Chapter Thirty-Two

The Aftermath

One and a half weeks later…

Mother and I stood, both of us wearing black suede cloaks, black leather gloves, our hair free around our shoulders, our crowns in place, our booted feet on the rocky shore and we watched the boat with its square sail patterned in red and gold diamonds catching the wind, making it drift into the Winter Sea.

It was lined in red and gold silk and in its middle, on a platform, my father’s remains were shrouded in dark red and surrounded by flickering candles protected from the wind by red tinted glass.

Just behind me to my left Frey stood so close I felt his chest brush my shoulder even through the cloak.

A vast gathering of silent Lunwynians stood behind the three of us, along the sweeping hill that met the icy sea, its glaciers drifting in the distance.

I stared at the boat and kept my shoulders straight, my head high and endured the burn in my chest as the boat and its precious cargo floated out to sea.

Then Frey raised his fisted hand and lowered it.

Thirty seconds later we heard the flap of powerful, huge, leathery wings.

Ten seconds after that we saw the approach of two dragons, one on each side.

Ten seconds after that, they bent their necks and, in unison, they spewed a stream of fire that struck the boat, incinerating it in the blink of an eye as they soared past each other so close their wings brushed.

Mother’s hand reached out, her fingers curling around mine and they clenched tight but other than that, she didn’t move.

Neither did I, except to curl mine around hers.

Then the dragons flew off into the distance as my mother, my husband, myself and my father’s subjects stared at the tranquil waves and peacefully drifting glaciers of the Winter Sea.

Many moments later, I heard my mother whisper to the wind in a voice filled with sorrow, “Good-bye, my beloved.”

I pressed my lips together, locked my body and when the tear came, there was only one.

And it was silent.

Even so, my husband shifted closer.

* * * * *

Four days later…

We moved through the forest slowly, the snow gone with the thaw, wet, green turf in its place, the trees blossoming all around and we stopped at the small, ice marble pyre behind which were two seated dragons, their spiked tails swaying lazily, their wings tucked in, their long, slender, forked tongues drifting.

And on the pyre, swathed in brilliant, glimmering, ice blue silk, only her pretty face exposed to the brilliant sun, was Alyssa.

Frey held my hand and stood by me, Aurora moving in at my other side, Bess next to her and Esther next to her. Skylar gently pushed between Mother and I then leaned heavily against my side so I slid my arm around his shoulders. Jocelyn moved in at Frey’s other side and at her side, his gait slow, his hand that was not curled in Jocelyn’s curled around a cane, was Thad. Frey’s men and Alyssa’s family and friends moved to their places and stopped.

When they did, Frey did not hesitate to touch the twirly tip of the long, glittering branch he held to the earth. At its end, a miniature elf sprung from the turf, she touched the branch and instantly grew to my height. Without delay she gave Frey his salute then her glowing ice blue eyes touched on me then slid over the crowd.

Then she walked to the pyre and around it, standing on the dragons’ side. We watched as she looked down at Alyssa, her head tilted, her mouth went soft then she lifted her hands in prayer position to her lips for only a moment before she opened them so her pinkies were pressed together and then she dropped both slightly forward.

And when she dropped them, a flash of ice blue covered Alyssa’s body and at once a shock of bright, white sparks rose clear to the sky and Alyssa’s body disappeared.

Frey raised his fist and lowered it, the dragons straightened their long necks, aiming their mouths to the heavens and there they sent a stream of fire.

I turned and pressed my face in my husband’s chest as my fingers curled into his wool.

His arms moved around me and went tight.

* * * * *

Two days later…

In the State Dining Room, Rimée Keep, Snowdon.

“Are you mad?” Eirik Drakkar spat at his son from his seat mid-table flanked by his two other sons, the ones who were not married to me.

Before Frey could reply, Olwen Lazarus did. “I see the wisdom of this.”

Eirik’s furious gaze shot to the man and he hissed, “You would, she’s your bloody sister.”

“This is highly unusual,” Walter Sinclair muttered.

“It isn’t unusual,” Eirik snapped. “It’s absurd!”

“I find nothing absurd about it,” Apollo Ulfr drawled. He was leaned casually back in his chair and his green eyes were leveled on Eirik Drakkar. “Frey’s suggestion is clearly sound.”

“Clearly… clear… clear…” Eirik spluttered then pounded a fist on the table. “Clearly sound?” he shouted. “A woman has never ruled Lunwyn!”

“If any woman could, it would be Aurora,” Norfolk Ravenscroft pointed out.

“And you would say that,” Eirik returned hotly. “She’s your cousin, you are close. You’d have her ear.”

