I'VE NEVER DONE a project like this before; it's a little scary, to be honest. It would be even scarier if I didn't have the support and encouragement of the world's best readers, so of course I have to start with a big huge "Thank you!" to all of you. The way you have embraced these books and these characters is a constant source of amazement to me.

Big thanks also to copyeditor Alice Loweecy, who let me know when the Downspeech was too thick, when my grammar was accidentally instead of deliberately wrong, and caught my continuity errors; to Alessandra Kelley, who painted the fantastic cover art; and to Fran Walker, Chelsea Mueller, and Lauren Dane, who offered valuable feedback.

And of course to my agent Chris Lotts and his assistant Jolie Hale, and to my family who still put up with me. Thank you all so much.
