El Paso, Texas

"1st Battalion reports Pendleton is secure, General," announced Fulton's flush-faced Public Affairs Officer, or PAO, bursting into the general's office. The PAO's voice grew somber. "Six of ours killed, seventeen wounded."

"The dependents?"

"Some are missing. The recon battalion is looking."

"The PGSS?"

The PAO gave an evil smile; he had not always been a paper pusher, had started in the Corps as a rifleman, in fact. "Surprisingly few prisoners."

Fulton grunted. "You may be surprised. I'm not."

The PAO lifted an eyebrow as much as to say, that's an official notation of surprise, General, not a personal one.

Fulton noted the raised eyebrow and correctly interpreted it—no damned surprise at all.

"Assemble the officers in one hour."

* * *