“You’d have her ear too, Eirik, if you weren’t a horse’s ass,” Apollo put in smoothly and, seated to Frey’s right where he sat at the head of the table, Mother to his left, I pressed my lips together to stifle my laugh.

Eirik glared at Apollo then stated sharply, “May I remind you that Lunwyn is just reunited, we have just been at war, half the heads of half the Houses from both sides of Lunwyn were gods damned incinerated by my son,” he jerked a finger at Frey, “the other half are imprisoned waiting trial for treason and, if you lot have anything to say about it, which you unfortunately do, they will hang. Now is not the time to audition womanly rule.”

“It’s hardly an audition considering I asked you all here in hopes of receiving your assent but I will state at this point that I don’t actually require it,” Frey put in. “Until my princess births a son and he is of age to accept his responsibilities to his crown, Aurora of the House of Wilde will rule this land and she does it with my backing which I’m certain I don’t need to remind you includes my dragons and the elves. If, in the meantime, she were to be unable to command her throne, we will reconvene.”

“Then, my son, I’m afraid you court further action like we saw while you slept with the elves,” Eirik threatened with narrowed, flashing eyes and I lost my humor and glared at the odious man who saw no action at all but had no problem hanging around in his tent while he ordered men to battle, some of them meeting their deaths while his grievously injured son was healed by the elves.


“Then, my sire, I’m afraid, if you threaten treason, I will be forced to remove you as the head of the House of Drakkar, transfer that privilege to my brother Calder, your second born, and wish you well with your retirement,” Frey returned.

And just like that, my flare of temper disintegrated and I was pressing my lips together again as I watched Eirik actually bounce in fury in his seat then he crashed both his fists on the table and stammered an incensed, “I… you… you cannot… you can’t do that!”

“I’m afraid I can. I am the true head of the House of Drakkar and, as is well known, if I do not wish to assume this role then it is my due to transfer it to who I see fit. As I didn’t give a gods damn who ran our House, I didn’t take my due. Now, I give a damn so I’ll take my due.” Eirik opened and closed his mouth like a fish as Frey’s eyes moved to Calder. “Do you wish this responsibility, brother?”

“By all means,” Calder muttered to Frey then he turned his head to his father. “If you would, I will ask you and Mother to make haste in your move to the dower house. Melba has long been telling me she thought new curtains would be lovely in the drawing room.” Eirik blinked at his son while Calder finished, “And the study.”

I couldn’t help it, a snort escaped and my eyes shot to Aurora who I saw gazing impassively at the sheen on the dining room table but when she felt my eyes, hers lifted to mine and I saw them twinkling.

“This is outrageous!” Eirik shrieked and I looked back at him.

“No, this is done,” Frey declared, standing and extending a hand to me. “Gentlemen,” he dipped his chin to the table then turned to Mother as my fingers curled around his and I rose. “My queen,” he murmured.

“Drakkar,” she murmured back.

Frey moved me away from the table then flicked a hand at the chair he’d vacated, eyes still on his queen.

“Your seat,” he whispered, her lips tipped up slightly then she rose gracefully, glided to the head and sat, her eyes moving to the men around the table and Frey moving me from the room.

When we were in the hall and out of earshot, I leaned into my husband and squeezed his hand, whispering, “Well done, my handsome husband.”

“Mm,” he murmured, eyes straight ahead. “I’m glad you think so, my wee wife, but this means no adventure for you for a time. We have word Baldur returns and I will need to stay close to show my support to our new leader.”

I pointed my eyes straight ahead too and muttered, “I’m sure I’ll find something I can do.”

I felt Frey’s eyes on me, kept mine aimed at the hall then I heard Frey sigh.

“Indeed, you will and this terrifies me,” he muttered back and that was when I allowed myself to giggle.

So I did and I did it loud.

* * * * *

That evening…


My body pressed to and straddling my husband’s long, muscular frame, I kissed his throat as I felt his hands move up the skin of my back then I lifted my head and looked down at him.

“I don’t believe I’m going to say this,” I told him. “But I think I like your brothers.”

His arms wrapped around me as he muttered, “It wasn’t only me who sat at my Grandmother Eugenie’s knee when I was wee.”

I smiled at him and slid a hand up to curl around his neck. “I take it Franka didn’t spend a lot of time with your Grandmother.”

“Franka was busy stealing her handmaids’ hair pins and ear bobs, concealing them amongst her other handmaids’ possessions, whispering in the right ears and then watching as false accusations were thrown, unbeknownst to the accuser they were false, and then watching tempers flare. She had little time for Granny’s knee.”

I could believe this.

Frey’s arms gave me a squeeze and I watched his face grow serious.

Then he stated gently, “My wife does not sleep soundly.”

