41 She Will Serve Well

"May I speak?" she asked.

"Yes," I said. I had drawn the curtains behind me.

"You have been gone long," she said.

"Do you object?" I asked.

"No!" she said. "I must wait, patiently!"

I crouched beside her and removed the small chain that ran across her forehead, with the tiny ornament, the pearl droplet, and put it to one side. I then, too, lifted the necklaces from about her neck, putting them, too, to one side.

"You are stripping me for use?" she asked.

"To some extent," I said. I did not have, for example, the key to her anklet, on which the slave bells were located. Too, it can be pleasant to leave such things on a female in her use, bells, bracelets and such, whatever one pleases.

She looked up at me.

"I am going to remove the slave silk," I said.

"If I cry out too much," she whispered, "thrust it in my mouth."

"All right," I said. Sometimes a girl's hair is used for the same, purpose.

I then drew loose the disrobing loop of the silk, at her left shoulder, and drew aside the silk.

"Be pleased," she begged. "Be pleased!" "I am pleased," I said.

"I am ready," she whispered, intensely. I touched her, gently.

"Ai!" she exclaimed.

"You are indeed ready, female," I said.

"Use me," she wept. "Use me now, now!"

"I think, first," I said, "I will caress you a little."

"Please do not touch me now," she said. "Every bit of me is alive. I do not think I can stand it."

"You do not wish to be touched?" I asked.

"Just use me," she begged. "Just use me!"

"No," I said, "I am going to caress you a little."

"Oh!" she said, touched.

She lay back, in the chains, hot, flushed, tremblingly, piteously.

"It will be done with you as I please," I said, "not as you please."

"Yes, my captor," she whimpered. "Oh! Oh!"

"You leap and squirm well," I said.

She looked at me, resentfully. "Oh!" she said.

"See?" I said.

"Yes, my captor!" she exclaimed.

I then let her subside a little. One can always bring them back to where one wants them.

"Aii!" she said. "Please finish with me!"

"Not until I am pleased to do so," I said.

"It will apparently be as you wish, my captor," she moaned.

"Yes," I said.

"Oh," she said. "Oh!"

"Are you helpless?" I asked.

"Yes," she said, "I am helpless, and in bonds, and you are doing with me as you please!"

"Did you ever suppose you would be chained like this, and responding in a paga tavern, as you are?" I asked.

"No," she said. "No!"

"Did you ever dream you could be this helpless, and this hot?" I asked.

"No," she said. "No! No!"

I then, deeming that she well understood her position, put her to the first use.
