Chapter Three

Jorja came awake to the sound of deep, even breathing in her ear. She had no idea how long she’d slept, but she didn’t think it had been all that long. At first, she didn’t remember where she was. But as her gaze landed on the furnishings in the room, it all came rushing back. She’d slept with Kian. And it had been amazing. She also couldn’t believe she went that far with him. It so wasn’t like her to jump into the sack with a man she was attracted to. But there was something about Kian, and the way she felt pulled toward him, that she’d thrown caution to the wind and went with what her body demanded. Once again she thought of how good it had been. Some men had problems performing while a little drunk, but that didn’t seem to be the case with him. He’d been more than able to keep it up, even after coming twice. Just before she’d fallen asleep, she’d realized his cock was still hard, buried deep inside her. She’d never been with a man who could do that.

And just before he’d come the first time, she swore something had passed between them. It was unlike anything she’d ever felt. It hadn’t been unpleasant, just different.

Knowing it had to be very late, Jorja slowly slipped out from under Kian’s arm. He didn’t stir. She sat up and looked at him. She still found it hard to believe she’d actually had sex with him. Running her gaze over his naked form, her pussy clenched. As she’d surmised earlier, he had the body of an underwear model. Only his muscles were a bit too big to actually be one.

Her gaze lingered over his well-defined chest and washboard abs before it landed on his cock. Even though he was soft, it was still big. While fully erect, it was thick and long, filling her up. And boy did he know how to use it. She’d never been so well fucked in her life. Even now she wanted more of him.

Jorja silently sighed in regret and slipped off the bed. She checked Kian once more and found he still slept on. He had to be a heavy sleeper, or the alcohol made him one. Not wanting to wake him in case he tried to get her to stay the rest of the night, which she wasn’t comfortable doing, she gathered her clothes. She didn’t need some of the people she worked with noticing her leaving the resort in the morning.

After a quick pit stop in the bathroom where Jorja dressed, she went to the conversation area and picked up her coat and purse from the couch. She thought of at least leaving her cell phone number for Kian, but decided against it. He wasn’t drunk enough to forget he’d slept with her, but once he sobered up there could be a chance he’d change his mind about wanting anything more to do with her. Especially since she couldn’t have a normal conversation with him without stuttering.

With one last look at Kian, she opened the door and silently stepped out into the hall, then quietly pulled it closed behind her. She hurried down the long stretch of hallway to the elevators. She pushed the call button and watched to see which set of doors would open.

Jorja made it all the way down to the lobby and outside to the parking lot before she felt as if she should go back to Kian. With a shake of her head, she brushed the feeling aside. She was not going back. She had to get some much-needed sleep, or she’d be dragging her ass during her next shift that coming evening.

She unlocked the driver’s door of her ten-year-old Chevy Cavalier and got inside. After putting the key in the ignition, Jorja sent up a silent prayer it would start before she turned it. Much to her relief it worked. Her car was getting to be a beater, but she couldn’t afford to look for another used one at the moment. Nor could she pay for costly repairs on the Cavalier.

On the drive to her apartment, the feeling of wanting to see Kian returned, only this time it was a bit stronger. Great, Jorja thought. She’d gotten laid and now she was going to be obsessed with him.

Reaching her building, a small duplex, Jorja drove around to the back and parked. She got out, walked to the back door and let herself inside. As she went up the stairs to her apartment, she took a deep breath. She felt out of sorts, as if something were missing. It had to be tiredness. Usually she would already be home and in bed.

Once she was inside her apartment, Jorja put her coat away, then headed to her bedroom to change into her pajamas—a pair of light, cotton sleep pants and a loose t-shirt.

Forgoing brushing her teeth for one night, she got into her queen-sized bed, stretching out in the middle of it. She closed her eyes and waited for sleep to come. It didn’t. Instead of being relaxed, her body felt tense. Thoughts of Kian filled her head. Was he okay? Had she done the right thing by leaving without waking him? It had only been a little over a half hour since she’d last seen him, but it felt like a day. The need to see him, hear his voice, touch him, bordered on desperate.