I felt my face go soft even as the pads of my fingers dug into the skin of his neck.

He would notice, Frey would. He would notice and worry.

God, I loved this man.

“Baby,” I whispered.

“Tell me,” Frey whispered back.

My hand slid up and my thumb slid out to stroke his jaw as, stalling, I asked, “About what?”

“About what keeps you from a sound sleep,” he answered patiently, knowing I was stalling.

I studied his beloved face.

We hadn’t talked about this. Any of it. There wasn’t time. Much was happening, we were travelling everywhere, I had a lot on my mind and I had Frey back, all was well, I didn’t want to relive it, any of it and Frey had let this be.

But now I saw he was biding his time.

“What parts do you want to know?” I queried.

“All of them,” he replied.

I held his eyes. Then I sighed.

Then I whispered, “I thought you were dead.”

“I know,” he whispered back.

I kept whispering. “I thought I said terrible, ugly words to you before you died.”

He kept whispering too when he repeated, “I know.”

“Frey,” I breathed, not really wanting to go on.

“Finnie,” he gave me a squeeze, not wanting me to keep it bottled in.

I looked at the pillow beside his head then my eyes went back to his.

“I took lives,” I said softly.

“You did, wee one, and I am glad of it for if you hadn’t you might not be lying, naked, astride me.”

This was true.

“I…” I faltered then confessed the worst of it, “after I killed Phobin I not only rubbed Broderick’s nose in it, I rubbed his nose in his defeat.”

Frey grinned at me.

Yes, grinned.

Then he burst out laughing, pressing his head back into the pillows and everything before he rolled me so he was on top.

And after he did this he was still laughing.

“Frey!” I snapped, his laughter died to chuckles and he focused on me.

“I wish I was there to see that,” he said through his dying mirth.

“It was not my crowning moment,” I retorted sharply.

“Let us see, my wee one, he killed your father, Alyssa, and nearly killed Thad and me. You lived over a month thinking I was dead and drowning in sorrow and guilt for the last thing you did was shriek at me. He imprisoned your mother, was the architect of a number of faceless soldier’s deaths –”

“All right, all right,” I cut him off, “I get it but hello? Frey? Remember awhile back when I lectured thousands of people about mercy? And, there I was, getting in Broderick’s face about –”

He lifted a hand to my jaw, thumb to my lips and he pressed lightly.

Then he said softly, “You will note it was not me who stood up when Viola was being pelted with ice missiles and demanded mercy for her and it was not me because her actions meant I stood to lose you. With Broderick, you thought you had actually lost me and you knew you again lost a father. I think succeeding in four short days in bringing him low and setting the rebellion into disarray, you can excuse yourself for gloating.”


I had to admit, he had a point.

I decided not to respond.

Frey knew why and grinned.

Then his grin faded, his hand slid to my neck and he said quietly, “We must speak of what I did to you.”

I shook my head. “No,” I replied. “All’s well that ends well and, thank God, it’s ended well so no, Frey, we never have to speak of it.”

“You say this, Finnie, because you still hold the pain of guilt, all that time you thought I was lost. That dark shadow runs deep in you, my wee one. I see it at times, drifting across your eyes when you look at me.”

“Frey –”

“But had we not been attacked in the middle of that episode, you would have been entitled to an explanation, wife, and you still are.”

I tried to waylay him by explaining, “I know that it’s, uh… law, um… here, in this world, for the man to decide if birth control is used or not and if the woman doesn’t adhere to his, uh… decision she can be sentenced to serve the realm.” Frey stared at me and I finished. “Uh… I told Aurora everything that night after Father… after we put Father… when his boat…” I sucked in breath. “Well, that night Mother drank two bottles of wine all by herself and I fell asleep while she did it and so did she and you had to carry both of us to bed, I told her what happened and she explained it to me.”

“This is not the same in your world,” he guessed.

Women who did or did not take birth control against their male partner’s wishes serving a term of nine months sentenced to do light work in castles, hospitals or orphanages?

Uh… crazy!

“No,” I confirmed. “It’s the woman’s choice unless she’s married and then they decide together and until they do… well, she just takes it, mostly. I don’t know, I’ve, uh… never been married until, well… now.”

Carefully, Frey stated, “You hid taking it from me.”

I blinked in confusion before, equally carefully, I replied, “No, honey, I didn’t. I don’t know why you’d think that but I guess you just were never around when I took it.”

He nodded before he reminded me gently, “All right, Finnie, but we discussed it with you approaching the subject within twenty-four hours of my return to you after I was at sea.”

