image, learn the talking points, and make the rounds of your American media.” He smoothed his suit jacket, tugged on his cuffs to straighten the sleeves. “Draw their attention while the witch gifts us all.”
“All?” Todd questioned.
The Rege glared at him. Todd shifted back a half-step.
“How many wæres are there now?” Johnny asked.
“I don’t have an exact count,” the Rege said casually.
I was sure he was lying.
“Over a quarter of a million worldwide,” Chris LaCroix offered helpfully.
The Rege’s rigid glare found Chris. To his credit, Chris held his ground.
“If she transformed fifty a day,” Kirk said, “every day, aside from the scheduling nightmare that would be, it would take over fourteen years.”
I was not signing on for that. Though stunned at being the bargaining chip on the proverbial table, I found my voice. “No way.”
“You see?” Gregor’s voice cracked like a whip. “She is not on the side of the wæres!”
“I’ll give you the spell,” I countered. “You can find another witch who can perform it for you.” It wasn’t like the Lustrata was the only witch who could do this spell. It was in the Trivium Codex after all, the book of sorcery spells from the fairies. Not that finding another witch to do it would be easy. Sorcery required a lot of energy and the moonlight enhancing spell was no different. Most witches simply wouldn’t have the power within themselves to perform it. That meant it had to be powered by the ley lines, and not many witches were willing to tap a ley because of the initial pain and the addictive ramifications. Of those who did perform sorcery, few would hazard such repeated exposures, and fewer still would be willing to take such a risk to aid the wæres. “All you need is a witch willing to perform sorcery. She can use a ley line to power the spell.”
Gregor flung his arm out, pointing at me, but addressed his superior. He marched closer to the Rege. “Agreeable, logical aid being placed at our feet, and all spoken softly from a pretty mouth. We are being soothed into a sense of security, so that we may be struck down!”
I wondered if all the Romanian wæres hated women.
Walking forward and making a conciliating gesture, I said, “Look, I’m not against wæres keeping their man-minds. I’m all for it, actually. The need for kenneling would be nearly eliminated. Rogue attacks would be a thing of the past. That’s good for everyone.”
Gregor spun on me. “I’ll never trust any witch that much.”
“Why?” I pointed at the pack members here with Johnny. “They trusted me, and rightly so. If you hadn’t intervened, it would have been to their benefit. It was to the benefit of the three who’ve already experienced it.”
“They did not trust you.” The Rege inched forward. “They trusted the Domn Lup. What exists between you and that pack exists because of him. Your worth is based only on the value he places upon you. That is not something that will carry over to your allies in WEC, because witches and wæres weren’t meant to mingle.”
Oh, Goddess. Not the tenet of the good ol’ days.
The Rege caught my eye-rolling. “You mock me?”
My arms crossed. “I mock the irrationality of that old idea.”
“Irrational?” His shout resonated inside my head, reminding me of my goose egg. “Witches have the power to misshape us, destroy us!”
Despite the flecks of spittle on my arms from his raging, I remained calm. “I saw what I could do to you. And yet I haven’t.”
He squinted suspiciously. It made him look all the more evil, which until then I hadn’t thought was possible.
“Yes, witches have the power to misshape you, but the truth you don’t want to acknowledge is the counterpoint that balances that. Witches also have the power to eliminate your weakness, Rege. All you’ve been willing to see is the danger they represent. Your fear has created a wedge where there should have always been a bridge. The time for that dogma is past and now it’s your attitude that has to change. Let it trickle down to all wæres. Guide them to desire man-minds as a means of safety. Use the benefits—like the fact that kenneling won’t be necessary—to convince them.” If I was to be involved in this, I didn’t want them to misunderstand. “I know it will take time to find the right witches who can do this, but I can help you find solitaries or those disaffected by the organization. If you develop a businesslike relationship with them, WEC will eventually have to see that doing their part to build that bridge of trust will take us all into the future with firmer footing.” I uncrossed my arms. “This world will keep spinning no matter what, but all of your people—and all of mine—must take personal responsibility for their own progress.”
Gregor growled. “Personal responsibility? Your words sound unsettlingly close to those that would incite a rebellion.”
“Good! You all need to rebel against that notion that has kept you afraid of witches.”
The Rege turned to his men. The expectancy on their faces was plain; they were waiting for him to guide them. Would it be “as usual,” or would he lead in a new direction? Some, like Gregor, clearly wanted to stay on the path they knew well.
The Rege spun back. “Who are you?”
I’d taunted him earlier that he didn’t know who I was. He hadn’t gotten my name then. I supposed now would do. “I’m Persephone Alcmedi.”
“You speak pretty words, Persephone. A spell in each charismatic syllable, but I cannot—”
“She’s the Lustrata,” Johnny said, interrupting before the Rege could bestow judgmental words he might have to eat later. The Zvonul’s main man did not move, but seemed frozen in place. Only his eyes moved, flicking over to Johnny as he added, “And you’ve tempted her wrath quite far enough.” The Rege again drew a breath, ready to protest, and Johnny cut him off. “She deserves respect, Rege.”
His face pinched up so tight I thought it was caving in on itself. Giving respect to a woman was blasphemy for a man afflicted with the kind of misogyny that allowed him to qualify rape as a means of punishment. And because I’m a witch—a woman with power—it flavored his bitterness with acid.
