Chapter Six

Aidan spent the next two days schooling Gavin in the fine art of bondage and obedience. Nothing too rough or too strange. Just a lot of conditioning so that Gavin would respond as if he and Aidan had a real relationship. They hadn’t spent all their time fucking, unfortunately. They’d also reviewed everything they knew about Carl Kerr, his men, and their fake new identities. Jack had given them information that borrowed details from a few low-key badasses in the Northwest, enough to withstand intense scrutiny. But Aidan didn’t plan to stick around Kerr’s estate any longer than he had to. The operation had taken a strange turn into something he wasn’t sure he was comfortable with.

Gavin had taken to bondage like a cat to cream, and Aidan wanted to be more annoyed by the fact that the man’s tastes mirrored his own. They had similar likes and dislikes, and what they didn’t have in common complemented one another. Both hated chick flicks and loved adventure movies. Aidan was an ass man; Gavin liked a nice muscular chest and arms. And of course, both liked a nice cock—thus both were perfectly satisfied with each other’s bodies. Aidan liked to dominate, and Gavin loved to submit.

They both agreed that Jack needed to be handled with kid gloves, that James and Keegan were sexy but too annoying for anyone other than each other and Rory, and that Ian would in time get his ass handed to him, and not in a good way.

As Aidan looked in on his partner sleeping in their bed, he realized how much he liked having Gavin in his home—his sanctuary—and it scared him. Thoughts of permanence and a real relationship had no place in a mission workup, yet Aidan continued to tell himself they needed this kind of bone-deep trust to be convincing. He spoke the truth, but he also worried, because a larger part of him secretly hoped their connection might continue after the job wrapped up.

If he didn’t get them both killed because he couldn’t think past his lover.

God, so many times he’d had to stop himself from hugging or kissing Gavin better. Pushing Gavin past his limits was simultaneously rewarding and frightening. He learned more control himself because he didn’t want to hurt his sub. They’d spent the past twenty-four hours fully immersed in the lifestyle. Gavin no longer hesitated when Aidan told him what to do. The blue-eyed wonder boy had gotten himself off riding a dildo and pleasuring himself at Aidan’s command. Granted, he’d blushed while doing it, but he hadn’t questioned the order. He sucked like a dream, and it felt like his ass had been made with Aidan in mind.

Such a tight fucking fit. Aidan adjusted himself in his pajama pants, feeling like a moron for standing around with a woody when his boy could have relieved him. But that would mean giving in to his own desire, and he shouldn’t need Gavin this much. A good Master didn’t cave to anything. He held on to his discipline and didn’t let anger or petty desires sway him from seeing to his sub. Aidan’s sub needed rest. He’d been ridden hard, had come more than he had in months. Hell, a year, to hear Gavin tell it.

Or think it.

Though his boy could still maintain a psychic shield, the moment they touched, his ability to withstand Aidan’s telepathy went out the window. And since they’d been fucking a lot, they had constant contact. To his bewilderment, he felt a strange contentment just being around Gavin. When Gavin stroked him in those rare moments at rest, Aidan’s heart did funny things.

He experienced odd butterflies in his stomach, a racing pulse, dry mouth, nerves where he had never in his life been nervous—well, not since leaving home. An excited form of anticipation filled him when he looked into Gavin’s sky-blue eyes, and he had to suppress the joy while feeling like a moron. He was letting Gavin’s gooey emotions stir him to think impossible things.

Things Gavin might no longer think he felt after tomorrow. Aidan didn’t like it, but it had to be done. He couldn’t afford to feel this way. It might cost them their lives on this mission, and he knew for a fact that if he allowed himself to love Gavin, it would break Aidan’s heart when it ended. Men didn’t love Aidan. They lusted after him or wanted to be him—the man they thought they knew. No one wanted to know the real Aidan Marshall.

A small part of him whispered back, Gavin does. And that strange quiver of excitement hit him again. Because what if Gavin didn’t hate what they had to do, but wanted to experience all of it? What if he didn’t fly away when it was all over?

What then?

* * *

The following afternoon in his darkened basement, Aidan watched as Gavin studied Aidan’s buff, sexy friend Mike. Trepidation lit his boy’s eyes, and his body had yet to relax. Of course, the chains holding his wrists and ankles in place might have had something to do with his tension.

A sinking sensation had Aidan’s stomach roiling, but he held fast.

Gavin wore nothing but the smooth skin God had given him. No chest hair, all muscle and sinew, and a cock that wouldn’t quit. Even now, alarmed and no doubt embarrassed to be naked in front of a stranger, he was long and thick.

