Chapter Four

Jorja was quite content to lie on Kian’s chest as he stroked her back. She also noticed for the first time that while she was completely naked, he still wore his t-shirt and jeans. He’d only opened his pants and shoved them down his hips enough to pull out his cock. Not that she cared. All that had mattered was getting him inside her.

She shifted and lifted her head to look at Kian. He had his eyes closed. “That…that was intense.”

“I know,” he said, his voice husky.

He opened his eyes, and Jorja swore they had a muted glow to them for a split second before he blinked and it was gone. “I didn’t come here expecting to jump you as soon as I saw you.”

Kian chuckled. “I think I did the jumping more than you.” He then grew serious. “Why did you leave in the first place?”

“I needed to get some sleep, and I didn’t think it would look good for one of the other employees to see me leave the resort in the morning in the same outfit I wore last night.”

“You left without saying goodbye, or leaving a number for me to call you.”

“Well…I thought…maybe once you sobered up you’d not want to see me again.”

Kian cupped her face and looked into her eyes. “Why would you think that?”

Jorja tried to duck her head, but he wouldn’t let her. “With your looks, you probably have women falling at your feet all the time. I-I’m not exactly what you would call supermodel material, not like you.”

He kissed her slow and hard until he had her clutching at his shoulders. Once he pulled away, he said, “I might have been drunk, but I wasn’t so gone I didn’t know who I slept with. I kind of rushed things last night, because I did have too much to drink, but I don’t just want you for a good fuck.”

“Are you sure?”

Kian blinked. “Of course I’m sure. Why wouldn’t I want something more than that with you?”

“Well… Well, I can’t talk half the time around you without stuttering like an idiot. Then there’s…” Jorja let her words trail away. She had been about to tell Kian about the obsessive feelings that had swamped her while she’d been at her apartment. Did she really want him to think she was some kind of stalker?

“I think your stuttering is cute. That just means you’re a bit on the shy side. There’s nothing wrong with that. Once you get to know me better, I’m sure it’ll go away. Now finish what you were going to say. Then there is what?”

She shook her head. “Forget it. I-I’ll sound like a loon.”

“No you won’t.”

Jorja took a deep breath. “All right. After I left you, I…kind of couldn’t stop thinking about you. It’s crazy, but I felt as though if I didn’t come back something bad would happen to you. I tried to ignore it, I really did, but it only got worse.”

“But it’s gone now, right?”

She nodded. “Yes. Actually as soon as I saw you standing in the doorway it disappeared. Then all I could think about was…sleeping with you again.” Jorja felt her face heat as she blushed.

Kian smiled. “There is nothing to be embarrassed about. I felt the same way.”

“You did?” Did he actually mean he’d felt desperate away from her as well?

“Yes. So much so I called the concierge desk and asked him to call you and pass on a message from me. I’d only just gotten off the phone with him when you knocked on the door.”

The thought that Kian would have gone to that extent to get in contact with her sent a little thrill through Jorja. He had to be interested in her. “Oh,” she said shyly. She shifted on him and his now-softened cock slipped free of her body. Also a wave of tiredness washed over her. “I should go.”

As she tried to roll off him, Kian grasped her hips to hold her to him. “Stay.”

“I haven’t gotten any sleep. And I need some before I work tonight.”

“You can sleep here. I want to spend the day with you. We can catch up on our rest, then you can show me the Falls. I’ve only seen them outside my room’s windows. Then when it’s closer to the time for you to work, we can go to your apartment so you can change before your shift starts.”

Spending the day with Kian would be no hardship. And it wasn’t as if she had anything else planned. And to be honest, after going through what had overtaken her when they’d been apart, she didn’t know if she had enough energy to get dressed and drive to her apartment to sleep.

Jorja nodded. “Okay, I’ll stay.”

“Great.” Kian lifted her off his body and placed her next to him. He then slipped off the bed and stripped out of his clothes. “The room has a large whirlpool tub. I haven’t used it yet. I’m pretty sure there will be enough room for both of us. Does a bit of a soak sound okay to you before we get some sleep?”

She bit her bottom lip and nodded. Jorja ran her gaze over Kian’s body. The sight of him standing there in all his naked glory turned her on. If she hadn’t felt so tired, she’d be more than willing to have another round of hot, intense sex with him.

As if he’d read her mind, Kian said with a chuckle, “There will be plenty of time for lovemaking after we sleep. So the only thing I’m going to do in the tub is hold you.”

Jorja felt herself blush again. She then let out a squeal of surprise as Kian scooped her off the bed and carried her to the bathroom. Once inside, he put her down on her feet and turned on the taps to fill the large whirlpool bathtub.