“I know, Frey, because we were set to have sex within twenty-four hours after your return to me and, at that time, I thought I was going home and I didn’t want to do it pregnant or with a newborn who’d never see his or her father again.”

He studied me for long moments.

Then he muttered, “I misinterpreted this,” but as he did, he held my eyes.

I smiled at him and said softly, “I gathered that.”

His eyes dropped to my mouth then his hand shifted up so his thumb could stroke my cheekbone as his eyes lifted back to mine.

Then he whispered, “I was in love with you when I ordered the elves to bind you to me.”

My body stiffened slightly under his and I shook my head and whispered, “Frey –”

“It is true I didn’t know it,” he interrupted me. “All I knew was when Nillen told me you were set to leave, I couldn’t abide that. Nillen warned me there would be consequences but I decided I would accept whatever they were as long as I knew you could never leave me.” His face dipped closer and his voice dipped lower when he went on, “You already had a hold on my heart, Finnie. You must believe I would not have done what I did if that wasn’t true.”

“You barely knew me,” I pointed out quietly.

“I knew you were beautiful. I knew you smelled good. I knew you filled out a gown very nicely. I knew you could cook. I knew your cheeks got pink and your eyes lit when you were excited. I knew in just weeks you made friends, you chattered brightly, you were interested in me, you smiled easily, you laughed readily, you would come to my defense when you thought I faced danger, you responded to my touch and,” he grinned, “you did that wildly.”

I rolled my eyes.

Frey kept talking so I rolled them back.

“And I left you alone in my cabin and you didn’t just survive, you thrived so I knew you were an uncommon woman, an uncommon woman who would match me. So I knew you, Finnie, and I bound you to me knowing I wanted to know you more and knowing I would like having a lifetime of that discovery.”

Oh my God, did he just say that?

I stared at him, my heart in my throat.

He said it.

Then, my voice husky, I started to threaten, “Frey Drakkar, if you make me cry –”

He cut me off. “But what I didn’t know until later was when the elves bound you to this world, they also bound you to me so when I returned from their realm, I knew where you were, I sensed you, I could find you, I went right to you, taking the dragons with me. I sent a messenger to bring my men to me so they would be safe from the dragon’s fire then, as you ran with your witches through the forest, I knew exactly where you were so the fire I aimed from my beasts never got near you.”

That was when I blinked and breathed, “Really?”

He grinned again and whispered, “Really.”

“Cool.” I whispered back, still on a breath and watched my husband’s grin get bigger.

Then his face grew soft and his warm eyes roamed my own as he muttered, “By the gods, I hope you never lose your wonder for all that is life, my wee Finnie.”

“Well, as long as I’m in a world with fire breathing dragons, magical elves, hot guys who are impervious to extreme heat and fantastic ships straight out of a movie that are named after me, I don’t think that’s gonna happen,” I told him and his head tilted to the side.

“Straight out of a what?”

I cupped his jaw, lifted my head and touched my mouth to his.

Then I dropped my head back down to the pillow and whispered, “I’ll explain later.”

The look in his eyes shifted, that shift corresponded to a tingle someplace really good and his hand slid from my jaw, down my neck, my chest and my side as he murmured, “You will?”

“Unh-hunh,” I agreed, pressing my body to his as my hands moved on him and his head dipped closer, his nose sliding along mine.

“When?” he asked quietly.

“Later,” I answered, hooking a leg around his hip.

His lips came so close I could feel his breath on mine but his eyes stayed open and held mine captive.

“So then, what are we going to do now?” he asked.

“I don’t know,” I said breathily. “Do you have any ideas?”

“A few,” he answered, his voice slightly gruff, his hand sliding back up my side to cup my breast.

I drew in a soft breath.

“I think I might like your ideas,” I told him.

“I know you will,” he told me.

“Sure of yourself?” I teased, his thumb slid across my nipple, my back arched and I drew in a breath that was not at all soft.

“Yes,” he answered, his eyes smiling but still lit with that lazy, sexy light.

One of my hands slid up the sleek skin of his back and into his hair. “You could tell me what it’s like in the elves’ realm,” I suggested.

“Later,” he whispered, his lips still close, his thumb now circling my nipple.

I bit my lip as the sensations curled through me and I waited, breathlessly, for his mouth to take mine.

When I didn’t get it, I prompted on a whisper, “Seriously, baby, are you going to kiss me, or what?”

My husband made me wait half a second while, super close, he looked deep in my eyes.

Then, just like Frey, he gave me what I wanted.

He kissed me.

* * * * *

Incidentally, I slept soundly that night and, except on a rare occasion, every night after.

* * * * *

One month later…

In the Queen’s Study, Rimée Keep, Snowdon.

