Master Magician Aleas Dubbing declared, "The tackoo Syathbir Tolis failed to make himself evident in my quarter of the compass. Sources available, however, suggested he might be located by an investigator who turned his eye upon the Dustrake Reach of the Lesser Miasmatic Swamps."

"A suggestion in substantial agreement with my own conclusions," Shredlu said. "Kintrude?"

"I found considerable consternation on all levels Outside. Syathbir Tolis is nowhere amongst the Wastes. Outsider rumor reliably places him within the Lesser Miasmatics."

The tackoo appears to have confused no one. Yarramal? Have you contradictory evidence?"

"None such was to be found within the registers, even of a caste so remote and narrow as the Necromancers."

A caste of one, which consisted of Shredlu's cousin the freelance charlatan Ousted Delf. Shredlu was confident Yarramal had made her own locational inquiries. "Did you find a name that can be attached to this dream-theft villainy?"

"None whatsoever, Senior." She frowned thoughtfully, as though taking a last look at a decision already made. "Perhaps it is irrational or unreliable intuition, Senior, but I have arrived at a conviction this crime germinated inside the Everay domain, probably within this very tower, possibly close to the child."

"Substantially my own assessment. Shubam. I see you have returned. Have you extended the invitations?"

Yes, master."

"And the airmen?"

"They have been alerted; His Lordship expects to launch a spontaneous picnic foray."

"Excellent. You outdo yourself in these times of crisis, Shubam. We shall have to reward you by adding to your duties."

"My gratitude knows no bounds, master."

Shredlu could only suspect that Shubam was being less than honest. "Come, then. Let us be off.... Shubam. You did send to the kitchen for appropriate provisions?"

"I did, master."

Yarramal asked, "We are going out to the Miasmatics?"

"It will make a wonderful afternoon excursion."

"It occurs to me that your plan puts all the domain's Magicians in the same place at the same time."

"It does indeed. And one of us may be the villain of the piece. The blackguard may be hoping for this eventuality. A grave risk. Which of usn should remain behind?" Shredlu chuckled. There was a dirth of volunteers, it being evident that suspicion would surround whoever held back.

It would be an interesting journey as each prepared for the worst while pretending to share a social jaunt. "I think we need not take our apprentices. Come. Time flees." He strode forth, snatching his cloak and staff from Shubam as he passed. He offered the apprentice q sharp look. Winter would be his responsibility in his master's absence. Winter would be a test.
