A Note from the Author

Due in large part to all of the awesome support from WICK fans along the way, we’ve arrived here at the end of the WICK story. We hope you have loved it as much as we have loved writing it for you.

Please follow WICK on Facebook so you can keep in touch with me and receive updates about whatever comes next. Also, remember that the WICK universe and story continues in The Last Pilgrims — the first part of that saga is now available.

Based on the information that I have right now, there seems to be a lot of interest in reading more of this story. I am considering continuing the WICK storyline with a new series that would take place between WICK and The Last Pilgrims. That would put the new story roughly ten years after the events found in WICK, and ten years before those of The Last Pilgrims. I will leave it up to the readers to let me know if they would be interested in such a series. From the very beginning, this adventure has been a cooperative exercise and I have been talking with you readers all along — that experience has been one of the greatest of my life. This is one of the great things about the modern publishing landscape, readers have more input than ever before into what gets written and whether or not the work is eventually successful.

I hope that you’ve made it this far because you really have enjoyed the story, and I also hope that you’d like to see it become more popular, so more people will know that it exists. You’ve heard me say this before, but I really need your help, so I’ll say it again…

The WICK Omnibus is an independently published work. That is a fancy way to say that I don’t have a handy agent or publisher with the means to market it properly. The only way it will ever find its way into the hands of readers is if those people who read it and enjoy it will become a part of the team and help me get the word out that it exists.

The single most helpful thing that you can do to assist me in getting the word out about The Wick Omnibus is to review the book. It’s free for you to do so, and if you have enjoyed it, it is an excellent way to let other people know what you thought.

Even if you reviewed the individual parts as they were published, The Wick Omnibus is a new book… would you consider writing a short review for the Omnibus? I would greatly appreciate it.

PLEASE, while it is still fresh in your thoughts, go to Amazon.com or wherever you purchased the book and write a review for it. Your review doesn’t need to be long, just a paragraph will do. You may not think a single review will help or hurt a book’s probability of finding success, but if you think that, you are wrong. It is a fact of the modern market, that books that have more reviews, sell more copies, and have more credibility.

I’ve been heartened by the wonderful response to the WICK story, and it is your feedback and help that has given me the motivation to keep going.

I would also be very pleased if you would share links to WICK on Facebook, Twitter, and everywhere else on the Internet where such things are shared and discussed.

If you want to keep up with all things WICK, I’ve made a handy Facebook page for you…


A WICK fan has also set up a WICK discussion page. If you are interested, please check it out:


Thank you so much for all of your help and support.

Michael Bunker


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