I stood silently at the window in my mother’s study, my body facing it but my head was turned so I could see the people at the desk.

Frey, Calder, Apollo, Olwen, Norfolk and Walter were standing at one side, the heads of three once Lunwynian, then Middlelandian, again Lunwynian Houses stood at the other side. All three had not participated in the rebellion and, for their refusal to support that campaign, they had all been imprisoned throughout the short war by Broderick then the other heads.

Now, they were not.

Mother stood behind the desk, bent over it, signing a huge, poster board-sized piece of parchment.

Baldur stood next to her watching her with a stony face.

She straightened and offered her silver pen to him.

His lip curled as he looked at the pen.

“Do not delay, Baldur,” Apollo said low. “Your carriage awaits and the rest of us have things to do.”

Baldur glared at Apollo then he looked to Mother.

“It is my understanding, my son showed kindness to your daughter before she slaughtered him,” he noted coldly.

Mother didn’t show any reaction to this pointless comment which was a miracle considering all the other things that were not kind that Broderick did, including ordering her (and my) husband to be murdered and she stated blandly, “And it is my understanding she actually didn’t slaughter him, she delivered a wound that was not lethal but, instead, it was one of the men of The Drakkar, acting correctly on what he felt would be his absent commander’s wishes, who ran your son through.” She paused then finished, not even trying to hide her pride, “But she did, of course, take the life of his lover.”

Baldur’s mouth got tight and his eyes slid through the heads on either side, avoiding mine as they went and then he whispered, “This is preposterous. This woman does not even have the blood of a Wilde and she’s a woman for the gods’ sakes.”

“Your options have been explained, Baldur,” Frey reminded him quietly. “You made your choice. With this delay, are you saying you’re undecided?” Baldur’s eyes went to Frey and Frey concluded, “For if you are, I will be happy to make the choice for you.”

“My choice has not changed,” Baldur snapped and I was guessing it wouldn’t for his choices were abdicating all claim to his throne by signing that paper and then immediately leaving on his journey to be exiled to a small island somewhere south, far away from here or a trial for impeachment which might end in a lifelong exile not on a sunny isle but in a cold dungeon. “But it is my due and I wish it to be known that you and your heads have acted well beyond the bounds of decency and respect. Dragon fire and trials of treason for heads of Houses? It is ridiculous. These are games of politics as they have been played for centuries.”

“We are moving into a new era,” Aurora announced softly, her eyes on Baldur, “where politics do not include assassinations and clashes of steel but diplomacy. And the heads who remain are enthusiastic about Lunwyn’s bright future.”

Baldur’s eyes narrowed on her and he snapped, “At your command, you will lead the new Lunwyn to misery and my people will revolt.”

“We shall see,” Aurora murmured then her face brightened slightly. “Though, in opening your treasury, abolishing your paper currency and allowing our reunited citizens to trade their paper currency for coin, they seem to be quite content at the moment.”

Baldur’s face got red and I pressed my lips together to stop myself from smiling and looked out the window so I missed Baldur yanking the pen out of Aurora’s hand. I heard the scribble of the squib on parchment and I also heard movement as he stomped out.

I did not look back until Mother spoke.

“Gentlemen, if you would,” she invited and I watched her motion nobly to the oval table in the corner of the room.

The heads moved there with Mother. Frey and Apollo moved to me. When they arrived, they stopped close and Frey’s hand slid to the small of my back.

“Do you wish to stay, my Finnie?” he asked quietly and I scrunched my nose.

“Attend a meeting?” I asked back and he smiled at me before he turned his smile to an openly amused Apollo.

“Not exciting enough for my wee wife,” he muttered to Apollo.

Apollo’s response was an amused, rumbling, “Mm.”

“You two enjoy,” I mumbled.

“Right,” Apollo murmured, looking like he wanted to attend this meeting about as much as I did.

“And your plans?” Frey asked and my eyes went to his.

“Check in on Sky. He’s taking a test, he should be finishing up about now. And Bess is leaving.”

He nodded. “Then you should be away.”

“I should be away,” I agreed.

His eyes warmed, his head dropped and he touched his mouth to mine before again lifting his head.

“I shall see you later,” he muttered, looking over his shoulder at the conference table.

“Okay, honey,” I whispered, lifted my hand touched his chest and his eyes came back to me so I smiled.

His hand tensed at my back then he moved away.

I turned to Apollo and smiled at him too then my smile went wonky as he held my eyes but took hold of my hand and lifted it, knuckles up, to his lips. Then I watched as he brushed them with his lips and dropped our hands but kept firm hold of mine.

“Until we meet again, sweet Finnie,” he whispered gently and I felt my mouth go soft.