Now I understood how the rift had become so wide. Witches were predominantly female.
“You really don’t get it, do you, Rege?” Johnny spoke up. “You see her gift will make the wæres always powerful and eliminate that one full moon night of weakness. You see that it will raise us above the vamps, who lose half of every day and rely on Beholders and Offerlings for their safety. What you can’t seem to recognize is that she’s offering to let you guide the wæres, to have the credit of wise guidance, because she’s not in it for the power or glory.” Johnny moved toe-to-toe with the Rege. “You haven’t shown her any respect yet. Kidnapping her, killing a friend, trying to rape her. Think about it. The only reason you’re not half-formed right now is because she intends to fulfill her destiny.”
“She needs me,” he spat. “I won’t be a puppet to a … a witch!”
I had the distinct feeling he’d almost said woman.
Johnny shook his head. “You’re wrong. She doesn’t need you. She has me, the Domn Lup. But the influence of your long years as Rege would make this easier for everyone.”
Silently, Gregor positioned himself just to the side. It was clear he was showing the Rege he backed him up. So I took up the opposite side. Kirk moved in a step behind me.
Johnny went on. “Only with her willing aid can we be lifted above our animal minds. Placed equal to witches in that we have no time of weakness.”
“Why would she lift us equal to her own kind?” the Rege demanded.
“To bring balance,” I said.
All three of them looked at me. The Rege’s attention bounced from me to Johnny and he studied Johnny for a long moment. Without another word, he turned and walked to the limo and got in. His men followed him.
I hope he recognized that he had a hell of a lot to think about.
When the limo drove away, the pack sighed collectively in relief.
Chris strolled up to me. “Lustrata, huh?”
It still felt awkward to just openly claim it, but after a deep breath I nodded. “Yeah.”
“I’ve heard the rumors … now I understand why you never backed down. Ever.”
It was almost eight o’clock when I got home. We’d been delayed when Johnny used his cell phone to let Nana know they had me back safe. As he spoke to her, I remembered the Omori had taken the necklace with Beau’s charm, the protrepticus, my satellite phone, and my purse in the kidnapping. We had to make a stop at the den to collect them. Kirk and Todd dealt with the awkward situation while we waited in the parking area.
“How’d you make the Rege think he’d … hurt … you, when he hadn’t?”
The word he couldn’t bring himself to say was “rape.” “That’s a question for Menessos. It was almost like I mesmerized him. I told him he was finished, to leave. In his mind, I guess, ‘finished’ meant ‘mission accomplished.’” I paused, rubbing at my goose egg.
“I should take you to the ER.”
“I’m fine. Ever figure out how they got past your security to the second floor?” I asked.
“They flashed their official IDs at the guards. While the doc was stitching me up the other day, I gave the order to make sure we were complying with whatever the Rege’s people needed. The guards thought they were adhering to my order. Now they know better: no one is allowed entrance without checking with me first, not even the Zvonul. The Rege and the Omori may think compliance means they run the den, but not this den.”
Todd and Kirk returned. My stuff was no worse for wear.
The bad news was that Johnny, Todd, and Kirk had decided they needed a private meeting, at Todd’s house, to discuss among themselves their bylaws, options, and what could be done about the Rege. Todd made it clear he didn’t want their conversation to occur at my home.
I suggested they give Beau a call and ask him about pack lore. Beau may be a Bindspoken witch, but he had the trust of the former dirija and he knew an awful lot about everything. He’d told me he’d had cause to do “an enormous amount” of research. That was how he had been able to recognize me as the Lustrata, and how he’d been able to manipulate me into helping him. He’d made me promise to come and see him before the next full moon, which was still three weeks away.
Johnny drove me home, but before we got out of the Audi, I asked him to tell Beau that I’d stop by and see him soon.
“Have I got competition?” he asked, affecting innocence and shock.
“Of course not.” I leaned to kiss him.
His lips were gentle against mine. “Sure you don’t want to go to the ER and get checked out?”
“It’s nothing ibuprofen and an ice pack won’t fix.”
He touched my cheek again, tenderly. “You’re going to have a shiner.”
“I think our combat training needs to start again.”
I moved to get out, but he stopped me with a touch.
“I could have lost you today.”
The fear in his tone made me instinctively want to lighten his load. Sarcasm was in order. “Sucks, huh?”
“Yeah.” One side of his mouth crooked up, adorably. I rubbed his cleft chin and pulled him to me for another kiss, this one lasting long enough to run my fingers through his hair, forceful enough to notice the evening stubble on his chin, and sensual enough to set my heart pounding.
When we broke, we lingered with our foreheads together. As he sat back, so solemn, so serious, his mouth opened, closed, opened again. “Red, I …” His grip on my hand tightened, but he didn’t finish.
I had a distinct feeling that the “L” word was about to follow. No. No. No. No. No. I gulped, audibly, and tried to be cheerful as I asked, “What?”
The weightiness lifted from him and he shook his head. “Another time.”
Todd and Kirk turned into the driveway behind us in a Chevy Tahoe. Johnny flashed me an enigmatic smile and passed me the keys before he climbed out to go and ride with them.