“Nice. He’s big.” Mike wore a pair of leather chaps and nothing else. He was fully shaved, his cock and ass nicely framed by black leather. He had an inch on Aidan in height, though he wasn’t as large in muscle mass. But Mike knew his way around a dungeon. He gave Aidan what he needed—physical enjoyment, a mutual respect, and nothing more. Just the way Aidan preferred his relationships.

Mike had muscle and bravado and a handsome cock. He also had looks, which had first snared Aidan’s interest. A face too beautiful for a man on a build no one would find anything but threatening. His darker skin tone hinted at a Middle Eastern or South American influence. Aidan didn’t know his background and didn’t care. He and Mike helped each other out and played together when needed. And Mike knew all about being safe, which Aidan demanded of his sexual partners.

“Sir?” Gavin croaked when Mike cupped him.

A sense of jealousy and possession consumed him, but Aidan also felt pride watching his partner fill out under Mike’s touch. Gavin was so fucking beautiful, so damn sexy. And he would flourish under Mike’s tutelage. Aidan could sense it, and he didn’t like it.

Gavin didn’t have a chance to reject Mike, not with his restraints. The small platform upon which they stood took away any pain from overextension on Gavin’s shoulders. But he couldn’t move, not unless Aidan lengthened or freed his bonds.

“You remember your safe word?” Aidan asked. A word Gavin had chosen days ago, before Aidan would even think of playing around with D/s shit. Not that he had gone whole hog with Gavin, but he’d toyed with role-play enough to know his little sub would embrace a more serious lifestyle.

Gavin nodded.

“Say it.”


Aidan didn’t want there to be any confusion. He for sure didn’t want to hurt Gavin more than necessary. He’d never been into pain or humiliation. He just liked control. And the bondage thing… Hell, Gavin looked incredible in chains. Aidan intended to put a collar on him before they left for California. The thought of his boy wearing Aidan’s ownership would have turned him rock hard if he hadn’t already been aroused seeing Gavin naked and bound.

Aidan knew today had to happen. Tomorrow they’d attend a kink party using their fake names among sadistic criminals. If Gavin couldn’t handle exhibition, it would be better to know now. Aidan hated the thought, but if he had to choose between getting Gavin killed or hurting Gavin’s chances to recover from a mission gone wrong, he’d ruin Gavin’s livelihood before letting him get killed. No question.

“Do you like his touch?” Aidan asked, his voice light. He joined Mike on the other side of Gavin’s upright body and put a hand on his boy’s hip to reinforce the connection. “Mike has big hands. Nice, fat fingers for stretching out a tight ass. Tell me, boy. Tell the truth.”

Gavin closed his eyes while Mike masturbated him. If anything, Gavin grew more aroused. His breathing was choppy, the tip of his cock wet, and when Aidan reached under him, he felt two stiff, tight balls signaling his lover’s climb toward orgasm. Motherfucker, but he wanted to screw Gavin so hard right now. To claim that ass and show Mike where Gavin belonged.

So he let Gavin go and stepped back, trying to watch with a clinical detachment.

To Aidan’s discomfort, the notion of loss and confusion sat foremost in Gavin’s mind. Then his sexual urgency returned, and he rocked into Mike’s grip, humping that rough hand. Gavin might not like Mike there, but he wanted him.

“Yes,” Gavin whispered.

“What? I can’t hear you.” Aidan moved close to jerk Gavin’s chin up, surprised at the anger there. “Talk, boy. Tell me what you like.”

“I like him touching me.” Defiance flashed in his gaze. “Sir.”

Aidan liked the bite of Gavin’s fury as much as he regretted seeing it. Something else he’d feared might happen—that he’d open a sensual doorway through which Gavin would disappear. A man like Mike could definitely satisfy Gavin’s needs; he didn’t have half the issues Aidan did, he was hot, and he knew how to fuck. Why the hell would Gavin stay with Aidan when the mission ended if he had Mike as an option?

Gavin continued without being told to speak. “I like him touching me…because you can see it. And it makes you so hard, Sir.”

As evidenced by the tight-fitting black leather clinging to Aidan’s hard-on. A thick zipper was all that stood between fucking Gavin himself and keeping it together. He’d donned the sporty gear to remind himself that tonight was a means to an end, not another scene to further his new relationship with Gavin.

Mike chuckled. “I like your boy.” He leaned closer and nipped Gavin’s earlobe while still rubbing his cock. “He’s getting bigger. And he’s wet.” Mike pulled a groan out of Gavin, then stilled his hand. “I bet he’d love to watch me suck you off. That gets you hard too.”

