Red-Caped Hero Thanks:

Shannon & Dave, Beth & Steve, Melissa, Costie

Because making realistic concert T-shirts and buttons

for a fictitious rock band just kicks ass.

Java-N-Chocolate Thanks:

Michelle, Melissa, Laura, Faith, Rachel, Emily, and Tracy

As always, I am grateful to my writing group

for reading, critiques, support, and the friendship.

Delicioso Thanks:

Samosky’s Homestyle Pizzeria

For making such fabulous pizza,

even my characters love it. Yum!

PAMArita Thanks:

Paula Guran

Your keen eyes and wise guidance keep me from

sticking my foot in my mouth,

and to Laura Bickle

for sharing your vast knowledge on

a variety of unusual subjects.

Howlin’ Thanks:

Jim Lewis. My own wolfy bad boy.

Reverent Gratitude:

For the many-named Muse. You will always rock.

Extra Thanks:

Derek Tatum & Carol Malcolm @ DragonCon;

Larissa @ Larissa’s Bookish Life;

Rachel Smith @ Bitten by Books;

Abigail @ All Things Urban Fantasy;

Roxanne @ Fang-tastic Books;

Susi & Caroline @ Booklovers, Inc.;

Erik & Justin @;

and Scollard;

and all the reviewers, bloggers, and tweeters

who’ve helped spread the word.

There are too many of you to list and that’s fantastic!
