ANDRETTI, Michael “Mike,” col o nel, G-3/Operations officer, III (US) Corps. The G-3 is responsible for converting the commander’s decisions into orders and translating the commander’s intentions into plans. The alpha dog among staff officers, the “Three” is responsible for keeping his grip on the battle at all times and alerting the commander to problems that require a decision on his part. A good G-3 makes his commander’s life easier, while a poor Three makes life hell for the rest of the staff.

BRATTY, Dilworth “Brats,” command sergeant major, 1st Battalion, 18th Infantry. A battalion command sergeant major is the unit’s senior enlisted soldier, responsible for looking after the troops and advising the commander on practical matters. A good CSM keeps both his troops and his commander out of trouble while terrorizing ju nior officers as required. A poor CSM drinks a great deal of coffee while complaining that the Army isn’t what it once was. Bratty is a model CSM.

CAVANAUGH, Patrick Xavier “Pat,” lieutenant col o nel, commander, 1st Battalion, 18th Infantry. First served under Lieutenant General Harris in Bremerhaven, Germany, during the great Muslim evacuation, when Harris was a newly appointed brigadier general and Cavanaugh was a captain. A battalion commander is responsible for everything his soldiers do or fail to do.

COLMER-HARRIS, Sarah, wife of Lieutenant General Harris. Overcame her training and career as a lawyer to become a decent human being.

DANCZUK, Valentin “Val,” col o nel, G-2/Intelligence officer, III (US) Corps. The “Two” (or “Deuce”) is responsible for monitoring, analyzing, and forecasting the enemy situation for the commander. A good G-2 helps the commander act more swiftly and incisively than the enemy can do. A poor G-2 gives history lessons.

DANIELS, Barry Douglas “Dawg,” col o nel, Marine air group commander.

DORN, Avi, brigadier general, commander, 10th Armored Brigade, Israeli Exile Force.

GARCIA, Ricardo “Ricky,” sergeant and squad leader, Alpha Company, 1st Battalion, Fifth Marines. Becomes acting platoon sergeant after his company is ambushed and decimated by a Jihadi suicide unit fighting a rear-guard action.

AL-GHAZI, Abdul, lieutenant general, commander of the Third Ji-hadi Corps, Blessed Army of the Great Jihad, and the immediate battlefield counterpart of Lieutenant General Harris and his III (US) Corps.

HARRIS, Gary “Flintlock,” lieutenant general, commander, III (US) Corps. The most-decorated general officer still on active duty in the reduced-in-size U.S. Army, with the following awards: Distinguished Service Cross (Nigeria); Silver Star (Iraq); Silver Star, second award (Saudi Arabia); Silver Star, third award (Nigeria); Bronze Star with V device (Iraq); Bronze Star with V device, second award (Pakistan).

AL-MAHDI, Suleiman, emir-general of the Emirate of al-Quds and Damaskus, commander of all Blessed Army of the Great Jihad (Jihadi) forces in the theater of war.

MAXWELL, Montgomery Masterson “Monty” VI, lieutenant col o -nel, commander, 2nd battalion, 34th Armor (combined arms). His ancestors have served as U.S. Army officers since 1854, with three reaching the general-officer ranks.

MCCOY, Sean “Real-Deal,” G-4/Logistics officer, III (US) Corps. The “Four” is responsible for ensuring that the commander’s vision and the G-3’s ambitious orders are supported with adequate supplies of fuel, ammunition, food, water, spare parts, major components, and other required items, delivered at the right place and time under combat conditions. He is the only member of the G-staff expected to work actual miracles on a routine basis, whether in the Holy Land or elsewhere.

MICAH, Frederick Rockwell “Stoney,” lieutenant general, senior Air Force officer in the theater of war. Career fighter pilot. Assigned to Holy Land Command during the conflict, Micah would go on to receive his fourth star and appointment as (the last) Air Force chief of staff under President Gui.

MONTFORT, Simon “Sim,” lieutenant general and General of the Order, Military Order of the Brothers in Christ. Commander of all MOBIC forces in the theater of war, including the largest corps ever deployed by the United States. A rising star in the U.S. Army, Montfort achieved national prominence after being born again under the spiritual guidance of the Reverend Doctor Gui (later vice president, then president), leading to Montfort’s transfer of allegiance to the just-forming MOBIC.

MORRIS, Morton Thurgood “Monk,” major general, commander, 1st Marine Division (reinforced with Marine Expeditionary Force assets).

ROSE, Martin “Marty,” lieutenant col o nel, G-3 Plans officer, III (US) Corps (following General Harris’s reinstitution of the old, more compact staff system for the campaign).

SCHWACH, Kurt Konrad, four-star general, commander, Holy Land Command (HOLCOM) and immediate superior of Lieutenant General Harris. Headquartered on Cyprus, out of range of all known Ji-hadi weapons.

SCOTT, Walter Robert Burns “Scottie,” major general, commander, 1st Infantry Division (The Big Red One).

STRAMARA, James Jason “J.J.,” major general, commander, 1st Cavalry Division (The First Team).

WALKER, James Ryan “Jake,” captain, company commander, 1-18 Infantry.

WILLING, John Jude, major, aide-de-camp to Lieutenant General Harris. Collects books, primarily classic fiction, a hobby he conceals from his peers.
