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О книге

Добавлена в библиотеку 01.06.2015 пользоватем Sanguinius
Издание 2013 года
Размер fb2 файла: 1.71 MB
Объём: 562 страниц
Книгу просматривали 256 раз, оценку поставили 53 читателя

Описание книги

…The EMP was just a first blow, opening the door for further strikes that will finish the job throughout the rest of the country. I am speculating, of course, but from our figures and the readings we gathered back at the base, I’d say the warhead was detonated high over eastern Ohio. We’d be totally guessing if we tried to declare a yield, but I’d say that more than 95% of the electronics, computer, and technological infrastructure on the eastern seaboard — from Maine to most of Florida, and from the Atlantic to as far as Nebraska, will have been fried. There are probably fires burning out of control in every major city in that area, and the fires will get worse as time goes on because there’ll be no water to dowse them. The trucks that put out fires won’t work, and the communications that control emergency response is now gone, and probably forever. The damage done will make the work of Mrs. O’Leary’s cow look like child’s play…

* * *

This is the complete WICK Omnibus Edition, and includes the completely re-edited and expanded text of Michael Bunker’s four WICK series books.

“…beautiful and haunting…”

“…Tolstoyan, and beautiful…”

“…positively anarchic…”

“Michael Bunker goes way beyond writing a popular thriller: he clearly has a literary agenda, making the W1CK series so rich and so deep you could analyse each and every page and write a whole book about it. I guess you’d have to call it W1CK1P3D1A.”

~ Max Zaoui, Everyone’s a Critic Reviews

In WICK 1 …a man walked out of New York City after Hurricane Sandy and fell off the edge of the earth…

In WICK 2: Charm School …a mysterious town explodes in violence and America is dealt a deadly blow…

In WICK 3: Exodus …the world is without power. You are on foot and have no home. Any stranger you meet may kill you… and normal is never coming back.

In WICK 4: One Word of Truth …Weeks after the world has been crippled by massive EMP attacks, nuclear weapons are used on major cities, and survivors grapple with a changed world that may never be the same again.

In this much anticipated WICK Omnibus Edition, Michael Bunker’s completed WICK series is finally bound into one earth-shattering novel.

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