“Until we meet again, Apollo,” I whispered back, squeezing his fingers.

He made to let go but I held on tight and moved slightly closer.

Then I said quietly, “A wise woman once told me happiness is a line with contentment at one end and bliss on the other.” I squeezed his fingers again and went on fervently, “I hope you at least find a way to the middle of that line, Apollo.”

His lips tipped up slightly before his head turned and I knew he was looking at Frey when he looked back to me and I saw his remarkable eyes lit with an appealing light before he replied, “I have, my princess, just knowing you have moved up that line to bliss.”

My belly warmed.

“Apollo,” I whispered.

“Hold tight to it, my sweet,” he replied softly. “Every day is a gift.”

He knew and so did I. We knew this to be very true.

I just wished there was some way this wonderful man would open his heart to a woman who would be generous to it. But I knew like I knew when I thought I had lost Frey that this was impossible.

I nodded, his lips tipped up more, his fingers squeezed mine then he let me go and moved away.

I watched and saw Frey watching us. I smiled at him as his eyes slid to Apollo then back to me, they warmed and he smiled gently back. I looked to Mother who inclined her chin to me, her lips curled slightly then she looked back at the table.

I left the room and hurried to the side entrance to Rimée Keep, hoping Bess was not yet away.

When I exited, I saw she was not but the carriage was loaded, the horses put to and she was standing beside it fretting.

Her head turned and her face lit when she saw me. “Oh Finnie! There you are!”

She rushed to me as I moved to her and we took hold of each other’s hands.

“Your trunks are packed, everything is ready and –” she started but I interrupted her.

“Bess, I’ll be fine,” I told her.

“I know, but, the other girls –”

“The other girls are hopefully enjoying a much needed break like you’re about to.”

She looked at me and grinned so I grinned back because we both knew Jocelyn and Esther were undoubtedly enjoying their breaks for they were both in Houllebec in the company of their men, Thad and Oleg.

Where Frey and I were headed the next morning and I was glad of it.

My feet most definitely itched.

Then her smile faded and she whispered, “I’ll miss you, my sweet princess.”

I dropped her hands but pulled her into my arms for a hug and whispered in her ear, “And I’ll miss you, my sweet Bess, but it’s only a short time and soon we’ll all be back together again and off to face our next adventure.” I squeezed hard then let her go and stepped back. “Now, go. Spend time with your family and I’ll see you very soon.”

She nodded, grinned at me again then part skipped, part dashed to the carriage, taking the hand of the footman waiting there for her. He helped her in, closed the door and she leaned out the window and waved at me as the footman ordered the driver, “Away.”

“Farewell, Finnie!” she called, waving as the carriage rolled forward.

“Farewell, Bess!” I called back, waving too.

Then I watched and waved as the carriage continued to move until it disappeared around the castle. And I kept looking in that direction, seeing the frost city of Snowdon now embedded in the deep green of the short Lunwyn summer. The ice and snow were gone, the land was lush and vibrant and, Frey told me, this would be the way for another month or so before the snows again came and bound the nation in ice.

I turned to the doors, went through and immediately encountered a scowling Kell who was stomping toward me.

“Hey Kell,” I greeted when he got close and we both stopped.

“Where’s Frey?” he grunted, not greeting me when we both stopped.

“In a meeting,” I informed him, his eyebrows shot up and then his face returned to a scowl.

“A meeting?” he asked as if this concept was foreign to him, foreign and revolting.

“Yes, you know, where people sit down, discuss weighty issues, drink coffee, eat pastries and decide the future for hundreds of thousands of people,” I stated. “A meeting.”

He continued to scowl. Then he grunted. Then he turned on his boot without another word and stomped away.

I giggled to myself.

Then I moved down the hall only to turn down another one and see a maid coming to me.

“My princess,” she said softly then dropped in a quick curtsy before straightening and offering a creamy envelope to me. “This came in today’s post.”

“Thank you, Michelle,” I said softly, taking the envelope, she did another quick curtsy and scurried away.

I turned the envelope over and saw a bright green wax seal, pressed with a scrolled, looped, double L.


I smiled, ran my nail under the seal, opened the envelope and pulled out the thick, cream paper inside, opening it and reading.

My Winter Princess,

The adela takes root!

I cannot tell you how pleased I am. As you know, I planted three branches and all three have begun to glow. They send shoots into the earth, reaching to the elfin realm. It is very exciting to have this early success.

I am away to move through my beautiful Lunwyn and plant branches before the frost sets in. It will take decades for the trees to spread but our great land will be graced by the glow of the adela once again, I will see to it.

