July 3
From: Rhonda MacMillan-Jones Deputy Director, Cyber Security National Security Agency
To: Admiral Braxton L. R. Compton Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Pentagon
Re: Confirmation
It is estimated that the success of Stuxnet3, Operation Tusk, has set back the Iranian uranium fuel enrichment program at least five years. A detailed report will follow. We have confirmed the executions of fifteen scientists involved in the nuclear weapons program. The hunt is on for more “traitors,” as they are known.
On a sober note, the April 9 blackout of the Yakima, Washington, power grid WAyk5-7863 now appears to have been the result of a targeted cyber-attack. We believe it originated from the PLA in China.
In follow-up to my previous communication the extraneous software embedded within the U.S. Pacific Fleet Command computer structure has been largely removed. I say “largely” because fresh malware of unknown origin has been located. We remain uncertain of the level of penetration of USPFC at this time.
You have on your desk the latest estimate of cyber penetration of the DOD.
You’ve asked for the status of certain individuals:
• Colonel Jai Feng, director of the PLA Cyber Warfare Center, vanished from sight, then was publicly executed last week for treason. He has been replaced by a director known for his close ties to the so-called Patriot Hackers.
• Mei Zedong, deputy first state counselor of the Communist Party, has been demoted and now serves as deputy director of a potash factory in Qinghai province.
• Henri Wille, director of security at UNOG, has retired, under pressure.
• The source of the Iranian nuclear information to the United Nations, Nader Rahmani, was one of the scientists executed following the destruction of Fuel Enrichment Plant in Natanz.
• Lloyd Walthrop of the UK Foreign Office has retired and is reportedly writing a book. The subject is unknown.
• Agnes Edinfield has been promoted and placed on the list to receive the Medal of Freedom when she retires.
• Frank Renkin, director of the Cyberterrorism — Computer Forensics Department, has likewise been promoted with expanded responsibilities. As an aside, he is the proud father of a baby girl the couple have named Daryl.
• Jeff Aiken and Daryl Haugen continue working from their home in Georgetown. Both declined offers to return to government service.
cc: CoS, POTUS, NSA, White House