Gavin jerked, and the fury on his face made Aidan’s heart leap. Christ, Gavin was jealous. Ecstatic and wishing he felt nothing but a zeal for the job, Aidan tried to ignore what his heart kept telling him—that Gavin wasn’t in love with the idea of what Aidan represented; he loved Aidan.

Not possible. Just a few days ago, Gavin had looked at him as if he loathed him. And hell, Aidan wasn’t all that lovable. It had to be that Gavin, the poor guy, simply couldn’t understand the difference between sex and affection. Which explained why Gavin had been so different the past few days. Why he’d been all over himself to submit, or why he kept sharing parts of himself Aidan wished he hadn’t.

Why the hell should Aidan care that Gavin’s dad had died and that it had crushed him? Or that Gavin loved spending the holidays with his mother and that they baked cookies together? Fucking gingerbread men. The guy was a walking greeting card. Those soft eyes when he looked at Aidan made Aidan think of home and hearth, a future he’d never once considered for himself.

But Gavin wasn’t so soft now, was he? Not so caring with the thought of Mike’s hands or mouth all over his partner. He apparently didn’t like the idea of Mike and Aidan fucking. Aidan tucked away his regret about what he had to do. This would help them both center on the mission again.

He had to clear his throat to speak. “Good idea, Mike. Your lips are enough to get a eunuch hard.” He nodded to the leather flogger by Mike’s side. To Gavin he said, “We’re going to play with you. You’ll do what you’re told. No matter what you’re ordered to do.” He gripped Gavin by the hair and yanked his head back. “Do you understand, boy?”

Gavin answered through gritted teeth, “Yes, Sir.” You son of a bitch. You’re going to pay for this.

Aidan smiled. He’d anticipated his little sub would break sooner rather than later. No way Gavin could maintain all the cuddly shit without being himself once more. To Aidan’s surprise, he preferred this firecracker to the tender submissive he’d dealt with.

The passion and rage gave Gavin a beauty Aidan had rarely seen in most men. He was so fucking real, so true. What Gavin thought, he allowed to show on his face. No lies, but a mess of carnal need Aidan could more than satisfy. It was the emotional stuff that bogged him down.

Aidan stepped off the platform and centered himself in front of his boy. “Mike, come here.”

Fucking asshole. Always in charge. But you’re mine, not his.

Gavin’s response inflamed him. So much for remaining detached.

Aidan made sure to keep himself and Mike in Gavin’s view, so that Gavin could watch them in profile. Every kiss, touch, and thrust would be visible. Without asking, Mike dropped to his knees and took Aidan’s cock out of his tight black pants. The long zipper provided access to his balls as well, and Aidan spread his feet wide to give Mike all the room he needed.

While his buddy started sucking him off, Aidan kept his gaze on Gavin. “Watch, boy, while I fuck his mouth. The way I fuck yours.” Aidan was on fire, loving Gavin’s flash of envy, needing that connection to deepen on a level he wasn’t comfortable with but heedless to deny.

Gavin hated Mike there as much as he loved watching his Master get blown. The sheer lust in his boy made Aidan’s knees weak, and he reminded himself that he was in charge. He eased his fingers through Mike’s soft hair and thrust into his mouth with short jabs, taking back control. Except in his mind’s eye, it wasn’t Mike he fucked but Gavin. He shoved harder, to the back of Mike’s throat, and pinned Mike against his pelvis. Mike, used to such play, didn’t flinch. He gagged once and relaxed, not protesting the sudden loss of breath.

Panting with pleasure, Aidan said to Gavin, “See how he accepts me? No fighting. No upset that he can’t breathe.” Aidan released his tight hold and eased Mike back, turned on to hear him wheezing. “He knows I’ll take care of him.”

You shouldn’t be touching him. You’re only supposed to make love to me.

Aidan shook his head. Again with the love. He hated that he longed to hold on to that emotion with every fiber of his being. Gavin scared the shit out of him, and he worked to keep his tone even as he replied, “Your Master likes fucking Mike’s mouth. And if that makes me happy, shouldn’t that make you happy?”

A well of shame flooded Gavin. He settled back into his role and nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

“You want to see Mike make me come, don’t you, boy?”

Gavin’s eyes glittered. “Yes, Sir.” He licked his lips and stared at Aidan’s cock. “Very much, Sir.”

“Mike, make me come.” Aidan stared at Gavin as Mike blew him like a pro. “Good. Now I’m going to show my little sub what he’s missing. Open up.” Aidan withdrew, then groaned as he spent into Mike’s open mouth, over that talented tongue.