Jorja rolled to her side and punched her pillow into the shape she wanted it. She had to stop with these thoughts. She would not allow herself to become obsessed with a man. Just because she’d slept with Kian once did not mean it went beyond the great sex. Christ, she knew nothing about him.

After another half-hour went by, and the desperate feeling became even stronger, Jorja knew she wouldn’t be able to sleep if she couldn’t settle her mind. She felt about ready to climb the walls. With an exasperated huff, she threw back the covers and got out of bed. She needed to take a warm bath. A good, long soak should do the trick.

In the bathroom, she turned on the taps in the tub to as hot as she could stand it. As she waited for it to fill, she stripped out of her pajamas and clipped up her hair. She wrapped her arms around her middle, hoping they would ease the terrible ache she felt inside for Kian. They didn’t.

Jorja turned off the taps and got into the steaming water. She sank all the way down until her head rested on the back of the tub. She closed her eyes and tried to will all the tension out of her body. If anything, it made it worse. The moment she closed her eyes her thoughts centered more on Kian.

She forced herself to stay in the tub until the water cooled. As she toweled dry, she caught her reflection in the mirror over the sink. Her eyes looked wild, and there were strain lines around the corners of her mouth. What the hell was wrong with her? All she knew was she couldn’t stand this feeling much longer. It would drive her crazy. As for being able to sleep, there was no way that would happen while she was in this state. The only rest she’d managed so far was the short amount she’d gotten in Kian’s arms.

Jorja bit back a whimper at the thought of being held by him. Every fiber in her being called out for him, needed to be with him. Whatever happened to her didn’t seem to get any better. If anything, it only worsened as time went on.

Running a shaky hand through her hair after she let it down, Jorja couldn’t take it anymore. Whether it made her a crazy stalker, or she’d just plain lost her mind, she had to go back to the resort, and back to Kian.

She returned to her bedroom and dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a long-sleeved t-shirt. A quick glance at her alarm clock showed it was five thirty in the morning. Kian should still be in his hotel room, at least she hoped. If he wasn’t, Jorja had no idea what she’d do.

* * *

Kian woke himself up as a growl of agitation rumbled out of him. His eyes snapped open and he quickly scanned the room with his gaze. Nothing seemed out of place. The light of dawn streamed through the wall of windows, telling him it was already morning. What the hell was the matter? Inside him, one sensation after another slammed into him—agitation, desperation, the feeling that something, or someone, was missing.

He took a deep breath, scenting the air. That’s when it hit him over the head—the scent of his mate, Jorja. His gaze whipped around to the spot on the bed next to him. It was empty. It didn’t take him long to realize she wasn’t anywhere in the room. Her scent was no longer fresh.

Kian shook his head to see if it would help him get a handle on his jumbled thoughts, and immediately regretted it. A throbbing ache pounded in his temples. He’d had way too much to drink the night before, and now suffered the consequences in more ways than one. Because he hadn’t been thinking straight, he’d gone and done something he shouldn’t have, at least not yet. He’d slept with Jorja, claiming her as his, making them mates before he explained anything about what he was, or what she was to him. Fuck! He’d screwed up.

And because of his stupidity, he suffered because his mate had left sometime while he’d slept without telling her what would happen to them both if she did. Now he knew what the desperate feelings were that roiled inside him, and what Jorja had to be suffering through as well without a clue as to why.

He flipped back the covers and got out of bed, quickly dressing in a clean pair of jeans and t-shirt. If he hadn’t basically passed out after he’d made love to Jorja, he wouldn’t have let her leave. He would have made sure she’d stayed in his bed, then found some excuse to keep her with him while he figured out how to tell her he was a werewolf.

