Diego didn’t understand, Cassidy saw as they flew back north. She was exhausted, sick from the pain of her Collar, and worried about the females and cubs.

Five of the seven females had been Shifter, the other two, human women from the village. The cantina owner’s daughter she’d seen welcomed with open arms back to her father, but the other woman had been shunned by her family. They claimed she’d been defiled by Miguel, and they didn’t want her back. Cassidy saw the heartbreak in the poor woman’s eyes, and she burned with anger for her.

Dylan, however, said the woman could go back to his Shiftertown-his son’s mate was human, and that son was Shiftertown leader. The woman would be protected. Cassidy saw that the young woman was miserable, but she accepted the offer. She didn’t have much choice. Diego asked the question about papers for her, and Dylan quietly said he’d take care of it. Cassidy believed him. Dylan was a take-care of it kind of male.

Eric would help the Shifter females, but Cassidy felt responsibility for them too. Her fighting and defeating their alpha meant something, even though Cassidy had done it to expedite the situation. She’d have to help Eric find them places to live and make sure they didn’t have too much trouble adapting to Collars and to Shiftertown-and Shiftertown adapting to them.

For now, Cassidy let out her breath and snuggled a little closer to Diego. She so needed a nap…

Diego closed his arms around her. She turned sleepily to him, rewarded with his warm mouth on hers.

He stroked her hair-which had to be filthy-and kissed her lips again. “I almost lost you,” he whispered. “I almost lost you, Cass. And Xavier, and it would have been my fault.”

Cassidy sat up, his hurt winding around her. “It’s not your fault the feral asshole Miguel decided to take over a human town. You didn’t know he was down here.”

“Enrique must have set me up-I’m betting he knew those Shifters were there.”

“Possibly. But look at it this way. You saved the town.” Cassidy batted her eyelashes at him and put on a sugary voice. “My hero.”

Diego didn’t smile. “You let your vengeance go when you had the chance to kill Reid. I hung on to mine, and you nearly died for it.”

Cassidy snuggled into his shoulder again. “I let it go because Reid was so pitiable. In your case, the guys who shot your partner terrorized a town, and then were terrorized by the Shifters, who were even worse. You solved both problems, and it’s finished.”

“I know.”

Diego didn’t sound elated, but Cassidy understood. He’d held on to wanting to bring Jobe’s killers to justice for a long time; he’d let it drive his life. The obsession of it kept him from seeing anything else. Now Diego’s tunnel vision was gone, and he didn’t know where to look.

Cassidy knew how he felt. The hunters who’d actually shot Donovan were still out there, but they were pathetic excuses who had been coerced by Reid, who himself had been driven by desperation. Life was more complicated than simply a kill for a kill.

Diego didn’t speak much the rest of the trip, and he and Cassidy were both too busy to talk during the unloading. Cassidy had to help look after the females and their cubs-the cubs were both excited and terrified.

Diego left them at the airstrip to take Xavier to the hospital and the drug runners he’d arrested to jail, while Cassidy and Eric faced the task of getting the women and cubs back to Shiftertown undetected. Marlo helped with that too. The man had amazing resources.

Nell came out to meet them when they reached Shiftertown. She didn’t even wait for Eric’s explanation but waded in to the women and cubs with her no-nonsense attitude. The women had been so beaten down by Miguel that they were pitifully grateful for someone to tell them what to do.

It was late-actually early in the morning-by the time Diego arrived in Shiftertown. Cassidy had been able to grab a shower, but she ached all over, the aftereffects of her Collar making themselves felt.

“You should sleep,” Diego said, after kissing her.

“There’s still a lot to do.”

Diego caught Cassidy as she sagged. “Cass. Bed. Now.”

She stopped protesting when he lifted her and carried her into the bedroom. Relaxing in Diego’s arms wasn’t a bad thing.

Diego set her on her feet in her bedroom and started stripping her clothes from her. She’d already given the flowered dress to Nell, who’d admired it, and now Cassidy wriggled out of jeans and a sleeveless shirt.

Diego caught her in a long kiss. He’d showered too, sometime in the chaos, and smelled like soap and aftershave.

Why did remembering Diego walking away from that factory while it blew behind him, his face streaked with sweat and soot, excite her even more? The Shifter in her liked it. Battle was an aphrodisiac, Diego a warrior.

Cassidy tugged at his T-shirt until it came off, then she skimmed fingers over his hot skin. She was still sick and dizzy from her Collar, but touching Diego made her feel better. Cassidy leaned into him and rubbed her cheek on his chest. She heard his heartbeat beneath her ear, the even thrum that meant he was alive and hers.

She liked the wiry, dark hair on his chest. She rubbed her fingers through it, watching the curls wind around her fingertips. Her questing fingers found his flat, male nipple; she smiled to see it draw to a tight point under her touch.

Cassidy licked the hollow of his throat. Diego gripped her elbows with his warm hands, and his openmouthed kisses landed on her cheek, her neck, her breasts.

