“COME ON, SARAFINA, YOU LOVE A GOOD MOJITO.” Maria singsonged her entreaty and waggled the short glass filled with her favorite cocktail in front of her. “And you know I make them the best.” Sarafina eyed the drink. What she really wanted to do was get blindingly drunk so she could forget Theo, if just for a little while. Otherwise she was going to eat the entire pint of Cherry Garcia in her freezer.

In the last twenty-four hours she’d finally cried. All those tears she couldn’t seem to shed for Rosemary after she’d died had arrived with interest. The grief had finally come in an unstoppable flood of deep cleansing, cathartic emotion — the kind that comes all the way from the depths of your stomach. Despite the headache she’d had when it was over, it had felt good to finally vent.

Some of the tears had been for the Coven’s fallen — the ones who’d perished and the ones who’d lost their magick in the battle.

Some of those tears had been for Theo, too. Maybe even more than a few.

She shook her head. “No, thanks, Maria. Go on and enjoy.” “Oh, honey, I know it’s bad when you turn down a mojito.” Maria stared at her for a moment, then whirled and walked to the kitchen, putting the drink on the breakfast bar. “Dios, if I ever see that guy who played you during such a vulnerable time in your life, I swear I’ll beat him up.” She turned, a hand on her hip. “You still haven’t told me what happened.” Sarafina uncurled her leg from beneath her and pulled her sleeve down to hide one of the small puckered scars she had from being touched by demon blood. Grosset was in the kitchen crunching kibble. It was nice to be home, back in the cocoon of her world, pre-abduction. Even though everything seemed a bit odd — a bit surreal.

“He’s not a bad guy, Maria. You don’t have to beat him up.” “I’d beat up any man that hurt you, honey.” Maria wagged a finger in Sarafina’s face, then flounced down on the couch beside her.

“Did you beat up Alex?”

Maria waved a hand dismissively. “Alex didn’t hurt you. You two were like a carton of milk a week past the expiration date. That relationship needed to be thrown out. Hell, you hooked up with that Theo guy not even a week afterward, right?” She paused and gave her a meaningful look. “But this guy. . well, I can tell you love him, and he broke your heart.” Sarafina ripped her gaze from her friend’s face. “Maybe a little.” Maria made a scoffing sound. “Maybe a lot. Anyway, let’s stop talking about him. You’ll tell me what happened when you’re ready, though, won’t you?” Sarafina nodded. A highly edited version, anyway.

“ ’Cause that was not like you at all,” Maria continued. “You can be impulsive sometimes, but. .” She whistled. “I want to know the scoop on this guy for sure.” “He’s something else, all right.” Sarafina pursed her lips and swallowed hard. She just wasn’t ready to talk about him yet.

After a moment, Maria said, “So are you going to take your full leave of absence, or are you coming back to the office soon?” Sarafina chewed the edge of her thumb, trying to figure out how to best answer that. Thomas had offered her a job at the Coven and she wanted to take it, but the thought of having to see Theo so often was making her consider it at length.

The thought of going back to her cubicle now, though, after all that had happened, made her flat-out cringe. Back to all the non-magickals. Back to everyone who had no idea of the secret side of reality. Sarafina wasn’t sure she could do it. Yet Maria worked there and Sarafina would miss seeing her every day.

Of course, so did Alex and she wouldn’t miss seeing him.

“I don’t know yet, Maria. I’m thinking of a career change, actually. I might take the rest of my leave to look around a little and do some thinking.” “I thought you were tight for money.” Thomas had given her some money, saying it was for her help in vanquishing Stefan and the Atrika. At first she’d turned it down, but he’d been aggressive about it. Sarafina had enough to float for a while as a result. “Uh, I came into some unexpected cash.” “Did Rosemary leave you some?”

Sarafina didn’t answer. She didn’t want to lie to her friend. That’s what made keeping the Coven’s secrets so hard. Sarafina valued Maria’s friendship very much and she hated having to hide this part of her life from her.

Just then the doorbell rang, saving her from having to explain.

“I’ll get it,” said Maria, rising and going to the door.

Theo was on the other side. He looked over Maria’s head at Sarafina, and she touched her hair self-consciously, kicking herself for even caring that she hadn’t done anything to it today besides wash it. She was wearing her old, washed-many-times jersey pajama pants, a soft sweatshirt, and the barest minimum of makeup. At least she’d taken a shower that morning.

Maria cocked a hip and pointed a finger at Theo. “Listen, Mr. Muscle, if you think you can—” “Maria, it’s okay,” Sarafina interrupted.

She turned. “Should I let him in?”

Sarafina smiled and nodded. “Thanks.” Maria shrugged and walked away from the door. “Okay, it’s your heart, not mine.” Theo entered the apartment and stood awkwardly near one of the bookshelves near the door, looking at Sarafina. Grosset barked happily and went to him, tail wagging. Theo bent and scratched his head.

“That’s my cue to leave,” said Maria, gathering her purse. She leaned down and kissed Sarafina’s cheek. “If you want to go to Casey’s one night, like old times, give me a call. We can drink a mojito and scope the men.” She said that last bit with a look of scorn at Theo.

