Thank you seems too small a thing for the following people:

My amazing, dynamic agent, Alexandra Machinist, who I’m secretly convinced is a superhero. Thank you for loving my work, believing it could go great places, and making sure it got there.

My wonderful, insightful editor, Emily Bestler, who makes editing fun (and often funny). The next manuscript has less spitting and vomiting, I promise.

Constantly upbeat editorial assistant extraordinaire Caroline Porter. Thank you for answering all of my weird questions and being the most helpful person I know.

To the entire Emily Bestler Books/Atria team; I don’t know you all by name yet, but that in no way diminishes my gratitude for the hard work you do. Book people are the best people.

Special thanks to Linda Chester for her kindness and wisdom.

To my parents, who didn’t think I was crazy for wanting to write. Or if they did, they had enough compassion not to say it to my face. I love you both.

There is a best sister in the universe and her name is Daisy. I’m sorry this book doesn’t have vampires, shopping, or lots of the color orange. One day.

A huge thank-you to my dear friend Stacey McCarter. You’ve read everything I’ve ever written, even when it was awful, and still you speak to me. If you ever need to bury a body, call me; I’ll bring the backhoe.

Speaking of buried bodies, the brilliantly clever Kim McCullough and I have not buried any—yet. That might change if I keep giving her my uncorrected work to read.

A world of thanks to two talented writers and good friends, Jamie Mason and Lori Witt. You both get it. You really get it.

MacAllister Stone and the Absolute Write community: you gave me my training wheels and for that I will be eternally grateful.

White Horse never would have been written if it wasn’t for William Tancredi, my alpha reader, alpha male, sweetheart, and favorite person. You inspire me to be a better writer and a better woman. Also, you make me laugh until I cry. I love you, you know.

And to you, Dear Reader. I write to entertain you. Hopefully I’ve succeeded. Let’s do this again sometime.
