This is my Legion—the not-so-secret society of brilliant people who supported me throughout the process of writing this book and sending it out into the world. I am more grateful to them than they will ever know.

Jodi Reamer, the rock star of agents—for being the first and only agent to read this manuscript. I paced all night as you read it, knowing that if you loved the ending, you were the right person to take Unbreakable out into the world. Thank you for loving it and for answering a thousand e-mails and even more calls. You’re in a class by yourself.

Julie Scheina, my first editor at Little, Brown—for taking this book all the way to the pass pages and pushing me to my limits in the best way. Working with you for the last six years was truly a gift.

Erin Stein, my editor at Little, Brown—for adopting me and Unbreakable as if we had been yours all along. Our shared love of Buffy and Ghost Hunters, and the fact that you knew Moundsville Prison is a real place, cannot be an accident. Your sharp eye, creativity, and belief in this book border on supernatural.

Team Unbreakable at Little, Brown—Hallie Patterson, for working publicity magic for me every day; Dave Caplan, for designing yet another cover to die (or kill) for; Pam Garfinkel, for giving me amazing editorial notes; Jill Dembowski, for helping me kill my darlings; Barbara Bakowski, for proving that copyediting is an art; Adrian Palacios, for the amazing trailer; Victoria Stapleton, for being a legend and the person who drives me to nail biting while I wait to hear if you love the book; Nellie Kurtzman, for being a marketing genius with supermodel hair; Melanie Chang, for being a PR guru; Andrew Smith, for being the smartest (and coolest) guy in publishing; and Megan Tingley, for believing in all my books from the start. I owe a debt to everyone at LBYR for your hard work. I am proud to call Little, Brown home.

Writers House, my literary agency—for inviting me to your party and representing me. Special thanks to Cecilia de la Campa, my foreign-rights agent, for shouting about Unbreakable from rooftops all over the world; and Alec Shane, for reading the book and loving it. I really do owe you a sword.

Kassie Evashevski, my film agent at UTA—for your talent, shrewd business sense, and genuine respect for authors and their books. There is no one better. Period.

My foreign publishers—for taking a chance on this book. Merci. Grazie. Danke. Obrigado.…

Margaret Stohl, my friend and Beautiful Creatures coauthor—for making me write this book (and the others).

Melissa Marr, Kelley Armstrong, Carrie Ryan, Rachel Caine, Kimberly Derting, Margaret Stohl, and Cat Conrad—for listening to the first incarnation of Unbreakable and encouraging me to write it.

Holly Black and Carrie Ryan—for reading countless drafts and giving me round after round of revision notes. Unbreakable would be a different book without you.

Yvette Vasquez, Margaret Stohl, Melissa Marr, Rachel Caine, Tahereh Mafi, Richard Kadrey, James Scott Bell, Erin Gross, Shelby Howell, Jana Morgan, Nicole D’Amore—for reading and/or giving me notes. Most of all, for giving me courage.

Ransom Riggs, Rachel Caine, Ally Condie, Richelle Mead, and Nancy Holder—for writing amazing quotes that still make me blush.

Ghost Hunters Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson—for your quotes, which made every minute of research worth it. I am truly honored.

Chris Berens—for painting Lady Day, Kennedy’s touchstone and the painting that inspired the title. Thank you for sending her to me.

Vania Stoyanova—for making me look great… and then making me straps.

Eric Harbert and Nick Montano, attorney and brand manager to the stars (and me)—for being two seriously stand-up (and badass) guys. I’m glad to have you in my corner.

Alan Weinberger—for making sure my knees hold up so I can go on tour.

Ekatarina Oloy—for taking my sketches and drawing a beautiful diagram of the Shift.

Del Howison (aka Dark Del)—for finding the Grand Pentacle when no one else could.

Viviane Hebel—for creating beautiful jewelry based on the book.

Michele Belanger—for knowing the facts about Anarel and sharing them with me.

Readers, librarians, teachers, booksellers, bloggers, and everyone who supported the Beautiful Creatures novels—for being the ultimate Legion and the reason I write. I hope you love Unbreakable. It’s for you.

Mom, Dad, Celeste, John, Derek, Hannah, Alex, Hans, Sara, and Erin—for cheering me on in everything I do, no matter how crazy it seems. I’m the person I am because of you all.

Alex, Nick, and Stella—for believing I can do anything, even when I don’t believe it myself. Without you, none of this matters. I love you.