Oh fuck. That’s so hot. I want to swallow that load. In me.

Aidan knew a sense of peace. The orgasm meant so much more than a physical release because Gavin was there. He pulled back, his dick wet and semihard. He didn’t tuck himself back in either but left himself out for Gavin to see.

“It’s sex, plain and simple.” I wish it were that easy with you. “He did what I told him to. And he’s convincing. You can tell he and I have played before, can’t you?”

“Yes, Sir.” Gavin understood. Finally.

“So if I tell Mike to fuck you, you’ll welcome it. If I tell you to suck him off, you’ll do it without question. If he flogs you and comes all over your back, you’ll thank me for letting him. Do you see how this works? It’s not going to be just you and me tomorrow. When we’re hundreds of miles away on the coast, surrounded by strangers, I’ll keep you tight by my side and be the possessive Dom. But you’ll have to do things to prove I control you.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Hoping he’d made his point, Aidan stepped up onto the platform, released Gavin’s wrists from his cuffs, and lengthened the chain holding down his legs. After rubbing his lover’s arms to restore circulation, he pulled a waist-high padded bench closer. “Lean over this.”

With his feet spread wide and his chest now flush against the bench, Gavin’s fine ass was on display.

“You’re going to blow Mike until I tell you to stop. And you’ll treat him as if he were me. Kiss that fat dick; suck his cum. Eat him up like the good boy I know you can be. Can you do that?”

“Yes, Sir.” Gavin flushed and bit his lower lip. “Whatever you want, Sir.”

Mike walked onto the platform and waited, rock hard and thick. “I like him bent over. So when do I get to fuck his fine ass?”

Aidan didn’t like the notion of sharing Gavin, and that bothered him. If they hadn’t needed to go to that stupid party, he doubted he’d have done this. Except his boy’s cock remained hard, and he had a feeling Gavin secretly wanted to play.

“I’ll have to think about that,” he said in response to Mike’s request. “It all depends on my boy. Does he deserve to be fucked? Should I let him come? We’ll see.”

Aidan stepped behind Mike and wrapped his hand around Mike’s thick shaft. Then he guided Mike into Gavin’s open mouth.

Mike groaned as Gavin worked him, and those rosy lips hugging a darker cock aroused Aidan all over again. While he watched Gavin sucking off his friend, Aidan noted how he clenched his hands by his side, how he humped the air behind the bench, eager to fuck.

Gavin could protest all he wanted, but he liked this. Not that Aidan could blame him. Mike had a hell of a body. His cock was a thing of beauty, but not better than Gavin’s, in Aidan’s opinion.

He let his boy pleasure Mike and circled behind him. Taking a tube of lube out of the nearby dresser, he greased up two fingers. When he touched Gavin’s lower back, Gavin started, but he didn’t stop blowing Mike.

“God, he sucks like a dream.” Mike groaned. “Where you been hiding, boy? I could use a cocksucker like you in my club.”

Just what Aidan didn’t need to hear. As far as Mike knew, tonight was all about playing with Aidan’s new sub, nothing more serious than some fun in group dynamics.

“Fuck, I need to come.”

“Hold it. Not yet,” Aidan ordered.

Mike grimaced but nodded, and Aidan squeezed the lube over his fingers. He parted Gavin’s ass cheeks and rimmed his hole with a finger, loving the shudders and moans Gavin made, his mouth stuffed full with Mike. Aidan inched his finger inside, then added a second. He took his time stretching Gavin, preparing him for something bigger.

Despite the vast amount of sex they’d had the last few days, Gavin remained tight. He wasn’t used to so much activity, and Aidan had to force himself to stop being so damn happy about that fact. A more experienced sub would be easier to train. Aidan would feel more confident with a man who knew the score, so that when they played games around Kerr, he wouldn’t worry so much. But instead he couldn’t stop reveling in being Gavin’s only lover right now. Hence the need for Mike.

Mike was breathing hard, his face a study in agony. “Fuck, Aidan. I’m gonna come if he doesn’t ease off.”

“Boy, release Mike’s cock.”

Gavin eased off and licked his lips.

“Put on a condom, Mike.” He watched Mike grab one from a stash in the dresser and handed his buddy the lube. “Grease up.” He turned to Gavin. “Watch him. See how big you made him? Now that poker is going in your ass. And while he fucks you, you’re going to know I’m watching you. Every expression, every thought in that head. I’m going to know what you’re feeling.”

