Red-Caped Hero Thanks to:
My nephew Evan for letting me use his name; and also to Doug Kusak and Matt Grabski at the Great Lakes Science Center for answering all my questions about the steamship William G. Mather.
Java-and-Chocolate Thanks to:
My writing groups, OWN & CNW, to the gals at, and to my beta-readers Shannon, Beth, Missy, Jon, and Andrea.
Margarita Thanks to:
All the readers that blog and review who took the time to read and spread the word! I called you out by name last time, but you are far too many to list now. SQUEE! My appreciation is truly heartfelt. Cheers!
Geek Hugs for:
S. A. Swann—for an invaluable critique. Michelle “Swann”—for the most incredibly scrumptious brownies EVER.
The Many-named Muse. Rock on!