11/24/13, James S. Brady Press Briefing Room

Mr. Archer:

Good evening, everyone. As you all know, the situation continues in Cleveland, Fresno, and Tulsa. However, President Clay is personally overseeing recovery efforts.

The president asks that during this season of adversity, we come together as Americans, with the resolve that defines our national character. He has the highest confidence in the National Guard, as well as in the people of Cleveland, Fresno, and Tulsa.

With that, I’ll take a few questions. Jon?

New York Times:

It’s been four days since the hijackings. Do you have further information on the Children of Darwin? And is the president considering military action against them?

Mr. Archer:

Our intelligence community is the finest in the world. I can assure you that this government knows a great deal about them, and that no stone will be left unturned in the hunt for those who so vilely attacked our nation.

Like all terror attacks, the goal was to cause chaos and suffering for ordinary Americans. In that light, these can only be judged a failure; while they have led to temporary shortages, our nation is stronger than ever.

New York Times:

And military action?

Mr. Archer:

Internal security is handled by police, the FBI, and the DAR. I can’t comment on their individual plans. I refer you to them. Yes, Sally?

Washington Post:

What about allegations that—

New York Times:

I’m sorry, a follow-up. Defense department sources confirm that Secretary Owen Leahy has urged military, I repeat, nonpolice, response. Has Secretary Leahy called for the deployment of US troops on American soil, and would the president consider that?

Mr. Archer:

I’m not going to respond to a blind quote. Sally, your question.

Washington Post:

What about allegations that the Children of Darwin are planning further attacks?

Mr. Archer:

I can’t comment on the intentions of a terrorist organization. But I can say that all efforts are being taken to keep American citizens safe.


Are the Children of Darwin connected to the New Canaan Holdfast in Wyoming? Are they affiliated with Erik Epstein?

Mr. Archer:

We’ve seen no evidence of that. And let’s remember that the people who live in New Canaan, Mr. Epstein included, are United States citizens. This government respects the rights of all law-abiding citizens, normal or gifted.


People in Cleveland are saying that the National Guard has no food to distribute.

Mr. Archer:

The National Guard is setting up camps in parks, churches, and gymnasiums. We ask that everyone exercise good sense when they visit, and understand that their neighbors also need help right now.


I’m sorry, you didn’t answer my question. Is there food available in Cleveland?

Mr. Archer:

I, ah, it’s difficult to—I would refer you to the National Guard for operational details.

Associated Press:

There are also reports that guardsmen have threatened crowds.

Mr. Archer:

The National Guard is there to help. If a crowd is a danger to itself or others, it’s possible that they employ nonlethal crowd control measures.

Associated Press:

I have reports of guardsmen pointing rifles at citizens, even firing warning shots. If the situation grows worse, will the president authorize the National Guard to attack civilians?

Mr. Archer:

I don’t see it getting there. The president has the highest confidence in both the guard and the citizens of Cleveland, Fresno, and Tulsa.

Associated Press:

So the guardsmen will not be authorized to fire?

Mr. Archer:

I won’t speculate on that.


I’m quoting a senior White House source here who says, “We have no operational knowledge of the Children of Darwin, literally none. They’re ghosts with guns.”

Mr. Archer:

I can’t comment on top secret intelligence. But I want to reiterate that every effort . . .