“I will.”

Maria breezed out the door without another glance at Theo.

He raised an eyebrow. “Mr. Muscle?”

Sarafina suppressed a smile. “She’s a good friend, very protective of me.” She paused and pulled her sleeve down again. This time it was a defensive gesture, not to hide her scars but to hide herself. She hated feeling so vulnerable in front of him.

“Why are you here, Theo?”

He hesitated, then walked over to her. Lowering his huge body to kneel at her feet, he took her hand in his. “I’m here because I love you, Sarafina. Because I was wrong and you were right.” He paused. “You scare the absolute shit out of me, and you have ever since the first day I met you. At first I wanted to simultaneously push you away and bring you nearer. Later on, I just wanted you, body and heart — but I knew it was a mistake. I knew I wasn’t the right one for you.” “Stop.”

He shook his head. “But it’s not that I’m wrong for you, it’s that I’m afraid. Afraid I’ll push you away or lose you like I’ve lost everyone else. I don’t think I could stand losing you.” “I know.” Sarafina licked her lips, emotion rising in her throat. “The question is, can you get beyond it, Theo? Can you take a chance?” He took a moment to answer. “Here’s what I know, Sarafina. I know I love you and that I can’t live without you. The last twenty-four hours have been hell. I know I’m willing to do everything I can to hold on to you. I’ll be the best partner I can be.” Sarafina gave a little laugh, her eyes filling up with tears. “Does that mean you’ll go to the ballet with me?” He grimaced a little. “I swear to go to the ballet with you.” She laughed again, trying to picture Theo, with all his muscles and tattoos stuffed into a suit, watching men in tights prance across the stage. “You love me that much?” He moved between her spread thighs and leaned in to brush his lips across hers. “I would do so much more than endure a night at the ballet for you.” “Oh, I have season tickets,” she answered brightly, but then her smile faded. She knew he would endure a night at a ballet for her. . and so much more. After all, he’d risked his life for her. Put himself in the way of a demon for her. He’d wielded a sword to defend her. Sarafina was pretty sure she could live her whole life and never find another man who’d do any of that for her.

She touched her lips to his. “You’re not going to disappoint me, Theo. You’d never be able to do that.” Shadows haunted his eyes. He didn’t reply.

Her fingers found the hem of his shirt and pushed upward, feeling the hard, warm muscle beneath. “I have the rest of my life to show you that you won’t.” “And I have the rest of my life to show you how much I love you.” She gave his lower lip a gentle nip that made a sound of satisfaction roll out of him. She raised a brow. “Then let’s get started, shall we?” Grosset trotted near, gave them a look as if to say, Oh, no, not again, then retreated to the kitchen where a soft bed and juicy bone awaited him.

A devilish smile curled over Theo’s full lips. He yanked her down a degree on the couch, toward him, and pulled her pants off, exposing her panties. His thumbs slid under the elastic and rested on the tender part of her leg, where her thigh met her inner hip.

Theo’s pupils grew larger and darker. His head lowered, and his lips brushed lightly over hers. Her body quickened for him, falling into that now familiar feeling of erotic anticipation.

“I love this place on your body,” he murmured. “Every time I bite it, it makes you moan.” “Rreally?” Her tongue had gone dry.

His fingers found the hem of her sweatshirt and pulled it over her head, revealing her lacy black demi bra. At least she’d done something right that morning. “And your breasts. Did you know you make the most adorable little whimpering sound when I suck your nipples?” “I do?” Her heart was beating faster now.

He nodded slightly, his finger tracing the plump of her cleavage and delving within her bra cup to rasp over one hard nipple. Pleasure shot straight to her sex.

“Uh-huh.” He pulled her bra down so that one breast popped out and then leaned in to demonstrate. His hot mouth closed around her nipple and she squirmed a little on the couch, a small sound escaping her.

Oh, yeah, so she did.

Sarafina reached for his jeans. Just the sound of the button coming free and the zipper sliding down was enough to make her sex grow slick. She worked his cock out and stroked it, pushing a guttural groan of pleasure from his throat.

He pulled her off the couch and onto the floor, rolling her beneath him. His fingers found her clit beneath the silky material of her panties and stroked until it grew plump and needy against his hand. All the while he sucked on her nipple, making tendrils of pure want curl through her.

Her hands found the waist of his jeans and pushed them down, totally freeing his cock from its confines. While he hastily kicked his boots off, she pushed his shirt up. Her lips trailed over the dusky, muscled body she revealed, kissing and nipping at his skin.

When they were both finally nude, Theo pressed his warm, hard body down on hers, kneeing her thighs apart and settling between them. “I love you,” he murmured, his teeth dragging her lower lip and his fingers trailing through her hair.

He spoke those three little words with more emotion than she’d ever heard from him. He spoke them like she was the dearest and most precious thing he’d ever touched.

Sarafina knew that her life with Theo wouldn’t be all roses. Like any relationship, they would have ups and downs they would have to work through. Like any relationship, they would have to put forth effort to keep their love blooming.

But Theo was wrong when he said love wasn’t enough. Love was the bedrock. Love was the glue. Everything else was built on that foundation.