After the water level rose high enough to cover them, Kian picked her up again and put her inside the tub. He got in behind her and positioned her so she sat between his legs with her back resting against his chest. Once the whirlpool was full, he reached over and turned off the water before turning on the bubbles.

Jorja relaxed against Kian, loving the feel of him along her skin. Add in the jets of the whirlpool and she felt as if she were in heaven. But then he grabbed a bar of soap and lathered his hands. She sucked in a breath when he ran them over her front, paying extra care to her breasts. If Kian thought this would be relaxing, he was mistaken.

He lathered his hands a second time and washed each of her arms, his knuckles brushing against the sides of her breasts. Jorja’s heart beat faster as her pussy grew wet with arousal. She squirmed, and his cock, which was trapped between them, hardened. The feel of it only caused desire to heat her blood even more.

As Kian’s soapy hand disappeared under the water to stroke along her stomach, Jorja knew the demands of her body wouldn’t let her sleep until he gave her the release she needed. Lower his hand went until his fingers brushed against her mound.

Jorja couldn’t hold back a small moan. “I thought you said you were only going to hold me.”

He nudged her hair away from the side her neck with his chin, then gently nipped her. “You’re just too tempting. Having you naked and slippery from the water, in my arms, I can’t not touch.” He licked her skin. “I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of you.”

Kian’s hand drifted lower until he found her clit. Jorja spread her legs, putting them on top of his as she panted from the arousal coursing through her body. “You make me ache. I need more.”

“I’ll give it to you,” he said, his voice strained.

He pushed two fingers inside her pussy, causing her to moan. As he pumped them in and out, she lifted her hips to match his strokes. The water in the tub sloshed around them. Kian worked her faster, his thumb stroking her clit. Jorja felt his hard cock jerk against her back as she squeezed her inner muscles around his fingers.

“That’s it, Jorja,” he ground out. “Fuck my fingers. Come for me.”

He added a third and she felt herself coming. A keening moan escaped her as she held onto the sides of the tub for dear life. Wave after wave of pleasure tore through her. She hadn’t thought she’d had enough energy to climax again, but obviously she’d been wrong.

Once it ended, Kian pulled his fingers out of her. His cock was thick and long against her back. She turned in the water to face him. He had his eyes closed as his chest rapidly rose and fell. She more than wanted to give him the same pleasure he’d given her.

Jorja fisted his cock under the water and pumped her hand up and down his length. He rocked his hips, the tip of his shaft breaking the water’s surface with each upward thrust. Wanting to taste him, she bent her head and swiped her tongue over the slit when it appeared again.

Kian made a sound between a growl and a moan in the back of his throat. “More,” he panted before he shifted and rose to stand.

Jorja knelt on her knees before him, his big cock now eye level with her. She flicked his slit again with the tip of her tongue, swiping at the bead of pre-cum that had appeared. With a firm grip on the base of his shaft, she sucked him inside her mouth. Her head bobbed as she took him in and out.

“Yes,” Kian hissed. “Suck me. Harder.”

She increased the suction, taking his cock almost to the back of her throat. Kian thrust his hips as he fucked her mouth. His shaft grew even harder. An ache pounded deep inside her pussy.

“I can smell your desire, Jorja,” he said hoarsely. “You want to come again?”

She moaned around his cock in answer.

Kian pulled out of her mouth and lifted her onto her feet. He shifted them both until she stood in front of him, facing the back wall. He ran his hand down her thigh, then lifted her leg, placing her foot to rest on the corner of the tub. His cock brushed her pussy just before he thrust home.

He took her from behind in hard, fast strokes. “I can’t hold back much longer,” Kian moaned. “Come, Jorja. Now.”

She pushed back on him, matching his pace, then fell over the edge into an intense release. His hoarse cry told her he’d followed suit. Once her pussy relaxed around his cock, Kian pulled out of her, even though he was still hard. She put her hands on the wall to support herself. Satiated, tiredness beat at her.

Kian turned off the whirlpool’s jets and pulled the plug to drain the water. She said nothing as he lifted her out of the tub, dried her and then himself. He carried her to the bed and tucked her under the covers before he joined her. The last thought Jorja had before sleep overcame her was Kian had just ruined her for other men.

* * *

Kian awoke before Jorja did. They both lay on their sides, facing each other. He had his arm under her neck while the other was over her waist. He also had one of his legs between hers. He stared at her, still finding it hard to believe he’d finally found his mate. It had only taken him nine hundred years. He snorted to himself. Atticus was nine hundred years old as well, and had just found his. Soren was the same age too, which meant there was a good possibility he’d be finding his mate in the not-too-distant future. Maybe.

