Austin, Texas

"Time to leave, Juani," announced Schmidt. "They'll be here in a few hours. And you can't let them catch you."

"I'm not leaving the Capital, Jack. Just forget it. It's not going to happen."

Schmidt answered, "Governor, the federals will be here in a couple of hours. They may stop and wait a bit if they think we are going to fight. And," Schmidt held up a quieting palm, "we are going to fight. But the end result is all the same. Now you have to leave. Before the bullets start to fly.

"Juani, if you don't go quietly I'll have you carried out."

Juani set her face grimly, plainly determined to argue. Jack was having none of it, equally plainly.

She relented. "I have a few hours, don't I?"

Seeing his nod she continued, "Then I want to make a televised address before I go."

"Okay, Governor. We have time for that."

"You've never approved entirely of nonviolent civil disobedience I know, Jack. But I am going to give it one more try. Can your quartermaster come up with a great deal of transportation in a hurry?"

* * *