Sarafina knew without question they would always have that most forceful of emotions tying them together and getting them through.

“I love you, too,” she answered, tears filling her eyes. “So much, Theo. More than I can say.” He moved his hips, pressing against the core of her body, then slipping inside. One long thrust and he was within her — to the root of his cock. Her breath hissed out of her and she bit her lower lip, closing her eyes on a low moan. Having him inside her was beyond heaven. It was right, completely and totally.


He pulled out to the crown and then thrust back in slowly, letting her feel every single inch of him. His gaze found hers and held as he filled her, became a part of her, body and soul.

Nothing. No warlock, no demon, would ever part them again. They were free to be together.

“Theo. .” A tear slipped from her eyes and meandered down the side of her face to drop to the carpet. “I’m so happy you came back to me.” “And I’ll never leave you, Sarafina. You’re mine. Just like how all my instincts have been screaming since the day I first saw you.” “They have?”

He pulled out and thrust slowly back in. “Mine, Sarafina. Every last inch of you. Mine to make love to, mine to cherish, mine to protect.” He paused. “As I am yours.” “Promise?”

“I promise.”

He rose up then and hooked her thighs over his, leveraging his body on hers in a way that suddenly swept all thoughts from her mind but the carnal ones. Her breath hitched in her throat as he pulled out and pushed back in again, forcing the muscles of her sex to stretch under the heavy veined width of his cock. Still he held her gaze, intensifying the intimacy of their joining.

She barely had enough breath left to speak. “And we’ll do this on a regular basis, right?” “Oh, yeah, honey. I like to make you come.” “I like it, too.”

His thumb found her clit and rubbed as he thrust in and out of her. Warm, intoxicating pleasure filled her body and tingled through her sex.

“Are you going to come now?” he asked with a slow, devilish smile. He stroked her clit methodically — with just the right amount of pressure and at just the right pace.

“Uh-huh,” she murmured. Her eyes closed and her breathing caught. The energy of her impending climax gathered in her body, made her feel replete. Closer and closer she grew to the precipice, until the weight of the sensation growing in her body grew too large for her to contain.

The wave of her climax crashed down over her, sweeping her away into a place where she couldn’t think. All she could do was cry out under the force of it, her spine bowing.

Her sex pulsed around the pistoning length of his cock, her inner muscles milking him. On the heels of her orgasm, Theo tipped over the edge of his pleasure threshold as well, crying out her name as his cock moved deep within her body.

When it was over, he came down on top of her, rolling over and pulling her along with him. He kissed her lips and then fell to nuzzling her neck and inhaling the scent of her freshly shampooed hair.

“Live with me,” he murmured.

“What?” The query came slowly. Her whole body was heavy and sluggish with satisfaction and contentment.

“Live with me.” His lips bussed hers. “I want you to move in with me. I don’t think I can handle another night without waking up beside you.” Sarafina paused for a moment, forcing her synapses to fire a little faster. “I would love to live with you, but can we live here instead of at the Coven?” “Here?”

She supposed it was an alien request to a man who’d grown up connected to the Coven, knowing from childhood he was a witch. Why would anyone want to live separately from the people who were like them?

“It’s just that I have friends who aren’t witches, you know? Maria and many others. I don’t want to lose them. I know I can’t reveal every facet of the true me, but I don’t want to completely walk away from the life I’ve been living, either. They mean too much to me.” “I would be happy to move in here with you, Sarafina. Do you plan to take the job Thomas offered you?” She considered for a moment, tracing a line with her fingertip over his luscious bicep. All she had to do was touch this man, and she wanted him.

Okay, that was a lie. All she had to do was think about him or be within five feet of him to want him.

“In this case, yes. I’ll find some cover to use with my friends to explain the job change. That way I can spend the day at the Coven and my evenings with my friends.” She paused, smiling. “And all the time with you.” “Sounds good to me.”

She drew a breath, realizing something. “Only. .” She lifted her head, studying him.


“I wonder if you’ll be able to handle my social calendar.” The blood drained from her face. “Do you think you can stomach Maria?” He laughed. “If I can battle demons, I can take Maria. I think a bouquet of flowers and showing how I care about you will go a long way to taming that beast. Trust me, I don’t have a problem with any friends of yours who are so protective. I think she and I can find some common ground.” She snuggled down against his chest and sighed happily. “But perhaps keeping your apartment at the Coven isn’t such a bad idea. We can stay there sometimes, too.” Sarafina still felt torn between two worlds, especially now that the crisis with Bai was over. She had no doubt she would find equilibrium eventually, though. She could face anything as long as she had Theo by her side.

Theo chuckled. “Grosset will have to learn to ride a Harley.” “We can get him a Pomeranian-sized helmet.” He reached over and pulled a small box from the pocket of his jeans. “I’m glad you said yes to the first question, because I have another to ask.” He opened the box and set it on the carpet between them.

It was a diamond engagement ring.

Her breath caught in her throat. “Theo?” He said nothing, only watched her face.

Theo.” She picked up the ring and slid it onto her finger.

It was a perfect fit.
