
Thank you so much for taking the time to read Toward Yesterday. I hope you had as much fun reading it as I had writing it.

Indie authors are at the forefront of today’s shift in the publishing industry. We do not have the kind of resources to promote our work that regular writers have via their publishing company; so, we rely on you, our readers and fans, to help ensure our work gets noticed.

I have a favor to ask. When you have a moment, please leave a review at the website where you bought your copy of Toward Yesterday. Reader’s reviews are the lifeblood of this emerging industry and help level the playing field between us and the big publishing houses with millions of dollars at their disposal.

I’d love to hear what you thought of my book, so please feel free to post comments on my blog at or send me a message via my Twitter account, @PaulAntonyJones.

Thank you again,


May, 2011