Outside her window, Cassidy could hear Nell explaining to some of the cubs that, yes, they were allowed to play outside now.

“That’s why you went down to Mexico,” Cassidy whispered to Diego. “So these cubs can now be kids without fear.”

“They’re out playing at four in the morning?” Diego asked. “Mamita would have my guts on a plate if she caught me out at four in the morning.”

Cassidy chuckled. “They’ll adjust.” Her Collar hangover was starting to fade. She tugged the waistband of Diego’s jeans. “Take these off.”

Diego unbuttoned, unzipped, and let his pants drop. Cassidy slid her hands to firm buttocks under silk boxers.

“I love you with your pants around your ankles,” she said.

Diego kicked out of them plus his boxers, and at the same time tugged down Cassidy’s bikinis. As he came up, he skimmed her camisole up and off her.

There he was, naked, facing her. Soft lamplight kissed Diego’s skin, muscles moving as he brought up his hands to cup her face. “I almost lost you,” he said, eyes darkening.

“You keep rescuing me. It’s embarrassing. Next time, I rescue you.”

Diego kissed her again. Body to body, his hardness came tight against her abdomen, and his kisses opened her mouth. He cupped her breasts, and his kisses turned rough, teeth scraping her lips, hands so warm.

Diego lifted her and laid her on the bed, then came down to her. No seduction, no whispered endearments. Just a man who needed a woman. Cassidy welcomed him.

Diego’s eyes widened as he moved inside her, all the way in. “Amada mia, you are so tight.”

Cassidy smiled back. “You take up much space.” He was stretching her, easing the Collar’s pain, and making her ache a different way. “Don’t stop doing that.”

“I’m not going to stop. Never, ever, mi ja.”

“Good. Good.”

Diego thrust, his body warm and heavy on hers. Cassidy lifted her hips to meet his. Loving him felt so good, so damn good, an explosion of pleasure as he pushed inside again and again.

Cassidy moved under him, loving the hardness of him. His body was as hard as his cock, tight and fine, his kisses rough. Diego braced himself on the bed, the mattress dipping as he loved her. His breath came fast, and sweat dripped from his face.

Cassidy’s head rocked back as the pleasure went mindless. She felt the fiery point where they joined, which spread waves of erotic joy. No smooth and sweet loving-Diego was making it wild and fierce.

Fierce. Cassidy liked that. She wanted more. His hard loving seared her, awakening secret needs she hadn’t known she had. She wanted Diego in all ways, wanted to touch him, taste him, feel him becoming part of her.

Need. Mate. Love. Joy. Simple words for the feelings that lifted her and dropped her into an abyss of wildness.

She heard her voice ring out, crying his name, and his answer.

“Cass. Amorcita, you make me come so hard.” His words turned to groans, and his eyes darkened as he went over the top. Cassidy wasn’t quite there yet.

“Diego,” she begged. “Please.”

He reached between them, fingers finding and stroking her. That did it.

Cassidy heard nothing, saw nothing but his beautiful eyes, felt nothing but the glory of him inside her. She’d found a place where she would never hurt, never fear, never worry-a place she never wanted to leave.

Cassidy felt tears trickle from her eyes as they collapsed together, both of them breathing hard, both sweating, neither wanting to stop.

“Diego,” she said. “My Diego.”

He just looked at her, his eyes so dark and warm, before he stopped her words with his kiss.

Holy mother of God. Diego fell next to Cassidy on her bed, breathless, staring at the sunlight slicing across the ceiling.

That was…


Cassidy rolled to him, curling around him, resting her head on his shoulder. The fall of her hair was like silk on his skin. Cassidy smiled once at him then closed her eyes and dropped into an instant and untroubled sleep.

Diego kissed the top of her head and rested his gaze on her now-serene face.

What a woman. She’d back-talked to that very scary feral bear, and instead of running away the instant the path was clear, she’d run back to rescue the cubs. And then she’d smiled at Diego like it was no big deal.

She’d stayed up the rest of the day and all night to settle the kids and their mothers in, and then she made love to Diego like a wild thing.

Damn, I love her.

“What am I going to do with you, mi ja?” he whispered, touching her face.

Diego could lose his job if he had a long-term relationship with Cassidy, lose everything he’d fought to gain since he signed on the dotted line that took him and his family out of their crap neighborhood. If he threw in his lot with the Shifters, Diego might end up as shunned as they were.

At the moment, he couldn’t decide whether he cared.

Diego felt Cassidy’s eyes on him. Deep green eyes, beautiful like a sunlit pond. “Sorry,” she said. “I didn’t mean to fall asleep. I guess I’m more tired than I thought.”

“You battled Shifters, flew a thousand miles, and then helped calm down five terrified women and a bunch of kids. You’re supposed to sleep.”

“Not when I’m making love to you.” Cassidy slid her hot, beautiful body on top of his, closing her hand around his already rising cock.