I have received your letter and it is good to know your pregnancy does not cause you trouble as other women endure. I wish this for you for the entirety of it and I will be at your side when it is time for you to deliver our next king or our next Winter Princess to this world.

And I await stories of your next adventure, my princess.

Yours always,


I smiled at the paper then, folding it and sliding it back into its envelope, I moved to my mother’s old office, a smaller room, more feminine and now unused.

The door was open and I stopped in it to take in Skylar behind the desk, Penelope lying on top of it. He was bent over it with pencil in hand. She was sending her tail in wide sweeps, catching his papers.

“Stop it, cat,” he muttered.

Penelope swept her tail away, then back over his papers.

He turned his head and glared at the feline. “Stop it, cat!”

She executed two more sweeps.

Skylar emitted a little boy growl that was alarmingly like the ones I’d heard from Frey’s men on occasion and punished my cat by picking her up from the desk, cuddling her in his arms and torturing her with scratches behind her ears.

I could hear Penelope’s purrs all the way across the room.

When I heard them, I smiled.

* * * * *

Two weeks later…


I sat in Frey’s lap shuffling the cards, my eyes on the occupants of the table.

Esther sat in Oleg’s lap and I was unsurprised to see, for I’d seen it before, that he was as gentle when he was with her as Frey was with me.

But, even so, he still didn’t talk much and when he did it was mostly grunts.

Jocelyn sat beaming in Thad’s lap and although Esther and Oleg were testing the waters, clearly enjoyed each other and were becoming close; it didn’t take a love doctor to see Jocelyn had fallen and when I say that, I mean deep.

Thad had too. It wasn’t so much him showing it, though he, also like Frey, was not afraid of showing affection and he often teased her in a way I thought was super sweet. It was that Thad told Frey and Frey told me so I had the inside scoop that Thad had fallen, and hard, for my Jocelyn.

Thad was also recovered, or as much as he ever would be. He’d sustained an injury to his leg which would mean he’d always walk with a hint of a limp. But I had noticed he wasn’t letting that slow him down and I also noticed that none of the other men said a thing about it, called attention to it or treated Thad any differently.

Ruben was with us too, his woman not there, as were Laurel, Ulysses and Frederick.

I stopped shuffling and smiled and chatted while I dealt the cards, every card I threw on my husband’s pile I dealt from the bottom of the deck.

Then I set the deck down, picked up my cards and started to fiddle with them in my hand but didn’t get very far.

Frey threw his hand down on the table face up and announced, “Finnie cheats.”

I looked to the table at the fantastic hand I dealt him then lifted a hand up to touch my chest and my eyes moved to my husband’s.

“Me?” I asked with sham innocence.

Frey grinned. “You,” he answered.

“Well, I never,” I muttered.

“Yes, you do, Finnie, every single time,” Thad stated.

He was not wrong.

“Finnie?” I heard a voice that was familiar, a voice I hadn’t heard in a long time, a voice I thought I’d never hear again and I turned slowly in Frey’s lap and looked at the woman standing behind him and my heart leapt into my throat.

“Claudia?” I whispered, taking in my friend wearing a Lunwynian style gown, her hair pulled back, a redhead, also in a Lunwynian gown, standing behind her, her lips tipped up in a cat’s smile.

“Claudia!” I shrieked, jumped out of Frey’s lap, rounded him and threw myself in my friend’s arms. “Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God, God, God!” I chanted, holding on tight and swinging her side to side.

“Oh Finnie, honey, oh God,” Claudia muttered in my ear then burst out crying, her arms spasming around me.

“Oh Claudia, honey,” I muttered back then I burst out crying.

After we did this awhile, I pulled back, framed her face with my hands, grinned into her wet, twinkling eyes then I let her go and threw myself at Valentine.

“Valentine,” I whispered, holding on tight.

“My goddess of love,” she whispered back, giving me a squeeze.

We said no more, just held on. I hadn’t seen her in ages, she left shortly after Frey and his dragons routed the enemy and I hadn’t heard from her since.

Finally, I pulled away, smiled at her and held her upper arms then my eyes caught on a flash at her throat, they dropped there and I saw a very, very large Sjofn ice diamond, what I had mistaken as aquamarines in my crown and the jewels I wore on my wedding night but what were actually very sought after, very expensive diamonds found only in the depths of Lunwyn. Diamonds that legend held were touched blue by the elves.

I looked at the diamond then at her.

Then she whispered, “I told you, love is everything and your husband knows this.”

I blinked.

Frey had given her that diamond. Somewhere along the line, Frey had given her an expensive diamond from another world in payment for her bringing Claudia to me.

In payment for her bringing things I loved from my old world to my new one.

I released her and slowly turned to Frey who was watching me.

“You did this,” I whispered.