He ran his gaze over his mate’s face. He’d been shocked as all hell when she’d said she’d thought he wouldn’t want her once he’d sobered up. She was everything he could ask for in a mate. She was pretty, had a great personality and had a body he’d never tire of. And making love to her didn’t compare to any of his past experiences. Sex with Jorja would always be intense. And each time they shared their bodies the closer the mating bond would become.

Thinking of that bond, Kian knew he’d have to convince her to stay the night. No fucking way was he going through a separation again. The one experience had been more than enough. He’d have to tell Jorja what it all meant, but he was reluctant to do it just yet. She was already nervous around him. He didn’t need her fearing him as well.

He breathed a silent sigh. How could he tell a mortal that werewolves actually existed and not have one freak out? He hadn’t a clue how to go about it. In all of his nine hundred years, he’d never told a mortal what he was. He’d had mortal acquaintances, but never ones he’d been close with. To this day, Atticus and Soren were his closest friends. And now he’d gone and claimed a mate who was mortal. Damn, he wasn’t looking forward to the explanations he’d have to give Jorja.

Maybe it was a little bit selfish on his part, but he wanted at least a day with her where she thought he was just like her. Then tonight, after she finished her shift, he’d bring her up here to his room and tell her the truth. And he’d be dead sober when he did it too.

Kian leaned in and gently kissed Jorja awake. Her eyes fluttered open, and when she focused on him, she smiled. “Hi,” she said in a sleep-roughened voice.

“Hi, yourself. I’m hungry, so I’m going to order some room service. Do you want something?”


“What do you want? Since it’s pushing noon, we can either have a late breakfast or an early lunch. Which would you prefer?”

“A late breakfast sounds good.”

“All right. I’ll order a little bit of everything and we can have our own buffet. I’m going to use the bathroom, then I’ll order the food.”

Kian got out of bed, collected his clothes and went into the bathroom. He used the toilet, brushed his teeth and even managed to do a quick shave. When he came out Jorja was already dressed and sitting on the couch in the conversation area of the room.

He crossed over to her and sat beside her. “I’ll order the food in a minute, but I was thinking, do you mind if I ask my friend Soren to come along when we go see the Falls?”

“He’s the blond man you were with last night?”

“Yes. He’s in the room next door.”

“N-No I don’t mind. You came to the resort with him, after all.”

“He wouldn’t care if I abandoned him for you. He’s probably expecting it.”

“You can ask him.”

“I’ll call room service, then pop over to his room. I want to catch him before he decides to hit the casino.”

Kian phoned in their order before going to Soren’s room. His friend opened the door after the first knock. He eyed Kian. “You look better. I take it your mate is still here.”

“Yes, so I’ll make this short and sweet, though being this far from her won’t set off the separation anxiety. I ordered Jorja and me some room service, then we’re going to check out the Falls. I want you to come with us.”

“Why would you want me around as a third wheel?”

“Because I think it would be better for Jorja to get to know both of us before I tell her the truth. I want her to see werewolves can be just like everyone else.”

Soren laughed. “In other words, you’re scared shitless to tell her and you’re using me as an excuse not to.”

Kian frowned. “I’m not scared shitless. I just want one day with her without the whole werewolf and mate thing coming between us. So will you come with us or not?”

“Fine, I’ll tag along, though I still want to have some time at the gaming tables. We have to check out tomorrow. And speaking of that, what are you going to do about your mate? It isn’t as if you can leave her behind.”

“I’ll have to convince her to come back to Toronto with us.”

“And if she wants to stay in Niagara Falls?”

“Then I guess I’ll buy a place here as well. I’m not going to go lone wolf if that’s what you’re suggesting. With Atticus’ mating, the pack is a little more understanding about mortal mates.”

The pack’s understanding of one of their kind taking a mortal mate had gone through a radical change with the arrival of Rylee, Atticus’ mate. Their pack leader, Grant, had had a strong dislike for mortals, and of course, the rest of the pack had taken his lead. That is except for his mate, Krystal. According to Atticus, his mother had accepted Rylee with open arms, and had cowed his father into accepting Atticus’ mate as well.

“I guess that will just be another thing you’ll have to work out with your mate,” Soren said. “Anyway, come and get me once you two have finished eating.”

“I will.”

Kian left Soren and returned to his room. Jorja still sat on the couch where he’d left her. The room service arrived a few minutes later and they ate until neither one of them could eat anymore. During the meal, he noticed she relaxed around him more and more, and hardly stuttered. Now if only she’d get over the fact he was a werewolf so easily.
