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Con$piracy around murder of DAR director

El Chupacabra

“Why is it called ‘common sense’ when it’s so rare?”

User ID: 493324

You guys gotta hear this.

You know how three months ago, DAR’s Drew Peters takes a header off a DC high-rise? The cover story is that he’s overwhelmed with guilt about his role in the Monocle, so he uploads the video of him and Walker planning it, and then swan dives.

Crazy to begin with, because the dude was the head of Equitable Services, and that division killed God knows how many people, so why is he worried about the 73 in the restaurant?

But here’s the wacko part. I’ve got a buddy in the DC police, and he told me that that same night, in that same building, there was a firefight in a graphic design studio. Apparently it was shot to shit, monitors blown up, glass broken. He says there was a lot of blood but no body.

My guy got to the scene and was turned away by the men in black. He thinks maybe DAR agents. And later that night, he gets a call from the police commissioner telling him that he’s mistaken, there was no blood, no firefight.

Obviously something else went down. My take, Peters didn’t release the video, it was actually whoever shot up the graphic design studio.

Which means that Peters was murdered. And no one is talking about it.

So the order had to come down from on high. Someone with juice was moving pieces behind the scenes.

Stay locked and loaded, guys. Dark days are coming.

Re: Con$piracy around murder of DAR director

Benito the Mighty

“Be still and know that I am God”

User ID: 784321

You just putting this together?

There had to be more people involved. Walker was the president, and Peters a director at the DAR. It’s not like either of them did the wetwork at the Monocle. And no one has been able to find the shooters, which means they were whacked too.

And you’re surprised that others are involved?

There’s a whole shadow government at work here. They go on TV and do the magic show for us. Get us worked up because a mayor sends some girl a picture of his dick, or a senator says something racist, or an aide smokes crack. And we ooh and ahh and judge, and meanwhile, we never look at what they’re really doing.

The decisions that drive the nation are made in dark rooms. Records are not kept, and press releases are not issued.

It goes a lot deeper than the Monocle. There’s a cabal of people who are pulling all the strings, and they aren’t afraid to drop bodies. Your cop buddy better be careful.

Re: Con$piracy around murder of DAR director


“You are all sheeple”

User ID: 123021

Smells like BS. Covering up the murder of a DAR director would take crazy clout.

Re: Con$piracy around murder of DAR director

Benito the Mighty

“Be still and know that I am God”

User ID: 784321

You’re right, that would take, like, the president of the United States.

Oh wait—he was in on it. Dipshit.

Re: Con$piracy around murder of DAR director

El Chupacabra

“Why is it called ‘common sense’ when it’s so rare?”

User ID: 493324

So how far does this rabbit hole go? Walker was president; who else is in his cabal? President Clay? SecDef Leahy?

Re: Con$piracy around murder of DAR director

Benito the Mighty

“Be still and know that I am God”

User ID: 784321

Could be. All I know is that my go-bag is packed and my cabin is prepped. Two pallets of canned goods, 200 gallons of water, and the hardware to defend it.

When the shit goes down, I’m going to ride it out in style. And woe betide any numb nuts who crosses my fence line.

Re: Con$piracy around murder of DAR director


“Worry is a misuse of the imagination”

User ID: 897236

Dude, you don’t need all that water. Just build a catch basin and a purification system. Here, check out the schematics.