Gavin’s forehead was covered in sweat.

“But first you need some attention. Straighten up.”

Gavin rose unsteadily but caught his balance. His cock was beautiful. Flushed, engorged, and wet.

“You look tasty. I bet you’d like to come.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Wrong answer.”

Gavin blinked. “Sir?”


Mike shook his head and positioned himself behind Gavin. “You want only to make your Master happy. If it pleases him. All of your answers should be, ‘If it pleases you, Sir.’” He smacked Gavin on the ass. “Got it?”

“Y-yes, Sir.”

“Good boy.” Mike rubbed his flank. “Nice marks. He holds it well. I see a bit of bruising here.”

“I know.” But Aidan was more curious about Gavin’s pert nipples than his ass right then. He moved the bench out of the way and leaned forward to take Gavin’s nipple between his teeth. Gavin’s reaction pleased him.

His boy groaned and stood up on tiptoe while Aidan worried the hard nub. Then Aidan sucked hard and pinched his other nipple.

“Please, Sir,” Gavin rasped. “You have to stop.”


“I’m going to come.”

“Nice. Sensitive there, eh?” Mike grinned and rubbed more lube over himself. “I bet he’d look so pretty with clamps.”

Aidan agreed. “A cock ring too. You said you’ve tried the clamps before, yes?” he asked Gavin.

Gavin nodded.


“Yes, Sir.” His husky voice and pearling cock spoke for him.

So fucking beautiful. “Stand tall. I’m going to dress you up.” Aidan found a pair of gold clamps attached by a thin chain that he’d set out earlier. He sucked Gavin’s nipple, then fastened the clip on using a lighter tension. Gavin’s hiss of pleasure and rocking pelvis were too much for Mike.

“Christ. Let me get inside him.”

Aidan shook his head. “Not yet.” He applied the other clip and gave the chain a tug.

A small spurt of precum jetted from Gavin’s tip. Aidan leaned down to lick it off, and Gavin begged him for mercy.

“How pretty. He’s so polite.” Mike hugged Gavin, rubbing against his ass, and Gavin leaned his head back, his mouth parted on another moan.

Aidan heard his mental cries for release. The clamps were his key. The man had a major sensitivity about his chest.

“Take him, Mike. Not too hard. He’s tight.” And he’s mine. But just for the mission. “Lean over and grab on to me, boy. Hold me while Mike fucks you. At no time are you allowed to look away from my eyes.”

Gavin swallowed hard. “Yes, S-sir.”

Aidan watched as a good Dom should, taking note of his sub’s expressions. Mike’s intrusion hurt, because Gavin winced. But Mike obeyed. He slowly inched into Gavin’s ass, his own forehead wrinkled with concentration as he did his best to be careful.

“You feel full?” Aidan asked Gavin.

“Yes, Sir. Oh God. Yes.”

Aidan grinned. Gavin’s soft breaths warmed his chest, and the unfocused glaze in his eyes gave Aidan more joy than he’d imagined he might receive. Watching Gavin take his pleasure made all of this right. A good boy, Gavin did exactly as ordered. He stared at Aidan while Mike took him.

The jerky motions of his body, the sway of the gold chain between his nipples, his parted lips and little moans—all of it signaled he’d reached his end. And not once had he come, though Aidan could hear how much he struggled against it.

“Come hard, Mike.” Aidan watched Mike fuck Gavin with a greater zeal, and knowing how much Gavin needed it, he initiated deeper contact. He tilted Gavin’s chin up. “Kiss me, baby,” he murmured, and nearly lost it when Gavin yanked him closer and kissed him with so much passion, Aidan was surprised they didn’t combust.

Mike swore and groaned, pumping inside Gavin like crazy. Gavin thrust his tongue inside Aidan, practically raping his mouth as he did his best not to come. Aidan loved his desperation, saw that he’d pushed Gavin as hard as he could go, and prodded him to release. He tugged at Gavin’s chain and nipped his way to Gavin’s ear. “Come, boy. All over your Master.” Aidan slid his hand over Gavin’s cock and squeezed.

Gavin cried out and came like a waterfall. Jets of seed hit Aidan’s belly while Gavin moaned his name over and over.

Mike just stood behind him, lost in climax. His hands tightly gripped Gavin’s waist, his entire body locked into the delightful sub who had finally followed orders.

“You make me happy, boy,” Aidan murmured as he allowed Gavin to come down.

He shared a grin with Mike. But when he looked down at Gavin, he didn’t expect to see tears, or that they’d get to him in a place he’d thought long dead.