He had to somehow find her. Considering how bad he felt, she had to have been gone for at least an hour, likely more. That was why it had awakened him. Hoping against hope Jorja had at least left something as a way for him to get in touch with her, he stalked over to the desk and looked at the hotel scratch pad. There was nothing written on it.

Kian ran his hands agitatedly through his hair. Shit, this was not good. Last night he’d been so desperate for her, he hadn’t even asked what her last name was. So that ruled out looking her up in the phonebook. He knew for a fact she had to work tonight, but neither one of them would make it that long without feeling as if they had totally lost it. His mind already played tricks on him, making him think something bad had happened to Jorja. His wolf snarled and snapped his teeth, feeling just as strung out as he.

He paced up and down the room, and when that didn’t help, he slammed the flat of his fist against one of the adjoining walls. Kian did it a few more times, trying to give his frustration some kind of outlet.

A loud pounding on his door stopped him before he could hit the wall for a third time. He rushed over to it, praying it was Jorja. It wasn’t. It was a sleepy-eyed Soren dressed only in a low-slung pair of jeans. Kian cursed and stepped back into the room as his friend joined him.

Soren looked him up and down. “You look like hell. And do you mind telling me why you’ve decided to beat the shit out of the wall between our rooms?”

Kian paced once more. “I fucked up. Big-time.”

“What did you do?” Soren asked. Then quickly added, “Aw shit. You slept with your mate.”

“Yeah, I claimed her as mine.”

“Did you tell her what you are? What being a mate means?”

Kian stopped and held out his arms. “Do I look as if I did? The fact my mate isn’t here should be answer enough.”

“You have to find her.”

“No shit, Sherlock. I would if I could, but she’d didn’t leave a number for me to reach her before she walked out. And I have no idea what her last name is.”

Soren shook his head. “I have to tell you, you did an awesome job of wooing your mortal mate. Not. I thought you had more finesse than that.”

“I didn’t exactly plan to sleep with her.” At his friend’s arched brow, Kian said, “Okay, I did, but I hadn’t planned on things getting so out of control that I slept with her without explaining anything. I was drunk, and the mating urge was too hard to ignore.”

“I had thought to suggest you give Atticus a call to get his advice on wooing a mortal mate, since his is one, but it’s a little too late for that.”

Atticus, another good friend, was the next in line to be their pack leader, and had recently found his mortal mate, Rylee. She hadn’t taken the news of Atticus being a werewolf very well in the beginning, but his friend had been able to hold off on claiming her until she’d come to terms with it.

“Yeah,” Kian said, “it’s a little too late for that. What I need right now is to find Jorja.”

Soren sighed. “All right. Have you tried contacting someone who works at the resort? They more than likely won’t give you her phone number, but they can maybe call her on your behalf. I know it sucks, but that’s your only option at this point.”

“No, I hadn’t thought of that. I guess that’s all I can do. I’ll call down to the concierge desk.”

Kian went to the phone and dialed the number for the concierge. After a man on the other end answered, he said, “I’m a guest here and I’m looking for some information on one of your employees.”

“Do you have a problem, sir?”

“No, nothing like that. The opposite in fact. I’d like to get in touch with one of the employees here, but I don’t know her last name. I wondered if you could help me get a message to her at home.”

“I’m glad to hear you don’t have any complaints about the service at the resort. Who is this employee?”

“Her name is Jorja, and she works as a cocktail waitress in the casino. She worked the night shift last night.”

“I know exactly who you mean. We only have one Jorja working for us. I’d be happy to call her for you. What is your message?”

“Just tell her I would like for her to contact me as soon as she can.” He gave the man his suite number. “Thanks. I appreciate this.” Kian hung up the phone and looked at Soren. “He’ll do it.”

“What are you going to do if she doesn’t call back?” Soren asked.

“Then I’m going to have to find another way to find her. I’m not going to be able to sit here all day and suffer.”

“It’s that bad, huh?”