“Indeed,” he replied.

I stared into his green-brown eyes.

Then I burst into tears.

About half a second later, I was in my husband’s arms, my face shoved in his neck.

“Is that her husband?” through my tears I heard Claudia stage-whisper to Valentine.

“Yes, dear Claudia,” Valentine answered on a beleaguered sigh. “How, in your infinite insightfulness, did you fathom that?”

“Well, he’s hot,” Claudia shot back. “I mean, like, hot hot. Like otherworldly hot. Not that Finnie couldn’t get hot but… I’ve never seen that level of hot.”

“Otherworldly hot,” Valentine murmured, her two words sounding vaguely annoyed in a way that stated Valentine actually found them quite annoying but she wasn’t about to expend the effort to be too annoyed by the likes of Claudia.

Hmm. Seemed things hadn’t changed between Valentine and Claudia.

I pulled slightly away from Frey, wiped my face and smiled like a lunatic at my friends. “Find chairs, sit down, we’re playing cards. I’ll introduce you to everyone.” Claudia grinned at me; Valentine looked aghast at the table like sitting in a pub, playing cards was akin to spending the night in a hotel that was any less than five stars, I totally ignored this and shouted, “Lindy! We need horns!”

“Got it, Princess Finnie,” Lindy called back.

“Awesome. Princess Finnie,” Claudia whispered and smiled at me.

I smiled back.

Then my friend from my old world sat down with my friends from my new world, I introduced everyone, we played cards and drank ale.

Well, except me, I played cards but Lindy brought me apple juice in my horn.

* * * * *

Later that night…

“What is this?” Frey asked as we sat on the mattress in the firelight and candlelight in the loft of his cabin, Penelope curled in a ball asleep at the end of the bed, all our friends gone home to soft beds and warm bodies with Claudia and Valentine staying at an inn in town.

I scooped out some peanut butter then set the jar aside and dipped it into the marshmallow fluff.

Claudia had talked Valentine into bringing gifts.

And she picked good ones.

I looked to my husband who was warily inspecting my movements.

“Heaven on a spoon,” I told him and turned the loaded spoon his way. “Try it,” I encouraged and his eyes came to me.

Then his mouth opened and I fed him heaven on a spoon.

When he was working the delicious goo down his throat and I had started to dip the spoon back in the jars, I asked, “Do you like it?”

“Its… interesting,” he replied, I looked to him, grinned big then shoved a giganto spoonful of peanut butter and fluff into my mouth.

My eyes closed slowly in abandoned rapture as I sucked the spoon clean.

“Gods,” Frey muttered and I suddenly found myself without spoon or jar and on my back in our bed with my husband on me.

“Frey, I wasn’t done,” I told him as his fingers pulled my nightgown up.

“You’re done,” he told me as my hands slid around his back.

“No, seriously, I wasn’t –”

His lips came to mine, his hard hips pressed into my soft ones and he growled, “You can have more later.”

“Okay,” I breathed against his mouth, I felt his lips smile then he slanted his head and he kissed me.

My handsome husband tasted of peanut butter and marshmallow fluff.

Kiss number three in the lineup of our best kisses.

Kisses, all of them, better than anything… absolutely anything… even my wildest dreams.

* * * * *

Very late that night…

The forest outside Houllebec.

Valentine Rousseau moved through the dark night until she saw the figure emerge from behind the tree and she stopped.

There wasn’t a cloud in the sky, the moonlight was bright and she saw his big, firm, muscular body, dark thick hair, strong jaw and jade green eyes.

Delicious, she thought as she had always thought when she saw this gorgeous specimen.

“You are a powerful witch,” his deep, appealing voice rumbled.

“I am,” she replied.

He hesitated.

Then he asked, “Is it true what Frey tells me?”

“About each world having twin?” she queried.

He didn’t bother to reply but she knew.

She knew.

She was pleased to bring her goddess of love jars of peanut butter, marshmallow fluff and even her tedious friend for she had her delightful ice blue diamond from The Drakkar.

But Valentine was multitasking.

“It is,” she answered.

He moved a step closer and she tipped her head back, keeping hold on those remarkable green eyes.

And what she read there made her draw in a delicate breath.

Then he held out a small, leather pouch to her, she lifted her hand, palm up and he dropped it in.

“Her name is Ilsa Ulfr,” he growled then he turned and strode away.

She stared at his broad-shouldered, departing back.

Then she dipped her chin, pulled the leather band on the pouch to open it and she tipped the stones into her palm.

They sparkled in the moonlight.

She smiled her cat’s smile.

Then she looked to the distance and saw he was gone.

“Love is,” she whispered to the night, “everything.”
