This volume of Thieves’ WorldTM is, as always, dedicated to the loyal fans and followers of life in Sanctuary.

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“Editor Abbey … has gotten high-quality contributions from mostly well-known fantasy hands, and she interweaves them so deftly that the book reads like a novel.”


“The recurring characters here work a winning charm.”

Kirkus Reviews

“The stories are excellent—Lynn Abbey gathered an excellent group of writers for this second book: Mickey Zucker Reichert, Andrew Offutt, C. J. Cherryh, Steven Brust, Diana Paxson, Dennis L. McKiernan—all authors I really like. And the others are excellent as well: Robin Wayne Bailey, Jane Fancher, Jeff Rosen, Selina Rosen, Jody Lynn Nye, Jeff Grubb.”

Random Reading

“Thieves’ World was a signal event in fantasy history … [a] rich legacy of first-rate story.”

—Raymond E. Feist, New York Times bestselling author