“You could say that. I knew it would be, but not like this. It’s enough to drive someone insane. We’ve grown up knowing what separation would do to mates, but Jorja hasn’t a clue what’s going on. She must think she’s lost her mind.”

Soren opened his mouth to say something when a knock sounded on the door. Kian crossed over to it and flung it open. The sight of Jorja, standing out in the hall, looking as strung out as he, made him feel as if a great weight had been lifted from his shoulders. Then a second later, a surge of lust so intense he couldn’t ignore it seared through him. He yanked her to him and kissed her with all the desire that pounded inside him.

Vaguely he heard Soren say, “I’m getting out of here before I see something I’ll have to wash my eyeballs out with bleach for.” His friend squeezed past him and Jorja and pulled the door closed behind him.

Kian picked Jorja up off her feet and put her back against the nearest wall. Lifting his head, he gazed into her eyes, which were dilated with passion. “I have to have you Jorja. Right now.”

Jorja felt as if her entire body had gone up in flames. Arousal like nothing she’d ever experienced before took over her. When Kian had opened the door, just the sight of him had her pussy drenched. All the anxiety, agitation, everything, disappeared to be replaced with the need to have him inside her. She needed, she ached. She was more than desperate for him. And when Kian said he wanted her, she was already ready for him.

“Yes, god, yes.”

Kian let her down on her feet only long enough to strip her of her sweatpants, taking her panties with them. He fumbled with the front of his jeans and pushed them down far enough for his erect cock to spring free. Claiming her lips in a desperate kiss, he lifted her once more, pressing her back against the wall. With one thrust, he was buried to the hilt inside her. Jorja cried out in pleasure.

In and out he stroked, his full length filling her to bursting. As if her body were starved for his, her pussy clenched his thrusting shaft, trying to draw more of him inside. She gripped his hair, kissing Kian with wild abandon as her orgasm tore through her. Jorja couldn’t hold back her loud moan. He thrust harder, faster, then stiffened as he reached his own release. This joining had been quick and hard, just the way she’d needed it.

Her breath sawed in and out of her lungs as she broke their kiss and rested her forehead against Kian’s shoulder. That had been the most intense sex she’d ever had. And just like the first time, he was still hard. She squeezed her inner muscles around his cock and received a moan in response.

Without a word, Kian carried her to the bed, his cock still buried inside her pussy. He turned and sat, scooting back until there was enough room for her knees to rest on the mattress.

Kian leaned back on his hands. His eyes were closed to mere slits. “Ride me, Jorja. Take me however you want me.”

She nodded before pulling her shirt over her head and taking off her bra. She placed her hands on top of Kian’s shoulders and started a slow ride. Up and down she moved, grinding her clit against his pubic bone with each downward thrust.

He sat up and lifted one of her breasts to swirl his tongue around her taut nipple. “That’s it, baby. Make us both come again. You feel so damn good.”

Getting swept away with desire, and the sensation of Kian’s big cock filling her, Jorja arched her back, wanting him to suck at her breast. He flicked her nipple once with the tip of his tongue before he sucked it into his warm mouth. She felt each pull deep in her pussy, causing her to move on him faster.

Even though she’d come not long ago, another intense orgasm quickly built. Kian’s cock grew even harder inside her. Their heavy breathing filled the room. Her body coiled tighter around his. He switched to her other breast, sucking the nipple deep.

Jorja’s movements became jerky the closer her climax came. Kian reached between their bodies and rubbed her clit. That was all she needed to send her flying. A whimpered moan escaped her lips as she came, her pussy clutching at his thick shaft.

Kian released her nipple and placed his hand on her hips. He lifted her up and down his cock as he thrust his hips to meet hers, striving for his own release. An animalistic growl tore out of his throat when he climaxed. He pushed inside her one final time, hard enough to lift her knees off the bed. She felt his cock pulse inside her pussy. Feeling completely boneless, she collapsed against his chest. He wrapped an arm around her and fell back on the bed.
