Chapter 41

Ah, there’s my boy.”

Jessica and I stared at each other, then Sinclair. It was almost two o’clock in the morning; the place was crawling with werewolves. I was a little curious and was interested in going outside, but Jessica was understandably nervous and had practically barricaded herself in the downstairs library.

And what a library! I swear, it was at least half the size of the New York City Public Library. Towering bookshelves, mahogany furniture, a row of computers . . . the only thing it was missing was a pair of stone lions.

Maybe it seemed larger because it had been empty except for Jessica, me, and the baby. In fact, the mansion was practically deserted. But occasionally we could hear faint wolf howls from outside.

And now here was Sinclair bustling in and actually holding his arms out for BabyJon, formerly his number one rival for my affection.

“Your boy?” I asked, and Jessica raised her eyebrows.

“You know,” Sinclair said, hovering over the baby and me, “it’s not too soon to start planning his education.”

“He can’t even walk yet,” Jessica pointed out.

“Oh, I get it. BabyJon is invulnerable to paranormal harm, so suddenly you’re taking interest in his well-​being.”

“Elizabeth, you’ve got me all wrong.” Sinclair had the nerve to look and sound wounded. “As your husband, and his co-​guardian, it’s my responsibility to do right by this boy.”

“Sure it is.” I handed BabyJon over and Sinclair was so startled he juggled the baby for a few seconds before holding him at arm’s length. “Okay, co-​guardian. He needs changing.”

“Ah . . .”

“Don’t even try to wiggle out of it,” I warned. “I’ve been dying to get out of here and walk around. Think you two can handle the kid for half an hour?”

“One of us can,” Jessica said with a sly wink.

“Something smells awful,” Sinclair moaned, and I practically sprinted out of the library before he could hear me laughing.
