The girl said the “f” word again and stared at Mistie. The girl looked scary, with red all over her face. Mistie remembered on the Princess Silverlace show once that a bad witch tried to cast a spell on the princess and steal all her people’s cattle. The witch had disguised herself with paint and feathers so people would think she was a goose. She looked just like this girl except there were no feathers. Maybe this girl was a bad witch. Maybe she was going to put a spell on Mistie now that the blanket was pulled away.
Mistie put her hands over her face. She could smell the chocolate on her palms and she licked them. Maybe the girl would go away if she didn’t move. Sometimes her Daddy went away if she didn’t move. Mostly he didn’t go away but sometimes he did.
Don’t move.
Be vwery, vwery quiet.