“Are you making love to me?” Diego asked.

“I am now.”

She moved onto him, her body easily connecting with his. Diego cupped her breasts as he slid into her, loving the disparate feel of firm flesh and soft skin.

She rocked her hips, driving Diego deep inside her. Where I belong.

He loved looking at her-at her lush breasts, the dark tightness of her nipples, the curve of her hips, and the brush of gold between her legs. She was beautiful, sexy, full of fire.

And sexy. Wait, had he thought that already? Didn’t matter. It bore repeating.

“Damn, querida. What you do to me.”

Cassidy was beyond speech. She made sounds of passion as she rode him, and the hands that braced on his chest sprouted the tiniest bit of claw.

The small bite as she scratched him excited him. She was trying for control and losing the battle.

Now she was coming. Crying his name. The claws extended, Cassidy’s wildcat wanting to join the fun. Diego drove up into her as he kept coming, and coming… never wanting to stop.

Cassidy collapsed on top of him, claws vanishing. Diego gathered her tightly against him as everything went still once more.

There were too many people in the house, Cassidy thought as she came out later that afternoon, yawning.

Eric, Jace, Shane. Marlo, for some reason. Xavier.

What was Xav doing here? He’d gone to the hospital, hadn’t he?

The five men seemed to be deep in conversation in the kitchen. Jace looked up and saw Cassidy, went to her, and drew her into a hug. Cassidy held him tightly. Jace was so tall now, as tall as Eric. It was criminal that Kirsten hadn’t lived to see Jace become such a fine man.

Jace let Cassidy go and gave her shoulder a loving squeeze. “Do me a favor, Cass,” he said as he moved back to the kitchen counter to pour her some coffee. “Either buy me some earplugs or soundproof your room.”

Xavier burst out laughing. His left arm was in a splint, and bandages decorated his right arm, neck, and the back of his scalp. “My brother, the yeller.”

Cassidy felt herself blushing. “You all could have left the house.”

“It was four in the morning,” Jace said, handing her the cup. “And five. And six. Let a guy sleep sometime.”

“I take it Diego’s OK, then,” Xavier said, still grinning.

“He’s sleeping.” Deeply, on his stomach, hugging a pillow, sunshine highlighting the jagged tattoo across his back.

“He deserves it,” Shane said from the table. “That was a hell of a fight.”

“Fun stuff,” Marlo added, hands around a beer instead of coffee.

“Trust Diego to make a dramatic entrance to save his girl,” Xavier said. “The big show-off.”

Cassidy sipped coffee-rich, good, and hot, as only Jace could make it-as she sat down at the table. “Diego came for you, Xav. He knew I was protecting you.”

Xavier laughed. “No, he came for you, chiquita. He only got me out because he knew Mamita would kill him if he didn’t.”

Shane nodded. “I have a mother like that.”

“Tell Nell I appreciate her help,” Cassidy said. “How do you feel about all those women in your house, Shane?”

Shane actually blushed. “I don’t mind. One or two honeys I’d like to get to know better. Of course, Eric’s claimed them all, and I’m sure not Challenging him.”

They all looked at Eric, who lounged back against the kitchen counter, sipping coffee. He’d kept quiet until now.

“I’ll release them soon,” Eric said. “They need someone they can lean on while they take the Collar, but once they’re stronger and more confident, they can choose who they want to be with.”

“You’re really going to make them wear Collars?” Marlo asked. “It will hurt them bad when they put them on, won’t it?”

Eric stared into his coffee. “I have no choice.”

Cassidy came alert while pretending not to. Eric usually announced his decisions with his head up, daring anyone to question him. Not bowed, without looking at anyone. Something was up.

Her attention moved instantly from Eric to Diego walking out of the back, fully dressed. Diego went for the coffee while Marlo lifted his beer in salute.

Xavier laughed. “Hey, hermano, I’m surprised you can still walk.”

“Funny.” Diego got coffee, put his arm lightly around Cassidy’s shoulders, and gave her a kiss. No embarrassment, no regrets. Diego did things and wasn’t ashamed of them.

“Where’s Reid?” he asked.

“At my house.” Shane wrinkled his nose. “I think my mom wants to keep him.”

“Good. I need to talk to him. And then take care of some things.” He kissed the top of Cassidy’s head. “Job things.”

Xavier lost his smile. “Want me to come with you?”

“No, I want you to heal. And I want Cass to rest.” He squeezed her shoulder.

“Then you’d better leave,” Xavier said. “She doesn’t stand a chance of resting with you here.”

Marlo laughed, and even Shane grinned. Cassidy found herself blushing, and Cassidy never blushed. Diego kissed her lips again and whispered, “See you later?”

Cassidy nodded. Diego, ignoring Xav’s and Marlo’s teasing whoops and laughter, left the house.

Cassidy missed him already, but she too had things to take care of. She touched Eric’s shoulder as she went. Her brother, his expression still troubled, nodded, and Cassidy left the house.
