Cywen was standing with the giant, Alcyon, who had apparently taken over the duty of guarding her.

She’d been told only a short while ago that she was leaving. Bos gave her the news. Where she was going he would not, or could not, say.

She looked up at the giant, a head taller than Shield, his black axe curving over his shoulder.

‘Where are we going, then?’ she asked him. Might as well try asking — someone might give me an answer.

He just stared down at her a moment, then looked away.

Not the most talkative of travelling companions, then. He looks as miserable as I feel.

The Jehar were milling around her, climbing into saddles, harness creaking. The other three giants that had joined them recently stood close together, and near to them she saw Veradis appear, his eyes searching. They focused on her and as he marched over, her mood lightened, just a little.

‘Why wasn’t I told about this?’ he said to Alcyon.

‘What?’ His voice sounded like stones grinding together.

‘This.’ Veradis gestured at Cywen. ‘Taking her north with you.’

I’m going north, then.

‘I don’t know,’ the giant said with a shrug.

‘Why does she need to go with you?’

‘Calidus wants her near to him.’ Alcyon shrugged again. ‘You’ll have to ask him why.’

Veradis frowned, emotions sweeping his face. Anger, worry.

What are you worried about? Me? She felt pleased to see him. He had not been a bad travelling companion, in his way. Since they had camped here, at the foot of the mountains, she had seen little of him, though. ‘Good day to you too,’ she said.

‘What? Oh, yes.’ Veradis looked at her, seemed about to say something.

‘What?’ Cywen said.

‘Nothing.’ Veradis shook his head.

Instead he looked to Alcyon and stared at him.

‘What’s wrong?’ he asked the giant.

How does he know something’s wrong with the giant? His face looks like a rock.

Alcyon didn’t answer, but his eyes flickered across the crowds, towards the other three giants.

‘I thought you’d like travelling with others of your kind,’ Veradis said.

‘I am Kurgan; they are Benothi. It is an old blood-feud.’ He smiled, looking for an instant more human to Cywen. ‘If nothing else we giants know how to bear a grudge.’

‘Look after Nathair,’ Veradis said to Alcyon.

‘Calidus will not let any harm come to him.’

‘Aye. If it is within his power to stop it.’ Veradis looked over to Nathair, sitting tall on his draig. Cywen could just make out Calidus near him.

‘Yes. And his power is formidable.’

Veradis nodded, still looking troubled. ‘And look after her,’ he muttered.

‘I will,’ Alcyon said. ‘And you try and look after yourself. I will not be around to keep saving your skin.’

‘No. I shall do my best.’ Veradis smiled now.

‘You will be fighting soon — today, tomorrow. Think on that, not about us walking north. We will be at least a moon travelling through Cambren before we even reach Benoth. We will not see trouble until then.’

Just then a group of warriors rode by, wearing the black and gold of Cambren. Queen Rhin led them. Cywen saw Conall close to her, wrapped in a dark cloak.

‘Is she going with you?’ Veradis asked Alcyon.

‘Aye, part of the way. She has some reason for returning to Dun Vaner. She is leaving Geraint in charge of her warband, but he seems capable enough. He did well against Owain.’

‘That battle ran to Rhin’s plan,’ Veradis said. He shrugged. ‘It does not matter to me who leads the warriors of Cambren. I will lead my shield wall and fight whoever is foolish enough to stand in front of it.’

‘You are fighting today?’ Cywen said to Veradis.

He nodded. ‘We are pushing into Domhain. I don’t think that Eremon will just allow that to happen. There will be a greeting arranged for us. Maybe not today, but soon.’

‘Oh.’ Cywen felt a knot in her stomach. She looked back, at the broad road that cut a swathe into the rain-shrouded mountains. Are my mam and Corban through there? Will they fight for Domhain? And Veradis. . She looked at the young warrior, his expression so earnest.

Horns sounded, echoing through the throng.

‘Time to go,’ Alcyon said. ‘Stay safe, True-Heart.’ Alcyon offered his arm to Veradis, who gripped the giant’s forearm.

‘What did you call me?’ Veradis asked him.

‘True-Heart. It is your name,’ Alcyon said, then turned to Cywen. ‘On your horse, child.’

‘I’m not a child,’ she grumbled as she swung onto Shield’s back. She was feeling miserable again.

‘Farewell,’ Veradis said to her as she sat in her saddle. He reached out, his fingertips brushing the top of her hand. ‘Stay safe,’ he said, quietly.

Looking at him she could not find the words to answer, just stared back at him as she rode away. A strange thought struck her.

I shall miss him.
