The Children’s Hour Marge Simon

“You’ve a whole life ahead of you.”

That’s what Gramps said

at my birthday party this year.

He gave me a ten dollar bill,

& Momma wouldn’t let me

spend it, so it’s in the bank.

It’s for college, Momma says.

We talk about the good things.

It’s Anna’s need, not mine,

& she keeps squeezing my hand.

Momma went out for food.

She came back so strange.

Now her face is gray,

& there’s blood on her mouth.

It’s my fault for crying.

Momma pounds on our door,

but Anna says we can’t let her in,

now that she’s one of them.

Dad’s gone, don’t know where.

Maybe he’ll be home tomorrow,

but Anna doesn’t think so.

It was so dark last night,

we couldn’t see the moon.

I wonder if there is a moon in the sky

