I spun around. My knees nearly collapsed. The ground tilted up, then down.

Aunt Marta stood in the kitchen doorway. “Alex-why are you up so early? It’s Saturday morning.” She narrowed her eyes at me suspiciously.

“I-well…” I was shaking so hard, I couldn’t speak!

“Where are you going in such a hurry?” my aunt demanded. I saw Uncle Colin standing behind her in the kitchen.

“To… Hannah’s,” I managed to reply. “To talk about… uh… our costumes for trick-or-treating tonight.”

I watched her face. Did she believe me?

I didn’t think so.

“It’s too early to be running over to Hannah’s,” she scolded. She motioned for me to come inside. “Come in, Alex. Come get some breakfast first.”

I hesitated. My mind whirred.

Should I make a run for it? Run to the street and keep going?

How far would I get before they caught me? My aunt and uncle were both werewolves. If they caught me-what would they do to me? Would I be their breakfast?

No. I decided not to run. Not just yet, anyway. Not until I had a chance to talk to Hannah.

I felt Aunt Marta’s eyes on me as I made my way slowly into the house. Uncle Colin muttered good morning. He stared hard at me too. “Early start, huh?” he asked softly.

I nodded and took my place at the breakfast table.

“Marta and I worked all night,” Uncle Colin reported. He yawned. “We took some pretty good shots.”

That’s a lie! I wanted to shout. I followed you. I saw what you did. I know what you are!

But I didn’t say anything. Just stared down at my cereal bowl.

I’m having breakfast with two werewolves! I thought, feeling my stomach churn. My aunt and uncle run through the woods at night, murdering and ripping animals apart.

I can’t sit here another minute! I told myself. I started to get up.

But I felt Uncle Colin’s hand on my shoulder. “Relax, Alex. Have a nice breakfast,” he said softly.

“But, I-” I didn’t know what to say. I was too terrified to eat. I wanted him to take his hand off me. It was making my whole body tremble.

“It’s Halloween,” Uncle Colin said. “You’ll be out late tonight.”

“Have a good breakfast,” Aunt Marta chimed in.

They watched me as I choked down my cornflakes. They didn’t smile. They were studying me coldly.

They know that I followed them, I decided. They know that I know their secret.

They’re not going to let me get away.

“Uh… I have to go to Hannah’s now,” I said, struggling to sound calm and cheerful. I slid my chair back and started to stand up.

But I felt Uncle Colin’s hand grip my shoulder again. He grasped me tightly and held on.

“Alex, come with me,” he ordered.
