Readers may notice a certain uncomfortable resonance in parts of this book to events around the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, D.C., of September 11, 2001. The part of the story that most closely parallels things that happened on that horrible day was actually part of the planned book since the beginning — while preparing to write this note I found it mentioned prominently in an outline written in January of 2000.
I have modified those sections slightly so that they echo the real events a little less closely, but it was too central an event in the story to take out entirely. I hope anyone disturbed by the similarity will accept my apology for discomfort caused, and understand that this was a case of leaving in something already planned and important to the story rather than adding something after the fact to try to gain some cheap thrills out of a tragedy that was international in scope but also personal for very many people.
Part One
2 The Silent Primrose Maiden
3 Descent
4 The Hungry Thing
5 Book
6 A Corruption of Moonlight
7 Woods
8 Runaway Capacitor
9 Visitors
Part Two
Larkspur's Land
11 A Disturbance in The Forcing Shed
12 The Hollyhock Chest
13 A Change in the Weather
14 Penumbra Station
15 The Plains of Great Rowan
16 Poppy
17 The Hothouse
18 Sidewalks of New Erewhon
19 A Holiday Visit
20 Among the Creepers
21 In Thornapple House
22 Status Quo Ante
23 The Shadow on the Tower
Part Three
The Bus Stop on Pentacle Street
25 A Million Sparks
26 Losing a Friend
27 Button's Bridge
28 Goblin Jazz Bandwagon
29 The Hole in the Story
30 Family Matters
31 In the Bloom Years
32 Trendy Fungus
33 The Last Breath They Took
Part Four
Interlude with Van Gogh Stars
35 A Sort of Reunion
36 Changelings
37 The Ebony Box
38 The Broken Stick
39 Stepchild
40 Strawflower Square
41 The Cathedral
Part Five
Farewell Feast
43 The Limits of Magic
Index of People, Places, and Things