Chapter Nine

He found her leaning against a tree, gazing sadly up at the heavens. The light from his torch revealed the frown on her face.

“I enjoy watching the stars too,” he said, announcing his presence.

“Communing outdoors accentuates the experience.”

She started, apparently unaware of his arrival until he spoke. “I’m sorry,” she apologized. “I was preoccupied. I didn’t hear you come up. What did you say?”

“It’s not important.” He sighed, his frail shoulders sagging. “You miss him terribly, don’t you. Jenny?”

“Of course. Don’t you, Plato? You two are very close.”

“He’s like the son I never fathered,” Plato admitted. “I wish I had never sent the Alpha Triad out.”

Jenny put her arm around him. “Don’t fret. Your regret is uncalled for.

You had to do what’s best for the entire Family.”

“That’s what I constantly tell myself,” Plato said.

“Small consolation if anything should happen to any of them.”

“The Spirit will guide them,” Jenny assured him, trying to assuage his emotional misery.

“I know.”

“And the Alpha Triad is comprised of the best Warriors in the Family.

You’ve told me so yourself. Blade, Hickok, and Geronimo can take care of themselves in a pinch. You don’t need to worry about them.”

Plato nodded. No matter how many times someone tried to comfort him, he couldn’t shake a nagging feeling of foreboding. Was it for the Alpha Triad or the Family? he wondered. He silently prayed Blade would return soon. His informant had told him the power-monger, the Family malcontent, was becoming more vocal in his expressions of dissatisfaction with the Family system. He desperately needed Blade. If words failed to rectify the situation and appease the errant rebel, Blade might well be the one man who could successfully prevent a bloody revolution.

“Are you okay?” Jenny asked him. “You look tired, too tired.”

“I’m fine,” Plato lied. “I’ve never felt better.”

“I wonder what Blade’s doing right now?” Jenny’s concern surfaced again.

“I’m certain he’s having a good night’s rest,” Plato told her. “Exactly as you should be doing. It’s getting a bit chilly. Permit me to walk you back.”

“All right,” Jenny reluctantly agreed. “I suppose I could use some sleep.”

“I bet Blade’s dreaming about you right this minute.” Plato smiled reassuringly.

“I bet you’re right.”
