Author’s Biography

Eric S. Brown is a 31 year old writer living in NC with his wife (Shanna) and son (Merrick). He has been writing for a bit over five years and seen his short fiction published over 300 times in various small press and professional markets including the highly praised Undead anthologies from Permuted Press. He has also written nonfiction for newspapers, webzines, and magazines including a “how to write horror” column in The Horror Writer magazine. He has written one zombie novel and two zombie novellas that are available in paperback as well as had published five collections and eight chapbooks of his short fiction.

One can find most of his books online at,, or His work has been praised by such authors as Brian Keene, David Moody, Scott Nicholson, and David Drake. When not writing, he remains a devoted zombie fan and a long time comic book collector of such titles as The Fantastic Four and The Legion of Super-Heroes.
