NOTE: This glossary doesn't include terms that are used only once and glossed in adjoining text. The descriptions include some data that might be considered spoilers.
Aaluindhonu ("Born in bright call"): the Goweiteiuun gnyrrand.
Aruukaiaduun ("Rope makers"): One of the original three treaty packs; they predominate on Nekkuklendon; their colors are blue and gold.
Dhaarnaiarnon: volcano north of Wuruyaaria.
Dhuskudheiu: Goweiteiuun cantor, later singer on the Innermost Pack.
Ekhaiasuteiuun ("the border-runners"): name of the outliers on admission to the treaty; electoral colors are green and gold.
gnyrrand ("growler"): leader of a pack's electoral band in a Year of Choosing.
Goweiteiuun ("Ghost-hunters"): the original treaty pack (so they claim); they predominate on Iuiunioklendon; electoral colors are blue and red.
harven coruthen ("chosen-not-given"): a Dwarvish term for voluntary associations as strong as blood kinship.
Hlupnafenglu ("Steals-your-food"): insane never-wolf, irredeemable; later: Morlock's apprentice.
Hrutnefdhu ("Skinmaker"): a castrato who served as trustee in the Vargulleion.
Hurs krakna (untranslatable): a Dwarvish expression of surprise or dismay.
Hwinsyngundu: cantor in the Sardhluun electoral band.
Iacomes: non-werewolf who created the Vargulleion.
Iolildhio: pimp in Dogtown.
Iuiolliniu: easily bewildered outlier guard.
Iuiunioklendon: second-highest mesa of Wuruyaaria; the Goweiteiuun predominate.
Khretnurrliu ("Man Slayer"): bestial semiwolf killed by Morlock in the Vargulleion.
Khretvarrgliu ("Beast Slayer"): the name given Morlock by the irredeemables for killing Khretnurrliu.
Khuwuleion ("the Stone Lair"): prison for female citizens kept by the Sardhluun.
Lakkasulakku: inept thief, later Morlock's apprentice.
Lekkativengu ("Clawfinger"): irredeemable semiwolf; chosen as backup by Olleiulu.
Liudhleeo ("Remembers-best"): healer of the outlier pack; mate of Hrutnefdhu; friend to Wuinlendhono.
Liuunurriu: semiwolf book vendor in the Shadow Market.
Luyukioronu Longthumbs: inept artist and murderer; capable forger.
Naaleiyaleiu: Goweiteiuun cantor, later singer on the Innermost Pack.
Neiuluniu: bookie who cheats Lakkasulakku.
Nekkuklendon: third mesa of Wuruyaaria; the Aruukaiaduun predominate.
never-wolf: (1) a human being (i.e., a non-werewolf); (2) a slur for werewolves who never assume the night shape.
Neyuwuleiuun ("Lair-weavers"): One of the original three treaty packs; they predominate on Runaiaklendon; electoral colors are red and green.
nightwalker: a werewolf unable to assume the day shape.
Norianduiu: Aruukaiaduun gnyrrand.
Okhurokratu: white-haired city watcher.
Olleiulu ("One-eye"): Rokhlenu's right-hand semiwolf among the irredeemables.
Orlioiulu: dog-faced bookie in Dogtown.
plepnup (plural: plepnupov): a castrated werewolf.
Rogerius: a bronze head in the workshop of lacomes.
Rokhlenu ("Dragonkiller"): born Slenkjariu in the Aruukaiaduun Pack.
Ruiulanhro: runs a smoking den among the outliers.
Rululawianu: yellow semiwolf who escapes on New Year's Night.
Runaiaklendon: fourth and lowest mesa of Wuruyaaria; the Neyuwuleiuun predominate.
Runhuiulanhu: ape-fingered irredeemable.
ruthen coharven ("given-not-chosen"): a Dwarvish term for blood relatives.
Rywudhaariu: the gray eminence of the Aruukaiaduun, who framed Rokhlenu.
Sardhluun ("Bear-killers"): the fourth treaty pack; electoral colors are black and green.
Skuiulaalu: First Singer when the novel begins.
Slenginhuiuo ("Fur-like-silk"): Wuinlendhono's mother.
Slenkjariu ("Fur-like-wires"): Rokhlenu's name before he killed the dragon.
Snekknafenglu: thug-for-hire.
Snellingu: scar-faced City Watcher.
Spilloiu ("Spot"): pet human in an easy reader.
Taakhyteiu: a fast werewolf, irredeemable.
Ullywuino: prostitute in Dogtown.
Ulugarriu ("Ghosts-in-the-eyes"): legendary immortal maker of Wuruyaaria.
Uyaarwuionien ("third half-lunation of the second moon"): Brenting, the third month
Vargulleion ("the Beasts' Lair"): prison for male citizens; kept by the Sardhluun.
vifna: a term in Moonspeech meaning roughly "gall; nerve; an impressive disregard for norms."
werowance: presides over internal pack affairs.
Wuinlendhono ("Born-in-dark-call"): first wolf of the outlier pack (later the Ekhaiasuteiuun or "border-runners").
Wurnafenglu ("Moon-stealer"): prison-commander; gnyrrand of the Sardhluun electoral band.
Wuruklendon: first and highest mesa of Wuruyaaria, where the Well of Shadows and the Stone Tree are located.
Yaarirruuiu: irredeemable; later Rokhlenu's campaign reeve; still later a singer on the Innermost Pack.