“No fishies,” Lander said. He sat down next to the body in the sheltering bushes where he’d left it hidden. “None at all. Casey has struck out.”
He unbuckled her belt, and tried it on. A snug fit. So he used her knife to bore a new hole near its tip. It fit fine, after that.
He sliced through the thong at her throat, and held up the necklace for a closer look. The ornaments were dark with her dried blood. He counted them.
“Ha! Lander would’ve been thirteen. A baker’s dozen. Oh, villainy!”
He jammed the knife into her belly and pulled it out.
“Curious. If you prick us, do we not bleed?”
Tossing the necklace aside, he knelt over her. No more than a trickle of blood oozed from the wound. He cut into her again.
“Oh, this is wondrous strange.”
He slowly carved his name in the skin of her belly. Then he sliced a frame around it. He peeled the skin off, and held it up.
“Lander in the flesh!”