Chapter 81

In that instant, I recognized both the face and the voice. She was the terrorist who’d led the attack on Lizbeth and me after the president’s party.

I lunged toward her-but an electronic jolt slammed into my eyes and immediately pierced through to the back of my skull.

Then came a loud pop, and I felt as if I were getting smashed with a hammer on the inside of my head.

I spun away in agony, clutching my temple. Then I felt her hands catch my shoulders.

I managed clumsily to grab hold of her, determined to take her down too.

But the female terrorist didn’t fight or pull away-just held on to me, almost in an embrace.

“Calm down, Hays,” she soothed. “You’ll be all better in a few seconds. Trust me.”

When she spoke my name, a powerful whirlwind of images erupted in my memory-all the things that had really happened during the days when I thought I’d been lying unconscious in an Elite hospital. Stunned and confused as I was, I understood immediately.

“Lucy?” I said hoarsely.
